Пример #1
class MedianFinder:
    def __init__(self):
        initialize your data structure here.
        self.small = PriorityQueue()
        self.large = PriorityQueue()

    def addNum(self, num):
        :type num: int
        :rtype: void
        if self.large.empty() or num < self.large.queue[0]:

        if len(self.small.queue) > len(self.large.queue) + 1:
        elif len(self.large.queue) > len(self.small.queue) + 1:

    def findMedian(self):
        :rtype: float
        if len(self.small.queue) == len(self.large.queue):
            return (self.small.queue[0] + self.large.queue[0])/2
        elif len(self.small.queue) < len(self.large.queue):
            return self.large.queue[0]
            return self.small.queue[0]
Пример #2
def solution(n, start, end, roads, traps):
    # 보드 파싱
    board = [[inf] * n for _ in range(n)]
    for road in roads:
        s, e, c = road
        if c < board[s - 1][e - 1]:
            board[s - 1][e - 1] = c
    # return board

    # 모든 함정의 경우의 수 2^len(traps)에 대한 cost dict 생성
    # 함정 문자열은, 모든 노드 중 밟은 함정노드가 1로 되어있는 문자열
    # 이후 함정 dict를 통해 특정노드가 함정인지 아닌지 쉽게 파악가능
    # 모든 함정 경우에 대해 보드도 미리 만들어 둔다
    cost = {}
    boards = {}

    for i in range(len(traps) + 1):
        selected_traps = combinations(traps, i)

        for trap in selected_traps:
            active_traps = 0
            for node in trap:
                active_traps += 2**(node - 1)
                # active_traps[node-1] = "1"

            cost[active_traps] = [inf] * n
            boards[active_traps] = swap_board(board,

    cost[0][start - 1] = 0
    traps = dict.fromkeys(list(map(lambda x: x - 1, traps)))
    # return traps
    # return cost
    # return boards

    # 함정상태 문자열을 가진 채로 다익스트라 고고
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    pq._put((cost[0][start - 1], start - 1, 0))

    while not pq.empty():
        current_cost, current_node, current_trap_int = pq._get()
        if current_node == end - 1:
            return current_cost

        current_board = boards[current_trap_int]

        for idx, v in enumerate(current_board[current_node]):
            if v != inf:
                next_trap_int = current_trap_int
                if idx in traps:
                    next_trap_int = current_trap_int ^ (1 << idx)

                if (cost[current_trap_int][idx] >
                        current_cost + current_board[current_node][idx]):
                        idx] = current_cost + current_board[current_node][idx]
                    pq._put((cost[current_trap_int][idx], idx, next_trap_int))
    return min(list(map(lambda x: x[end - 1], cost.values())))
Пример #3
 def _put(self, item):
     heappush = heapq.heappush
     if item[1] not in self.values:
         self.values[item[1]] = [1, 1, True]
         PriorityQueue._put(self, (item, 1))
         validity = self.values[item[1]]
         validity[0] += 1  #Number of the valid entry
         validity[1] += 1  #Total number of entries
         if validity[2]:  #Is this a replace move?
             self.size_diff += 1
         validity[2] = True
         PriorityQueue._put(self, (item, validity[0]))
Пример #4
    def _put(self, item):
        """ReadyQueue expects (priority, Queue<JCB>), (priority, list<JCB>) or (priority, JCB) tuples"""
        p, q = item

        if p in self._prio_levels.keys():
            prio_level_queue = self._prio_levels[p]
            put_coll(prio_level_queue, q)

            prio_level_queue = Queue()
            put_coll(prio_level_queue, q)
            PriorityQueue._put(self, (p, prio_level_queue))
            self._prio_levels[p] = prio_level_queue
def A_star_search(graph, start, goal):
    Given a graph, a start node and a goal node
    Utilize A* search algorithm by finding the path from 
    start node to the goal node
    Use early stoping in your code
    This function returns back a dictionary storing the information of each node
    and its corresponding parent node
    graph -- A dictionary storing the edge information from one node to a list 
             of other nodes
    start -- A character indicating the start node
    goal --  A character indicating the goal node

    came_from -- a dictionary indicating for each node as the key and 
                value is its parent node
    came_from = {}
    cost_so_far = {}
    came_from[start] = None
    cost_so_far[start] = 0
    ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 15 line of code)

    while sq:
        target = graph.edges[parent]
        if parent not in visited:
            if parent == goal:
             return came_from, cost_so_far
            for i in target:
                if (i not in cost_so_far) or (cost_so_far[i] > targetcost[target.index(i)] + cost_so_far[parent]):
                     sq._put(((cost_so_far[i]+heuristic(graph, start, i)),i))

    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return came_from, cost_so_far
Пример #6
    def __init__(self,chars):
        q = PriorityQueue()
        counter = itertools.count() # unique sequence count
        for freq,char in chars:

        for _ in range(len(chars)-1):
            left = q._get()
            right = q._get()
            freq = left[0] + right[0]
            z = HuffNode(freq=freq,lchild=left[1][1],rchild=right[1][1])
            z.lchild.prnt = z.rchild.prnt = z

        self.root = q._get()[1][1]
        self.codes_dict = self._codes()
Пример #7
    def UCS(self):
        # Fill the correct path in self.path
        # self.fullPath should contain the order of visited nodes
        self.fullPath = []
        pq = PriorityQueue()
        pq._put((0, self.startNodeIndex))
        while pq.empty() == False:
            x = pq.get()
            right = self.nodes[x[1]].right
            left = self.nodes[x[1]].left
            up = self.nodes[x[1]].up
            down = self.nodes[x[1]].down
            if self.nodes[x[1]].vis == 1:
            if self.nodes[x[1]].value == 'E':
                self.totalCost = x[0]
            self.nodes[x[1]].vis = 1

            if up is not None and up.value != '#' and (
                    up.gOfN > x[0] + up.edgeCost or up.gOfN is None):
                up.gOfN = x[0] + self.nodes[up.id].edgeCost
                pq.put_nowait((self.nodes[up.id].gOfN, up.id))
                up.previousNode = x[1]

            if down is not None and down.value != '#' and (
                    down.gOfN > x[0] + down.edgeCost or down.gOfN is None):
                down.gOfN = x[0] + down.edgeCost
                pq.put_nowait((self.nodes[down.id].gOfN, down.id))
                down.previousNode = x[1]

            if left is not None and left.value != '#' and (
                    left.gOfN > x[0] + left.edgeCost or left.gOfN is None):
                left.gOfN = x[0] + left.edgeCost
                pq.put_nowait((left.gOfN, left.id))
                left.previousNode = x[1]

            if right is not None and right.value != '#' and (
                    right.gOfN > x[0] + right.edgeCost or right.gOfN is None):
                right.gOfN = x[0] + self.nodes[right.id].edgeCost
                pq.put_nowait((self.nodes[right.id].gOfN, right.id))
                right.previousNode = x[1]

        return self.path, self.fullPath, self.totalCost
Пример #8
def algorithm(draw, grid, start, end):
    count = 0
    open_set = PriorityQueue()
    open_set.put((0, count, start))
    came_from = {}
    g_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row}
    g_score[start] = 0
    f_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row}
    f_score[start] = h(start.get_pos(), end.get_pos())

    open_set_hash = {start}

    while not open_set.empty():
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

        current = open_set.get()[2]

        if current == end:
            reconstruct_path(came_from, end, draw)
            return True

        for neighbor in current.neighbors:
            temp_g_score = g_score[current] + 1

            if temp_g_score < g_score[neighbor]:
                came_from[neighbor] = current
                g_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score
                f_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score + h(neighbor.get_pos(),
                if neighbor is not open_set_hash:
                    count += 1
                    open_set._put((f_score[neighbor], count, neighbor))


        if current != start:

    return False
Пример #9
class Dijkstra:
    def __init__(self,gameboard):
        self.grid = [[None for x in range(gameboard.height)] for x in range(gameboard.width)]
        self.qset = queue()
        self.pqueue = PriorityQueue()

    def run(self, gameboard,x,y):
        for i in range (gameboard.height):
            for j in range (gameboard.width):
                self.grid[i][j] = grid(i,j,999)
        while self.pqueue.empty():
            lilgrid = self.pqueue._get()
def solution(n, start, end, roads, traps):
    # 보드 파싱
    board = [[inf] * n for _ in range(n)]
    for road in roads:
        s, e, c = road
        if c < board[s - 1][e - 1]:
            board[s - 1][e - 1] = c

    # return board

    # 모든 함정의 경우의 수 2^len(traps)에 대한 cost dict 생성
    # 함정 문자열은, 모든 노드 중 밟은 함정노드가 1로 되어있는 문자열
    # 이후 함정 dict를 통해 특정노드가 함정인지 아닌지 쉽게 파악가능
    # 모든 함정 경우에 대해 보드도 미리 만들어 둔다
    cost = {}

    for i in range(len(traps) + 1):
        selected_traps = combinations(traps, i)

        for trap in selected_traps:
            active_traps = 0
            for node in trap:
                active_traps += 2**(node - 1)
                # active_traps[node-1] = "1"

            cost[active_traps] = [inf] * n

    cost[0][start - 1] = 0
    traps = dict.fromkeys(list(map(lambda x: x - 1, traps)))
    # return traps
    # return cost

    # 함정상태 문자열을 가진 채로 다익스트라 고고
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    pq._put((cost[0][start - 1], start - 1, 0))

    while not pq.empty():
        current_cost, current_node, current_trap_int = pq._get()
        current_trap_str = bin(current_trap_int)[2:].zfill(n)[::-1]

        if current_node == end - 1:
            return current_cost

        from_there = [_[current_node] for _ in board]
        to_here = board[current_node]
        next_nodes = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(zip(from_there, to_here))
            if x[0] != inf or x[1] != inf

        for idx in next_nodes:
            if idx in traps:
                next_trap_int = current_trap_int ^ (1 << idx)
                next_trap_int = current_trap_int

            if ((current_trap_str[current_node] == "1"
                 and current_trap_str[idx] == "1")
                    or (current_trap_str[current_node] == "0"
                        and current_trap_str[idx] == "0")):
                current_edge = board[current_node][idx]
                current_edge = board[idx][current_node]

            if current_edge != inf:
                if (cost[current_trap_int][idx] > current_cost + current_edge):
                    cost[current_trap_int][idx] = current_cost + current_edge
                    pq._put((cost[current_trap_int][idx], idx, next_trap_int))

    return min(list(map(lambda x: x[end - 1], cost.values())))
Пример #11
 def _put(self, item):
     if item[1] not in self.values:
         PriorityQueue._put(self, item)
def uniform_cost_search(graph, start, goal):
    Given a graph, a start node and a goal node
    Utilize uniform cost search algorithm by finding the path from 
    start node to the goal node
    Use early stoping in your code
    This function returns back a dictionary storing the information of each node
    and its corresponding parent node
    graph -- A dictionary storing the edge information from one node to a list 
             of other nodes
    start -- A character indicating the start node
    goal --  A character indicating the goal node

    came_from -- a dictionary indicating for each node as the key and 
                value is its parent node
    came_from = {}
    cost_so_far = {}
    came_from[start] = None
    cost_so_far[start] = 0
    ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 15 line of code)
    if start not in graph.edges:
        print(" the ", start, "not exist in", graph)
        return {}, {}
    elif goal not in graph.edges:
        print(" the ", goal, "not exist in", graph)
        return {}, {}

        sq = PriorityQueue()
        visited = []
        sq._put((0, start))

        while sq:

            parent = sq._get()[1]
            target = graph.edges[parent]
            targetcost = graph.edgeWeights[parent]
            if parent not in visited:
                if parent == goal:
                    return came_from, cost_so_far
                for i in target:
                    if (i not in cost_so_far) or (
                            cost_so_far[i] >
                            targetcost[target.index(i)] + cost_so_far[parent]):
                        came_from[i] = parent

                        cost_so_far[i] = (targetcost[target.index(i)] +
                        sq._put((cost_so_far[i], i))

    # target = graph.edges[start]
    # targetcost=graph.edgeWeights[start]
    # parent = start
    # while goal not in target:

    #     for item in target:
    #         if (item not in cost_so_far) or (cost_so_far[item]>targetcost[target.index(item)]+cost_so_far[parent]):
    #             came_from[item] = parent
    #             cost_so_far[item]=targetcost[target.index(item)]+cost_so_far[parent]
    #             sq._put((cost_so_far[item], item))
    #     parent= sq._get()[1]
    #     targetcost=graph.edgeWeights[parent]
    #     target = graph.edges[parent]
    # came_from[goal] = parent
    # cost_so_far[goal]=targetcost[target.index(goal)]+cost_so_far[parent]
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return came_from, cost_so_far
Пример #13
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from queue import PriorityQueue

class Person:
    name: str = field(compare=False)
    priority: int = 0
    greater_than: set = field(default_factory=set, compare=False)

def main():
    n, m = map(int, input().split())
    names = input().split()
    people = {name: Person(name) for name in names}

a = PriorityQueue()
a._put(Person("jon", 0))
a._put(Person("jona", 2))
a._put(Person("helgi", 6))
a._put(Person("bardur", 3))
def solution(n, start, end, roads, traps):
    # 보드 생성
    # 역간선을 미리 만들어 둔다
    board = {}
    for road in roads:
        s, e, c = road
        if not s - 1 in board:
            board[s - 1] = {}
        if not e - 1 in board:
            board[e - 1] = {}

        board[s - 1][e - 1] = [c, 1]
        board[e - 1][s - 1] = [c, -1]
    # return board

    # 함정 상태별 최소거리 cost 기록
    # 보드도 미리 만들어 둔다
    cost = {}
    boards = {}
    for i in range(len(traps) + 1):
        selected_traps = combinations(traps, i)

        for trap in selected_traps:
            active_traps = 0
            for node in trap:
                active_traps += 2**(node - 1)
                # active_traps[node-1] = "1"

            cost[active_traps] = [inf] * n
            boards[active_traps] = swap_board(board,
    # return boards

    cost[0][start - 1] = 0
    traps = dict.fromkeys(list(map(lambda x: x - 1, traps)))
    # return traps

    # 함정상태 문자열을 가진 채로 다익스트라 고고
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    pq._put((cost[0][start - 1], start - 1, 0))

    while not pq.empty():
        current_cost, current_node, current_trap_int = pq._get()
        if current_node == end - 1:
            return current_cost

        current_board = boards[current_trap_int]

        for k, v in current_board[current_node].items():
            if v[1] == 1:
                next_trap_int = current_trap_int
                if k in traps:
                    next_trap_int = current_trap_int ^ (1 << k)

                if (cost[current_trap_int][k] >
                        current_cost + current_board[current_node][k][0]):
                        k] = current_cost + current_board[current_node][k][0]
                    pq._put((cost[current_trap_int][k], k, next_trap_int))

    return min(list(map(lambda x: x[end - 1], cost.values())))
Пример #15
 def _put(self, prioritized_item, heappush=heapq.heappush):
     priority = prioritized_item[0]
     data = prioritized_item[1]
     item = (priority, self._counter, data)
     self._counter += 1
     PriorityQueue._put(self, item)
 def _put(self, item):
     # Called by the put method after aquiring locks etc...
     if item[1] not in self.values:
         PriorityQueue._put(self, item)