Пример #1
def binomial(hilbert_size, S=None, N=None, mu=None):
    Binomial code
    if S == None:
        S = np.random.randint(1, 10)
    if N == None:
        Nmax = int((hilbert_size)/(S+1)) - 1
            N = np.random.randint(2, Nmax)
            N = Nmax

    if mu is None:
        mu = np.random.randint(2)

    c = 1/sqrt(2**(N+1))

    psi = 0*fock(hilbert_size, 0)

    for m in range(N):
        psi += c*((-1)**(mu*m))*np.sqrt(binom(N+1, m))*fock(hilbert_size, (S+1)*m)

    rho = psi*psi.dag()
    return rho.unit(), mu
Пример #2
def vec_derivative(theta, phi, dtheta, dphi):
    dpsi_dt = -1 * np.sin(theta / 2) * dtheta / 2 * qt.fock(2, 0) \
        + np.exp(1j * phi) * (np.cos(theta / 2) * dtheta / 2 + \
        1j * dphi * np.sin(theta / 2)) * qt.fock(2, 1)
    return dpsi_dt
Пример #3
    def fock(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns a product state in the Fock basis. States can be
        specified either positionally or as keyword arguments.

            *args (tuple): Fock states of Modes in the order of self.modes.
            **kwargs (dict): Fock states of Modes specified as keyword
                arguments, mode_name=n.

            ``qutip.Qobj``: The requested product state.
        if args:
            if kwargs:
                raise ValueError("If positional arguments are provided, "
                                 "no keyword arguments are allowed.")
            if len(args) != len(self.active_modes):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The number of positional argument must match "
                    "the number of active modes.")
            states = [
                qutip.fock(mode.levels, val)
                for mode, val in zip(self.active_modes, args)
            states = [
                qutip.fock(mode.levels, kwargs.get(mode.name, 0))
                for mode in self.active_modes
        return self.tensor(*states)
Пример #4
 def measure(self, qubit_name, non_destructive):
     res = None
     M_0 = qutip.fock(2, 0).proj()
     M_1 = qutip.fock(2, 1).proj()
     target = self._qubit_names.index(qubit_name)
     if self.N > 1:
         M_0 = qutip.gate_expand_1toN(M_0, self.N, target)
         M_1 = qutip.gate_expand_1toN(M_1, self.N, target)
     pr_0 = qutip.expect(M_0, self.data)
     pr_1 = qutip.expect(M_1, self.data)
     outcome = int(np.random.choice([0, 1], 1, p=[pr_0, pr_1]))
     if outcome == 0:
         self.data = M_0 * self.data * M_0.dag() / pr_0
         res = 0
         # M_1 = qutip.gate_expand_1toN(M_1, self.N, target)
         self.data = M_1 * self.data * M_1.dag() / pr_1
         res = 1
     if non_destructive is False:
         i_list = [x for x in range(self.N)]
         self.N = self.N - 1
         if len(i_list) > 0:
             self.data = self.data.ptrace(i_list)
             self.data = qutip.Qobj()
     return res
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, data, label, **kwargs):

        self.M = len(data)  # number of training data
        self.N = len(data[0])  # length of training vectors
        if len(data) != len(label):
            exit('Error: not same number of data and labels!')
        self.norms = []
        self.qstates = []
        # Prepare quantum states of training data
        # Very important for states x and labels y is that the fock state |0> is not
        # used to encode the classical data --> indices start at 1 not 0!!
        for i in data:
            i = np.array(i)
            norm = np.linalg.norm(i)
            self.state = 1 / norm * \
                sum([i[k - 1] * qt.fock(self.N + 1, k)
                     for k in range(1, self.N + 1)])
            self.qstates.append(self.state.unit())  # save quantum states
            self.norms.append(norm)  # save classical norms
        # make qstate for label vector
        self.qlabels = 1 / (np.linalg.norm(label)) * sum([
            label[i - 1] * qt.fock(self.M + 1, i)
            for i in range(1, self.M + 1)

        # construct oracle operator for training
        self.Train_Oracle = sum([
                self.norms[i - 1] * self.qstates[i - 1] *
                qt.fock(self.M + 1, 0).dag(),
                qt.fock(self.M + 1, i) * qt.fock(self.M + 1, i).dag())
            for i in range(1, self.M + 1)
Пример #6
def test_fn_list_td_corr2():
    correlation: multi time-dependent factor
    # test for bug of issue #1048
    sm = destroy(2)
    args = {}

    def step_func(t, args={}):
        return np.arctan(t - 2) / np.pi + 0.5

    def inv_step_func(t, args={}):
        return np.arctan(-(t - 2)) / np.pi + 0.5

    H1 = [[(sm + sm.dag()), step_func], [qeye(2), inv_step_func]]

    H2 = [[qeye(2), inv_step_func], [(sm + sm.dag()), step_func]]

    tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 6)
    corr1 = correlation_2op_2t(H1,
                               fock(2, 0),
                               tlist, [sm],
    corr2 = correlation_2op_2t(H2,
                               fock(2, 0),
                               tlist, [sm],
    assert_(np.sum(np.abs(corr1 - corr2)) < 1e-5)
Пример #7
def test_fn_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission correlations (fn-list td format)

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2(0), for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.57
    sm = destroy(2)
    args = {"t_off": 1, "tp": 0.5}
    H = [[2 * (sm+sm.dag()),
          lambda t, args: np.exp(-(t-args["t_off"])**2 / (2*args["tp"]**2))]]
    tlist = linspace(0, 5, 50)
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, tlist, [sm],
                              sm.dag(), sm.dag() * sm, sm, args=args)
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1]-tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0]-1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) + \
        sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = np.trapz(
            H, fock(2, 0), tlist, [sm], [sm.dag()*sm], args=args
        ).expect[0], tlist
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(
        sum(0.5*dt**2*(s1 + 2*s2 + 4*s3)) / exp_n_in**2

    assert_(abs(g20-0.57) < 1e-1)
Пример #8
def get_single_gate_data():
    inputs = []
    h = tensor_fix(qt.hadamard_transform())
    zero = tensor_fix(qt.fock(2, 0))
    one = tensor_fix(qt.fock(2, 1))
    inputs.append(h * zero)
    inputs.append(h * one)
    inputs.append(h * zero)
    inputs.append(h * one)
    gate = paulix(1, 0)
    ideal = get_ideal([gate], inputs, inputs, 1, 4)
    tag = "X"
    pop = input("how may data points? ")
    pop = int(pop)
    path = "SingleDoubleHada2000.csv"
    probabilities = []
    for i in range(pop):
        alt_gate = alter(gate)
        temparray = []
        for state in inputs:
            final = basic_b(state, [alt_gate])
            prob = dis(final, state)
        if within_tolerance(0.78, temparray, ideal[0]):
        with open(path, 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
    return probabilities
def test_H_str_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission corr., H td (str-list td format)

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2[0], for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.57
    sm = destroy(2)
    args = {"t_off": 1, "tp": 0.5}
    H = [[2 * (sm + sm.dag()), "exp(-(t-t_off)**2 / (2*tp**2))"]]
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 50)
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H,
                              fock(2, 0),
                              tlist, [sm],
                              sm.dag() * sm,
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1] - tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0] - 1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) + \
        sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = np.trapz(
        mesolve(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, [sm], [sm.dag() * sm],
                args=args).expect[0], tlist)
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(sum(0.5 * dt**2 * (s1 + 2 * s2 + 4 * s3)) / exp_n_in**2)

    assert_(abs(g20 - 0.59) < 1e-2)
def test_np_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission corr. (np-list td format)

    # both H and c_ops are time-dependent

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2[0], for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.85
    sm = destroy(2)
    t_off = 1
    tp = 0.5
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 50)
    H = [[2 * (sm + sm.dag()), np.exp(-(tlist - t_off)**2 / (2 * tp**2))]]
    c_ops = [
        sm, [sm.dag() * sm * 2,
             np.exp(-(tlist - t_off)**2 / (2 * tp**2))]
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, tlist, [sm], sm.dag(),
                              sm.dag() * sm, sm)
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1] - tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0] - 1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) + \
         sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = np.trapz(
        mesolve(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, c_ops, [sm.dag() * sm]).expect[0], tlist)
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(sum(0.5 * dt**2 * (s1 + 2 * s2 + 4 * s3)) / exp_n_in**2)

    assert_(abs(g20 - 0.85) < 1e-2)
def test_c_ops_fn_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing 3LS emission corr., c_ops td (fn-list td format)

    # calculate zero-delay HOM cross-correlation, for incoherently pumped
    # 3LS ladder system g2ab[0]
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, 99% initialized, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2ab(0)~0.185
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 6, 20)
    ket0 = fock(3, 0)
    ket1 = fock(3, 1)
    ket2 = fock(3, 2)
    sm01 = ket0 * ket1.dag()
    sm12 = ket1 * ket2.dag()
    psi0 = fock(3, 2)

    tp = 1
    # define "pi" pulse as when 99% of population has been transferred
    Om = np.sqrt(-np.log(1e-2) / (tp * np.sqrt(np.pi)))
    c_ops = [
            sm12 * Om, lambda t, args: np.exp(-(t - args["t_off"])**2 /
                                              (2 * args["tp"]**2))
    args = {"tp": tp, "t_off": 2}
    H = qeye(3) * 0
    # HOM cross-correlation depends on coherences (g2[0]=0)
    c1 = correlation_2op_2t(H,
    c2 = correlation_2op_2t(H,
    n = mesolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, [sm01.dag() * sm01],
    n_f = Cubic_Spline(tlist[0], tlist[-1], n)
    corr_ab = -c1 * c2 + np.array([[n_f(t) * n_f(t + tau) for tau in tlist]
                                   for t in tlist])
    dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0]
    gab = abs(np.trapz(np.trapz(corr_ab, axis=0))) * dt**2

    assert_(abs(gab - 0.185) < 1e-2)
def En_p(n, p, w0, N):
    Get the transmon energy to p-th order in xi; eqn 10 in Didier (2018)

    :param n: Hamiltonian energy level
    :param p: Order of energy calculation
    :param w0:
    :param N:

    filename = io.get_dumpname_En(n, p, w0, N)
    load_check = io.load_obj(filename, io.tempdir)
    if load_check is not None:
        # must decode the json str formatting I imposed in io_tools.py
        return complex(load_check)

    # 0th order energy is Harmonic Oscillator solution
    if p == 0:
        return n * w0

    # other orders are found by perturbation theory
    nket = qt.fock(N, n)
    out = 0
    # reproduce eqn 10 exactly:
    for q in range(p):

        psi_raw = psi_n_p(n, q, w0, N)
        # if psi_n Fock space size is too small, pad it
        if q <= p - q:
            psi_n = pad_ket(psi_raw, N + 4 * (p - q))
            H = H_u(p - q, w0, N + 4 * (p - q))
            nbra = qt.fock(N + 4 * (p - q), n).dag()

        # if psi_n is larger than the Hamiltonian, H and |n> must be computed to that size
        elif q > p - q:
            psi_n = psi_raw
            H = H_u(p - q, w0, N + 4 * q)
            nbra = qt.fock(N + 4 * q, n).dag()

        if DEBUG:
            print("n=%i, q=%i, p=%i" % (n, q, p))
            print("Nbra=", nbra)
            # print(psi_n_p(n, q, w0, N), N+4*(p-q))
            print("PSI=", psi_n.dag())
        out += nbra.overlap(H * psi_n)

    # dump to tempdir for future use
    io.dump_obj(io.complex2str(out), filename, io.tempdir)
    return out
Пример #13
def num(hilbert_size, probs=None, mu=None, alpha_range=3):
    number code
    if mu is None:
        mu = np.random.randint(2)

    state = fock(hilbert_size, 0)*0

    if probs is None:
        probs = get_random_num_prob()

    for n, p in enumerate(probs[mu]):
        state += p*fock(hilbert_size, n)    
    rho = state*state.dag()
    return rho.unit(), mu
Пример #14
def test_compare_solvers_coherent_state_memc():
    correlation: comparing me and mc for driven oscillator in ground state

    N = 20
    a = destroy(N)
    H = a.dag() * a + a + a.dag()
    G1 = 0.75
    n_th = 2.00
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(G1 * (1 + n_th)) * a, np.sqrt(G1 * n_th) * a.dag()]
    psi0 = fock(N, 0)

    taulist = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 5)
    corr1 = correlation_2op_2t(H,
                               psi0, [0],
    corr2 = correlation_2op_2t(H,
                               psi0, [0],

    assert_(max(abs(corr1 - corr2)) < 5e-2)
def test_compare_solvers_coherent_state_memc():
    correlation: comparing me and mc for driven oscillator in fock state

    N = 2
    a = destroy(N)
    H = a.dag() * a + a + a.dag()
    G1 = 0.75
    n_th = 2.00
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(G1 * (1 + n_th)) * a, np.sqrt(G1 * n_th) * a.dag()]
    psi0 = fock(N, 1)

    taulist = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 3)
    corr1 = correlation_2op_2t(H,
                               psi0, [0, 0.5],
    corr2 = correlation_2op_2t(H,
                               psi0, [0, 0.5],

    # pretty lax criterion, but would otherwise require a quite long simulation
    # time
    assert_(abs(corr1 - corr2).max() < 0.25)
Пример #16
def f(N, options):
    wa = 1
    wc = 0.9
    delta = wa - wc
    g = 2
    kappa = 0.5
    gamma = 0.1
    n_th = 0.75
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)

    Ia = qt.qeye(2)
    Ic = qt.qeye(N)

    a = qt.destroy(N)
    at = qt.create(N)

    sm = qt.sigmam()
    sp = qt.sigmap()

    # H = wc*qt.tensor(n, Ia) + qt.tensor(Ic, wa/2.*sz) + g*(qt.tensor(at, sm) + qt.tensor(a, sp))
    Ha = g * qt.tensor(at, sm)
    Hb = g * qt.tensor(a, sp)
    H = [[Ha, lambda t, args: np.exp(-1j*delta*t)],
         [Hb, lambda t, args: np.exp(1j*delta*t)]]
    c_ops = [
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa*(1+n_th)) * a, Ia),
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa*n_th) * at, Ia),
        qt.tensor(Ic, np.sqrt(gamma) * sm),

    psi0 = qt.tensor(qt.fock(N, 0), (qt.basis(2, 0) + qt.basis(2, 1)).unit())
    exp_n = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tspan, c_ops, [qt.tensor(a, sp)], options=options).expect[0]
    return np.real(exp_n)
Пример #17
def qeye2(N):
    # create an identity out of adding outer products
    out = 0
    for i in range(N):
        v = qt.fock(N, i)
        out += v * v.dag()
    return out
Пример #18
def test_purity():
	Test the purity function.
	psi = qt.fock(3)
	rho_test = qt.ket2dm(psi)
	test_pure = purity(rho_test)
	assert_equal( test_pure, 1 )
Пример #19
def iniState1Q1Rsys(Nq: int, Nf: int, s: int, t: int, mode='ket'):
    q1 = ket(Nq, s)
    r1 = qt.fock(Nf, t)
    psi0 = qt.tensor(q1, r1)
    if mode == 'rho':
        ini = psi0 * psi0.dag()
        ini = psi0
    return ini
Пример #20
    def calcDispersiveShift(self):
        eigenlevels = self.Hlab.eigenstates()
        e0 = qt.tensor(qt.basis(self.Nq, 1), qt.fock(self.Nf, 0))
        g1 = qt.tensor(qt.basis(self.Nq, 0), qt.fock(self.Nf, 1))
        e1 = qt.tensor(qt.basis(self.Nq, 1), qt.fock(self.Nf, 1))
        ket_try = [e0, g1, e1]
        ket_keys = ['e0', 'g1', 'e1']
        disp_dic = {}
        for i in range(3):
            e = np.abs([(ket_try[i].dag() * eigenlevels[1])[j].tr()
                        for j in range(self.Nq * self.Nf)])
            index = np.argmax(e)
            disp_dic[ket_keys[i]] = eigenlevels[0][index]

        disp_dic['chi'] = (disp_dic['e1'] - disp_dic['e0'] -
                           disp_dic['g1']) / 2
        self.dispersiveshift = disp_dic
        return disp_dic
Пример #21
def test_c_ops_fn_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing 3LS emission corr., c_ops td (fn-list td format)

    # calculate zero-delay HOM cross-correlation, for incoherently pumped
    # 3LS ladder system g2ab[0]
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, 99% initialized, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2ab(0)~0.185
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 6, 20)
    ket0 = fock(3, 0)
    ket1 = fock(3, 1)
    ket2 = fock(3, 2)
    sm01 = ket0 * ket1.dag()
    sm12 = ket1 * ket2.dag()
    psi0 = fock(3, 2)

    tp = 1
    # define "pi" pulse as when 99% of population has been transferred
    Om = np.sqrt(-np.log(1e-2) / (tp * np.sqrt(np.pi)))
    c_ops = [sm01,
             [sm12 * Om,
              lambda t, args:
                    np.exp(-(t - args["t_off"]) ** 2 / (2 * args["tp"] ** 2))]]
    args = {"tp": tp, "t_off": 2}
    H = qeye(3) * 0
    # HOM cross-correlation depends on coherences (g2[0]=0)
    c1 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, tlist, tlist, c_ops,
                            sm01.dag(), sm01, args=args)
    c2 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, tlist, tlist, c_ops,
                            sm01.dag(), sm01, args=args, reverse=True)
    n = mesolve(
        H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, [sm01.dag() * sm01], args=args
    n_f = Cubic_Spline(tlist[0], tlist[-1], n)
    corr_ab = - c1 * c2 + np.array(
        [[n_f(t) * n_f(t + tau) for tau in tlist]
         for t in tlist])
    dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0]
    gab = abs(np.trapz(np.trapz(corr_ab, axis=0))) * dt ** 2

    assert_(abs(gab - 0.185) < 1e-2)
def tensoredQubit0(N):
    #Make Qubit matrix
    res = qt.fock(
        2**N).proj()  #For some reason ran faster than fock_dm(2**N) in tests
    #Make dims list
    dims = [2 for i in range(N)]
    dims = [dims.copy(), dims.copy()]
    res.dims = dims
    return res
def psi_n_p(n, p, w0, N):
    Generate the eigenstate for transmon hamiltonian to p-th order in xi. This is done
    recursively, and will use calls to En_p, which calls p_sin_p in turn. eqn 11 in Didier (2018)
    :param n: n refers to the energy level of the system
    :param p: order of expansion for eigenstate, i.e. p-th order in xi
    :param w0:
    :param N: Size of the ORIGINAL Hspace; this will be modified according to the order p of calculation
    :return: p-th order nth eigenstate PSI, with SIZE = N + 4*p

    filename = io.get_dumpname_Psi(n, p, w0, N)
    load_check = io.load_obj(filename, io.tempdir)
    if load_check is not None:
        if DEBUG:
            print("loading psi from file %i" % filename)
        return load_check

    # adjusted size of Fock state Hspace to account for larger H_u
    NN = N + 4 * p
    nket = qt.fock(NN, n)

    # the zeroth order component of the psi_n is just |n>, in our expanded Hspace
    if p == 0:
        return qt.fock(N, n)

    out = 0
    # FIXME: add "+1" to the top limit of the range?
    for m in range(N + 4 * p):

        # always ignore m=n because n-th state is fully described by 0th order term
        if m == n:
        # first term is the pth order hamiltonian on 0th order eigenstates
        first = qt.fock(N + 4 * p, m).dag() * H_u(p, w0, N + 4 * p) * qt.fock(
            N + 4 * p, n) * qt.fock(N + 4 * p, m)
        out += first / (w0 * (n - m))

    # remaining terms: varying in size depending on the order of H_u, and so must be padded to N+4*p
    # the orders of sum over q and sum over m are switched because FIXME!!!
    for q in range(1, p):
        for m in range(N + 4 * q):
            if m == n:
            psi_n_q = psi_n_p(n, q, w0, N)
            if DEBUG:
                print("psi_%i(%i) calling get_E_%i(%i)" % (n, p, n, p))
            qth = qt.fock(N + 4 * q, m).dag() * (
                H_u(p - q, w0, N + 4 * q) -
                En_p(n, p - q, w0, N + 4 * q)) * psi_n_q * qt.fock(
                    N + 4 * p, m)
            out += qth / (w0 * (n - m))

    io.dump_obj(out, filename, io.tempdir)

    return out.unit()
def test_H_fn_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission corr., H td (fn td format)

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2[0], for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.57
    sm = destroy(2)

    def H_func(t, args):
        return 2 * args["H0"] * np.exp(-2 * (t - 1)**2)

    tlist = linspace(0, 5, 50)
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H_func,
                              fock(2, 0),
                              tlist, [sm],
                              sm.dag() * sm,
                              args={"H0": sm + sm.dag()})
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1] - tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0] - 1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) +\
        sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = trapz(
                fock(2, 0),
                tlist, [sm], [sm.dag() * sm],
                    "H0": sm + sm.dag()
                }).expect[0], tlist)
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(sum(0.5 * dt**2 * (s1 + 2 * s2 + 4 * s3)) / exp_n_in**2)

    assert_(abs(g20 - 0.59) < 1e-2)
Пример #25
def test_np_str_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing 3LS emission corr., c_ops td (np-list td format)

    # calculate zero-delay HOM cross-correlation, for incoherently pumped
    # 3LS ladder system g2ab[0]
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, 99% initialized, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2ab(0)~0.185
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 6, 20)
    ket0 = fock(3, 0)
    ket1 = fock(3, 1)
    ket2 = fock(3, 2)
    sm01 = ket0 * ket1.dag()
    sm12 = ket1 * ket2.dag()
    psi0 = fock(3, 2)

    tp = 1
    t_off = 2
    # define "pi" pulse as when 99% of population has been transferred
    Om = np.sqrt(-np.log(1e-2) / (tp * np.sqrt(np.pi)))
    c_ops = [sm01,
             [sm12 * Om, np.exp(-(tlist - t_off) ** 2 / (2 * tp ** 2))]]
    H = qeye(3) * 0
    # HOM cross-correlation depends on coherences (g2[0]=0)
    c1 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, tlist, tlist, c_ops,
                            sm01.dag(), sm01)
    c2 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, tlist, tlist, c_ops,
                            sm01.dag(), sm01, reverse=True)
    n = mesolve(
        H, psi0, tlist, c_ops, sm01.dag() * sm01
    n_f = interp1d(tlist, n, kind="cubic", fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
    corr_ab = - c1 * c2 + np.array(
        [[n_f(t) * n_f(t + tau) for tau in tlist]
         for t in tlist])
    dt = tlist[1] - tlist[0]
    gab = abs(np.trapz(np.trapz(corr_ab, axis=0))) * dt ** 2

    assert_(abs(gab - 0.185) < 1e-2)
Пример #26
def test_H_np_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission corr., H td (np-list td format)

    #from qutip.rhs_generate import rhs_clear


    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2[0], for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.57
    sm = destroy(2)
    tp = 0.5
    t_off = 1
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 50)
    H = [[2 * (sm + sm.dag()), np.exp(-(tlist - t_off) ** 2 / (2 * tp ** 2))]]
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, tlist, [sm],
                              sm.dag(), sm.dag() * sm, sm)
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1] - tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0] - 1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) + \
         sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = np.trapz(
            H, fock(2, 0), tlist, [sm], [sm.dag() * sm]
        ).expect[0], tlist
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(
        sum(0.5 * dt ** 2 * (s1 + 2 * s2 + 4 * s3)) / exp_n_in ** 2

    assert_(abs(g20 - 0.59) < 1e-2)
Пример #27
def test_fn_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission correlations (fn td format)

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2(0), for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.57
    sm = destroy(2)

    def H_func(t, args):
        return 2 * args["H0"] * np.exp(-2 * (t-1)**2)

    tlist = linspace(0, 5, 50)
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H_func, fock(2, 0), tlist, tlist,
                              [sm], sm.dag(), sm.dag() * sm, sm,
                              args={"H0": sm+sm.dag()})
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1]-tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0]-1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) +\
        sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = trapz(
            H_func, fock(2, 0), tlist, [sm], [sm.dag()*sm],
            args={"H0": sm+sm.dag()}
        ).expect[0], tlist
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(
        sum(0.5*dt**2*(s1 + 2*s2 + 4*s3)) / exp_n_in**2

    assert_(abs(g20-0.57) < 1e-1)
def test_rhs_reuse():
    rhs_reuse : pyx filenames match for rhs_reus= True
    N = 10
    a = qt.destroy(N)
    H = [a.dag() * a, [a + a.dag(), 'sin(t)']]
    psi0 = qt.fock(N, 3)
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a]
    c_ops = [0.25 * a]

    # Test sesolve
    out1 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tlist, e_ops=e_ops)

    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out2 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tlist, e_ops=e_ops)

    assert_(config.tdname != _temp_config_name)
    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out3 = qt.mesolve(H,

    assert_(config.tdname == _temp_config_name)

    # Test mesolve

    out1 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops=c_ops, e_ops=e_ops)

    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out2 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_ops=c_ops, e_ops=e_ops)

    assert_(config.tdname != _temp_config_name)
    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out3 = qt.mesolve(H,

    assert_(config.tdname == _temp_config_name)
Пример #29
def test_str_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission corr. (str-list td format)

    # both H and c_ops are time-dependent

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2[0], for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.85
    sm = destroy(2)
    args = {"t_off": 1, "tp": 0.5}
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 50)
    H = [[2 * (sm + sm.dag()), "exp(-(t-t_off)**2 / (2*tp**2))"]]
    c_ops = [sm, [sm.dag() * sm * 2, "exp(-(t-t_off)**2 / (2*tp**2))"]]
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, tlist, [sm],
                              sm.dag(), sm.dag() * sm, sm, args=args)
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1] - tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0] - 1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) + \
         sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = np.trapz(
            H, fock(2, 0), tlist, c_ops, [sm.dag() * sm], args=args
        ).expect[0], tlist
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(
        sum(0.5 * dt ** 2 * (s1 + 2 * s2 + 4 * s3)) / exp_n_in ** 2

    assert_(abs(g20 - 0.85) < 1e-2)
Пример #30
def kernel(train_oracle, qstat, m,
           n):  # m is number of datasets, n the length of data vector

    #chi = 1/(np.linalg.norm(norm))*sum([norm[i]*qt.tensor(qt.fock(m,i),qstat[i]) for i in range(0,m)])
    chi = train_oracle * \
        sum([qt.tensor(qt.fock(m + 1, 0), qt.fock(m + 1, i))
             for i in range(1, m + 1)])

    # Generate chi by applying Oracle to sum(|i>|0>)

    # Try partial trace manually.
    def operator(k):
        return qt.tensor(qt.qeye(n + 1), qt.fock(m + 1, k))

    chidens = chi * chi.dag()

    trace = sum([operator(i).dag() * chidens * operator(i) for i in range(n)])
    # Qutip buildt in function for ptrace
    # all other components than the 0-th are traced out!
    trace2 = chidens.ptrace(0)

    return trace2
Пример #31
def test_steadystate_floquet(sparse):
    Test the steadystate solution for a periodically
    driven system.
    N_c = 20

    a = qutip.destroy(N_c)
    a_d = a.dag()
    X_c = a + a_d

    w_c = 1

    A_l = 0.001
    w_l = w_c
    gam = 0.01

    H = w_c * a_d * a

    H_t = [H, [X_c, lambda t, args: args["A_l"] * np.cos(args["w_l"] * t)]]

    psi0 = qutip.fock(N_c, 0)

    args = {"A_l": A_l, "w_l": w_l}

    c_ops = []
    c_ops.append(np.sqrt(gam) * a)

    t_l = np.linspace(0, 20 / gam, 2000)

    expect_me = qutip.mesolve(H_t, psi0, t_l, c_ops, [a_d * a],

    rho_ss = qutip.steadystate_floquet(H,
                                       A_l * X_c,
    expect_ss = qutip.expect(a_d * a, rho_ss)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(expect_me[-20:], expect_ss, atol=1e-3)
    assert rho_ss.tr() == pytest.approx(1, abs=1e-15)
Пример #32
def test_rhs_reuse():
    rhs_reuse : pyx filenames match for rhs_reus= True
    N = 10 
    a = qt.destroy(N)
    H = [a.dag()*a, [a+a.dag(), 'sin(t)']]
    psi0 = qt.fock(N,3)
    tlist = np.linspace(0,10,10)
    e_ops = [a.dag()*a]
    c_ops = [0.25*a]

    # Test sesolve
    out1 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0,tlist, e_ops=e_ops)

    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out2 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0,tlist, e_ops=e_ops)

    assert_(config.tdname != _temp_config_name)
    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out3 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0,tlist, e_ops=e_ops, 
    assert_(config.tdname == _temp_config_name)

    # Test mesolve

    out1 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0,tlist, c_ops=c_ops, e_ops=e_ops)

    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out2 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0,tlist, c_ops=c_ops, e_ops=e_ops)

    assert_(config.tdname != _temp_config_name)
    _temp_config_name = config.tdname

    out3 = qt.mesolve(H, psi0,tlist, e_ops=e_ops, c_ops=c_ops,
    assert_(config.tdname == _temp_config_name)
Пример #33
def test_compare_solvers_coherent_state_memc():
    correlation: comparing me and mc for driven oscillator in ground state

    N = 20
    a = destroy(N)
    H = a.dag() * a + a + a.dag()
    G1 = 0.75
    n_th = 2.00
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(G1 * (1 + n_th)) * a, np.sqrt(G1 * n_th) * a.dag()]
    psi0 = fock(N, 0)

    taulist = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 5)
    corr1 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, [0], taulist, c_ops, a.dag(), a,
    corr2 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, [0], taulist, c_ops, a.dag(), a,

    assert_(max(abs(corr1 - corr2)) < 5e-2)
Пример #34
def test_compare_solvers_coherent_state_memc():
    correlation: comparing me and mc for driven oscillator in fock state

    N = 2
    a = destroy(N)
    H = a.dag() * a + a + a.dag()
    G1 = 0.75
    n_th = 2.00
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(G1 * (1 + n_th)) * a, np.sqrt(G1 * n_th) * a.dag()]
    psi0 = fock(N, 1)

    taulist = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 3)
    corr1 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, [0, 0.5], taulist, c_ops, a.dag(), a,
    corr2 = correlation_2op_2t(H, psi0, [0, 0.5], taulist, c_ops, a.dag(), a,

    # pretty lax criterion, but would otherwise require a quite long simulation
    # time
    assert_(abs(corr1 - corr2).max() < 0.2)
Пример #35
def f(N, options):
    wa = 1
    wc = 1
    g = 2
    kappa = 0.5
    gamma = 0.1
    n_th = 0.75
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)

    Ia = qt.qeye(2)
    Ic = qt.qeye(N)

    a = qt.destroy(N)
    at = qt.create(N)
    n = at * a

    sm = qt.sigmam()
    sp = qt.sigmap()
    sz = qt.sigmaz()

    H = wc * qt.tensor(n, Ia) + qt.tensor(
        Ic, wa / 2. * sz) + g * (qt.tensor(at, sm) + qt.tensor(a, sp))
    c_ops = [
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a, Ia),
        qt.tensor(np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * at, Ia),
                  np.sqrt(gamma) * sm),

    psi0 = qt.tensor(qt.fock(N, 0), (qt.basis(2, 0) + qt.basis(2, 1)).unit())
    exp_n = qt.mcsolve(H,
                       c_ops, [qt.tensor(n, Ia)],
    return np.real(exp_n)
Пример #36
def f(N, options):
    wa = 1
    wc = 1
    g = 2
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 10, 11)

    Ia = qt.qeye(2)
    Ic = qt.qeye(N)

    a = qt.destroy(N)
    at = qt.create(N)
    n = at * a

    sm = qt.sigmam()
    sp = qt.sigmap()
    sz = qt.sigmaz()

    H = wc * qt.tensor(n, Ia) + qt.tensor(
        Ic, wa / 2. * sz) + g * (qt.tensor(at, sm) + qt.tensor(a, sp))

    psi0 = qt.tensor(qt.fock(N, 0), (qt.basis(2, 0) + qt.basis(2, 1)).unit())
    exp_n = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, tspan, [], [qt.tensor(n, Ia)],
    return exp_n
def coherence_noon(rho, NH1, NH2, N):
    sigmax_n = qt.tensor(qt.fock(NH1,N),qt.fock(NH2,0))*qt.tensor(qt.fock(NH1,0).dag(),qt.fock(NH2,N).dag())\
    sigmay_n = 1j*qt.tensor(qt.fock(NH1,N),qt.fock(NH2,0))*qt.tensor(qt.fock(NH1,0).dag(),qt.fock(NH2,N).dag())\
    sigmaz_n = qt.tensor(qt.fock(NH1,0),qt.fock(NH2,N))*qt.tensor(qt.fock(NH1,0).dag(),qt.fock(NH2,N).dag())\
    return sqrt((sigmax_n * rho).tr()**2 + (sigmay_n * rho).tr()**2 +
                (sigmaz_n * rho).tr()**2)
Пример #38

import pytest
import functools
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import qutip

pytestmark = [pytest.mark.usefixtures("in_temporary_directory")]

_equivalence_dimension = 20
_equivalence_fock = qutip.fock(_equivalence_dimension, 1)
_equivalence_coherent = qutip.coherent_dm(_equivalence_dimension, 2)

@pytest.mark.parametrize(["solver", "start", "legacy"], [
    pytest.param("es", _equivalence_coherent, False, id="es"),
    pytest.param("es", _equivalence_coherent, True, id="es-legacy"),
    pytest.param("es", None, False, id="es-steady state"),
    pytest.param("es", None, True, id="es-steady state-legacy"),
    pytest.param("mc", _equivalence_fock, False, id="mc",
def test_correlation_solver_equivalence(solver, start, legacy):
    Test that all of the correlation solvers give the same results for a given
Пример #39
def test_fock_type():
    "State CSR Type: fock"
    st = fock(5,1)
    assert_equal(isspmatrix_csr(st.data), True)
Пример #40
        args['t_c_1'] = args['t_k_1']
    if varying_param == 't_k_2':
        args['t_c_2'] = args['t_k_2']
    # Compute density matrices for each value of the varying parameter
    Density_matrices += [
        RhoFinal(Nrealmax, Detection, args, fig_rhofinal=False, fig_qm=False)

# Calculate the fidelity between the ideal state |10 > + exp(i*phi) |01 > and the simulated matrices
# In each case, store in a dictionary the best fidelity (for a optimized value of phi)

phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
Psi_ideal = {}
DM_ideal = {}
for i in range(len(phi)):
    Psi_ideal[i] = (qt.tensor(qt.fock(3, 0), qt.fock(3, 1)) + np.exp(
        1j * phi[i]) * qt.tensor(qt.fock(3, 1), qt.fock(3, 0))) / np.sqrt(2)
    DM_ideal[i] = qt.ket2dm(Psi_ideal[i])

Fidelity = {}
Max_fidelity = {}
Max_index = {}
for i in range(N_plots):
    Fidelity[i] = {}
    Max_fidelity[i] = 0
    Max_index[i] = 0
    for j in range(len(phi)):
        Fidelity[i][j] = (
            qt.fidelity(DM_ideal[j], Density_matrices[i])
        )**2  # the qt.fidelity function returns float(np.real((A * (B * A)).sqrtm().tr()))
        if Fidelity[i][j] > Max_fidelity[i]:
Пример #41
def test_smesolve_homodyne_methods():
    "Stochastic: smesolve: homodyne methods with single jump operator"

    def arccoth(x):
        return 0.5*np.log((1.+x)/(x-1.))

    th = 0.1 # Interaction parameter
    alpha = np.cos(th)
    beta = np.sin(th)
    gamma = 1.

    N = 30                 # number of Fock states
    Id = qeye(N)
    a = destroy(N)
    s = 0.5*((alpha+beta)*a + (alpha-beta)*a.dag())
    x = (a + a.dag()) * 2**-0.5
    H = Id + gamma * a * a.dag()
    sc_op = [s]
    e_op = [x, x*x]
    rho0 = fock(N,0)      # initial vacuum state

    T = 6.                   # final time
    # number of time steps for which we save the expectation values
    N_store = 200
    Nsub = 10
    tlist = np.linspace(0, T, N_store)
    ddt = (tlist[1]-tlist[0])

    #### No analytic solution for ssesolve, taylor15 with 500 substep
    sol = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist, sc_op, e_op,
                   nsubsteps=1000, method='homodyne', solver='taylor1.5')
    y_an = (sol.expect[1]-sol.expect[0]*sol.expect[0].conj())

    list_methods_tol = [['euler-maruyama', 3e-2],
                        ['pc-euler', 5e-3],
                        ['pc-euler-2', 5e-3],
                        ['platen', 5e-3],
                        ['milstein', 5e-3],
                        ['milstein-imp', 5e-3],
                        ['taylor1.5', 5e-4],
                        ['taylor1.5-imp', 5e-4],
                        ['explicit1.5', 5e-4],
                        ['taylor2.0', 5e-4]]
    for n_method in list_methods_tol:
        sol = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist, sc_op, e_op,
                       nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver = n_method[0])
        sol2 = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist, sc_op, e_op, store_measurement=0,
                       nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver = n_method[0],
                       noise = sol.noise)
        sol3 = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist, sc_op, e_op,
                        nsubsteps=Nsub*5, method='homodyne',
                        solver = n_method[0], tol=1e-8)
        err = 1/T * np.sum(np.abs(y_an - \
        err3 = 1/T * np.sum(np.abs(y_an - \
        print(n_method[0], ': deviation =', err, err3,', tol =', n_method[1])
        assert_(err < n_method[1])
        # 5* more substep should decrease the error
        assert_(err3 < err)
        # just to check that noise is not affected by smesolve
        assert_(np.all(sol.noise == sol2.noise))
        assert_(np.all(sol.expect[0] == sol2.expect[0]))

    sol = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist[:2], sc_op, e_op, noise=10, ntraj=2,
                    nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver='euler',
    sol2 = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist[:2], sc_op, e_op, noise=10, ntraj=2,
                    nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver='euler',
    sol3 = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist[:2], sc_op, e_op, noise=11, ntraj=2,
                    nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver='euler')
    # sol and sol2 have the same seed, sol3 differ.
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise == sol2.noise))
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise != sol3.noise))
    assert_(not np.all(sol.measurement[0] == 0.+0j))
    assert_(np.all(sol2.measurement[0] == 0.+0j))
    sol = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist[:2], sc_op, e_op, noise=np.array([1,2]),
                   ntraj=2, nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver='euler')
    sol2 = ssesolve(H, rho0, tlist[:2], sc_op, e_op, noise=np.array([2,1]),
                   ntraj=2, nsubsteps=Nsub, method='homodyne', solver='euler')
    # sol and sol2 have the seed of traj 1 and 2 reversed.
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise[0,:,:,:] == sol2.noise[1,:,:,:]))
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise[1,:,:,:] == sol2.noise[0,:,:,:]))