Пример #1
    def test_TensorNetwork_init_checks(self):
        a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=[0, 1, 2], tags={'red'})
        b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=[1, 2, 3], tags={'blue'})
        c = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=[1, 2, 3], tags={'blue', 'c'})

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            TensorNetwork(a, b)  # missing brackets around ``a, b``.

        tn = a & b
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            tn['red'] = 1

        assert len(tn['foo']) == 2
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            tn['foo'] = c

        tn[('foo', 'blue')] = c
        assert 'c' in tn.tags
        assert tn[('blue', 'c')] is c

        assert 'red' in tn.tags
        del tn['red']
        assert 'red' not in tn.tags

        assert set(tn.tag_map.keys()) == {'blue', 'c'}

        assert set(tn.tag_map.keys()) == {'blue'}
        assert set(tn.tag_map.keys()) == set()
Пример #2
 def test_retagging(self):
     x = rand_tensor((2, 4), inds='ab', tags={'X', 'I0'})
     y = rand_tensor((4, 2, 5), inds='bcd', tags={'Y', 'I1'})
     z = rand_tensor((5, 3), inds='de', tags={'Z', 'I2'})
     tn = TensorNetwork((x, y, z))
     tn.retag_({"I0": "I1", "I1": "I2", "I2": "I3", "Z": "A"})
     assert set(tn.tag_map.keys()) == {'X', 'I1', 'I2', 'I3', 'Y', 'A'}
Пример #3
 def test_multiply(self):
     a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=['0', '1', '2'], tags='red')
     b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=['1', '2', '3'], tags='blue')
     c = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=['3', '0', '4'], tags='blue')
     tn = a & b & c
     x1 = (tn & tn.H) ^ ...
     x2 = ((2 * tn) & tn.H) ^ ...
     assert_allclose(2 * x1, x2)
Пример #4
 def test_fuse_multibonds(self):
     x = rand_tensor((2, 2, 2), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
     y = rand_tensor((2, 2, 2, 2), ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
     z = rand_tensor((2, 2, 2), ['a', 'e', 'd'])
     tn = (x & y & z)
     assert len(tn.inner_inds()) == 5
     assert len(tn.inner_inds()) == 3
Пример #5
 def test_divide(self):
     a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=['0', '1', '2'], tags='red')
     b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=['1', '2', '3'], tags='blue')
     c = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=['3', '0', '4'], tags='blue')
     tn = a & b & c
     x1 = (tn & tn.H) ^ ...
     x2 = ((tn / 2) & tn.H) ^ ...
     assert_allclose(x1 / 2, x2)
Пример #6
 def test_column_reduce(self):
     A = rand_tensor([2, 3], 'ab')
     A.new_ind('c', size=4)
     B = rand_tensor([4, 5, 6], 'cde')
     tn = A & B
     assert tn.num_indices == 5
     tn_s = tn.column_reduce()
     assert tn_s.num_indices == 4
     assert (tn ^ all).almost_equals(tn_s ^ all)
Пример #7
 def test_diagonal_reduce(self):
     A = rand_tensor([2, 2], 'ab', dtype=complex)
     B = Tensor([[3j, 0.], [0., 4j]], 'bc')
     C = rand_tensor([2, 2], 'ca', dtype=complex)
     tn = A & B & C
     tn_s = tn.diagonal_reduce()
     assert tn.num_indices == 3
     assert tn_s.num_indices == 2
     assert tn ^ all == pytest.approx(tn_s.contract(all, output_inds=[]))
Пример #8
    def test_rand_tensor(self, dtype):
        if dtype == 'raise':
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), 'abc', dtype=dtype)
            t = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), 'abc', dtype=dtype)
            assert t.dtype == dtype

            tn = t & t
            assert tn.dtype == dtype
Пример #9
    def test_direct_product(self):
        a1 = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abc')
        b1 = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds='bcd')
        a2 = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abc')
        b2 = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds='bcd')

        c1 = (a1 @ b1) + (a2 @ b2)
        c2 = (tensor_direct_product(a1, a2, sum_inds=('a'))
              @ tensor_direct_product(b1, b2, sum_inds=('d')))
        assert c1.almost_equals(c2)
Пример #10
    def test_compress_between(self, backend):
        A = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), 'abd', tags={'T1'})
        tensor_direct_product(A, A, inplace=True)
        B = rand_tensor((5, 6), 'dc', tags={'T2'})
        tensor_direct_product(B, B, inplace=True)
        tn = A & B

        assert A.shared_bond_size(B) == 10

        tn.compress_between('T1', 'T2', backend=backend)
Пример #11
    def test_replace_with_identity(self):
        A, B, C, D = (rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), 'abc', tags=['I0']),
                      rand_tensor((4, 5, 6), 'cde', tags=['I1']),
                      rand_tensor((5, 6, 7), 'def', tags=['I2']),
                      rand_tensor((7, ), 'f', tags=['I3']))

        tn = (A & B & C & D)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            tn.replace_with_identity(('I1', 'I2'), inplace=True)

        tn['I2'] = rand_tensor((5, 6, 4), 'def', tags=['I2'])
        tn['I3'] = rand_tensor((4, ), 'f', tags=['I3'])

        tn1 = tn.replace_with_identity(('I1', 'I2'))
        assert len(tn1.tensors) == 2
        x = tn1 ^ ...
        assert set(x.inds) == {'a', 'b'}

        A, B, C = (rand_tensor(
            (2, 2), 'ab', tags={'0'}), rand_tensor(
                (2, 2), 'bc', tags={'1'}), rand_tensor((2, 3),

        tn = A & B & C

        tn2 = tn.replace_with_identity('1')
        assert len(tn2.tensors) == 2
        x = tn2 ^ ...
        assert set(x.inds) == {'a', 'd'}
Пример #12
 def test_add_tag(self):
     a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abc', tags={'red'})
     b = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abc', tags={'blue'})
     tn = a & b
     assert 'green' in tn.tag_map
     assert 'green' in tn['red'].tags
     assert 'green' in tn['blue'].tags
     for t in tn:
         assert 'blue' in t.tags
Пример #13
 def test_rank_simplify(self):
     A = rand_tensor([2, 2, 3], 'abc', tags='A')
     B = rand_tensor([3, 2], 'cd', tags='B')
     C = rand_tensor([2, 2, 2], 'def', tags='C')
     tn = A & B & C
     tn_s = tn.rank_simplify()
     assert tn.num_tensors == 3
     assert tn_s.num_tensors == 2
     assert (tn ^ all).almost_equals(tn_s ^ all)
     # checl that 'B' was absorbed into 'A' not 'C'
     assert tn_s['B'].tags == {'A', 'B'}
Пример #14
    def test_contract_with_slices(self):
        a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=[0, 1, 2], tags='I0')
        b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=[1, 2, 3], tags='I1')
        c = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=[3, 0, 4], tags='I2')
        d = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=[5, 6, 4], tags='I3')
        tn = TensorNetwork((a, b, c, d), structure="I{}")

        assert len((tn ^ slice(2)).tensors) == 3
        assert len((tn ^ slice(..., 1, -1)).tensors) == 3
        assert len((tn ^ slice(-1, 1)).tensors) == 3
        assert len((tn ^ slice(None, -2, -1)).tensors) == 3
        assert len((tn ^ slice(-2, 0)).tensors) == 3
Пример #15
 def test_copy_deep(self):
     a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abc', tags='t0')
     b = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abd', tags='t1')
     tn1 = TensorNetwork((a, b))
     tn2 = tn1.copy(deep=True)
     # check can modify tensor structure
     tn2['t1'].modify(inds=('a', 'b', 'X'))
     assert tn1['t1'] is not tn2['t1']
     assert tn2['t1'].inds == ('a', 'b', 'X')
     assert tn1['t1'].inds == ('a', 'b', 'd')
     # and that data is not the same
     assert tn1['t1'].data is not tn2['t1'].data
     tn2['t1'].data[:] /= 2
     assert_allclose(tn1['t1'].data / 2, tn2['t1'].data)
Пример #16
 def test_copy(self):
     a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abc', tags='t0')
     b = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds='abd', tags='t1')
     tn1 = TensorNetwork((a, b))
     tn2 = tn1.copy()
     # check can modify tensor structure
     tn2['t1'].inds = ('a', 'b', 'X')
     assert tn1['t1'] is not tn2['t1']
     assert tn2['t1'].inds == ('a', 'b', 'X')
     assert tn1['t1'].inds == ('a', 'b', 'd')
     # but that data remains the same
     assert tn1['t1'].data is tn2['t1'].data
     tn2['t1'].data /= 2
     assert_allclose(tn1['t1'].data, tn2['t1'].data)
Пример #17
 def test_antidiag_gauge(self):
     A = rand_tensor([2, 2], 'ab', dtype=complex)
     B = Tensor([[0., 3j], [4j, 0.]], 'bc')
     C = rand_tensor([2, 2], 'ca', dtype=complex)
     tn = A & B & C
     assert tn.num_indices == 3
     # can't use diagonal reduction yet
     assert tn.diagonal_reduce().num_indices == 3
     # initial gauge doesn't change indices
     tn_a = tn.antidiag_gauge()
     assert tn_a.num_indices == 3
     # but allows the diagonal reduction
     tn_ad = tn_a.diagonal_reduce()
     assert tn_ad.num_indices == 2
     assert tn ^ all == pytest.approx(tn_ad.contract(all, output_inds=[]))
Пример #18
    def test_connect(self):
        x = rand_tensor((2, 3), 'ab')
        y = rand_tensor((3, 2), 'cd')

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            qtn.connect(x, y, 0, 0)

        tn = x | y
        assert len(tn.outer_inds()) == 4
        qtn.connect(x, y, 0, 1)
        assert len(tn.outer_inds()) == 2
        qtn.connect(x, y, 1, 0)
        assert len(tn.outer_inds()) == 0
        assert (tn ^ all).shape == ()
        # make sure bond is newly labelled
        assert set('abcd') & set(tn.all_inds()) == set()
Пример #19
    def test_against_dense(self):
        A, B, C, D = (
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'aef'),
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'beg'),
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'cfh'),
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'dhg'),

        tn = A & B & C & D
        tn_lo = tn.aslinearoperator(('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'))
        tn_d = (tn ^ ...).fuse([('u', ['a', 'b']), ('l', ['c', 'd'])]).data

        u, s, v = svds(tn_lo, k=5, backend='scipy')
        ud, sd, vd = svds(tn_d, k=5, backend='scipy')

        assert_allclose(s, sd)
Пример #20
 def test_squeeze(self):
     a = rand_tensor((1, 2, 3, 1, 4), inds='abcde', tags=['hello'])
     b = a.squeeze()
     assert b.shape == (2, 3, 4)
     assert b.inds == ('b', 'c', 'e')
     assert 'hello' in b.tags
     assert a.shape == (1, 2, 3, 1, 4)
Пример #21
    def test_select_tensors_mode(self):
        A, B, C = (rand_tensor((2, 2), 'ab', tags={'0', 'X'}),
                   rand_tensor((2, 2), 'bc', tags={'1', 'X', 'Y'}),
                   rand_tensor((2, 3), 'cd', tags={'2', 'Y'}))
        tn = A & B & C

        ts = tn.select_tensors(('X', 'Y'), which='all')
        assert len(ts) == 1
        assert not any(map(A.almost_equals, ts))
        assert any(map(B.almost_equals, ts))
        assert not any(map(C.almost_equals, ts))

        ts = tn.select_tensors(('X', 'Y'), which='any')
        assert len(ts) == 3
        assert any(map(A.almost_equals, ts))
        assert any(map(B.almost_equals, ts))
        assert any(map(C.almost_equals, ts))
Пример #22
    def test_tensors_sorted(self):
        tn1, tn2 = TensorNetwork([]), TensorNetwork([])
        A, B, C = (rand_tensor((1, 2, 3), 'abc', tags=['I0']),
                   rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), 'bcd', tags=['I1']),
                   rand_tensor((4, 1, 1), 'dae', tags=['I2']))

        tn1 &= A
        tn1 &= B
        tn1 &= C

        tn2 &= C
        tn2 &= A
        tn2 &= B

        for t1, t2 in zip(tn1.tensors_sorted(), tn2.tensors_sorted()):
            assert t1.tags == t2.tags
            assert t1.almost_equals(t2)
Пример #23
 def test_multiply_spread(self):
     a = rand_tensor([2, 2], inds=['a', 'b'], tags='A')
     b = Tensor(a.data, ['b', 'c'], tags='B')
     c = Tensor(a.data, ['c', 'd'], tags='C')
     tn = (a | b | c)
     tn.multiply_(-8j + 1 / 3, spread_over=3)
     assert_allclose(tn['A'].data, tn['B'].data)
     assert_allclose(tn['B'].data, tn['C'].data)
Пример #24
    def test_combining_tensors(self):
        a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=[0, 1, 2], tags='red')
        b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=[1, 2, 3], tags='blue')
        c = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=[3, 0, 4], tags='blue')

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            a & np.array([0, 0])

        abc1 = (a & b & c).H.contract()
        abc2 = (a & (b & c)).H.contract()
        abc3 = (TensorNetwork([a, b, c])).H.contract()
        abc4 = (TensorNetwork([a, TensorNetwork([b, c])])).H.contract()
        abc5 = (TensorNetwork([a]) & TensorNetwork([b, c])).H.contract()

        assert_allclose(abc1.data, abc2.data)
        assert_allclose(abc1.data, abc3.data)
        assert_allclose(abc1.data, abc4.data)
        assert_allclose(abc1.data, abc5.data)
Пример #25
 def test_multiply_spread_neg_stays_real(self):
     a = rand_tensor([2, 2], inds=['a', 'b'], tags='A', dtype='float32')
     b = Tensor(a.data, ['b', 'c'], tags='B')
     c = Tensor(a.data, ['c', 'd'], tags='C')
     tn = (a | b | c)
     assert a.dtype == b.dtype == c.dtype == 'float32'
     assert_allclose(abs(tn['A'].data), abs(tn['B'].data))
     assert_allclose(abs(tn['B'].data), abs(tn['C'].data))
Пример #26
    def test_squeeze(self):
        A, B, C = (rand_tensor((1, 2, 3), 'abc', tags=['I0']),
                   rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), 'bcd', tags=['I1']),
                   rand_tensor((4, 1, 1), 'dae', tags=['I2']))
        tn = A & B & C

        x1 = tn ^ ...
        stn = tn.squeeze()

        assert tn['I0'].shape == (1, 2, 3)
        assert tn['I1'].shape == (2, 3, 4)
        assert tn['I2'].shape == (4, 1, 1)

        assert stn['I0'].shape == (2, 3)
        assert stn['I1'].shape == (2, 3, 4)
        assert stn['I2'].shape == (4, )

        x2 = stn ^ ...
        assert_allclose(x1.data, x2)  # x2 should be scalar already
Пример #27
    def test_cumulative_contract(self):
        a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=[0, 1, 2], tags='red')
        b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=[1, 2, 3], tags='blue')
        c = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=[3, 0, 4], tags='green')

        d = (a & b & c)
        d2 = d.copy()

        cd = d >> ['red', 'green', 'blue']
        assert cd.shape == (6, )
        assert cd.inds == (4, )

        # make sure inplace operations didn't effect original tensor
        for tag, names in d2.tag_map.items():
            assert d.tag_map[tag] == names

        # test inplace
        d >>= ['red', 'green', 'blue']
        assert isinstance(d, Tensor)
Пример #28
    def test_against_dense(self):
        A, B, C, D = (
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'aef'),
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'beg'),
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'cfh'),
            rand_tensor([3, 5, 5], 'dhg'),

        tn = A & B & C & D
        tn_lo = tn.aslinearoperator(('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'))
        tn_d = tn.to_dense(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'])

        u, s, v = qu.svds(tn_lo, k=5, backend='scipy')
        ud, sd, vd = qu.svds(tn_d, k=5, backend='scipy')

        assert_allclose(s, sd)

        # test matmat
        X = np.random.randn(9, 8) + 1.0j * np.random.randn(9, 8)
        assert_allclose(tn_lo.dot(X), tn_d.dot(X))
Пример #29
 def test_split_tensor_no_vals(self, method, linds):
     a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4, 5, 6), inds='abcde', tags='red')
     a_split = a.split(linds, method=method)
     assert len(a_split.tensors) == 2
     if linds == 'abd':
         assert ((a_split.shape == (2, 3, 5, 4, 6))
                 or (a_split.shape == (4, 6, 2, 3, 5)))
     elif linds == 'edc':
         assert ((a_split.shape == (6, 5, 4, 2, 3))
                 or (a_split.shape == (2, 3, 6, 5, 4)))
     assert (a_split ^ ...).almost_equals(a)
Пример #30
    def test_contracting_tensors(self):
        a = rand_tensor((2, 3, 4), inds=[0, 1, 2], tags='red')
        b = rand_tensor((3, 4, 5), inds=[1, 2, 3], tags='blue')
        c = rand_tensor((5, 2, 6), inds=[3, 0, 4], tags='blue')

        a_b_c = a & b & c

        assert isinstance(a_b_c, TensorNetwork)
        a_bc = a_b_c ^ 'blue'
        assert isinstance(a_bc, TensorNetwork)
        assert len(a_bc.tensors) == 2
        abc = a_bc ^ ['red', 'blue']
        assert isinstance(abc, Tensor)
        assert_allclose(abc.data, a_b_c.contract().data)

        assert len(a_b_c.tensors) == 3
        a_b_c ^= 'blue'
        assert len(a_b_c.tensors) == 2