def parse_state_statistics(fh): skip_whitespace(fh) check_or_die(fh, "{") check_or_die(fh, "mode:") skip_whitespace(fh) mode_name = read_until_letter(fh, ";") check_or_die(fh, "state:") skip_whitespace(fh) state_index = read_integer(fh) check_or_die(fh, ";") check_or_die(fh, "{") skip_whitespace(fh) boundary_list_str = read_until_letter(fh, ";") skip_whitespace(fh) counter_list_str = read_until_letter(fh, ";") skip_whitespace(fh) check_or_die(fh, "}") check_or_die(fh, "}") def help(X): map(lambda x: int(x), X.strip().split()) return StateStatistics(mode_name, state_index, help(boundary_list_str), help(counter_list_str))
def __parse_section(fh, descriptor, already_defined_list): global token_type_code_fragment_db assert type(already_defined_list) == list SubsectionList = ["name", "file_name", "standard", "distinct", "union", "inheritable", "noid"] \ + token_type_code_fragment_db.keys() position = fh.tell() skip_whitespace(fh) word = read_identifier(fh) if word == "": if check(fh, "}"): return False error_msg("Missing token_type section ('standard', 'distinct', or 'union').", fh) verify_word_in_list(word, SubsectionList, "Subsection '%s' not allowed in token_type section." % word, fh) if word == "name": if not check(fh, "="): error_msg("Missing '=' in token_type 'name' specification.", fh) descriptor.class_name, descriptor.name_space, descriptor.class_name_safe = read_namespaced_name(fh, "token_type") if not check(fh, ";"): error_msg("Missing terminating ';' in token_type 'name' specification.", fh) elif word == "inheritable": descriptor.open_for_derivation_f = True check_or_die(fh, ";") elif word == "noid": descriptor.token_contains_token_id_f = False; check_or_die(fh, ";") elif word == "file_name": if not check(fh, "="): error_msg("Missing '=' in token_type 'file_name' specification.", fh) descriptor.set_file_name(read_until_letter(fh, ";")) if not check(fh, ";"): error_msg("Missing terminating ';' in token_type 'file_name' specification.", fh) elif word in ["standard", "distinct", "union"]: if word == "standard": parse_standard_members(fh, word, descriptor, already_defined_list) elif word == "distinct": parse_distinct_members(fh, word, descriptor, already_defined_list) elif word == "union": parse_union_members(fh, word, descriptor, already_defined_list) if not check(fh, "}"): error_msg("Missing closing '}' at end of token_type section '%s'." % word, fh); elif word in token_type_code_fragment_db.keys(): fragment = code_fragment.parse(fh, word, AllowBriefTokenSenderF=False) descriptor.__dict__[word] = fragment else: assert False, "This code section section should not be reachable because 'word'\n" + \ "was checked to fit in one of the 'elif' cases." return True
def __snap_word(stream): try: the_word = read_until_letter(stream, ["("]) except: raise RegularExpressionException("Missing opening bracket."), 1) return the_word.strip()
def __parse_action(new_mode, fh, pattern_str, pattern): position = fh.tell() try: skip_whitespace(fh) position = fh.tell() code_obj = code_fragment.parse(fh, "regular expression", ErrorOnFailureF=False) if code_obj is not None: new_mode.add_match(pattern_str, code_obj, pattern) return word = read_until_letter(fh, [";"]) if word == "PRIORITY-MARK": # This mark 'lowers' the priority of a pattern to the priority of the current # pattern index (important for inherited patterns, that have higher precedence). # The parser already constructed a state machine for the pattern that is to # be assigned a new priority. Since, this machine is not used, let us just # use its id., 1) check_or_die(fh, ";", ". Since quex version 0.33.5 this is required.") new_mode.add_match_priority(pattern_str, pattern,,, get_current_line_info_number(fh)) elif word == "DELETION": # This mark deletes any pattern that was inherited with the same 'name', 1) check_or_die(fh, ";", ". Since quex version 0.33.5 this is required.") new_mode.add_match_deletion(pattern_str, pattern,, get_current_line_info_number(fh)) else: error_msg("Missing token '{', 'PRIORITY-MARK', 'DELETION', or '=>' after '%s'.\n" % pattern_str + \ "found: '%s'. Note, that since quex version 0.33.5 it is required to add a ';'\n" % word + \ "to the commands PRIORITY-MARK and DELETION.", fh) except EndOfStreamException: error_msg("End of file reached while parsing action code for pattern.", fh)
def parse_variable_definition(fh, GroupF=False, already_defined_list=[]): """PURPOSE: Parsing of a variable definition consisting of 'type' and 'name. Members can be mentioned together in a group, which means that they can appear simultaneously. Possible expresions are (1) single variables: name0 : type; name1 : type[32]; name2 : type*; (2) combined variables { sub_name0 : type0; sub_name1 : type[64]; sub_name2 : type1*; } ARGUMENTS: 'GroupF' allows to have 'nested variable groups' in curly brackets 'already_defined_list' informs about variable names that have been already chosen. It is only used for groups. RETURNS: None on failure to pass a variable definition. array when a single variable definition was found. array[0] = UserCodeFragment containing the type. array[1] = name of the variable. dictionary if it was a combined variable definition. The dictionary maps: (variable name) ---> (UserCodeFragment with type) """ position = fh.tell() skip_whitespace(fh) name_str = read_identifier(fh) if name_str == "": if not GroupF or not check(fh, "{"): return None sub_db = parse_variable_definition_list(fh, "Concurrent union variables", already_defined_list) if not check(fh, "}"): error_msg( "Missing closing '}' after concurrent variable definition.", fh) return [sub_db] else: name_str = name_str.strip() if not check(fh, ":"): error_msg("Missing ':' after identifier '%s'." % name_str, fh) if == False: error_msg("Missing whitespace after ':' after identifier '%s'.\n" % name_str \ + "The notation has to be: variable-name ':' type ';'.", fh) type_str, i = read_until_letter(fh, ";", Verbose=True) if i == -1: error_msg("missing ';'", fh) type_str = type_str.strip() return [CodeUser(type_str, SourceRef.from_FileHandle(fh)), name_str]
def __parse_section(fh, descriptor, already_defined_list): global token_type_code_fragment_db assert type(already_defined_list) == list SubsectionList = ["name", "file_name", "standard", "distinct", "union", "inheritable", "noid"] \ + token_type_code_fragment_db.keys() position = fh.tell() skip_whitespace(fh) word = read_identifier(fh) if word == "": if check(fh, "}"): return False error_msg( "Missing token_type section ('standard', 'distinct', or 'union').", fh) verify_word_in_list( word, SubsectionList, "Subsection '%s' not allowed in token_type section." % word, fh) if word == "name": if not check(fh, "="): error_msg("Missing '=' in token_type 'name' specification.", fh) descriptor.class_name, descriptor.name_space, descriptor.class_name_safe = read_namespaced_name( fh, "token_type") if not check(fh, ";"): error_msg( "Missing terminating ';' in token_type 'name' specification.", fh) elif word == "inheritable": descriptor.open_for_derivation_f = True check_or_die(fh, ";") elif word == "noid": descriptor.token_contains_token_id_f = False check_or_die(fh, ";") elif word == "file_name": if not check(fh, "="): error_msg("Missing '=' in token_type 'file_name' specification.", fh) descriptor.set_file_name(read_until_letter(fh, ";")) if not check(fh, ";"): error_msg( "Missing terminating ';' in token_type 'file_name' specification.", fh) elif word in ["standard", "distinct", "union"]: if word == "standard": parse_standard_members(fh, word, descriptor, already_defined_list) elif word == "distinct": parse_distinct_members(fh, word, descriptor, already_defined_list) elif word == "union": parse_union_members(fh, word, descriptor, already_defined_list) if not check(fh, "}"): error_msg( "Missing closing '}' at end of token_type section '%s'." % word, fh) elif word in token_type_code_fragment_db.keys(): fragment = code_fragment.parse(fh, word, AllowBriefTokenSenderF=False) descriptor.__dict__[word] = fragment else: assert False, "This code section section should not be reachable because 'word'\n" + \ "was checked to fit in one of the 'elif' cases." return True
def __snap_word(stream): try: the_word = read_until_letter(stream, ["("]) except: raise RegularExpressionException("Missing opening bracket."),1) return the_word.strip()
def parse_variable_definition(fh, GroupF=False, already_defined_list=[]): """PURPOSE: Parsing of a variable definition consisting of 'type' and 'name. Members can be mentioned together in a group, which means that they can appear simultaneously. Possible expresions are (1) single variables: name0 : type; name1 : type[32]; name2 : type*; (2) combined variables { sub_name0 : type0; sub_name1 : type[64]; sub_name2 : type1*; } ARGUMENTS: 'GroupF' allows to have 'nested variable groups' in curly brackets 'already_defined_list' informs about variable names that have been already chosen. It is only used for groups. RETURNS: None on failure to pass a variable definition. array when a single variable definition was found. array[0] = UserCodeFragment containing the type. array[1] = name of the variable. dictionary if it was a combined variable definition. The dictionary maps: (variable name) ---> (UserCodeFragment with type) """ position = fh.tell() skip_whitespace(fh) name_str = read_identifier(fh) if name_str == "": if not GroupF or not check(fh, "{"):; return None sub_db = parse_variable_definition_list(fh, "Concurrent union variables", already_defined_list) if not check(fh, "}"): error_msg("Missing closing '}' after concurrent variable definition.", fh) return [ sub_db ] else: name_str = name_str.strip() if not check(fh, ":"): error_msg("Missing ':' after identifier '%s'." % name_str, fh) if == False: error_msg("Missing whitespace after ':' after identifier '%s'.\n" % name_str \ + "The notation has to be: variable-name ':' type ';'.", fh) type_str, i = read_until_letter(fh, ";", Verbose=True) if i == -1: error_msg("missing ';'", fh) type_str = type_str.strip() return [ CodeUser(type_str, SourceRef.from_FileHandle(fh)), name_str ]