Пример #1
def weighted_bipartite_matching(A, perm_type='row'):
    Returns an array of row permutations that attempts to maximize
    the product of the ABS values of the diagonal elements in
    a nonsingular square CSC sparse matrix. Such a permutation is
    always possible provided that the matrix is nonsingular.

    This function looks at both the structure and ABS values of the
    underlying matrix.

    A : csc_matrix
        Input matrix

    perm_type : str {'row', 'column'}
        Type of permutation to generate.

    perm : array
        Array of row or column permutations.

    This function uses a weighted maximum cardinality bipartite matching
    algorithm based on breadth-first search (BFS).  The columns are weighted
    according to the element of max ABS value in the associated rows and
    are traversed in descending order by weight.  When performing the BFS
    traversal, the row associated to a given column is the one with maximum
    weight. Unlike other techniques[1]_, this algorithm does not guarantee the
    product of the diagonal is maximized.  However, this limitation is offset
    by the substantially faster runtime of this method.

    .. [1] I. S. Duff and J. Koster, "The design and use of algorithms for
    permuting large entries to the diagonal of sparse matrices", SIAM J.
    Matrix Anal. and Applics. 20, no. 4, 889 (1997).

    nrows = A.shape[0]
    if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('weighted_bfs_matching requires a square matrix.')

    if sp.isspmatrix_csr(A) or sp.isspmatrix_coo(A):
        A = A.tocsc()
    elif not sp.isspmatrix_csc(A):
        raise TypeError("matrix must be in CSC, CSR, or COO format.")

    if perm_type == 'column':
        A = A.transpose().tocsc()

    perm = _weighted_bipartite_matching(
        np.asarray(np.abs(A.data), dtype=float), A.indices, A.indptr, nrows)

    if np.any(perm == -1):
        raise Exception('Possibly singular input matrix.')

    return perm
Пример #2
def weighted_bipartite_matching(A, perm_type="row"):
    Returns an array of row permutations that attempts to maximize
    the product of the ABS values of the diagonal elements in
    a nonsingular square CSC sparse matrix. Such a permutation is
    always possible provided that the matrix is nonsingular.

    This function looks at both the structure and ABS values of the
    underlying matrix.

    A : csc_matrix
        Input matrix

    perm_type : str {'row', 'column'}
        Type of permutation to generate.

    perm : array
        Array of row or column permutations.

    This function uses a weighted maximum cardinality bipartite matching
    algorithm based on breadth-first search (BFS).  The columns are weighted
    according to the element of max ABS value in the associated rows and
    are traversed in descending order by weight.  When performing the BFS
    traversal, the row associated to a given column is the one with maximum
    weight. Unlike other techniques[1]_, this algorithm does not guarantee the
    product of the diagonal is maximized.  However, this limitation is offset
    by the substantially faster runtime of this method.

    .. [1] I. S. Duff and J. Koster, "The design and use of algorithms for
    permuting large entries to the diagonal of sparse matrices", SIAM J.
    Matrix Anal. and Applics. 20, no. 4, 889 (1997).

    nrows = A.shape[0]
    if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("weighted_bfs_matching requires a square matrix.")

    if sp.isspmatrix_csr(A) or sp.isspmatrix_coo(A):
        A = A.tocsc()
    elif not sp.isspmatrix_csc(A):
        raise TypeError("matrix must be in CSC, CSR, or COO format.")

    if perm_type == "column":
        A = A.transpose().tocsc()

    perm = _weighted_bipartite_matching(np.asarray(np.abs(A.data), dtype=float), A.indices, A.indptr, nrows)

    if np.any(perm == -1):
        raise Exception("Possibly singular input matrix.")

    return perm