Пример #1
def propagator_steadystate(U):
    """Find the steady state for successive applications of the propagator

    U : qobj
        Operator representing the propagator.

    a : qobj
        Instance representing the steady-state density matrix.


    evals, evecs = la.eig(U.full())

    ev_min, ev_idx = _get_min_and_index(abs(evals - 1.0))

    evecs = evecs.T
    rho = Qobj(vec2mat(evecs[ev_idx]), dims=U.dims[0])
    rho = rho * (1.0 / rho.tr())
    rho = 0.5 * (rho + rho.dag())  # make sure rho is herm
    return rho
Пример #2
def test_QobjFull():
    "Qobj full"
    data = np.random.random(
        (15, 15)) + 1j * np.random.random((15, 15)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    b = A.full()
    assert_(np.all(b - data == 0))
Пример #3
def _init_ptrace_stuff(sel):
    psi0 = Qobj(config.psi0,
                                       np.array(sel) + 1,
Пример #4
def test_QobjExpmExplicitlySparse():
    "Qobj expm (sparse)"
    data = np.random.random(
        (15, 15)) + 1j * np.random.random((15, 15)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    B = A.expm(method='sparse')
    assert_((B.data.todense() - np.matrix(la.expm(data)) < 1e-10).all())
Пример #5
def test_QobjHerm():
    "Qobj Hermicity"
    N = 10
    data = np.random.random(
        (N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    q = Qobj(data)
    assert_equal(q.isherm, False)

    data = data + data.conj().T
    q = Qobj(data)

    q_a = destroy(5)
    assert_(not q_a.isherm)

    q_ad = create(5)
    assert_(not q_ad.isherm)

    # test addition of two nonhermitian operators adding up to a hermitian one
    q_x = q_a + q_ad
    assert_(q_x.isherm)  # isherm use the _isherm cache from q_a + q_ad
    q_x._isherm = None   # reset _isherm cache
    assert_(q_x.isherm)  # recalculate _isherm

    # test addition of one hermitan and one nonhermitian operator
    q = q_x + q_a
    assert_(not q.isherm)
    q._isherm = None
    assert_(not q.isherm)

    # test addition of two hermitan operators
    q = q_x + q_x
    q._isherm = None
Пример #6
def _steadystate_svd_dense(L, ss_args):
    Find the steady state(s) of an open quantum system by solving for the
    nullspace of the Liouvillian.
    ss_args['info'].pop('weight', None)
    atol = 1e-12
    rtol = 1e-12
    if settings.debug:
        logger.debug('Starting SVD solver.')
    _svd_start = time.time()
    u, s, vh = svd(L.full(), full_matrices=False)
    tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
    nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
    ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T
    _svd_end = time.time()
    ss_args['info']['solution_time'] = _svd_end-_svd_start
    if ss_args['all_states']:
        rhoss_list = []
        for n in range(ns.shape[1]):
            rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, n]), dims=L.dims[0])
            rhoss_list.append(rhoss / rhoss.tr())
        if ss_args['return_info']:
            return rhoss_list, ss_args['info']
            if ss_args['return_info']:
                return rhoss_list, ss_args['info']
                return rhoss_list
        rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, 0]), dims=L.dims[0])
        return rhoss / rhoss.tr()
Пример #7
def floquet_master_equation_tensor(Alist, f_energies):
    Construct a tensor that represents the master equation in the floquet
    basis (with constant Hamiltonian and collapse operators).

    Simplest RWA approximation [Grifoni et al, Phys.Rep. 304 229 (1998)]


    Alist : list
        A list of Floquet-Markov master equation rate matrices.

    f_energies : array
        The Floquet energies.


    output : array

        The Floquet-Markov master equation tensor `R`.


    if isinstance(Alist, list):
        # Alist can be a list of rate matrices corresponding
        # to different operators that couple to the environment
        N, M = np.shape(Alist[0])
        # or a simple rate matrix, in which case we put it in a list
        Alist = [Alist]
        N, M = np.shape(Alist[0])

    R = Qobj(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((N * N, N * N)), [[N, N], [N, N]],
             [N * N, N * N])

    R.data = R.data.tolil()
    for I in range(N * N):
        a, b = vec2mat_index(N, I)
        for J in range(N * N):
            c, d = vec2mat_index(N, J)

            R.data[I, J] = -1.0j * (f_energies[a] - f_energies[b]) * \
                (a == c) * (b == d)

            for A in Alist:
                s1 = s2 = 0
                for n in range(N):
                    s1 += A[a, n] * (n == c) * (n == d) - A[n, a] * \
                        (a == c) * (a == d)
                    s2 += (A[n, a] + A[n, b]) * (a == c) * (b == d)

                dR = (a == b) * s1 - 0.5 * (1 - (a == b)) * s2

                if dR != 0.0:
                    R.data[I, J] += dR

    R.data = R.data.tocsr()
    return R
Пример #8
def test_QobjExpm():
    "Qobj expm (dense)"
    data = np.random.random(
        (15, 15)) + 1j * np.random.random((15, 15)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    B = A.expm()
    assert_((B.data.todense() - np.matrix(la.expm(data)) < 1e-10).all())
Пример #9
def _steadystate_eigen(L, ss_args):
    Internal function for solving the steady state problem by
    finding the eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue
    of the Liouvillian using ARPACK.
    if settings.debug:
        print('Starting Eigen solver...')

    dims = L.dims[0]
    shape = prod(dims[0])
    L = L.data.tocsc()

    if ss_args['use_rcm']:
        if settings.debug:
            old_band = sp_bandwidth(L)[0]
            print('Original bandwidth:', old_band)
        perm = reverse_cuthill_mckee(L)
        rev_perm = np.argsort(perm)
        L = sp_permute(L, perm, perm, 'csc')
        if settings.debug:
            rcm_band = sp_bandwidth(L)[0]
            print('RCM bandwidth:', rcm_band)
            print('Bandwidth reduction factor:', round(old_band/rcm_band, 1))

    eigval, eigvec = eigs(L, k=1, sigma=1e-15, tol=ss_args['tol'],
                          which='LM', maxiter=ss_args['maxiter'])

    if ss_args['use_rcm']:
        eigvec = eigvec[np.ix_(rev_perm,)]

    data = vec2mat(eigvec)
    data = 0.5 * (data + data.conj().T)
    out = Qobj(data, dims=dims, isherm=True)
    return out/out.tr()
Пример #10
def _steadystate_svd_dense(L, atol=1e-12, rtol=0, all_steadystates=False,
    Find the steady state(s) of an open quantum system by solving for the
    nullspace of the Liouvillian.
    if verbose:
        print('Starting SVD solver...')
        start_time = time.time()

    u, s, vh = svd(L.full(), full_matrices=False)
    tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
    nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
    ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T

    if verbose:
        print('SVD solver time: ', time.time() - start_time)

    if all_steadystates:
        rhoss_list = []
        for n in range(ns.shape[1]):
            rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, n]), dims=L.dims[0])
            rhoss_list.append(rhoss / rhoss.tr())
        return rhoss_list

        rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, 0]), dims=L.dims[0])
        return rhoss / rhoss.tr()
Пример #11
def test_QobjDiagonals():
    "Qobj diagonals"
    data = np.random.random(
        (5, 5)) + 1j * np.random.random((5, 5)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    b = A.diag()
    assert_(np.all(b - np.diag(data) == 0))
Пример #12
def test_Qobj_sqrtm():
    "Qobj sqrtm"
    data = np.random.random(
        (5, 5)) + 1j * np.random.random((5, 5)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    B = A.sqrtm()
    assert_(A == B * B)
Пример #13
def _steadystate_svd_dense(L, ss_args):
    Find the steady state(s) of an open quantum system by solving for the
    nullspace of the Liouvillian.
    atol = 1e-12
    rtol = 1e-12
    if settings.debug:
        print('Starting SVD solver...')

    u, s, vh = svd(L.full(), full_matrices=False)
    tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
    nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
    ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T

    if ss_args['all_states']:
        rhoss_list = []
        for n in range(ns.shape[1]):
            rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, n]), dims=L.dims[0])
            rhoss_list.append(rhoss / rhoss.tr())
        return rhoss_list

        rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, 0]), dims=L.dims[0])
        return rhoss / rhoss.tr()
Пример #14
def test_QobjMulNonsquareDims():
    Qobj: multiplication w/ non-square qobj.dims

    Checks for regression of #331.
    data = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])

    q1 = Qobj(data)
    q2 = Qobj(data)

    assert_equal((q1 * q2).dims, [[2, 1], [2]])
    assert_equal((q2 * q1.dag()).dims, [[2], [2, 1]])

    # Note that this is [[2], [2]] instead of [[2, 1], [2, 1]],
    # as matching dimensions of 1 are implicitly partial traced out.
    # (See #331.)
    assert_equal((q1 * q2 * q1.dag()).dims, [[2], [2]])
    # Because of the above, we also need to check for extra indices
    # that aren't of length 1.
    q1 = Qobj([[ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j],
         [ 0.+0.j,  1.+0.j],
         [ 0.+0.j,  1.+0.j],
         [ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j],
         [ 0.+0.j,  0.-1.j],
         [ 0.+1.j,  0.+0.j],
         [ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j],
         [ 0.+0.j, -1.+0.j]
     ], dims=[[4, 2], [2]])

    assert_equal((q1 * q2 * q1.dag()).dims, [[4, 2], [4, 2]])
Пример #15
def rand_ket(N, density=1, dims=None):
    """Creates a random Nx1 sparse ket vector.

    N : int
        Number of rows for output quantum operator.
    density : float
        Density between [0,1] of output ket state.
    dims : list
        Left-dimensions of quantum object.  Used for specifying
        tensor structure. Default is dims=[[N]].

    oper : qobj
        Nx1 ket state quantum operator.

    if dims:
        _check_ket_dims(dims, N)
    X = sp.rand(N, 1, density, format="csr")
    X.data = X.data - 0.5
    Y = X.copy()
    Y.data = 1.0j * (np.random.random(len(X.data)) - 0.5)
    X = X + Y
    X = Qobj(X)
    if dims:
        return Qobj(X / X.norm(), dims=[dims, [1]], shape=[N, 1])
        return Qobj(X / X.norm())
Пример #16
def operator_to_vector(op):
    Create a vector representation of a quantum operator given
    the matrix representation.
    q = Qobj()
    q.dims = [op.dims, [1]]
    q.data = sp_reshape(op.data.T, (np.prod(op.shape), 1))
    return q
Пример #17
def vector_to_operator(op):
    Create a matrix representation given a quantum operator in
    vector form.
    q = Qobj()
    q.dims = op.dims[0]
    q.data = sp_reshape(op.data.T, q.shape).T
    return q
Пример #18
def test_QobjDagger():
    "Qobj adjoint (dagger)"
    data = np.random.random((5, 5)) + 1j * np.random.random((5, 5)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    B = A.dag()
    assert_(np.all(B.data.todense() - np.matrix(data.conj().T) == 0))
    assert_equal(A.isherm, B.isherm)
    assert_equal(A.type, B.type)
    assert_equal(A.superrep, B.superrep)
Пример #19
def test_QobjConjugate():
    "Qobj conjugate"
    data = np.random.random((5, 5)) + 1j * np.random.random((5, 5)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    A = Qobj(data)
    B = A.conj()
    assert_(np.all(B.data.todense() - np.matrix(data.conj()) == 0))
    assert_equal(A.isherm, B.isherm)
    assert_equal(A.type, B.type)
    assert_equal(A.superrep, B.superrep)
Пример #20
def vector_to_operator(op):
    Create a matrix representation given a quantum operator in
    vector form.
    q = Qobj()
    q.dims = op.dims[0]
    n = int(np.sqrt(op.shape[0]))
    q.data = sp_reshape(op.data.T, (n, n)).T
    return q
Пример #21
def test_QobjEigenStates():
    "Qobj eigenstates"
    data = np.eye(5)
    A = Qobj(data)
    b, c = A.eigenstates()
    assert_(np.all(b - np.ones(5) == 0))

    kets = [basis(5, k) for k in range(5)]

    for k in range(5):
        assert_(c[k] == kets[k])
Пример #22
def rand_unitary_haar(N=2, dims=None):
    Returns a Haar random unitary matrix of dimension
    ``dim``, using the algorithm of [Mez07]_.

    N : int
        Dimension of the unitary to be returned.
    dims : list of lists of int, or None
        Dimensions of quantum object.  Used for specifying
        tensor structure. Default is dims=[[N],[N]].

    U : Qobj
        Unitary of dims ``[[dim], [dim]]`` drawn from the Haar
    if dims is not None:
        _check_dims(dims, N, N)
        dims = [[N], [N]]

    # Mez01 STEP 1: Generate an N × N matrix Z of complex standard
    #               normal random variates.
    Z = randnz((N, N))

    # Mez01 STEP 2: Find a QR decomposition Z = Q · R.
    Q, R = la.qr(Z)

    # Mez01 STEP 3: Create a diagonal matrix Lambda by rescaling
    #               the diagonal elements of R.
    Lambda = np.diag(R).copy()
    Lambda /= np.abs(Lambda)

    # Mez01 STEP 4: Note that R' := Λ¯¹ · R has real and
    #               strictly positive elements, such that
    #               Q' = Q · Λ is Haar distributed.
    # NOTE: Λ is a diagonal matrix, represented as a vector
    #       of the diagonal entries. Thus, the matrix dot product
    #       is represented nicely by the NumPy broadcasting of
    #       the *scalar* multiplication. In particular,
    #       Q · Λ = Q_ij Λ_jk = Q_ij δ_jk λ_k = Q_ij λ_j.
    #       As NumPy arrays, Q has shape (N, N) and
    #       Lambda has shape (N, ), such that the broadcasting
    #       represents precisely Q_ij λ_j.
    U = Qobj(Q * Lambda)
    U.dims = dims
    return U
Пример #23
def steadystate_nonlinear(L_func, rho0, args={}, maxiter=10,
                          random_initial_state=False, tol=1e-6, itertol=1e-5,
                          use_umfpack=True, verbose=False):
    Steady state for the evolution subject to the nonlinear Liouvillian
    (which depends on the density matrix).

    .. note:: Experimental. Not at all certain that the inverse power method
              works for state-dependent Liouvillian operators.
    use_solver(assumeSortedIndices=True, useUmfpack=use_umfpack)
    if random_initial_state:
        rhoss = rand_dm(rho0.shape[0], 1.0, dims=rho0.dims)
    elif isket(rho0):
        rhoss = ket2dm(rho0)
        rhoss = Qobj(rho0)

    v = mat2vec(rhoss.full())

    n = prod(rhoss.shape)
    tr_vec = sp.eye(rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[0], format='coo')
    tr_vec = tr_vec.reshape((1, n))

    it = 0
    while it < maxiter:

        L = L_func(rhoss, args)
        L = L.data.tocsc() - (tol ** 2) * sp.eye(n, n, format='csc')

        v = spsolve(L, v, use_umfpack=use_umfpack)
        v = v / la.norm(v, np.inf)

        data = v / sum(tr_vec.dot(v))
        data = reshape(data, (rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[1])).T
        rhoss.data = sp.csr_matrix(data)

        it += 1

        if la.norm(L * v, np.inf) <= tol:

    if it >= maxiter:
        raise ValueError('Failed to find steady state after ' +
                         str(maxiter) + ' iterations')

    rhoss = 0.5 * (rhoss + rhoss.dag())
    return rhoss.tidyup() if qset.auto_tidyup else rhoss
Пример #24
def test_QobjEigenEnergies():
    "Qobj eigenenergies"
    data = np.eye(5)
    A = Qobj(data)
    b = A.eigenenergies()
    assert_(np.all(b - np.ones(5) == 0))

    data = np.diag(np.arange(10))
    A = Qobj(data)
    b = A.eigenenergies()
    assert_(np.all(b - np.arange(10) == 0))

    data = np.diag(np.arange(10))
    A = 5 * Qobj(data)
    b = A.eigenenergies()
    assert_(np.all(b - 5 * np.arange(10) == 0))
Пример #25
def _steadystate_eigen(L, ss_args):
    Internal function for solving the steady state problem by
    finding the eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue
    of the Liouvillian using ARPACK.
    ss_args['info'].pop('weight', None)
    if settings.debug:
        logger.debug('Starting Eigen solver.')

    dims = L.dims[0]
    L = L.data.tocsc()

    if ss_args['use_rcm']:
        if settings.debug:
            old_band = sp_bandwidth(L)[0]
            logger.debug('Original bandwidth: %i' % old_band)
        perm = reverse_cuthill_mckee(L)
        rev_perm = np.argsort(perm)
        L = sp_permute(L, perm, perm, 'csc')
        if settings.debug:
            rcm_band = sp_bandwidth(L)[0]
            logger.debug('RCM bandwidth: %i' % rcm_band)
            logger.debug('Bandwidth reduction factor: %f' %

    _eigen_start = time.time()
    eigval, eigvec = eigs(L, k=1, sigma=1e-15, tol=ss_args['tol'],
                          which='LM', maxiter=ss_args['maxiter'])
    _eigen_end = time.time()
    ss_args['info']['solution_time'] = _eigen_end - _eigen_start
    if ss_args['return_info']:
        ss_args['info']['residual_norm'] = la.norm(L*eigvec, np.inf)
    if ss_args['use_rcm']:
        eigvec = eigvec[np.ix_(rev_perm,)]
    _temp = vec2mat(eigvec)
    data = dense2D_to_fastcsr_fmode(_temp, _temp.shape[0], _temp.shape[1])
    data = 0.5 * (data + data.H)
    out = Qobj(data, dims=dims, isherm=True)
    if ss_args['return_info']:
        return out/out.tr(), ss_args['info']
        return out/out.tr()
Пример #26
def _steadystate_power(L, ss_args):
    Inverse power method for steady state solving.
    if settings.debug:
        print('Starting iterative power method Solver...')
    rhoss = Qobj()
    sflag = issuper(L)
    if sflag:
        rhoss.dims = L.dims[0]
        rhoss.dims = [L.dims[0], 1]
    n = prod(rhoss.shape)
    L = L.data.tocsc() - (tol ** 2) * sp.eye(n, n, format='csc')
    v = mat2vec(rand_dm(rhoss.shape[0], 0.5 / rhoss.shape[0] + 0.5).full())

    it = 0
    while (la.norm(L * v, np.inf) > tol) and (it < maxiter):
        v = spsolve(L, v)
        v = v / la.norm(v, np.inf)
        it += 1
    if it >= maxiter:
        raise Exception('Failed to find steady state after ' +
                        str(maxiter) + ' iterations')
    # normalise according to type of problem
    if sflag:
        trow = sp.eye(rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[0], format='coo')
        trow = sp_reshape(trow, (1, n))
        data = v / sum(trow.dot(v))
        data = data / la.norm(v)

    data = sp.csr_matrix(vec2mat(data))
    rhoss.data = 0.5 * (data + data.conj().T)
    rhoss.isherm = True

    return rhoss
Пример #27
def rand_herm(N, density=0.75, dims=None):
    """Creates a random NxN sparse Hermitian quantum object.

    Uses :math:`H=X+X^{+}` where :math:`X` is
    a randomly generated quantum operator with a given `density`.

    N : int
        Shape of output quantum operator.
    density : float
        Density between [0,1] of output Hermitian operator.
    dims : list
        Dimensions of quantum object.  Used for specifying
        tensor structure. Default is dims=[[N],[N]].

    oper : qobj
        NxN Hermitian quantum operator.

    if dims:
        _check_dims(dims, N, N)
    # to get appropriate density of output
    # Hermitian operator must convert via:
    herm_density = 2.0 * arcsin(density) / pi

    X = sp.rand(N, N, herm_density, format='csr')
    X.data = X.data - 0.5
    Y = X.copy()
    Y.data = 1.0j * np.random.random(len(X.data)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    X = X + Y
    X = Qobj(X)
    if dims:
        return Qobj((X + X.dag()) / 2.0, dims=dims, shape=[N, N])
        return Qobj((X + X.dag()) / 2.0)
Пример #28
def spre(A):
    """Superoperator formed from pre-multiplication by operator A.

    A : qobj
        Quantum operator for pre-multiplication.

    super :qobj
        Superoperator formed from input quantum object.
    if not isinstance(A, Qobj):
        raise TypeError('Input is not a quantum object')

    if not A.isoper:
        raise TypeError('Input is not a quantum operator')

    S = Qobj(isherm=A.isherm, superrep='super')
    S.dims = [[A.dims[0], A.dims[1]], [A.dims[0], A.dims[1]]]
    S.data = sp.kron(sp.identity(np.prod(A.shape[1])), A.data, format='csr')
    return S
Пример #29
def _steadystate_power(L, maxiter=10, tol=1e-6, itertol=1e-5,
    Inverse power method for steady state solving.
    if verbose:
        print('Starting iterative power method Solver...')
    rhoss = Qobj()
    sflag = issuper(L)
    if sflag:
        rhoss.dims = L.dims[0]
        rhoss.shape = [prod(rhoss.dims[0]), prod(rhoss.dims[1])]
        rhoss.dims = [L.dims[0], 1]
        rhoss.shape = [prod(rhoss.dims[0]), 1]
    n = prod(rhoss.shape)
    L = L.data.tocsc() - (tol ** 2) * sp.eye(n, n, format='csc')
    v = mat2vec(rand_dm(rhoss.shape[0], 0.5 / rhoss.shape[0] + 0.5).full())
    if verbose:
        start_time = time.time()
    it = 0
    while (la.norm(L * v, np.inf) > tol) and (it < maxiter):
        v = spsolve(L, v)
        v = v / la.norm(v, np.inf)
        it += 1
    if it >= maxiter:
        raise Exception('Failed to find steady state after ' +
                        str(maxiter) + ' iterations')
    # normalise according to type of problem
    if sflag:
        trow = sp.eye(rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[0], format='coo')
        trow = sp_reshape(trow, (1, n))
        data = v / sum(trow.dot(v))
        data = data / la.norm(v)

    data = sp.csr_matrix(vec2mat(data))
    rhoss.data = 0.5 * (data + data.conj().T)
    rhoss.isherm = True
    if verbose:
        print('Power solver time: ', time.time() - start_time)
    if qset.auto_tidyup:
        return rhoss.tidyup()
        return rhoss
Пример #30
def spost(A):
    """Superoperator formed from post-multiplication by operator A

    A : qobj
        Quantum operator for post multiplication.

    super : qobj
        Superoperator formed from input qauntum object.
    if not isinstance(A, Qobj):
        raise TypeError('Input is not a quantum object')

    if not A.isoper:
        raise TypeError('Input is not a quantum operator')

    S = Qobj(isherm=A.isherm, superrep='super')
    S.dims = [[A.dims[0], A.dims[1]], [A.dims[0], A.dims[1]]]
    S.data = zcsr_kron(A.data.T, 
    return S
Пример #31
def sprepost(A, B):
    """Superoperator formed from pre-multiplication by operator A and post-
    multiplication of operator B.

    A : Qobj
        Quantum operator for pre-multiplication.

    B : Qobj
        Quantum operator for post-multiplication.

    super : Qobj
        Superoperator formed from input quantum objects.

    dims = [[_drop_projected_dims(A.dims[0]), _drop_projected_dims(B.dims[1])],
            [_drop_projected_dims(A.dims[1]), _drop_projected_dims(B.dims[0])]]
    data = zcsr_kron(B.data.T, A.data)
    return Qobj(data, dims=dims, superrep='super')
Пример #32
def fredkin(N=None, control=0, targets=[1, 2]):
    """Quantum object representing the Fredkin gate.

    fredkin_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of Fredkin gate.

    >>> fredkin() # doctest: +SKIP
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]], \
shape = [8, 8], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
        [[ 1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j]]

    if [control, targets[0], targets[1]] != [0, 1, 2] and N is None:
        N = 3

    if N is not None:
        return gate_expand_3toN(fredkin(), N,
                                [control, targets[0]], targets[1])
    return Qobj([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]],
                dims=[[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]])
Пример #33
def toffoli(N=None, controls=[0, 1], target=2):
    """Quantum object representing the Toffoli gate.

    toff_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of Toffoli gate.

    >>> toffoli() # doctest: +SKIP
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]], \
                    shape = [8, 8], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
        [[ 1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j]]

    if [controls[0], controls[1], target] != [0, 1, 2] and N is None:
        N = 3

    if N is not None:
        return gate_expand_3toN(toffoli(), N, controls, target)
    return Qobj([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]],
                dims=[[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]])
Пример #34
def snot(N=None, target=0):
    """Quantum object representing the SNOT (Hadamard) gate.

    snot_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of SNOT gate.

    >>> snot()
    Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], \
shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.70710678+0.j  0.70710678+0.j]
     [ 0.70710678+0.j -0.70710678+0.j]]

    if N is not None:
        return gate_expand_1toN(snot(), N, target)
        return 1 / np.sqrt(2.0) * Qobj([[1, 1], [1, -1]])
Пример #35
def chi_to_choi(q_oper):
    Converts a Choi matrix to a Chi matrix in the Pauli basis.

    NOTE: this is only supported for qubits right now. Need to extend to
    Heisenberg-Weyl for other subsystem dimensions.
    nq = _nq(q_oper.dims)
    B = _pauli_basis(nq)
    # Force the basis change to match the dimensions of
    # the input.
    B.dims = q_oper.dims

    # We normally should not multiply objects of different
    # superreps, so Qobj warns about that. Here, however, we're actively
    # converting between, so the superrep of B is irrelevant.
    # To suppress warnings, we pretend that B is also a chi.
    B.superrep = 'chi'

    # The Chi matrix has tr(chi) == d², so we need to divide out
    # by that to get back to the Choi form.
    return Qobj((B * q_oper * B.dag()) / q_oper.shape[0], superrep='choi')
Пример #36
 def _add_common_result_attribs(self, result, st_time, end_time):
     Update the result object attributes which are common to all
     optimisers and outcomes
     dyn = self.dynamics
     result.num_iter = self.num_iter
     result.num_fid_func_calls = self.num_fid_func_calls
     result.wall_time = end_time - st_time
     result.fid_err = dyn.fid_computer.get_fid_err()
     result.grad_norm_final = dyn.fid_computer.grad_norm
     result.final_amps = dyn.ctrl_amps
     final_evo = dyn.full_evo
     if isinstance(final_evo, Qobj):
         result.evo_full_final = final_evo
         result.evo_full_final = Qobj(final_evo, dims=dyn.sys_dims)
     # *** update stats ***
     if self.stats is not None:
         self.stats.wall_time_optim_end = end_time
         result.stats = copy.copy(self.stats)
Пример #37
    def get_states(self, nstep, ntraj):

        if debug:

        from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
        if (odeconfig.options.average_states):
            states = np.array([Qobj()] * nstep)
            if (self.sparse_dms):
                # averaged sparse density matrices
                for i in range(nstep):
                    qtf90.qutraj_run.get_rho_sparse(i + 1)
                    val = qtf90.qutraj_run.csr_val
                    col = qtf90.qutraj_run.csr_col - 1
                    ptr = qtf90.qutraj_run.csr_ptr - 1
                    m = qtf90.qutraj_run.csr_nrows
                    k = qtf90.qutraj_run.csr_ncols
                    states[i] = Qobj(csr_matrix((val, col, ptr),
                                    (m, k)).toarray(),
                        dims=self.dm_dims, shape=self.dm_shape)
                # averaged dense density matrices
                for i in range(nstep):
                    states[i] = Qobj(qtf90.qutraj_run.sol[0, i, :, :],
                                     dims=self.dm_dims, shape=self.dm_shape)
            # all trajectories as kets
            if (ntraj == 1):
                states = np.array([Qobj()] * nstep)
                for i in range(nstep):
                    states[i] = Qobj(numpy.matrix(
                        qtf90.qutraj_run.sol[0, 0, i, :]).transpose(),
                        dims=self.psi0_dims, shape=self.psi0_shape)
                states = np.array([np.array([Qobj()] * nstep)] * ntraj)
                for traj in range(ntraj):
                    for i in range(nstep):
                        states[traj][i] = Qobj(numpy.matrix(
                            qtf90.qutraj_run.sol[0, traj, i, :]).transpose(),
                            dims=self.psi0_dims, shape=self.psi0_shape)
        return states
Пример #38
def _steadystate_direct_dense(L):
    Direct solver that use numpy dense matrices. Suitable for
    small system, with a few states.
    if settings.debug:
        print('Starting direct dense solver...')

    dims = L.dims[0]
    n = prod(L.dims[0][0])
    b = np.zeros(n**2)
    b[0] = ss_args['weight']

    L = L.data.todense()
    L[0, :] = np.diag(ss_args['weight'] * np.ones(n)).reshape((1, n**2))
    _dense_start = time.time()
    v = np.linalg.solve(L, b)
    _dense_end = time.time()
    ss_args['info']['solution_time'] = _dense_end - _dense_start
    data = vec2mat(v)
    data = 0.5 * (data + data.conj().T)

    return Qobj(data, dims=dims, isherm=True)
Пример #39
def snot():
    """Quantum object representing the SNOT (Hadamard) gate.

    snot_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of SNOT (Hadamard) gate.

    >>> snot()
    Quantum object: dims = [[2], [2]], \
shape = [2, 2], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.70710678+0.j  0.70710678+0.j]
     [ 0.70710678+0.j -0.70710678+0.j]]

    u = qstate('u')
    d = qstate('d')
    Q = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0) * (d * d.dag() + u * d.dag() + d * u.dag() -
                           u * u.dag())
    return Qobj(Q)
Пример #40
def _steadystate_power(L, maxiter=10, tol=1e-6, itertol=1e-5):
    Inverse power method for steady state solving.
    if settings.debug:
        print('Starting iterative power method Solver...')

    rhoss = Qobj()
    sflag = issuper(L)
    if sflag:
        rhoss.dims = L.dims[0]
        rhoss.dims = [L.dims[0], 1]
    n = prod(rhoss.shape)
    L = L.data.tocsc() - (tol**2) * sp.eye(n, n, format='csc')
    v = mat2vec(rand_dm(rhoss.shape[0], 0.5 / rhoss.shape[0] + 0.5).full())

    it = 0
    while (la.norm(L * v, np.inf) > tol) and (it < maxiter):
        v = spsolve(L, v)
        v = v / la.norm(v, np.inf)
        it += 1
    if it >= maxiter:
        raise Exception('Failed to find steady state after ' + str(maxiter) +
                        ' iterations')
    # normalise according to type of problem
    if sflag:
        trow = sp.eye(rhoss.shape[0], rhoss.shape[0], format='coo')
        trow = sp_reshape(trow, (1, n))
        data = v / sum(trow.dot(v))
        data = data / la.norm(v)

    data = sp.csr_matrix(vec2mat(data))
    rhoss.data = 0.5 * (data + data.conj().T)
    rhoss.isherm = True

    return rhoss.tidyup() if settings.auto_tidyup else rhoss
Пример #41
def destroy_x_1(states):
    Destruction (lowering) operator for atomic excitations.

    states : array
    List of states of the Hilbert space.

    oper : qobj
        Qobj for destruction operator for atomic excitations.
    nstates = len(states)
    sigma = np.eye(nstates)
    for i in range(nstates):
        for j in range(nstates):
            sigma[i, j] = _destroy_excitons_1(states[i, 0], states[i, 1],
                                              states[i, 2], states[i, 3],
                                              states[j, 0], states[j, 1],
                                              states[j, 2], states[j, 3])
    return Qobj(sp.csr_matrix(sigma, dtype=complex), isherm=False)
Пример #42
def qzero(dimensions):
    Zero operator.

    dimensions : (int) or (list of int) or (list of list of int)
        Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints, then the
        dimension is the product over this list, but the ``dims`` property of
        the new Qobj are set to this list.  This can produce either `oper` or
        `super` depending on the passed `dimensions`.

    qzero : qobj
        Zero operator Qobj.

    size, dimensions = _implicit_tensor_dimensions(dimensions)
    # A sparse matrix with no data is equal to a zero matrix.
    return Qobj(fast_csr_matrix(shape=(size, size), dtype=complex),
Пример #43
def _partial_transpose_reference(rho, mask):
    This is a reference implementation that explicitly loops over
    all states and performs the transpose. It's slow but easy to
    understand and useful for testing.

    A_pt = np.zeros(rho.shape, dtype=complex)

    for psi_A in state_number_enumerate(rho.dims[0]):
        m = state_number_index(rho.dims[0], psi_A)

        for psi_B in state_number_enumerate(rho.dims[1]):
            n = state_number_index(rho.dims[1], psi_B)

            m_pt = state_number_index(
                rho.dims[1], np.choose(mask, [psi_A, psi_B]))
            n_pt = state_number_index(
                rho.dims[0], np.choose(mask, [psi_B, psi_A]))

            A_pt[m_pt, n_pt] = rho.data[m, n]

    return Qobj(A_pt, dims=rho.dims)
Пример #44
def swapalpha(alpha, N=None, targets=[0, 1]):
    Quantum object representing the SWAPalpha gate.

    swapalpha_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of SWAPalpha gate

    >>> swapalpha(alpha)
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2], [2, 2]], \
shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 1.+0.j  0.+0.j                    0.+0.j                    0.+0.j]
     [ 0.+0.j  0.5*(1 + exp(j*pi*alpha)  0.5*(1 - exp(j*pi*alpha)  0.+0.j]
     [ 0.+0.j  0.5*(1 - exp(j*pi*alpha)  0.5*(1 + exp(j*pi*alpha)  0.+0.j]
     [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j                    0.+0.j                    1.+0.j]]

    if (targets[0] == 1 and targets[1] == 0) and N is None:
        N = 2

    if N is not None:
        return gate_expand_2toN(cnot(), N, targets=targets)
        return Qobj([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                         0, 0.5 * (1 + np.exp(1.0j * np.pi * alpha)), 0.5 *
                         (1 - np.exp(1.0j * np.pi * alpha)), 0
                         0, 0.5 * (1 - np.exp(1.0j * np.pi * alpha)), 0.5 *
                         (1 + np.exp(1.0j * np.pi * alpha)), 0
                     ], [0, 0, 0, 1]],
                    dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]])
Пример #45
def toffoli():
    """Quantum object representing the Toffoli gate.

    toff_gate : qobj
        Quantum object representation of Toffoli gate.

    >>> toffoli()
    Quantum object: dims = [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]], \
shape = [8, 8], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
        [[ 1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j]
         [ 0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  0.+0.j  1.+0.j  0.+0.j]]

    uuu = qstate('uuu')
    uud = qstate('uud')
    udu = qstate('udu')
    udd = qstate('udd')
    duu = qstate('duu')
    dud = qstate('dud')
    ddu = qstate('ddu')
    ddd = qstate('ddd')
    Q = ddd * ddd.dag() + ddu * ddu.dag() + dud * dud.dag() + \
        duu * duu.dag() + udd * udd.dag() + udu * udu.dag() + \
        uuu * uud.dag() + uud * uuu.dag()
    return Qobj(Q)
Пример #46
def destroy(N, offset=0):
    '''Destruction (lowering) operator.

    N : int
        Dimension of Hilbert space.

    offset : int (default 0)
        The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state
        representation of the operator.

    oper : qobj
        Qobj for lowering operator.

    >>> destroy(4)
    Quantum object: dims = [[4], [4]], \
shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = False
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.00000000+0.j  1.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  1.41421356+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  1.73205081+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]]

    if not isinstance(N, (int, np.integer)):  # raise error if N not integer
        raise ValueError("Hilbert space dimension must be integer value")
    return Qobj(sp.spdiags(np.sqrt(range(offset, N + offset)),
Пример #47
def qzero(N):
    Zero operator

    N : int or list of ints
        Dimension of Hilbert space. If provided as a list of ints,
        then the dimension is the product over this list, but the
        ``dims`` property of the new Qobj are set to this list.

    qzero : qobj
        Zero operator Qobj.


    if isinstance(N, list):
        return tensor(*[qzero(n) for n in N])
    N = int(N)
    if (not isinstance(N, (int, np.integer))) or N < 0:
        raise ValueError("N must be integer N>=0")
    return Qobj(sp.csr_matrix((N, N), dtype=complex), isherm=True)
Пример #48
def rand_dm_ginibre(N=2, rank=None, dims=None):
    Returns a Ginibre random density operator of dimension
    ``dim`` and rank ``rank`` by using the algorithm of
    [BCSZ08]_. If ``rank`` is `None`, a full-rank
    (Hilbert-Schmidt ensemble) random density operator will be

    N : int
        Dimension of the density operator to be returned.
    dims : list
        Dimensions of quantum object.  Used for specifying
        tensor structure. Default is dims=[[N],[N]].

    rank : int or None
        Rank of the sampled density operator. If None, a full-rank
        density operator is generated.

    rho : Qobj
        An N × N density operator sampled from the Ginibre
        or Hilbert-Schmidt distribution.
    if rank is None:
        rank = N
    if rank > N:
        raise ValueError("Rank cannot exceed dimension.")

    X = randnz((N, rank), norm='ginibre')
    rho = np.dot(X, X.T.conj())
    rho /= np.trace(rho)

    return Qobj(rho, dims=dims)
Пример #49
def controlled_f(co, N=2, control=0, target=1, control_value=1):
    Create an N-qubit controlled gate from f gate with the given
    control and target qubits.


    N : integer
        The number of qubits in the target space.

    control : integer
        The index of the first control qubit.

    target : integer
        The index of the target qubit.

    control_value : integer (1)
        The state of the control qubit that activates the gate U.

    result : qobj
        Quantum object representing the controlled-s gate.


    U0 = Qobj([[1.0065, 0.2425], [0.2425, 0.9935]])
    U = (co * 1j * np.pi * U0).expm()

    if [N, control, target] == [2, 0, 1]:
        return (tensor(fock_dm(2, control_value), U) +
                tensor(fock_dm(2, 1 - control_value), identity(2)))
        U2 = controlled_gate(U, control_value=control_value)
        return gate_expand_2toN(U2, N=N, control=control, target=target)
Пример #50
def destroy(N, offset=0):
    '''Destruction (lowering) operator.

    N : int
        Dimension of Hilbert space.

    offset : int (default 0)
        The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state
        representation of the operator.

    oper : qobj
        Qobj for lowering operator.

    >>> destroy(4) # doctest: +SKIP
    Quantum object: dims = [[4], [4]], \
shape = [4, 4], type = oper, isHerm = False
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.00000000+0.j  1.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  1.41421356+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  1.73205081+0.j]
     [ 0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]]

    if not isinstance(N, (int, np.integer)):  # raise error if N not integer
        raise ValueError("Hilbert space dimension must be integer value")
    data = np.sqrt(np.arange(offset + 1, N + offset, dtype=complex))
    ind = np.arange(1, N, dtype=np.int32)
    ptr = np.arange(N + 1, dtype=np.int32)
    ptr[-1] = N - 1
    return Qobj(fast_csr_matrix((data, ind, ptr), shape=(N, N)), isherm=False)
Пример #51
    def testPulseConstructor(self):
        Test for creating empty Pulse, Pulse with constant coefficients etc.
        coeff = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        tlist = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3.])
        ham = sigmaz()
        # Special ways of initializing pulse
        pulse2 = Pulse(sigmax(), 0, tlist, True)
            tensor(sigmax(), identity(2)))

        pulse3 = Pulse(sigmay(), 0)
        assert_allclose(pulse3.get_ideal_qobjevo(2).cte.norm(), 0.)

        pulse4 = Pulse(None, None)  # Dummy empty ham
        assert_allclose(pulse4.get_ideal_qobjevo(2).cte.norm(), 0.)

        tlist_noise = np.array([1., 2.5, 3.])
        coeff_noise = np.array([0.5, 0.1, 0.5])
        tlist_noise2 = np.array([0.5, 2, 3.])
        coeff_noise2 = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        # Pulse with different dims
        random_qobj = Qobj(np.random.random((3, 3)))
        pulse5 = Pulse(sigmaz(), 1, tlist, True)
        pulse5.add_coherent_noise(sigmay(), 1, tlist_noise, coeff_noise)
        qu, c_ops = pulse5.get_noisy_qobjevo(dims=[3, 2])
        assert_allclose(qu.ops[0].qobj, tensor([identity(3), sigmaz()]))
        assert_allclose(qu.ops[1].qobj, tensor([identity(3), sigmay()]))
                        tensor([random_qobj, identity(2)]))
Пример #52
def rand_herm(N, density=0.75, dims=None):
    """Creates a random NxN sparse Hermitian quantum object.

    Uses :math:`H=X+X^{+}` where :math:`X` is
    a randomly generated quantum operator with a given `density`.

    N : int
        Shape of output quantum operator.
    density : float
        Density between [0,1] of output Hermitian operator.
    dims : list
        Dimensions of quantum object.  Used for specifying
        tensor structure. Default is dims=[[N],[N]].

    oper : qobj
        NxN Hermitian quantum operator.

    if dims:
        _check_dims(dims, N, N)
    # to get appropriate density of output
    # Hermitian operator must convert via:
    herm_density = 2.0 * arcsin(density) / pi

    X = sp.rand(N, N, herm_density, format='csr')
    X.data = X.data - 0.5
    Y = X.copy()
    Y.data = 1.0j * np.random.random(len(X.data)) - (0.5 + 0.5j)
    X = X + Y
    X = Qobj(X)
    if dims:
        return Qobj((X + X.dag()) / 2.0, dims=dims, shape=[N, N])
        return Qobj((X + X.dag()) / 2.0)
Пример #53
def _steadystate_svd_dense(L, atol=1e-12, rtol=0, all_steadystates=False):
    Find the steady state(s) of an open quantum system by solving for the
    nullspace of the Liouvillian.
    if settings.debug:
        print('Starting SVD solver...')

    u, s, vh = svd(L.full(), full_matrices=False)
    tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
    nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
    ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T

    if all_steadystates:
        rhoss_list = []
        for n in range(ns.shape[1]):
            rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, n]), dims=L.dims[0])
            rhoss_list.append(rhoss / rhoss.tr())
        return rhoss_list

        rhoss = Qobj(vec2mat(ns[:, 0]), dims=L.dims[0])
        return rhoss / rhoss.tr()
Пример #54
def bloch_redfield_solve(R, ekets, rho0, tlist, e_ops=[], options=None):
    Evolve the ODEs defined by Bloch-Redfield master equation. The
    Bloch-Redfield tensor can be calculated by the function


    R : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        Bloch-Redfield tensor.

    ekets : array of :class:`qutip.qobj`
        Array of kets that make up a basis tranformation for the eigenbasis.

    rho0 : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        Initial density matrix.

    tlist : *list* / *array*
        List of times for :math:`t`.

    e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj` / callback function
        List of operators for which to evaluate expectation values.

    options : :class:`qutip.Qdeoptions`
        Options for the ODE solver.


    output: :class:`qutip.solver`

        An instance of the class :class:`qutip.solver`, which contains either
        an *array* of expectation values for the times specified by `tlist`.


    if options is None:
        options = Options()

    if options.tidy:

    # check initial state
    if isket(rho0):
        # Got a wave function as initial state: convert to density matrix.
        rho0 = rho0 * rho0.dag()

    # prepare output array
    n_tsteps = len(tlist)
    dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0]
    result_list = []

    # transform the initial density matrix and the e_ops opterators to the
    # eigenbasis
    rho_eb = rho0.transform(ekets)
    e_eb_ops = [e.transform(ekets) for e in e_ops]

    for e_eb in e_eb_ops:
        result_list.append(np.zeros(n_tsteps, dtype=complex))

    # setup integrator
    initial_vector = mat2vec(rho_eb.full())
    r = scipy.integrate.ode(cy_ode_rhs)
    r.set_f_params(R.data.data, R.data.indices, R.data.indptr)
    r.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0])

    # start evolution
    dt = np.diff(tlist)
    for t_idx, _ in enumerate(tlist):

        if not r.successful():

        rho_eb.data = vec2mat(r.y)

        # calculate all the expectation values, or output rho_eb if no
        # expectation value operators are given
        if e_ops:
            rho_eb_tmp = Qobj(rho_eb)
            for m, e in enumerate(e_eb_ops):
                result_list[m][t_idx] = expect(e, rho_eb_tmp)
            result_list.append(rho_eb.transform(ekets, True))

        if t_idx < n_tsteps - 1:
            r.integrate(r.t + dt[t_idx])

    return result_list
Пример #55
def thermal_dm(N, n, method='operator'):
    """Density matrix for a thermal state of n particles

    N : int
        Number of basis states in Hilbert space.

    n : float
        Expectation value for number of particles in thermal state.

    method : string {'operator', 'analytic'}
        ``string`` that sets the method used to generate the
        thermal state probabilities

    dm : qobj
        Thermal state density matrix.

    >>> thermal_dm(5, 1)
    Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], \
shape = [5, 5], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.51612903  0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
     [ 0.          0.25806452  0.          0.          0.        ]
     [ 0.          0.          0.12903226  0.          0.        ]
     [ 0.          0.          0.          0.06451613  0.        ]
     [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.03225806]]

    >>> thermal_dm(5, 1, 'analytic')
    Quantum object: dims = [[5], [5]], \
shape = [5, 5], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.5      0.       0.       0.       0.     ]
     [ 0.       0.25     0.       0.       0.     ]
     [ 0.       0.       0.125    0.       0.     ]
     [ 0.       0.       0.       0.0625   0.     ]
     [ 0.       0.       0.       0.       0.03125]]

    The 'operator' method (default) generates
    the thermal state using the truncated number operator ``num(N)``. This
    is the method that should be used in computations. The
    'analytic' method uses the analytic coefficients derived in
    an infinite Hilbert space. The analytic form is not necessarily normalized,
    if truncated too aggressively.

    if n == 0:
        return fock_dm(N, 0)
        i = arange(N)
        if method == 'operator':
            beta = np.log(1.0 / n + 1.0)
            diags = np.exp(-beta * i)
            diags = diags / np.sum(diags)
            # populates diagonal terms using truncated operator expression
            rm = sp.spdiags(diags, 0, N, N, format='csr')
        elif method == 'analytic':
            # populates diagonal terms using analytic values
            rm = sp.spdiags((1.0 + n) ** (-1.0) * (n / (1.0 + n)) ** (i),
                            0, N, N, format='csr')
            raise ValueError(
                "'method' keyword argument must be 'operator' or 'analytic'")
    return Qobj(rm)
Пример #56
def coherent(N, alpha, offset=0, method='operator'):
    """Generates a coherent state with eigenvalue alpha.

    Constructed using displacement operator on vacuum state.

    N : int
        Number of Fock states in Hilbert space.

    alpha : float/complex
        Eigenvalue of coherent state.

    offset : int (default 0)
        The lowest number state that is included in the finite number state
        representation of the state. Using a non-zero offset will make the
        default method 'analytic'.

    method : string {'operator', 'analytic'}
        Method for generating coherent state.

    state : qobj
        Qobj quantum object for coherent state

    >>> coherent(5,0.25j)
    Quantum object: dims = [[5], [1]], shape = [5, 1], type = ket
    Qobj data =
    [[  9.69233235e-01+0.j        ]
     [  0.00000000e+00+0.24230831j]
     [ -4.28344935e-02+0.j        ]
     [  0.00000000e+00-0.00618204j]
     [  7.80904967e-04+0.j        ]]

    Select method 'operator' (default) or 'analytic'. With the
    'operator' method, the coherent state is generated by displacing
    the vacuum state using the displacement operator defined in the
    truncated Hilbert space of size 'N'. This method guarantees that the
    resulting state is normalized. With 'analytic' method the coherent state
    is generated using the analytical formula for the coherent state
    coefficients in the Fock basis. This method does not guarantee that the
    state is normalized if truncated to a small number of Fock states,
    but would in that case give more accurate coefficients.

    if method == "operator" and offset == 0:

        x = basis(N, 0)
        a = destroy(N)
        D = (alpha * a.dag() - conj(alpha) * a).expm()
        return D * x

    elif method == "analytic" or offset > 0:

        sqrtn = np.sqrt(np.arange(offset, offset+N, dtype=complex))
        sqrtn[0] = 1 # Get rid of divide by zero warning
        data = alpha/sqrtn
        if offset == 0:
            data[0] = np.exp(-abs(alpha)**2 / 2.0)
            s = np.prod(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, offset + 1))) # sqrt factorial
            data[0] = np.exp(-abs(alpha)**2 / 2.0) * alpha**(offset) / s
        np.cumprod(data, out=sqrtn) # Reuse sqrtn array
        return Qobj(sqrtn)

        raise TypeError(
            "The method option can only take values 'operator' or 'analytic'")
Пример #57
def jmat(j, *args):
    """Higher-order spin operators:

    j : float
        Spin of operator

    args : str
        Which operator to return 'x','y','z','+','-'.
        If no args given, then output is ['x','y','z']

    jmat : qobj / ndarray
        ``qobj`` for requested spin operator(s).

    >>> jmat(1) # doctest: +SKIP
    [ Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], \
shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.          0.70710678  0.        ]
     [ 0.70710678  0.          0.70710678]
     [ 0.          0.70710678  0.        ]]
     Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], \
shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 0.+0.j          0.-0.70710678j  0.+0.j        ]
     [ 0.+0.70710678j  0.+0.j          0.-0.70710678j]
     [ 0.+0.j          0.+0.70710678j  0.+0.j        ]]
     Quantum object: dims = [[3], [3]], \
shape = [3, 3], type = oper, isHerm = True
    Qobj data =
    [[ 1.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0. -1.]]]

    If no 'args' input, then returns array of ['x','y','z'] operators.

    if (np.fix(2 * j) != 2 * j) or (j < 0):
        raise TypeError('j must be a non-negative integer or half-integer')

    if not args:
        return jmat(j, 'x'), jmat(j, 'y'), jmat(j, 'z')

    if args[0] == '+':
        A = _jplus(j)
    elif args[0] == '-':
        A = _jplus(j).getH()
    elif args[0] == 'x':
        A = 0.5 * (_jplus(j) + _jplus(j).getH())
    elif args[0] == 'y':
        A = -0.5 * 1j * (_jplus(j) - _jplus(j).getH())
    elif args[0] == 'z':
        A = _jz(j)
        raise TypeError('Invalid type')

    return Qobj(A)
Пример #58
def essolve(H, rho0, tlist, c_op_list, e_ops):
    Evolution of a state vector or density matrix (`rho0`) for a given
    Hamiltonian (`H`) and set of collapse operators (`c_op_list`), by
    expressing the ODE as an exponential series. The output is either
    the state vector at arbitrary points in time (`tlist`), or the
    expectation values of the supplied operators (`e_ops`).

    .. deprecated:: 4.6.0
        :obj:`~essolev` will be removed in QuTiP 5.  Please use :obj:`~sesolve`
        or :obj:`~mesolve` for general-purpose integration of the
        Schroedinger/Lindblad master equation.  This will likely be faster than
        :obj:`~essolve` for you.

    H : qobj/function_type
        System Hamiltonian.

    rho0 : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        Initial state density matrix.

    tlist : list/array
        ``list`` of times for :math:`t`.

    c_op_list : list of :class:`qutip.qobj`
        ``list`` of :class:`qutip.qobj` collapse operators.

    e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj`
        ``list`` of :class:`qutip.qobj` operators for which to evaluate
        expectation values.

     expt_array : array
        Expectation values of wavefunctions/density matrices for the
        times specified in ``tlist``.

    .. note:: This solver does not support time-dependent Hamiltonians.

    n_expt_op = len(e_ops)
    n_tsteps = len(tlist)

    # Calculate the Liouvillian
    if (c_op_list is None or len(c_op_list) == 0) and isket(rho0):
        L = H
        L = liouvillian(H, c_op_list)

    es = ode2es(L, rho0)

    # evaluate the expectation values
    if n_expt_op == 0:
        results = [Qobj()] * n_tsteps
        results = np.zeros([n_expt_op, n_tsteps], dtype=complex)

    for n, e in enumerate(e_ops):
        results[n, :] = expect(e, esval(es, tlist))

    data = Result()
    data.solver = "essolve"
    data.times = tlist
    data.expect = [
        np.real(results[n, :]) if e.isherm else results[n, :]
        for n, e in enumerate(e_ops)

    return data
Пример #59
def ode2es(L, rho0):
    """Creates an exponential series that describes the time evolution for the
    initial density matrix (or state vector) `rho0`, given the Liouvillian
    (or Hamiltonian) `L`.

    .. deprecated:: 4.6.0
        :obj:`~ode2es` will be removed in QuTiP 5.  Please use
        :obj:`Qobj.eigenstates` to get the eigenstates and -values, and use
        :obj:`~QobjEvo` for general time-dependence.

    L : qobj
        Liouvillian of the system.

    rho0 : qobj
        Initial state vector or density matrix.

    eseries : :class:`qutip.eseries`
        ``eseries`` represention of the system dynamics.

    if issuper(L):
        # check initial state
        if isket(rho0):
            # Got a wave function as initial state: convert to density matrix.
            rho0 = rho0 * rho0.dag()
        # check if state is below error threshold
        if abs(rho0.full()).sum() < 1e-10 + 1e-24:
            # enforce zero operator
            return eseries(qzero(rho0.dims[0]))
        w, v = L.eigenstates()
        v = np.hstack([ket.full() for ket in v])
        # w[i]   = eigenvalue i
        # v[:,i] = eigenvector i

        rlen = np.prod(rho0.shape)
        r0 = mat2vec(rho0.full())
        v0 = la.solve(v, r0)
        vv = v * sp.spdiags(v0.T, 0, rlen, rlen)

        out = None
        for i in range(rlen):
            qo = Qobj(vec2mat(vv[:, i]), dims=rho0.dims, shape=rho0.shape)
            if out:
                out += eseries(qo, w[i])
                out = eseries(qo, w[i])

    elif isoper(L):

        if not isket(rho0):
            raise TypeError('Second argument must be a ket if first' +
                            'is a Hamiltonian.')

        # check if state is below error threshold
        if abs(rho0.full()).sum() < 1e-5 + 1e-20:
            # enforce zero operator
            dims = rho0.dims
            return eseries(
                Qobj(sp.csr_matrix((dims[0][0], dims[1][0]), dtype=complex)))

        w, v = L.eigenstates()
        v = np.hstack([ket.full() for ket in v])
        # w[i]   = eigenvalue i
        # v[:,i] = eigenvector i

        rlen = np.prod(rho0.shape)
        r0 = rho0.full()
        v0 = la.solve(v, r0)
        vv = v * sp.spdiags(v0.T, 0, rlen, rlen)

        out = None
        for i in range(rlen):
            qo = Qobj(np.array(vv[:, i]).T, dims=rho0.dims, shape=rho0.shape)
            if out:
                out += eseries(qo, -1.0j * w[i])
                out = eseries(qo, -1.0j * w[i])

        raise TypeError('First argument must be a Hamiltonian or Liouvillian.')

    return estidy(out)
Пример #60
def floquet_markov_mesolve(R,
    Solve the dynamics for the system using the Floquet-Markov master equation.

    if options is None:
        opt = Options()
        opt = options

    if opt.tidy:

    # check initial state
    if isket(rho0):
        # Got a wave function as initial state: convert to density matrix.
        rho0 = ket2dm(rho0)

    # prepare output array
    n_tsteps = len(tlist)
    dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0]

    output = Result()
    output.solver = "fmmesolve"
    output.times = tlist

    if isinstance(e_ops, FunctionType):
        n_expt_op = 0
        expt_callback = True

    elif isinstance(e_ops, list):

        n_expt_op = len(e_ops)
        expt_callback = False

        if n_expt_op == 0:
            output.states = []
            if not f_modes_table:
                raise TypeError("The Floquet mode table has to be provided " +
                                "when requesting expectation values.")

            output.expect = []
            output.num_expect = n_expt_op
            for op in e_ops:
                if op.isherm:
                    output.expect.append(np.zeros(n_tsteps, dtype=complex))

        raise TypeError("Expectation parameter must be a list or a function")

    # transform the initial density matrix to the eigenbasis: from
    # computational basis to the floquet basis
    if ekets is not None:
        rho0 = rho0.transform(ekets)

    # setup integrator
    initial_vector = mat2vec(rho0.full())
    r = scipy.integrate.ode(cy_ode_rhs)
    r.set_f_params(R.data.data, R.data.indices, R.data.indptr)
    r.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0])

    # start evolution
    rho = Qobj(rho0)

    t_idx = 0
    for t in tlist:
        if not r.successful():

        rho = Qobj(vec2mat(r.y), rho0.dims, rho0.shape)

        if expt_callback:
            # use callback method
            if floquet_basis:
                e_ops(t, Qobj(rho))
                f_modes_table_t, T = f_modes_table
                f_modes_t = floquet_modes_t_lookup(f_modes_table_t, t, T)
                e_ops(t, Qobj(rho).transform(f_modes_t, True))
            # calculate all the expectation values, or output rho if
            # no operators
            if n_expt_op == 0:
                if floquet_basis:
                    f_modes_table_t, T = f_modes_table
                    f_modes_t = floquet_modes_t_lookup(f_modes_table_t, t, T)
                    output.states.append(Qobj(rho).transform(f_modes_t, True))
                f_modes_table_t, T = f_modes_table
                f_modes_t = floquet_modes_t_lookup(f_modes_table_t, t, T)
                for m in range(0, n_expt_op):
                    output.expect[m][t_idx] = \
                        expect(e_ops[m], rho.transform(f_modes_t, False))

        r.integrate(r.t + dt)
        t_idx += 1

    return output