Пример #1
 def test_retag_ok(self):
     """We try to tag the same mesh, but with the retag 
     parameter = True
     Should succeed fine."""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, retag=True), 1)
Пример #2
 def test_retag_totals_fail(self):
     """We try to tag the same mesh, and also include totals; 
     Should have no problems. should not be reached before """
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, retag=True, totals=True), 1)
Пример #3
 def test_retag_fail(self):
     """We try again to tag the same mesh. An error should be returned"""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm), 0)
Пример #4
 def test_retag_totals_fail(self):
     """We try again to tag the same mesh. An error should be returned.
     This test should be redundant as totals should not be reached before 
     the method fails."""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, totals=True), 0)
Пример #5
 def test_cooling_string_fail(self):
     """We send an invalid string value for the cooling step.  String is not in 
     file and should return 0"""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, coolingstep="never"), 0)
Пример #6
 def setUp(self):
     os.system("cp " + meshfile_orig + " " + meshfile)
     self.sm = ScdMesh.fromFile(meshfile)
     read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm)
Пример #7
 def test_cooling_num_fail2(self):
     """We send an invalid numeric value for the cooling step. Should return 0"""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, coolingstep=-3), 0)
Пример #8
 def test_cooling_string_pass(self):
     """We send a valid string value for the cooling step. Should return 1"""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, coolingstep="1 s"), 1)
Пример #9
 def test_unobtanium(self):
     """Supplied isotope doesn't exist in file."""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, "unobtanium"), 0)
Пример #10
 def test_cooling_num_pass(self):
     """We send a numeric value for the cooling step. Should return 1"""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, coolingstep=3) , 1)
Пример #11
 def test_simple_with_totals(self):
     """Tag a mesh; tagging again should fail; then tagging again should
     succeed when we add the retag=True option"""
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, totals=True), 1)
Пример #12
 def test_simple(self):
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm), 1)
Пример #13
 def test_retag_and_totals_ok(self):
     """We enable retagging and also make sure that the totals get retagged.
     self.assertEqual(read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(inputfile, self.sm, retag=True, totals=True), 1)
Пример #14
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        # Use default
        param_list.append( param[1])

(opt_isotope, opt_cooling, opt_sampling, opt_ergs, opt_bias, opt_cumulative, opt_phtnfmesh) = param_list

# Do step 2

print "Loading step one data file '{0}'".format(datafile)
smesh = ScdMesh.fromFile(datafile)

# Tagging mesh
print "Reading ALARA photon source '{0}'".format(phtn_src)
read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(phtn_src, smesh, isotope=opt_isotope, \
        coolingstep=opt_cooling, retag=True, totals=True)

print "Saving photon source information to '{0}'".format(datafile)

fr = open(phtn_src, 'r')
coolingstepstring = read_alara_phtn.get_cooling_step_name(opt_cooling, fr)[0]

print "Writing gammas file"
write_gammas.gen_gammas_file_from_h5m(smesh, sampling=opt_sampling, \
        do_bias=opt_bias, cumulative=opt_cumulative, cust_ergbins=opt_ergs, \
        coolingstep=coolingstepstring, isotope=opt_isotope)

# Create photon MCNP input file from neutron input if it doesn't exist already
if mcnp_p_problem:
Пример #15
def handle_phtn_data(datafile, phtn_src, opt_isotope, opt_cooling,  \
        opt_sampling, opt_bias, opt_cumulative, cust_ergbins, 
        resample, uni_resamp_all, gammas="gammas"):
    """Loads phtn_src data, tags this to mesh, and generates 'gammas' file.

    datafile : string
        Path to structured mesh file (e.g. .h5m file)
    phtn_src : string
        Path to phtn_src file
    opt_isotope : string
        The isotope identifier as listed in phtn_src file
    opt_cooling : int or string
        The cooling step, either as a numeric index (from 0) or a string
        identifier as listed in phtn_src file
    opt_sampling : ['v', 'u']
        Type of sampling to generate the 'gammas' file for; v=voxel; u=uniform
    opt_bias : boolean
        If true, look for bias values on the mesh and include them in 'gammas'
    opt_cumulative : boolean
        If true, write energy bins' relative probabilities cumulatively
    cust_ergbins : boolean
        If true, look for custom energy bins on the mesh and include them in
    resample : boolean
        If true, 'r' flag is added to gammas, and resampling of particles 
        starting in void regions of voxels is enabled.
    uni_resamp_all : boolean
        If true, 'a' flag is added to gammas, and particles starting in void
        regions of voxels, during uniform sampling, are resampled over the
        entire problem, rather than resampling just the voxel.  This has the
        potential to result in an unfair game.
    gammas : string (optional)
        File name for 'gammas' file. Defaults to 'gammas'.

    mesh : ScdMesh object or iMesh.Mesh object
        MOAB mesh object

    Only creates gammas file if mesh is an ScdMesh.
    print "Loading step one data file '{0}'".format(datafile)
        mesh = ScdMesh.fromFile(datafile)
    except ScdMeshError:
        mesh = iMesh.Mesh()

    # Tagging mesh
    print "Reading ALARA photon source '{0}'".format(phtn_src)
    read_alara_phtn.read_to_h5m(phtn_src, mesh, isotope=opt_isotope, \
            coolingstep=opt_cooling, retag=True, totals=True)

    print "Saving photon source information to '{0}'".format(datafile)
    if isinstance(mesh, ScdMesh):

        with open(phtn_src, 'r') as fr:
                coolingstepstring = read_alara_phtn.get_cooling_step_name( \
                    opt_cooling, fr)[0]
            except ValueError:
                coolingstepstring = opt_cooling

        print "Writing gammas file"
        write_gammas.gen_gammas_file_from_h5m(mesh, outfile=gammas, \
                sampling=opt_sampling, do_bias=opt_bias, \
                cumulative=opt_cumulative, cust_ergbins=cust_ergbins, \
                coolingstep=coolingstepstring, isotope=opt_isotope, \
                resample=resample, uni_resamp_all=uni_resamp_all)

    return mesh