Пример #1
def test_dmrg_shared_exec_iterative_solve_one_sweep():
    max_mps_rank = 5
    num = 7
    mpo_rank = 5
    size = 5
    num_iter = 10

    h = qtn.MPO_rand_herm(num, mpo_rank, size)
    dmrg_quimb = qtn.DMRG2(h, bond_dims=[max_mps_rank])

    h_tensors = load_quimb_tensors(h)
    mps_tensors = load_quimb_tensors(dmrg_quimb.state)

    # dmrg based on ad
    mps_tensors, energy = dmrg_shared_exec_iterative_solve(
        h_tensors, mps_tensors, num_iter=num_iter, max_mps_rank=max_mps_rank)

    # dmrg based on quimb
    opts = {'max_bond': max_mps_rank}
    for _ in range(num_iter):
        quimb_energy = dmrg_quimb.sweep_right(canonize=True,

    # We only test on energy (lowest eigenvalue of h), rather than the output
    # mps (eigenvector), because the eigenvectors can vary a lot while keeping the
    # eigenvalue unchanged.
    assert (abs(energy - quimb_energy) < 1e-5)
Пример #2
def rand_tn1d_sect(n, bd, dtype=complex):
    mps = qtn.MPS_rand_state(n + 2, bd, dtype=dtype)
    mpo = qtn.MPO_rand_herm(n + 2, 5, dtype=dtype)

    norm = qtn.TensorNetwork(qtn.align_TN_1D(mps.H, mpo, mps))

    lix = qtn.bonds(norm[0], norm[1])
    rix = qtn.bonds(norm[n], norm[n + 1])

    to = norm[1:n + 1]

    return qtn.TNLinearOperator1D(to, lix, rix, 1, n + 1)
Пример #3
def rand_tn1d_sect(n, bd, dtype=complex):
    mps = qtn.MPS_rand_state(n + 2, bd, dtype=dtype)
    mpo = qtn.MPO_rand_herm(n + 2, 5, dtype=dtype)

    norm = qtn.TensorNetwork(qtn.align_TN_1D(mps.H, mpo, mps))

    # greedy not good and contracting with large bsz
    norm.structure_bsz = 2

    lix = qtn.bonds(norm[0], norm[1])
    rix = qtn.bonds(norm[n], norm[n + 1])

    to = norm[1:n + 1]

    return qtn.TNLinearOperator1D(to, lix, rix, 1, n + 1)