Пример #1
def rand_span(A):
    while 1:
        m, n = A.shape
        v = rand2(m, m)
        A1 = dot2(v, A)
        assert A1.shape == A.shape
        if rank(A) == rank(A1):
    assert rank(intersect(A, A1)) == rank(A)
    return A1
Пример #2
def is_correctable(idxs, n, LxiHx, LziHz, Hx, Hz, Lx, Lz, **kw):
    #print("len(idxs) =", len(idxs))
    #Ax = in_support(LxiHx, idxs)

    A = identity2(n)[idxs]
    Ax = intersect(LxiHx, A)
    Az = intersect(LziHz, A)

    assert dot2(Ax, Hz.transpose()).sum() == 0
    assert dot2(Az, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    if dot2(Ax, Lz.transpose()).sum() == 0 and dot2(Az,
                                                    Lx.transpose()).sum() == 0:
        return True

    if 0:

    return False
Пример #3
def in_support(H, keep_idxs, check=False):  # copied from classical.py
    # find span of H contained within idxs support
    n = H.shape[1]
    remove_idxs = [i for i in range(n) if i not in keep_idxs]
    A = identity2(n)
    A = A[keep_idxs]
    H1 = intersect(A, H)

    if check:
        lhs = set(str(x) for x in span(A))
        rhs = set(str(x) for x in span(H))
        meet = lhs.intersection(rhs)
        assert meet == set(str(x) for x in span(H1))

    return H1
Пример #4
def get_puncture(M, k):
    "k-puncture the rowspace of M"
    m, n = M.shape

    assert 0<=k<=n
    mask = [1]*k + [0]*(n-k)
    I = identity2(n)

    while 1:
        A = I[list(idx for idx in range(n) if mask[idx])]
        assert A.shape == (k, n)
        AM = intersect(A, M)
        if len(AM) == 0:
    #print("get_puncture:", mask)
    #print(M, k)
    idxs = [i for i in range(n) if mask[i]]
    return idxs
Пример #5
def test_code(Hxi, Hzi, Hx, Lx, Lz, Lx0, Lx1, LxiHx, **kw):
    code = CSSCode(Hx=Hxi, Hz=Hzi)

    assert rank(intersect(Lx, code.Lx)) == code.k
    assert rank(intersect(Lz, code.Lz)) == code.k

    verbose = argv.verbose
    decoder = get_decoder(argv, argv.decode, code)

    if decoder is None:

    p = argv.get("p", 0.01)
    N = argv.get("N", 0)

    distance = code.n
    count = 0
    failcount = 0
    nonuniq = 0

    logops = []

    for i in range(N):
        err_op = ra.binomial(1, p, (code.n, ))
        err_op = err_op.astype(numpy.int32)
        op = decoder.decode(p, err_op, verbose=verbose, argv=argv)

        c = 'F'
        success = False
        if op is not None:
            op = (op + err_op) % 2
            # Should be a codeword of Hz (kernel of Hz)
            assert dot2(code.Hz, op).sum() == 0
            write("%d:" % op.sum())

            # Are we in the image of Hx ? If so, then success.
            success = dot2(code.Lz, op).sum() == 0

            if success and op.sum():
                nonuniq += 1

            c = '.' if success else 'x'

            if op.sum() and not success:
                distance = min(distance, op.sum())

            failcount += 1
        write(c + ' ')
        count += success

    if N:
        print("error rate = %.8f" % (1. - 1. * count / (i + 1)))
        print("fail rate = %.8f" % (1. * failcount / (i + 1)))
        print("nonuniq = %d" % nonuniq)
        print("distance <= %d" % distance)

    mx0, mx1 = len(Lx0), len(Lx1)
    LxHx = numpy.concatenate((Lx0, Lx1, Hx))
    for op in logops:
        K = solve(LxHx.transpose(), op)
        K.shape = (1, len(K))
        print(shortstrx(K[:, :mx0], K[:, mx0:mx0 + mx1], K[:, mx0 + mx1:]))
Пример #6
def test_puncture(A, B, ma, na, mb, nb, Ina, Ima, Inb, Imb, ka, kb, kat, kbt, k,
    KerA, KerB, CokerA, CokerB,
    Lzi, Lxi, Hzi, Hxi,

    I = identity2

    assert ka - na + ma -kat == 0 
    assert kb - nb + mb -kbt == 0 

    #print("ka=%s, kat=%s, kb=%s, kbt=%s"%(ka, kat, kb, kbt))
    assert k == ka*kbt + kat*kb == len(Lzi) == len(Lxi)

    kernel = lambda X : find_kernel(X).transpose() # use convention in paper
    KerA = KerA.transpose() # use convention in paper
    KerB = KerB.transpose() # use convention in paper
    #CokerA = CokerA.transpose() # use convention in paper
    #CokerB = CokerB.transpose() # use convention in paper

    assert CokerA.shape == (kat, ma)
    assert CokerB.shape == (kbt, mb)

    blocks = [
        [kron(KerA, Imb), zeros2(na*mb, ma*kb), kron(Ina, B)],
        [zeros2(ma*nb, ka*mb), kron(Ima, KerB), kron(A,Inb)],
    print("blocks:", [[X.shape for X in row] for row in blocks])


    Mv = cat((blocks[0][0], blocks[0][2]), axis=1)
    Mh = cat((blocks[1][0], blocks[1][2]), axis=1)
    M = cat((Mv, Mh), axis=0)
    KM = kernel(M)

    Mv = cat(blocks[0], axis=1)
    Mh = cat(blocks[1], axis=1)
    M = cat((Mv, Mh), axis=0)

    x = kron(I(ka), B)
    dot2(blocks[0][0], x)

    y = zeros2(blocks[0][1].shape[1], x.shape[1])
    dot2(blocks[0][1], y)

    z = kron(KerA, I(nb))
    dot2(blocks[0][2], z)


    xz = cat((x, z), axis=0)
    xyz = cat((x, y, z), axis=0)
    assert dot2(M, xyz).sum() == 0
    print("xyz:", xyz.shape)
    assert len(find_kernel(xyz))==0

    assert rowspan_eq(KM.transpose(), xz.transpose())

    print("kernel(M):", kernel(M).shape)

    Hzt = cat((blocks[0][2], blocks[1][2]), axis=0)
    #print("kernel(Hzt):", kernel(Hzt).shape)
    KHzt = kernel(Hzt)
    #assert KHzt.shape[1] == 0, (KHzt.shape,)
    print("kernel(Hzt):", KHzt.shape)
    Hx = cat((kron(A, I(mb)), kron(I(ma), B)), axis=1)


    #R = CokerB
    #R = rand2(CokerB.shape[0], CokerB.shape[1])
    #R = rand2(mb, 1)
    #R = CokerB[:, 0:1]

    if argv.puncture and 1:
        idxs = get_puncture(B.transpose(), kbt)
        print("get_puncture:", idxs)
        R = zeros2(mb, len(idxs))
        for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
            R[idx, i] = 1
    elif argv.puncture:
        idxs = get_puncture(B.transpose(), kbt)
        R = zeros2(mb, 1)
        R[idxs] = 1
    elif argv.identity2:
        R = I(mb)
        R = B[:, :1]

    #R = rand2(mb, 100)
    lzt = cat((kron(KerA, R), zeros2(ma*nb, KerA.shape[1]*R.shape[1])), axis=0)
    print("lzt:", lzt.shape)
    print("Hzt:", Hzt.shape)

    assert dot2(Hx, lzt).sum()==0

    lz = lzt.transpose()
    Hz = Hzt.transpose()
    print(rank(lz), rank(Hz), rank(intersect(lz, Hz)))

    result = rowspan_le(lzt.transpose(), Hzt.transpose())
    print("lzt <= Hzt:", result)
    if argv.puncture:
        assert not result
        assert not rank(intersect(lz, Hz))

Пример #7
def test(A, B, ma, na, mb, nb, Ina, Ima, Inb, Imb, ka, kb, kat, kbt, k,
    KerA, KerB, CokerA, CokerB,
    Lzi, Lxi, Hzi, Hxi,

    #print("ka=%s, kat=%s, kb=%s, kbt=%s"%(ka, kat, kb, kbt))
    assert k == ka*kbt + kat*kb == len(Lzi) == len(Lxi)

    KerA = KerA.transpose() # use convention in paper
    KerB = KerB.transpose() # use convention in paper
    CokerA = CokerA.transpose() # use convention in paper
    CokerB = CokerB.transpose() # use convention in paper

    blocks = [
        [kron(KerA, Imb), zeros2(na*mb, ma*kb), kron(Ina, B)],
        [zeros2(ma*nb, ka*mb), kron(Ima, KerB), kron(A,Inb)],
    print("blocks:", [[X.shape for X in row] for row in blocks])


    Hzt = cat((blocks[0][2], blocks[1][2]), axis=0)
    K = find_kernel(Hzt)
    assert len(K) == ka*kb # see proof of Lemma 3

    Lzv = cat((blocks[0][0], blocks[1][0])).transpose()
    Lzh = cat((blocks[0][1], blocks[1][1])).transpose()
    assert dot2(Hxi, Lzv.transpose()).sum() == 0

#    Hz = Hzt.transpose()
#    Hzi = linear_independent(Hz)
#    Lzhi = independent_logops(Lzh, Hzi, verbose=True)
#    print("Lzhi:", Lzhi.shape)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # basis for all logops, including stabilizers
    lz = find_kernel(Hxi) # returns transpose of kernel
    #lz = rand_rowspan(lz)
    #print("lz:", lz.shape)
    assert len(lz) == k+len(Hzi)

    # vertical qubits
    Iv = cat((identity2(na*mb), zeros2(ma*nb, na*mb)), axis=0).transpose()
    # horizontal qubits
    Ih = cat((zeros2(na*mb, ma*nb), identity2(ma*nb)), axis=0).transpose()
    assert len(intersect(Iv, Ih))==0 # sanity check

    # now restrict these logops to vertical qubits
    #print("Iv:", Iv.shape)
    lzv = intersect(Iv, lz)
    #print("lzv:", lzv.shape)

    J = intersect(lzv, Lzv)
    assert len(J) == len(lzv)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # now we manually build _lz supported on vertical qubits
    x = rand2(ka*mb, ka*nb)
    y = kron(KerA, Inb)
    assert eq2(dot2(blocks[0][2], y), kron(KerA, B))
    v = (dot2(blocks[0][0], x) + dot2(blocks[0][2], y)) % 2
    h = zeros2(ma*nb, v.shape[1])
    _lzt = cat((v, h))
    assert dot2(Hxi, _lzt).sum() == 0
    _lz = _lzt.transpose()
    _lz = linear_independent(_lz)

    assert len(intersect(_lz, Ih)) == 0
    assert len(intersect(_lz, Iv)) == len(_lz)

    J = intersect(_lz, lz)
    assert len(J) == len(_lz)

    J = intersect(_lz, Lzv)
    #print(J.shape, _lz.shape, Lzv.shape)
    assert len(J) == len(_lz)

    if 0:
        V = cat(blocks[0][:2], axis=1)
        H = cat(blocks[1][:2], axis=1)
        X = cat((V, H), axis=0)
        K = find_kernel(X)
        V = cat(blocks[0], axis=1)
        H = cat(blocks[1], axis=1)
        X = cat((V, H), axis=0)
        K = find_kernel(X)
        I = cat((identity2(ka*mb+ma*kb), zeros2(ka*mb+ma*kb, na*nb)), axis=1)
        J = intersect(K, I)
        print("J:", J.shape)
Пример #8
def hypergraph_product(C, D, check=False):
    print("hypergraph_product:", C.shape, D.shape)
    print("distance:", classical_distance(C))

    c0, c1 = C.shape
    d0, d1 = D.shape

    E1 = identity2(c0)
    E2 = identity2(d0)
    M1 = identity2(c1)
    M2 = identity2(d1)

    Hx0 = kron(M1, D.transpose()), kron(C.transpose(), M2)
    Hx = numpy.concatenate(Hx0, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    Hz0 = kron(C, E2), kron(E1, D)
    #print("Hz0:", Hz0[0].shape, Hz0[1].shape)
    Hz = numpy.concatenate(Hz0, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    assert dot2(Hz, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    n = Hx.shape[1]
    assert Hz.shape[1] == n

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Build Lx

    KerC = find_kernel(C)
    #KerC = min_span(KerC) # does not seem to matter... ??
    assert KerC.shape[1] == c1
    K = KerC.transpose()
    E = identity2(d0)


    Lxt0 = kron(K, E), zeros2(c0 * d1, K.shape[1] * d0)
    Lxt0 = numpy.concatenate(Lxt0, axis=0)
    assert dot2(Hz, Lxt0).sum() == 0

    K = find_kernel(D).transpose()
    assert K.shape[0] == d1
    E = identity2(c0)

    Lxt1 = zeros2(c1 * d0, K.shape[1] * c0), kron(E, K)
    Lxt1 = numpy.concatenate(Lxt1, axis=0)
    assert dot2(Hz, Lxt1).sum() == 0

    Lxt = numpy.concatenate((Lxt0, Lxt1), axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate
    Lx = Lxt.transpose()

    assert dot2(Hz, Lxt).sum() == 0

    # These are linearly dependent, but
    # once we add stabilizers it will be reduced:
    assert rank(Lx) == len(Lx)

    if 0:
        # ---------------------------------------------------

        k = get_k(Lx, Hx)
        print("k =", k)

        left, right = [], []

        draw = Draw(c0, c1, d0, d1)
        cols = []
        for j in range(d0):  # col
            col = []
            for i in range(len(KerC)):  # logical
                op = Lx[i * d0 + j]
                if j == i:
                if j < d0 / 2:


        left = array2(left)
        right = array2(right)

        print(get_k(left, Hx))
        print(get_k(right, Hx))


    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Build Lz

    counit = lambda n: unit2(n).transpose()

    K = find_cokernel(D)  # matrix of row vectors
    #E = counit(c1)
    E = identity2(c1)
    Lz0 = kron(E, K), zeros2(K.shape[0] * c1, c0 * d1)
    Lz0 = numpy.concatenate(Lz0, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    assert dot2(Lz0, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    K = find_cokernel(C)
    #E = counit(d1)
    E = identity2(d1)
    Lz1 = zeros2(K.shape[0] * d1, c1 * d0), kron(K, E)
    Lz1 = numpy.concatenate(Lz1, axis=1)  # horizontal concatenate

    Lz = numpy.concatenate((Lz0, Lz1), axis=0)

    assert dot2(Lz, Hx.transpose()).sum() == 0

    overlap = 0
    for lx in Lx:
        for lz in Lz:
            w = (lx * lz).sum()
            overlap = max(overlap, w)
    assert overlap <= 1, overlap
    #print("max overlap:", overlap)

    assert rank(Hx) == len(Hx)
    assert rank(Hz) == len(Hz)
    mx = len(Hx)
    mz = len(Hz)

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    Lxs = []
    for op in Lx:
        op = (op + Hx) % 2
    LxHx = numpy.concatenate(Lxs)
    LxHx = row_reduce(LxHx)
    print("LxHx:", len(LxHx))
    assert LxHx.shape[1] == n
    print(len(intersect(LxHx, Hx)), mx)
    assert len(intersect(LxHx, Hx)) == mx

    Lzs = []
    for op in Lz:
        op = (op + Hz) % 2
    LzHz = numpy.concatenate(Lzs)
    LzHz = row_reduce(LzHz)
    print("LzHz:", len(LzHz))
    assert LzHz.shape[1] == n

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Remove excess logops.

    #    print("remove_dependent")
    #    # -------- Lx
    #    Lx, Lx1 = mk_disjoint_logops(Lx, Hx)
    #    # -------- Lz
    #    Lz, Lz1 = mk_disjoint_logops(Lz, Hz)

    # --------------------------------
    # independent_logops for Lx

    k = get_k(Lx, Hx)

    idxs0, idxs1 = [], []

    for j in range(d0):  # col
        for i in range(c1):
            idx = j + i * d0
            if j < d0 // 2:

    Lx0 = in_support(LxHx, idxs0)
    Lx0 = independent_logops(Lx0, Hx)
    k0 = (len(Lx0))

    Lx1 = in_support(LxHx, idxs1)
    Lx1 = independent_logops(Lx1, Hx)
    k1 = (len(Lx1))
    assert k0 == k1 == k, (k0, k1, k)

    # --------------------------------
    # independent_logops for Lz

    idxs0, idxs1 = [], []

    for j in range(d0):  # col
        for i in range(c1):
            idx = j + i * d0
            if i < c1 // 2:

    Lz0 = in_support(LzHz, idxs0)
    Lz0 = independent_logops(Lz0, Hz)
    k0 = (len(Lz0))

    Lz1 = in_support(LzHz, idxs1)
    Lz1 = independent_logops(Lz1, Hz)
    k1 = (len(Lz1))
    assert k0 == k1 == k, (k0, k1, k)

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    #assert eq2(dot2(Lz, Lxt), identity2(k))
    assert mx + mz + k == n

    print("mx = %d, mz = %d, k = %d : n = %d" % (mx, mz, k, n))

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    #    if Lx1 is None:
    #        return
    #    if Lz1 is None:
    #        return

    # ---------------------------------------------------

    op = zeros2(n)
    for lx in Lx0:
        for lz in Lz0:
            lxz = lx * lz
            #print(op.shape, lxz.shape)
            op += lxz

    for lx in Lx1:
        for lz in Lz1:
            lxz = lx * lz
            #print(op.shape, lxz.shape)
            op += lxz

    idxs = numpy.where(op)[0]
    print("correctable region size = %d" % len(idxs))

    Lx, Lz = Lx0, Lz0

    Lxs = []
    for op in Lx:
        op = (op + Hx) % 2
    LxHx = numpy.concatenate(Lxs)
    LxHx = row_reduce(LxHx)
    assert LxHx.shape[1] == n

    Lzs = []
    for op in Lz:
        op = (op + Hz) % 2
    LzHz = numpy.concatenate(Lzs)
    LzHz = row_reduce(LzHz)
    assert LzHz.shape[1] == n

    if argv.draw:

    good = is_correctable(n, idxs, LxHx, LzHz)
    assert good


    # ---------------------------------------------------

    if argv.code:
        print("code = CSSCode()")
        code = CSSCode(Hx=Hx,

        if check:
            U = solve(Lx.transpose(), code.Lx.transpose())
            assert U is not None
            assert eq2(dot2(U.transpose(), Lx), code.Lx)

        if 0:
            Lx, Lz = code.Lx, code.Lz
            print("Lx:", Lx.shape)
            print("Lz:", Lz.shape)