def __init__(self, db_name): self.queries = CinemaQueries(db_name) self.__is_active = True self.commands = { "show_movies": self.show_movies, "show_movie_projections": self.show_movie_projections, "make_reservation": self.make_reservation, "exit": self.exit, "help":, "cancel_reservation": self.cancel_reservation }
class CLI: def __init__(self, db_name): self.queries = CinemaQueries(db_name) self.__is_active = True self.commands = { "show_movies": self.show_movies, "show_movie_projections": self.show_movie_projections, "make_reservation": self.make_reservation, "exit": self.exit, "help":, "cancel_reservation": self.cancel_reservation } def cancel_reservation(self, name): self.queries.cancel_reservation(name) def help(self): print ("You have following choices: ") for command in self.commands.keys(): if command != "help": print (command) def exit(self): self.__is_active = False print ("quitted successfully") def show_movies(self): movies = self.queries.get_current_movies() for movie in movies: print (movie) def show_movie_projections(self, params): projes = self.queries.get_movie_projections(params) for proj in projes: print (proj) def print_matrix(self, mtx): print ("\n") size = len(mtx[1]) for i in range(0, size): for j in range(0, size): print(mtx[i][j], end=" ") print ("\n") def show_availible_seats(self, projection_for): all_seats = [['.' for x in range(10)] for x in range(10)] taken_seats = self.queries.taken_seats(projection_for) for ts in taken_seats: all_seats[ts[0] - 1][ts[1] - 1] = "X" self.print_matrix(all_seats) def show_reservation_till_now(self, chosen_movie_id, chosen_proj, taken_seats, num_of_tickets): print ("This is your reservation: ") movie_name = self.queries.get_movie_name_by_id(chosen_movie_id) print ("Movie: {}".format(movie_name)) # take movie name by id movie_time_type = self.queries.get_movie_time_and_type_by_id(chosen_proj) print ("Date and Time: {}".format(movie_time_type)) # take by id print ("Seats: ", end=" ") for i in range(len(taken_seats) - num_of_tickets, len(taken_seats)): print (taken_seats[i], end=" ") print ('\n') def make_reservation(self): while True: name = input("Step 1 (User): Choose name>") or None reservation_names = self.queries.get_res_names() if (name, ) in reservation_names: print ('''This name already exists in reservations, Please choose another!''') continue break num_of_tickets = int(input("Step 1 (User): Choose number of tickets>")) self.show_movies() chosen_movie_id = input("Step 2 (Movie): Choose a movie>") self.show_movie_projections(chosen_movie_id) chosen_proj = input("Step 3 (Projection): Choose a projection>") self.show_availible_seats(chosen_proj) taken_seats = self.queries.taken_seats(chosen_proj) # tuples tickets = 0 while True: if tickets == num_of_tickets: break chosen_seat = input("Step 4 (Seats): Choose seat 1>") seats_list = eval(chosen_seat) if (seats_list in taken_seats): print ("This seat is already taken!") elif(seats_list[0] > 10 or seats_list[0] < 0 or seats_list[1] > 10 or seats_list[1] < 0): print ("LOL... no") else: tickets += 1 taken_seats.append(seats_list) self.show_reservation_till_now(chosen_movie_id, chosen_proj, taken_seats, num_of_tickets) last_step = input("Step 5 (Confirm - type 'finalize') >") finished_reservation = False if last_step.lower() == "finalize": print ("Thanks.") finished_reservation = True if finished_reservation: # last appended tickets-tickets which are reserved current seesion self.queries.add_reservation_to_db(num_of_tickets, name, chosen_proj, taken_seats[(len(taken_seats)-num_of_tickets)::]) def start(self): while self.__is_active: command = input("Enter command>").split(' ') if len(command) == 1: self.commands[command[0]]() else: name_by_id = self.queries.get_movie_name_by_id(command[1]) if not len(command) > 2: print ("Projections for movie '{}':".format( name_by_id)) else: print ("Projections for movie '{}' on date {}:".format( name_by_id, command[2])) print (self.commands[command[0]](command[1::]))
class CLI: def __init__(self, db_name): self.queries = CinemaQueries(db_name) self.__is_active = True self.commands = { "show_movies": self.show_movies, "show_movie_projections": self.show_movie_projections, "make_reservation": self.make_reservation, "exit": self.exit, "help":, "cancel_reservation": self.cancel_reservation } def cancel_reservation(self, name): self.queries.cancel_reservation(name) def help(self): print("You have following choices: ") for command in self.commands.keys(): if command != "help": print(command) def exit(self): self.__is_active = False print("quitted successfully") def show_movies(self): movies = self.queries.get_current_movies() for movie in movies: print(movie) def show_movie_projections(self, params): projes = self.queries.get_movie_projections(params) for proj in projes: print(proj) def print_matrix(self, mtx): print("\n") size = len(mtx[1]) for i in range(0, size): for j in range(0, size): print(mtx[i][j], end=" ") print("\n") def show_availible_seats(self, projection_for): all_seats = [['.' for x in range(10)] for x in range(10)] taken_seats = self.queries.taken_seats(projection_for) for ts in taken_seats: all_seats[ts[0] - 1][ts[1] - 1] = "X" self.print_matrix(all_seats) def show_reservation_till_now(self, chosen_movie_id, chosen_proj, taken_seats, num_of_tickets): print("This is your reservation: ") movie_name = self.queries.get_movie_name_by_id(chosen_movie_id) print("Movie: {}".format(movie_name)) # take movie name by id movie_time_type = self.queries.get_movie_time_and_type_by_id( chosen_proj) print("Date and Time: {}".format(movie_time_type)) # take by id print("Seats: ", end=" ") for i in range(len(taken_seats) - num_of_tickets, len(taken_seats)): print(taken_seats[i], end=" ") print('\n') def make_reservation(self): while True: name = input("Step 1 (User): Choose name>") or None reservation_names = self.queries.get_res_names() if (name, ) in reservation_names: print('''This name already exists in reservations, Please choose another!''') continue break num_of_tickets = int(input("Step 1 (User): Choose number of tickets>")) self.show_movies() chosen_movie_id = input("Step 2 (Movie): Choose a movie>") self.show_movie_projections(chosen_movie_id) chosen_proj = input("Step 3 (Projection): Choose a projection>") self.show_availible_seats(chosen_proj) taken_seats = self.queries.taken_seats(chosen_proj) # tuples tickets = 0 while True: if tickets == num_of_tickets: break chosen_seat = input("Step 4 (Seats): Choose seat 1>") seats_list = eval(chosen_seat) if (seats_list in taken_seats): print("This seat is already taken!") elif (seats_list[0] > 10 or seats_list[0] < 0 or seats_list[1] > 10 or seats_list[1] < 0): print("LOL... no") else: tickets += 1 taken_seats.append(seats_list) self.show_reservation_till_now(chosen_movie_id, chosen_proj, taken_seats, num_of_tickets) last_step = input("Step 5 (Confirm - type 'finalize') >") finished_reservation = False if last_step.lower() == "finalize": print("Thanks.") finished_reservation = True if finished_reservation: # last appended tickets-tickets which are reserved current seesion self.queries.add_reservation_to_db( num_of_tickets, name, chosen_proj, taken_seats[(len(taken_seats) - num_of_tickets)::]) def start(self): while self.__is_active: command = input("Enter command>").split(' ') if len(command) == 1: self.commands[command[0]]() else: name_by_id = self.queries.get_movie_name_by_id(command[1]) if not len(command) > 2: print("Projections for movie '{}':".format(name_by_id)) else: print("Projections for movie '{}' on date {}:".format( name_by_id, command[2])) print(self.commands[command[0]](command[1::]))