Пример #1
    def test_added(self):
        search = QuestionMappingType.search()

        # Create a question--that adds one document to the index.
        q = question(title=u'Does this test work?', save=True)
        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, 'test')
                     for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        eq_(search.query(should=True, **query).count(), 1)

        # Create an answer for the question. It shouldn't be searchable
        # until the answer is saved.
        a = answer(content=u'There\'s only one way to find out!',
        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, 'only')
                     for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        eq_(search.query(should=True, **query).count(), 0)

        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, 'only')
                     for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        eq_(search.query(should=True, **query).count(), 1)

        # Make sure that there's only one question document in the
        # index--creating an answer should have updated the existing
        # one.
        eq_(search.count(), 1)
Пример #2
def suggestions(request):
    """A simple search view that returns OpenSearch suggestions."""
    mimetype = 'application/x-suggestions+json'

    term = request.GET.get('q')
    if not term:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(mimetype=mimetype)

    site = Site.objects.get_current()
    locale = locale_or_default(request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, term)
                     for field in DocumentMappingType.get_query_fields())
        wiki_s = (DocumentMappingType.search()
                  .values_dict('document_title', 'url')

        query = dict(('%s__text' % field, term)
                     for field in QuestionMappingType.get_query_fields())
        question_s = (QuestionMappingType.search()
                      .values_dict('question_title', 'url')

        results = list(chain(question_s, wiki_s))
    except ES_EXCEPTIONS:
        # If we have ES problems, we just send back an empty result
        # set.
        results = []

    urlize = lambda r: u'https://%s%s' % (site, r['url'])
    titleize = lambda r: (r['document_title'] if 'document_title' in r
                          else r['question_title'])
    data = [term,
            [titleize(r) for r in results],
            [urlize(r) for r in results]]
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype=mimetype)