Пример #1
def grover_invert(f, y, n):
    """Grover's algorithm for inverting a general function f that maps a
    sequence of n bits (represented as an int whose binary representation is the
    bit sequence) to another sequence of bits.

      f: Function to invert
      y: Value of the function at which to evaluate the inverse.

      The input x such that f(x) = y. If more than one input suffices, it
        returns one at random. If no input suffices, returns -1.
    if n <= 0:
        raise ValueError('n must be positive')

    Hn = hadamard_gate(n)
    Ui = _function_oracle(f, y, n)
    Ud = grover_diffusion_operator(n)

    MAX_ITER = 50
    count = 0
    x = None
    # Repeat until a solution is found or the iteration limit is reached
    while count < MAX_ITER and (x is None or f(x) != y):
        q = QubitSystem(n) # system of n bits in state |0>
        # apply Hadamard gate to create uniform superposition of basis states
        Hn * q

        for _ in range(_r(2**n)):
            Ui * q # apply operator that flips the sign of the matching index
            Ud * q # apply Grover's diffusion operator
        x = q.measure()
        count += 1
    return x if f(x) == y else -1
Пример #2
def grover_search(match_text, lst):
    """Grover's quantum algorithm for searching.

      match_text: Text to find in the list lst.
      lst: List of strings to search to find a string matching match_text.

      The index i of the item such that lst[i] is the same string as
        match_text. The lines must match exactly; it is not enough for the text
        to be contained in the line. If two or more lines match, it will only
        return one of the line numbers. Returns -1 if no matching line is found,
        i.e. the algorithm fails to find a solution.
    if len(lst) <= 0:
        raise ValueError('List must be of positive length')

    n = len(lst)
    N = int(ceil(log(n, 2))) # number of qubits needed
    Hn = hadamard_gate(N)
    Ui = _search_oracle(match_text, lst)
    Ud = grover_diffusion_operator(N)

    MAX_ITER = 50
    count = 0
    index = n
    # Repeat until a solution is found or the iteration limit is reached
    while count < MAX_ITER and (index >= n or lst[index] != match_text):
        q = QubitSystem(N) # system of log2(n) bits in state |0>
        # apply Hadamard gate to create uniform superposition of basis states
        Hn * q

        for _ in range(_r(2**N)):
            Ui * q # apply operator that flips the sign of the matching index
            Ud * q # apply Grover's diffusion operator
        index = q.measure()
        count += 1
    return index if index < n and lst[index] == match_text else -1