Пример #1
    def __init__( self ):

        # create physical constants and units 
        self.U = units.Units()
        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()

        # read data
        local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        fname = local + '/photo.dat'        
        dat = np.loadtxt( fname, unpack=True )
        self._dat = dat
        # organize data
        self.Z = dat[0]        
        self.N = dat[1]
        self.Eth = dat[2] * self.U.eV
        self.Emax = dat[3] * self.U.eV
        self.E0 = dat[4] * self.U.eV
        self.sigma0 = dat[5] * 1.0e-18 * self.U.cm**2
        self.ya = dat[6]
        self.P = dat[7]
        self.yw = dat[8]
        self.y0 = dat[9]
        self.y1 = dat[10]
Пример #2
    def __init__ ( self, rad_src ):

        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()        
        self.rad_src = rad_src

        # dont need to integrate for monochromatic spectra
        if rad_src.monochromatic:

            self.Lu = rad_src.Lu
            self.Ln = self.Lu / rad_src.E

        # integrate for polychromatic spectra

            self.Lu = utils.trap( rad_src.E, rad_src._dLu_over_dE )
            self.Ln = utils.trap( rad_src.E, rad_src._dLn_over_dE )

        # set units and docstrings
        self.Lu.units = 'erg/s'
        self.Lu.__doc__ = 'optically thin energy luminosity'

        self.Ln.units = '1/s'
        self.Ln.__doc__ = 'optically thin photon luminosity'
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, 
                 H1h=None, He1h=None, He2h=None, 
                 fit_name='hg97', add_He2di=True):

        # create a list of valid rate names + temperature
        self._rate_names = ['H1h', 'He1h', 'He2h', 
                            'cicH1', 'cicHe1', 'cicHe2',
                            'cecH1', 'cecHe1', 'cecHe2',
                            'recH2', 'recHe2', 'recHe3', 
                            'compton', 'bremss', 'T']

        # set optionals once
        # T, H1h, He1h, and He2h can be changed using set
        self.fit_name = fit_name
        self.add_He2di = add_He2di
        self.u = units.Units()
        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()

        # set source of rates
        if fit_name == 'hg97':
            self._rates = hui_gnedin_97.HuiGnedin97()
        elif fit_name == 'enzo13':
            self._rates = enzo_13.Enzo13()
        # set initial values
        self.set( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, 
                  H1h=H1h, He1h=He1h, He2h=He2h )
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):

        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.u = units.Units()

        self.T_H1 = 157807. * self.u.K
        self.T_He1 = 285335. * self.u.K
        self.T_He2 = 631515. * self.u.K
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, Yp=0.248, fg=0.154, gamma=5.0 / 3.0):

        self.Yp = Yp
        self.fg = fg
        self.gamma = gamma

        self.U = units.Units()
        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()
Пример #6
    def __init__(self):
        """ Read and clean data. """

        # create physical constants and units
        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.u = units.Units()

        # read data
        local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        fname = local + '/sd93/zcool_sd93.dat'
        dat = np.loadtxt(fname)
        self._dat = dat
        self._logZ = np.array([-3.0, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5])
        self._NZ = self._logZ.size

        # get temperatures
        self._logT = dat[:, 0]
        self._T = 10**self._logT * self.u.K

        # get Lambda.  this is the raw data from the file
        # column 1 is temperature 2-9 are metallicity starting
        # with nil and then moving through the _logZ array above
        lamu = self.u.cm**3 * self.u.erg / self.u.s
        self._logLambda = np.array(dat[:, 1:])
        self._Lambda = 10**self._logLambda * lamu

        # make copies of zero metallicity column
        Z0 = np.array([self._dat[:, 1] for i in range(self._NZ + 1)])
        Z0 = Z0.transpose()
        Zf = dat[:, 1:]

        # subtract the nill values from the finite metallicity values
        self._Z0 = Z0
        self._Zf = Zf
        self._Lambda_Zonly = 10**self._Zf - 10**self._Z0

        # set minimum value to make log safe and add units
        indx = np.where(self._Lambda_Zonly <= 0.0)
        self._Lambda_Zonly[indx] = 1.0e-50
        self._logLambda_Zonly = np.log10(self._Lambda_Zonly)
        self._Lambda_Zonly = self._Lambda_Zonly * lamu
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, px_fit_type='verner'):

        # attach input
        self.px_fit_type = px_fit_type

        # create physical constants and units
        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.U = units.Units()
        self.PX = photo_xsection.PhotoXsections(fit_type=px_fit_type)

        # Express in temperature units
        self.T_H1 = self.PX.Eth_H1 / self.PC.kb
        self.T_H1.units = 'K'
Пример #8
    def __init__(self):
        """ Reads data file and stores energies. """

        # create physical constants and units
        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.U = units.Units()

        # set local directory
        local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self._local = local

        # read and store ionization energies
        IonizationEnergies = {}

        remove_syms = ["(", ")", "[", "]"]

        fname = local + '/ion_enrg.dat'
        self._fname = fname

        f = open(fname, 'r')

        for line in f.readlines():
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                words = line.split()
                Z = int(words[0])
                Esym = words[1]
                Irom = words[2]
                N = Z - int(words[3]) + 1
                Shells = words[4]
                Eraw = words[5]

                for sym in remove_syms:
                    Eraw = Eraw.replace(sym, "")
                Eraw = float(Eraw)

                #print Z, Esym, Irom, Ne, Shells, Eraw * self.U.Ry_inf

                IonizationEnergies[(Z, N)] = Eraw * self.U.Ry_inf


        self._IonizationEnergies = IonizationEnergies
Пример #9
    def __init__(self):

        # create physical constants and units
        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.u = units.Units()

        # read data
        local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        fname = local + '/hm12_dat/UVB.out'
        with open(fname, 'r') as f:
            dum = f.readlines()
        dum = dum[20].split()
        self.z = np.array([float(i) for i in dum])

        dat = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=21)
        self._dat = dat

        Iunit = self.u.erg / (self.u.s * self.u.cm**2 * self.u.Hz * self.u.sr)
        self.Inu = dat[:, 1:] * Iunit

        Inu_mag = self.Inu.magnitude
        isfinite = Inu_mag > 0
        Imin = Inu_mag[isfinite].min()

        self.logInu = Inu_mag.copy()
        self.logInu[isfinite] = np.log10(Inu_mag[isfinite])
        self.logInu[~isfinite] = np.log10(Imin)

        self.lam = dat[:, 0] * self.u.angstrom
        self.nu = self.pc.c / self.lam
        self.E = self.nu * self.pc.h

        self.lam.units = 'cm'
        self.nu.units = 'Hz'
        self.E.units = 'eV'
Пример #10
    def __init__(self):

        # create physical constants and units
        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.u = units.Units()

        # read data
        local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        fname = local + '/hm12_dat/photorates.out'
        dat = np.loadtxt(fname)
        self._dat = dat

        # organize data
        self._z = dat[:, 0]
        self._H1i = dat[:, 1]  # H1 photoionization
        self._H1h = dat[:, 2]  # H1 photoheating
        self._He1i = dat[:, 3]  # He1 photoionization
        self._He1h = dat[:, 4]  # He1 photoheating
        self._He2i = dat[:, 5]  # He2 photoionization
        self._He2h = dat[:, 6]  # He2 photoheating
        self._comptonh = dat[:, 7]  # compton heating

        # create interpolating functions
        self.z = self._z.copy()
        self.l1pz = np.log10(1.0 + self.z)
        self._H1i_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._H1i))
        self._H1h_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._H1h))
        self._He1i_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He1i))
        self._He1h_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He1h))
        self._He2i_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He2i))
        self._He2h_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He2h))
        self._comptonh_fit = interp1d(self.l1pz, np.log10(self._comptonh))
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, rad_src):

        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()

        # dont need to integrate for monochromatic spectra
        if rad_src.monochromatic:

            self.Fu = rad_src.Fu
            self.u = self.Fu / self.PC.c
            self.Fn = self.Fu / rad_src.E
            self.n = self.Fn / self.PC.c

            self.H1i = self.Fn * rad_src.sigma.H1
            self.H1h = self.H1i * (rad_src.E - rad_src.th.E_H1)
            self.He1i = self.Fn * rad_src.sigma.He1
            self.He1h = self.He1i * (rad_src.E - rad_src.th.E_He1)
            self.He2i = self.Fn * rad_src.sigma.He2
            self.He2h = self.He2i * (rad_src.E - rad_src.th.E_He2)

        # integrate for polychromatic spectra

            self.Fu = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dFu_over_dE)
            self.u = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._du_over_dE)
            self.Fn = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dFn_over_dE)
            self.n = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dn_over_dE)

            self.H1i = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dH1i_over_dE)
            self.H1h = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dH1h_over_dE)
            self.He1i = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dHe1i_over_dE)
            self.He1h = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dHe1h_over_dE)
            self.He2i = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dHe2i_over_dE)
            self.He2h = utils.trap(rad_src.E, rad_src._dHe2h_over_dE)

        # set units and docstrings
        self.Fu.units = 'erg/s/cm^2'
        self.Fu.__doc__ = 'optically thin energy flux'

        self.u.units = 'erg/cm^3'
        self.u.__doc__ = 'optically thin energy density'

        self.Fn.units = '1/s/cm^2'
        self.Fn.__doc__ = 'optically thin photon number flux'

        self.n.units = '1/cm^3'
        self.n.__doc__ = 'optically thin photon number density'

        self.H1i.units = '1/s'
        self.H1i.__doc__ = 'optically thin H1 photoionization rate'

        self.H1h.units = 'erg/s'
        self.H1h.__doc__ = 'optically thin H1 photoheating rate'

        self.He1i.units = '1/s'
        self.He1i.__doc__ = 'optically thin He1 photoionization rate'

        self.He1h.units = 'erg/s'
        self.He1h.__doc__ = 'optically thin He1 photoheating rate'

        self.He2i.units = '1/s'
        self.He2i.__doc__ = 'optically thin He2 photoionization rate'

        self.He2h.units = 'erg/s'
        self.He2h.__doc__ = 'optically thin He2 photoheating rate'
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, cpdict, verbose=False, zlo=0.0, zhi=200.0, Nz=500):

        # check input dictionary
        need_keys = ['omegam', 'omegal', 'omegab', 'h', 'sigma8', 'ns', 'Yp']
        for key in need_keys:
            if not cpdict.has_key(key):
                raise InitError, ' key missing from cpdict \n'

        # transfer input parametrs
        self.OmegaM = cpdict['omegam']
        self.OmegaL = cpdict['omegal']
        self.OmegaB = cpdict['omegab']
        self.h = cpdict['h']
        self.sigma8 = cpdict['sigma8']
        self.ns = cpdict['ns']
        self.Yp = cpdict['Yp']

        self.OmegaC = self.OmegaM - self.OmegaB

        if cpdict.has_key('omegar'):
            self.OmegaR = cpdict['omegar']
            # if not provided we use OmegaM and zeq from Planck13
            # column one of table 2 in http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.5076
            # OmegaR = OmegaM / (1+zeq), OmegaM=0.3175, zeq = 3402
            self.OmegaR = 0.3175 / (1.0 + 3402.)

        self.cpdict = cpdict

        # make sure flat universe is specified
        err = (self.OmegaR + self.OmegaM + self.OmegaL) - 1.0
        if err > 1.0e-3:
            raise InitError, ' OmegaR + OmegaM + OmegaL must be 1.0 \n' + \
                ' OmegaR: ' + str(self.OmegaR) + '\n' + \
                ' OmegaM: ' + str(self.OmegaM) + '\n' + \
                ' OmegaL: ' + str(self.OmegaL) + '\n' + \
                ' sum: ' + str(self.OmegaR + self.OmegaM + self.OmegaL) + '\n'

        # create physical constants and cosmological units
        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.cu = units.CosmoUnits(self.h, a=1.0)

        # derive constants

        # Hubble parameter now
        self.H0 = 1.0e2 * self.cu.h * self.cu.km / self.cu.s / self.cu.Mpc
        self.H0.units = self.cu.km / self.cu.s / (self.cu.Mpc / self.cu.h)

        # Hubble time now
        self.tH0 = 1.0 / self.H0
        self.tH0.units = self.cu.Myr / self.cu.h

        # Hubble distance now
        self.dH0 = self.pc.c / self.H0
        self.dH0.units = self.cu.Mpc / self.cu.h

        # Critical mass density now
        self.rho_crit0 = (3.0 * self.H0**2) / (8.0 * np.pi * self.pc.G)
        self.rho_crit0.units = (self.cu.Msun/self.cu.h) / \

        # Critical energy density now
        self.eps_crit0 = self.rho_crit0 * self.pc.c**2
        self.eps_crit0.units = self.cu.erg / self.cu.cm**3

        # Critical hydrogen number density now
        H_rho = self.rho_crit0 * self.OmegaB * (1.0 - self.Yp)
        self.nH_crit0 = H_rho / (self.pc.m_p + self.pc.m_e)
        self.nH_crit0.units = self.cu.cm**(-3)

        # normalize the growth functions such that ...
        #    D1a(a=1) = 1.0
        #    D1z(z=0) = 1.0
        self._D1a_Norm = 1.0 / quad(self._D1a_integrand, 0.0, 1.0)[0]

        self._D1z_Norm = 1.0 / quad(self._D1z_integrand, 0.0, np.inf)[0]

        # make interpolating functions for ....
        # redshift and comoving distance,
        # redshift and lookback time
        # for redshift we use log(1+z)

        # first tabulate values with respect to log(1+z)
        # then create interpolating functions

        self._lopz = np.linspace(np.log10(1 + zlo), np.log10(1 + zhi), Nz)

        self._z = 10**self._lopz - 1
        self._a = 1.0 / (1.0 + self._z)

        self._Dc = self.Dcz(self._z)
        self._Dc.units = 'Mpc/hh'
        self._Dc2lopz = interp1d(self._Dc.magnitude, self._lopz)

        self._tL = self.tLz(self._z)
        self._tL.units = 'Myr/hh'
        self._tL2lopz = interp1d(self._tL.magnitude, self._lopz)
Пример #13
    def initialize(self, q_min, q_max, spectrum_type, Nnu, segmented,
                   px_fit_type, verbose, z, T_eff, alpha, user_E, user_shape):
        """ Perform general initialization.


          `q_min` (float): minimum photon energy / Rydbergs [dimensionless]

          `q_max` (float): maximum photon energy / Rydbergs [dimensionless]

          `spectrum_type` (str): the spectral shape 
          {``monochromatic``, ``hm12``, ``thermal``, ``powerlaw``, ``user``}   

          `Nnu` (int): number of spectral samples, log spaced in energy

          `segmented` (bool): if ``True``, forces spectral samples at H and He 
          ionization thresholds

          `px_fit_type` (str): source to use for photoionization cross section 
          fits {``verner``}
          `verbose` (bool): verbose screen output?

          `z` (float): redshift, need if `spectrum_type` = ``hm12``

          `T_eff` (float): effective temperature, need if `spectrum_type` = 

          `alpha` (float): powerlaw index, need if `spectrum_type` = 

          `user_E` (array): energy samples for user defined spectrum. should
          have units of energy. 

          `user_shape` (array): shape of user defined spectrum. should be 


        # attach standard input
        self.q_min = q_min
        self.q_max = q_max
        self.spectrum_type = spectrum_type

        self.Nnu = Nnu
        self.segmented = segmented
        self.px_fit_type = px_fit_type
        self.verbose = verbose

        # attach spectrum specific input
        if spectrum_type == 'hm12':
            self.z = z
        elif spectrum_type == 'thermal':
            self.T_eff = T_eff
        elif spectrum_type == 'powerlaw':
            self.alpha = alpha
        elif spectrum_type == 'user':
            self.user_E = user_E
            self.user_shape = user_shape
            self.segmented = False

        if spectrum_type == 'monochromatic':
            self.monochromatic = True
            self.Nnu = 1
            self.segmented = False
            self.monochromatic = False


        # attach physical constants and units
        self.U = units.Units()
        self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.PX = photo_xsection.PhotoXsections(fit_type=px_fit_type)

        # attach hydrogen and helium atom classes
        self.H = hydrogen.Hydrogen(px_fit_type=self.px_fit_type)
        self.He = helium.Helium(px_fit_type=self.px_fit_type)

        # set quantities related to photo-ionization thresholds
        self.th = PhotoIonizationThresholds(self)

        # special behaviour for user defined spectra
        if spectrum_type == 'user':

            self.E = user_E
            self.E.units = 'eV'
            self.E.__doc__ = 'energy samples'

            self.q_min = self.E.min() / self.PX.Eth_H1
            self.q_max = self.E.max() / self.PX.Eth_H1
            self.Nnu = self.E.size

            self.q = self.E / self.PX.Eth_H1
            self.q.__doc__ = 'energy samples / Rydbergs'

            self.nu = self.E / self.PC.h
            self.nu.units = 'Hz'
            self.nu.__doc__ = 'frequency samples'

            self.lam = self.PC.c / self.nu
            self.lam.units = 'cm'
            self.lam.__doc__ = 'wavelength samples'

        # set photon energy arrays

            self.set_photon_arrays(self.q_min, self.q_max, self.Nnu,

        # set X-sections
        self.sigma = PhotoIonizationCrossSections(self)

        # store log10 quantities
        self.log = LogQuantities(self)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self): 

        self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants()
        self.u = units.Units()