Пример #1
def xyz_ent():
	weeded_list = file_weeder([".xyz"])
	weeded_list = weeded_list if preferences.folder_op else sel_files(weeded_list)
	if not weeded_list: return
	for i in weeded_list:
		xyz = XyzFile(read_item(i)).enantiomer()
Пример #2
	def aproximate(xyz_1, xyz_2, vertex):
		"""Aproximate xyz_2 to xyz_1 from trajectory vertex. Returns [xyz_1+xyz_2, xyz_2]"""

		def min_dist(a, b):
			return min(math.sqrt(sum(pow(c - d, 2) for c, d in zip(bb, aa))) for bb in b for aa in a)

		xyz_a = [[float(a) for a in i] for i in xyz_1.cord_strip()]
		xyz_b = [[float(a) + b * 50 for a, b in zip(i, vertex)] for i in xyz_2.cord_strip()]
		for num in range(5):
			step_size = 1 / 2 ** num
			while True:
				if min_dist(xyz_a, xyz_b) < 2:
					xyz_b = [[a + b * step_size for a, b in zip(i, vertex)] for i in xyz_b]
					xyz_b = [[a - b * step_size for a, b in zip(i, vertex)] for i in xyz_b]
		cordinates = [" ".join([a, *[str(c) for c in b]]) for a, b in zip(xyz_2.all_elements(), xyz_b)]
		return XyzFile([xyz_2.name(), xyz_2.n_atoms(), " ", *cordinates])
Пример #3
def xyz_insert(weeded_list):
	"""Inserts geometries into both orca and gaussian input files"""
	extension = ".inp" if preferences.comp_software == "orca" else preferences.gauss_ext
	sub_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"inserted_input_files")
	if os.path.exists(sub_folder):
		print("'inserted_input_files' directory already exists in current directory!")
		print("Please remove it and try again!")
	for i in weeded_list:
			xyz = XyzFile(read_item(i))
			if preferences.comp_software == "orca": comp_input = InpFile(read_item(i.replace(".xyz",extension)))
			else: comp_input = GjfFile(read_item(i.replace(".xyz",extension)))
			comp_input = comp_input.replace_cord(xyz)
			with open(os.path.join(sub_folder,i.replace(".xyz",extension)),"w") as file:
		except FileNotFoundError: print("file " + i.replace(".xyz",extension) + " could not be found!")
	print("\nJob done!\nPlease lookup the inserted_input_files directory\n")
Пример #4
 def read_strucure(self):
     charge_mult = None
     title = None
     coordinates = []
     for i, a in enumerate(self.list[self.hash_line:]):
         if i > 5 and not coordinates: break
         a = a.split(",")
         if len(a) == 2 and not coordinates:
             charge_mult = a
         if len(a) == 4:
             if a[0] in elements and all(
                     is_str_float(a[n]) for n in [1, 2, 3]):
                 coordinates.append("   ".join(a))
             elif coordinates:
         elif coordinates:
     return charge_mult, XyzFile(
          str(len(coordinates)), title, *coordinates])
Пример #5
	def save_inp(self,parameters,index):
		if not preferences.folder_op: self.weeded_list = sel_files(self.weeded_list)
		if not self.weeded_list: return
		for i in self.weeded_list:
			if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), (i.replace(self.original_ext, ".inp")))):
				print(i.replace(self.original_ext,".inp") + " already exist on current directory!")
			xyz = LogFile(read_item(i)).last_xyz_obj() if self.use_logs else XyzFile(read_item(i))
			inp_out = []
			for idx_a, line in enumerate(parameters[0:index]):
				if self.use_logs and idx_a + 1 == len(parameters[0:index]):
					line = "* " + " ".join(LogFile(read_item(i)).charge_mult)
				inp_out.append(line.replace("FILENAME", i.replace(self.original_ext, "")) + "\n")
			for line in xyz.form_cord_block():
				inp_out.append(line + "\n")
			for line in parameters[index + 1:]:
				inp_out.append(line + "\n")
			with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), (i.replace(self.original_ext,".inp"))), "w",newline="\n") as file:
				for line in inp_out: file.write(line)
			print(i.replace(self.original_ext, ".inp"), " created!")
Пример #6
 def first_xyz_obj(self):
     return XyzFile([
         self.name, self.n_atoms, " ",
         *(" ".join(l) for l in self.first_cord_block())
Пример #7
 def any_xyz_obj(self, a_idx, b_idx, title=" ", name=False):
     if name == False: name = self.name
     return XyzFile([
         name, self.n_atoms, title,
         *(" ".join(l) for l in self.xyz_cord_block(a_idx, b_idx))
Пример #8
 def xyz_obj(self):
     return XyzFile([
         self.n_atoms(), " ", *[" ".join(a) for a in self.cord_block()]
Пример #9
	def start():
		angles, p_angles, geodes = None, None, None
		xyz_1 = read_item(None, "Choose the molecule you want to solvate?", ["xyz"])
		if xyz_1: xyz_1 = XyzFile(xyz_1).std_cord()
		else: return

		while True:
			print("Choose a trajectory englobing method")
			print("0 - To cancel")
			print("1 - Cubic gobling")
			print("2 - Icosahedron gobling")
			print("3 - Give a fulerene")
			usr_opt = input()
			if usr_opt == "0": return
			if usr_opt in ["1","2","3"]: break
		if usr_opt == "1":
			geodes = [[a,b,c] for a in [-1,1] for b in [-1,1] for c in [-1,1]]
		elif usr_opt == "2":
			k = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
			geodes = [[0, 1, k], [0, -1, k], [0, -1, -k],
					[0, 1, -k], [k, 0, 1], [-k, 0, 1],
					[-k, 0, -1],[k, 0, -1], [1, k, 0],
					[-1, k, 0], [-1, -k, 0], [1, -k, 0]]
		elif usr_opt == "3":
			geodes = read_item(None, "Chose a fulerene", ["xyz"])
			if geodes:
				geodes = XyzFile(geodes).std_cord().cord_strip()
				geodes = [[float(n) for n in i] for i in geodes]
				print("You need a to choose a trajectory engobling method")

		xyz_2 = read_item(None, "Chose the solvent or counterion", ["xyz"])
		if xyz_2: xyz_2 = XyzFile(xyz_2).std_cord()
		else: return

		while True:
			print("Orientation algorithm:")
			print("0 - To cancel")
			print("1 - Espherical ion")
			print("2 - 12 Random cubic orientations")
			print("3 - 24 Sistematic cubic rotations")
			usr_opt = input()
			if usr_opt in [str(a) for a in range(4)]: break
		if usr_opt == "0":
		elif usr_opt == "1":
			angles = [0]
			p_angles = [["x", 0]]
		elif usr_opt == "2":
			angles = random.choices([math.pi * i for i in [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]], k=3)
			rot = [["x", 0], ["x", .5], ["x", 1], ["x", 1.5], ["z", 0.5], ["z", 1.5]]
			p_angles = random.choices([[i[0], math.pi * i[1]] for i in rot], k=4)
		elif usr_opt == "3":
			angles = [math.pi * i for i in [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]]
			rot = [["x", 0], ["x", .5], ["x", 1], ["x", 1.5], ["z", 0.5], ["z", 1.5]]
			p_angles = [[i[0], math.pi * i[1]] for i in rot]

		while True:
			save = input("Save individual files? (y/n)")
			if save in ["y", "n"]: break
		rot_alg(xyz_1, xyz_2, angles, p_angles, geodes, save)
Пример #10
def superimpose_alg():
	while True:
		print("Chosse an option:")
		print("0 - To cancel")
		print("1 - For batch mode")
		print("2 - For single structure(In screen printing)")
		mode = input()
		if mode in [str(n) for n in range(3)]: break
	if mode == "0":
	elif mode == "1":
		if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rotated")):
			print("Rotated directory already exists in current directory!")
			print("Please remove it and try again.")
		os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rotated"))

		xyz_1 = read_item(None, "Which item do you wish to compare to?", [".xyz"])
		if xyz_1: xyz_1 = XyzFile(xyz_1)

		while True:
			num_atoms = input("compare first N atoms (0 for all):\n")
			if num_atoms in [str(a) for a in range(xyz_1.n_atoms())]:
				num_atoms = int(num_atoms)
				print("Invalid input for {}".format(xyz_1.name()))
		for file in file_weeder(["xyz"]):
			if not file == xyz_1.name():
				xyz_2 = XyzFile(read_item(file))
				xyz_3 = xyz_2.superimpose(xyz_1, num_atoms, True)
				xyz_3.save_file(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rotated"))
		xyz_1.std_cord(num_atoms).save_file(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rotated"))
	elif mode == "2":
		xyz_1 = read_item(None, "Which item do you wish to compare to?", [".xyz"])
		if xyz_1: xyz_1 = XyzFile(xyz_1)
		else: return

		xyz_2 = read_item(None, "Which item do you wish to rotate?", [".xyz"])
		if xyz_2: xyz_2 = XyzFile(xyz_2)

		while True:
			num_atoms = input("compare first N atoms (0 for all):\n")
			if num_atoms in [str(a) for a in range(min([xyz_1.n_atoms(),xyz_2.n_atoms()]))]:
				num_atoms = int(num_atoms)
				print("Invalid input for either or both {} and {}".format(xyz_1.name(),xyz_2.name()))
		xyz_2.superimpose(xyz_1, num_atoms, True).print_file()
Пример #11
	def save_gjf(self,parameters,index):
		heavy_e, gjf_overwrite, folder_op = [preferences.heavy_atom,preferences.gjf_overwrite,preferences.folder_op]
		ecps, basis = None, None
		if not folder_op: self.weeded_list = sel_files(self.weeded_list)
		if not self.weeded_list: return
		if any([b in parameters for b in ["INSERT_GBS_BASIS","INSERT_GBS_ECP"]]):
			print("This parameter file requires an aditional gbs file.")
			print("Where should it be taken from?")
			print("0 - Current folder")
			print("1 - Builtins")
			print("2 - User defined")
			while True:
				option = input()
				if option in ["0","1","2"]: break
			if option == "0": files_dir = os.getcwd()
			elif option == "1": files_dir = self.p_files_dir
			elif option == "2": files_dir = self.user_files_dir
			gbs_files = file_weeder([".gbs"], cf=files_dir)
			print("Chosse one basis/ecp set\n0 - Cancel")
			for i, file in enumerate(gbs_files): print("{} - {}".format(i+1, file))
			while True:
				option = input()
				if option in [str(a) for a in range(len(gbs_files)+1)]: break
				print("Invalid option")
			if option == "0": return
			with open(os.path.join(files_dir,gbs_files[int(option)-1])) as file:
				gbs_file = file.read().splitlines()
			basis, ecps = self.read_gbs(gbs_file)
			assert type(basis) == dict, "Basis was not read"
			assert type(ecps) == dict, "Ecps were not read"
		for i in self.weeded_list:
				gjf_out, rm_lines, = [], []
				if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext)))) and not gjf_overwrite:
					print(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext) + " already exist on current directory!")
				xyz = LogFile(read_item(i)).last_xyz_obj() if self.use_logs else XyzFile(read_item(i))
				for idx_a,line in enumerate(parameters[0:index]):
					if self.use_logs and idx_a+1 == len(parameters[0:index]): line = " ".join(LogFile(read_item(i)).charge_mult)
				for line in xyz.form_cord_block():
				possible = [str(b + 1) for b in range(xyz.n_atoms())]
				for line in parameters[index+1:]:
					# SCAN like: "B S APROX" or "B S DIST"
					is_mod_red = any("modredundant" in i.lower() for i in parameters[0:index])
					s_line = line.split()
					while len(s_line) == 3:
						if s_line[0] != "B" or s_line[1] != "S": break
						if s_line[2] not in ["APROX","DIST"]: break
						if not is_mod_red:
							print("Missing 'modredundant' keyword?")
						if xyz.n_atoms() <2:
							raise Exception(f"At least two atoms are neded in struture {xyz.name()} to perform a scan")
						if s_line[-1] == "APROX":
							print(f"Detected bond scan (APROX) for xyz file {i}.")
							while not all(atom[a] in possible if atom[0] != atom[1] else False for a in [0,1]):
								atom = [input("Enter atom A: "),input("Enter atom B: ")]
							line = f"B {atom[0]} {atom[1]} S APROX"
						elif s_line[-1] == "DIST":
							print(f"Detected bond scan (DIST) for xyz file {i}.")
							while not all(atom[a] in possible if atom[0] != atom[1] else False for a in [0,1]):
								atom = [input("Enter atom A: "),input("Enter atom B: ")]
							line = f"B {atom[0]} {atom[1]} S DIST"
						s_line = line.split()
					# SCAN like: "B 1 2 S APROX" or "B 1 2 S DIST"
					while len(s_line) == 5:

						if s_line[0] != "B" or s_line[3] != "S": break
						if not s_line[1].isdigit(): break
						if not s_line[2].isdigit(): break
						if s_line[4] not in ["APROX", "DIST"]: break
						if not is_mod_red:
							print("Missing 'modredundant' keyword?")
						if xyz.n_atoms() < 2:
							raise Exception(f"At least two atoms are neded in struture {xyz.name()} to perform a scan")
						atoms_idx = [int(s_line[1])-1, int(s_line[2])-1]
						if any(True for a in atoms_idx if not a in range(xyz.n_atoms())):
							raise Exception(f"Scan atom numbers are larger than the number of atoms for: {xyz.name()}")
						atoms_cord = [i for idx,i in enumerate(xyz.cord_block()) if idx in atoms_idx]
						dist = math.sqrt(sum((float(i)-float(atoms_cord[1][idx]))**2 for idx,i in enumerate(atoms_cord[0]) if idx > 0))
						ideal_dist=sum(b[1] for idx,b in enumerate(element_radii) if b[0] in [i[0] for i in atoms_cord])/100
						if s_line[-1] == "APROX":
							line = line.replace("APROX",f"{1+int((dist-ideal_dist)/0.075)} -0.075")
						elif s_line[-1] == "DIST":
							line = line.replace("DIST",f"{1+int(ideal_dist/0.075)} 0.075")
						s_line = line.split()
					# SCAN like: "D S"
					while len(s_line) == 2:
						if not is_mod_red: break
						if s_line[0] != "D" or s_line[1] != "S": break
						print(f"Detected dihedral scan for xyz file {i}.")
						if xyz.n_atoms() < 4:
							raise Exception(f"At least two four atoms are neded in struture {xyz.name()} to perform a dihedral scan")
						while True:
							atom = [input(f"Enter atom {a}: ") for a in ["A","B","C","D"]]
							atom = [a.strip() for a in atom]
							if not all([len(a.split()) == 1 and a.isdigit() for a in atom]):
								print("No non-numeric characters or spaces are allowed for atom numbers")
							if not len(set(atom)) == 4:
								print("No atom should be repeated!")
							if not all([a in possible for a in atom]):
								print("Atoms with incorrect number were found!")
						while True:
							n_steps = input("Please give the number of steps to be taken: ").strip()
							if n_steps.isdigit(): break
							else: print("The number of steps must be an integer")
						while True:
							print("Please give the step size to be taken in degrees")
							size = input("The number must include a dot character as a decimal place (eg. '10.0'): ").strip()
							if is_str_float(size) and size.count(".") == 1: break
							else: print("Please make sure the number complies with formating rules!")
						line = f"D {' '.join(atom)} S {n_steps} {size}"
						s_line = line.split()
					if line.replace(" ", "").lower() == "notatoms=":
						print("Please enter the atoms you want to freeze on structure {} separated by comma".format(xyz.name()))
						line = line + input(line)
					elif line.replace(" ", "").lower() == "noatomsatoms=":
						print("Please enter the atoms you want to optimize on structure {} separated by comma".format(xyz.name()))
						line = line + input(line)
					elif len(s_line) == 2:
						if any(True for a in ["/gen","gen ","genecp"] if a in " ".join(parameters[0:index-3]).lower()):
							if s_line == ["LIGHT_ELEMENT_BASIS","0"]:
								elm = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) < heavy_e+1]
								if elm: line = line.replace("LIGHT_ELEMENT_BASIS"," ".join(elm))
									for a in range(3): rm_lines.append(len(gjf_out)+a)
							elif s_line == ["HEAVY_ELEMENT_BASIS","0"]:
								elm = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) > heavy_e]
								if elm: line = line.replace("HEAVY_ELEMENT_BASIS"," ".join(elm))
									for a in range(3): rm_lines.append(len(gjf_out)+a)
						if "pseudo=read" in " ".join(parameters[0:index - 3]).lower().replace(" ",""):
							if s_line == ["HEAVY_ELEMENT_ECP","0"]:
								elm = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) > heavy_e]
								if elm: line = line.replace("HEAVY_ELEMENT_ECP"," ".join(elm))
									pattern = re.compile(r'pseudo.{0,3}=.{0,3}read',re.IGNORECASE)
									eval_lines = gjf_out[0:index-3]
									for idx_a,a in enumerate(eval_lines):
										gjf_out[idx_a] = pattern.sub("",a)
					elif "INSERT_GBS_BASIS" in line:
						for element in sorted(xyz.elements(),key=lambda x: elements.index(x)):
							for line_a in basis[element]:
					# ECP like: "INSERT_GBS_ECP"
					elif "INSERT_GBS_ECP" in line:
						if "pseudo=read" in " ".join(parameters[0:index - 3]).lower().replace(" ", ""):
							need_ecp = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) > preferences.heavy_atom]
							for element in sorted(need_ecp,key=lambda x: elements.index(x)):
								for line_a in ecps[element]:
							if not need_ecp:
								pattern = re.compile(r'pseudo.{0,3}=.{0,3}read', re.IGNORECASE)
								eval_lines = gjf_out[0:index - 3]
								for idx_a, a in enumerate(eval_lines):
									gjf_out[idx_a] = pattern.sub("", a)
				with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext))),"w") as gjf_file:
					for line in [i for idx,i in enumerate(gjf_out) if idx not in rm_lines]: gjf_file.write(line)
				print(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext)," created!")
			except TypeError as e:
				print("Error on file {}".format(i))