Пример #1
def APPLE_II(_per, _nper, _gap, _gapx, _phase, _phase_type, _lx, _lz, _cx, _cz, _air, _br, _mu, _ndiv, _bs1, _s1, _bs2, _s2, _bs3, _s3, _bs2dz, _qp_ind_mag, _qp_dz, _use_sym=False):

    w = [_lx,_per/4-_air,_lz]
    px = _lx/2+_gapx/2;
    pz = _gap/2+_lz/2;

    p1 = 0; p2 = _phase; p3 = 0; p4 = _phase
    if(_phase_type < 0): p2 = -_phase

    #print('w =', w)
    g1 = MagnetArray(_per, _nper, _po=[px,p1,pz], _w=w, _si=1, _type=1, _cx=_cx, _cz=_cz, _br=_br, _mu=_mu, _ndiv=_ndiv,
                     _bs1=_bs1, _s1=_s1, _bs2=_bs2, _s2=_s2, _bs3=_bs3, _s3=_s3, _bs2dz=_bs2dz, _qp_ind_mag=_qp_ind_mag, _qp_dz=_qp_dz)

    g2 = MagnetArray(_per, _nper, _po=[-px,p2,pz], _w=w, _si=1, _type=2, _cx=_cx, _cz=_cz, _br=_br, _mu=_mu, _ndiv=_ndiv,
                     _bs1=_bs1, _s1=_s1, _bs2=_bs2, _s2=_s2, _bs3=_bs3, _s3=_s3, _bs2dz=_bs2dz, _qp_ind_mag=_qp_ind_mag, _qp_dz=_qp_dz)

        u = rad.ObjCnt([g1,g2])
        trf = rad.TrfCmbL(rad.TrfRot([0,0,0],[0,1,0],pi), rad.TrfInv())
        rad.TrfMlt(u, trf, 2)
        return u, g1, g2, 0, 0

    g3 = MagnetArray(_per, _nper, _po=[-px,p3,-pz], _w=w, _si=-1, _type=1, _cx=_cx, _cz=_cz, _br=-_br, _mu=_mu, _ndiv=_ndiv,
                     _bs1=_bs1, _s1=_s1, _bs2=_bs2, _s2=_s2, _bs3=_bs3, _s3=_s3, _bs2dz=_bs2dz, _qp_ind_mag=_qp_ind_mag, _qp_dz=_qp_dz)

    g4 = MagnetArray(_per, _nper, _po=[px,p4,-pz], _w=w, _si=-1, _type=2, _cx=_cx, _cz=_cz, _br=-_br, _mu=_mu, _ndiv=_ndiv,
                     _bs1=_bs1, _s1=_s1, _bs2=_bs2, _s2=_s2, _bs3=_bs3, _s3=_s3, _bs2dz=_bs2dz, _qp_ind_mag=_qp_ind_mag, _qp_dz=_qp_dz)

    u = rad.ObjCnt([g1,g2,g3,g4])
    return u, g1, g2, g3, g4
Пример #2
def _apply_clone(g_id, xform):
    # start with 'identity'
    xf = radia.TrfTrsl([0, 0, 0])
    for clone_xform in xform.transforms:
        cxf = PKDict(clone_xform)
        if cxf.model == 'translateClone':
            txf = radia.TrfTrsl(_split_comma_field(cxf.distance, 'float'))
            xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, txf)
        if cxf.model == 'rotateClone':
            rxf = radia.TrfRot(_split_comma_field(cxf.center, 'float'),
                               _split_comma_field(cxf.axis, 'float'),
                               numpy.pi * float(cxf.angle) / 180.)
            xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, rxf)
    if xform.alternateFields != '0':
        xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, radia.TrfInv())
    radia.TrfMlt(g_id, xf, xform.numCopies + 1)
Пример #3
def _apply_clone(g_id, xform):
    xform = PKDict(xform)
    # start with 'identity'
    xf = radia.TrfTrsl([0, 0, 0])
    for clone_xform in xform.transforms:
        cxf = PKDict(clone_xform)
        if cxf.model == 'translateClone':
            txf = radia.TrfTrsl(
                sirepo.util.split_comma_delimited_string(cxf.distance, float)
            xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, txf)
        if cxf.model == 'rotateClone':
            rxf = radia.TrfRot(
                sirepo.util.split_comma_delimited_string(cxf.center, float),
                sirepo.util.split_comma_delimited_string(cxf.axis, float),
                numpy.pi * float(cxf.angle) / 180.
            xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, rxf)
    if xform.alternateFields != '0':
        xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, radia.TrfInv())
    radia.TrfMlt(g_id, xf, xform.numCopies + 1)
Пример #4
    def wradFieldInvert(self):
        '''trying to write a field inversion function'''
        for i in range(len(self.magnetisation)):
            u = -self.magnetisation[i]
            self.magnetisation[i] = u
        self.material.M = self.magnetisation

        fieldinvert = rd.TrfInv(self.radobj)
        rd.TrfOrnt(self.radobj, fieldinvert)

        #invert the colour
        tmp = np.zeros(3)
        #reflect colour
        tmpcol = [(4 * x - 2) for x in self.colour]

        tmpcol[0] = -tmpcol[0]
        tmpcol[1] = -tmpcol[1]
        tmpcol[2] = -tmpcol[2]

        self.colour = [(2 + x) / 4.0 for x in tmpcol]
        rd.ObjDrwAtr(self.radobj, self.colour, self.linethickness)
Пример #5
def _clone_with_translation(g_id, num_copies, distance, alternate_fields):
    xf = radia.TrfTrsl(distance)
    if alternate_fields:
        xf = radia.TrfCmbL(xf, radia.TrfInv())
    radia.TrfMlt(g_id, xf, num_copies + 1)
Пример #6
#mag01sbd = rad.ObjDivMagPln(mag01, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], [1,0.4,0.1], [0.4,1,0.2], [0,0,1], 'Frame->Lab')
mag01sbd = rad.ObjDivMagPln(mag01, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]])

#mag00sbd = rad.ObjDivMag(mag00, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], 'cyl', [[2.5,4,0],[0,0,1],[8,0,0],3], 'Frame->Lab')
#mag00sbd = rad.ObjDivMagCyl(mag00, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], [2.5,4,0], [0,0,1], [8,0,0], 3, 'Frame->Lab')

print('Volume of 3D object:', rad.ObjGeoVol(mag01sbd))
print('Geom. Limits of 3D object:', rad.ObjGeoLim(mag01sbd))


trf01 = rad.TrfPlSym([0,10,0], [0,1,0])
trf02 = rad.TrfRot([0,10,0], [0,0,1], 1.)
trf03 = rad.TrfTrsl([30,10,0])
trf04 = rad.TrfInv()
trf05 = rad.TrfCmbL(trf01, trf04)
trf06 = rad.TrfCmbR(trf01, trf04)

#rad.TrfMlt(mag01, trf03, 3)
rad.TrfOrnt(mag01, trf06)


matNdFeB = rad.MatStd('NdFeB')
M = rad.MatMvsH(matNdFeB, 'M', [0,0,0])
print('NdFeB material index:', matNdFeB, ' Magnetization:', M)

matLin01 = rad.MatLin([0.1,0.2],1.1)
matLin02 = rad.MatLin([0.1,0.2],[0,0,1.1])
print('Linear material indexes:', matLin01, matLin02)