Пример #1
    def DefinePattern(self, patternSpec):
        """Define the specified pattern in the query master, return
        the finalized (unique) name of the pattern"""

            # determine unique name for the pattern based off suggested name
            #   in the spec
            rootName = quilt_data.pat_spec_tryget(patternSpec, name=True)
            if rootName is None:
                rootName = "pattern"
            patternName = rootName
            i = 1

            with self.lock:
                while patternName in self._patterns.keys():
                    patternName = '_'.join([rootName, str(i)])
                    i += 1

                # store pattern spec in the member data
                quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, name=patternName)
                quilt_data.pat_specs_add(self._patterns, patternSpec)

            # return the unique name for the pattern
            return patternName

        except Exception, e:
Пример #2
    def OnRegisterEnd(self):
        """Create a patternSpec dict from arguments (name, 
        VARIABLES, and VARIABLE to SOURCE_VARIABLE mappings), register
        this pattern with the query master"""

        # create the spec with it's requested name
        requestedName = self._args.name
        if requestedName is None:
            requestedName = "pattern"
            requestedName = self._args.name[0]

        patternSpec = quilt_data.pat_spec_create(name=requestedName)

        # create the specs for the variables
        variables = None
        if self._args.variable is not None:
            for v in self._args.variable:
                # create the variables section if it does not exist

                # first position of the cmd line argument is name of variable
                varName = v[0]
                varSpec = quilt_data.var_spec_create(name=varName)

                # if description was specified on cmd line, load it in the spec
                if len(v) > 1:
                    varDesc = v[1]
                    quilt_data.var_spec_set(varSpec, description=varDesc)

                # if default was specified on cmd line, load it in spec
                if len(v) > 2:
                    varDef = v[2]
                    quilt_data.var_spec_set(varSpec, default=varDef)
                variables = quilt_data.var_specs_add(variables, varSpec)

        quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, variables=variables)

        mappings = None
        # create the specs for the variable mappings
        if self._args.mapping is not None:
            for m in self._args.mapping:
                varName = m[0]
                src = m[1]
                srcPat = m[2]
                srcVar = m[3]
                srcPatInstance = None
                if len(m) > 4:
                    srcPatInstance = m[4]

                # query variables are allowed to map to multiple
                # source variables.  Initialize a blank list if it isn't present
                # then append the new mapping information

                srcVarMappingSpec = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_spec_create(

                mappings = quilt_data.src_var_mapping_specs_add(
                    mappings, srcVarMappingSpec)

        if mappings is not None:
            quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, mappings=mappings)

        # if the pattern code is specified, set it in the pattern as
        #   a string
        if self._args.code is not None:
            # perform first pass parse on the pattern to ensure syntax
            # call get_pattern_vars from parser, but ignore the result
            #   this will check the syntax

            codestr = str(self._args.code)
            # store the code in the pattern
            quilt_data.pat_spec_set(patternSpec, code=codestr)

            # syntax parsing may be dependent on variables in the pattern, so
            #   generate the code str after replacing any pattern variables
            codestr = quilt_data.generate_query_code(patternSpec, None)

        # define patternSpec in the query master as a synchronous call
        # return will be the pattern name
        with self.GetQueryMasterProxy() as qm:
            patName = qm.DefinePattern(patternSpec)

        # print out pattern Name
        print 'Pattern', patName, ' defined'

        # return false (prevent event loop from beginning)

        return False