Пример #1
    def get_pilots(self, pilot_ids=None):
        """Returns one or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` instances.


            * **pilot_uids** [`list of strings`]: If pilot_uids is set,
              only the Pilots with  the specified uids are returned. If
              pilot_uids is `None`, all Pilots are returned.


            * A list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` objects
              [`list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot`].


            * :class:`radical.pilot.PilotException`

        return_list_type = True
        if (not isinstance(pilot_ids, list)) and (pilot_ids is not None):
            return_list_type = False
            pilot_ids = [pilot_ids]

        pilots = ComputePilot._get(pilot_ids=pilot_ids, pilot_manager_obj=self)

        if return_list_type:
            return pilots
            return pilots[0]
Пример #2
    def get_pilots(self, pilot_ids=None):
        """Returns one or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` instances.


            * **pilot_uids** [`list of strings`]: If pilot_uids is set,
              only the Pilots with  the specified uids are returned. If
              pilot_uids is `None`, all Pilots are returned.


            * A list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` objects
              [`list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot`].


            * :class:`radical.pilot.PilotException`

        return_list_type = True
        if (not isinstance(pilot_ids, list)) and (pilot_ids is not None):
            return_list_type = False
            pilot_ids = [pilot_ids]

        pilots = ComputePilot._get(pilot_ids=pilot_ids, pilot_manager_obj=self)

        if  return_list_type :
            return pilots
        else :
            return pilots[0]
Пример #3
    def submit_pilots(self, pilot_descriptions):
        """Submits a new :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` to a resource.


            * One or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` instances
              [`list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot`].


            * :class:`radical.pilot.PilotException`
        # Check if the object instance is still valid.

        # Implicit list conversion.
        return_list_type = True
        if not isinstance(pilot_descriptions, list):
            return_list_type = False
            pilot_descriptions = [pilot_descriptions]

        # Itereate over the pilot descriptions, try to create a pilot for
        # each one and append it to 'pilot_obj_list'.
        pilot_obj_list = list()

        for pilot_description in pilot_descriptions:

            if pilot_description.resource is None:
                error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define mandatory attribute 'resource'."
                raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            elif pilot_description.runtime is None:
                error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define mandatory attribute 'runtime'."
                raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            elif pilot_description.cores is None:
                error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define mandatory attribute 'cores'."
                raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            resource_key = pilot_description.resource
            resource_cfg = self._session.get_resource_config(resource_key)

            # Check resource-specific mandatory attributes
            if "mandatory_args" in resource_cfg:
                for ma in resource_cfg["mandatory_args"]:
                    if getattr(pilot_description, ma) is None:
                        error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define attribute '{0}' which is required for '{1}'.".format(
                            ma, resource_key)
                        raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            # we expand and exchange keys in the resource config, depending on
            # the selected schema so better use a deep copy...
            import copy
            resource_cfg = copy.deepcopy(resource_cfg)
            schema = pilot_description['access_schema']

            if not schema:
                if 'schemas' in resource_cfg:
                    schema = resource_cfg['schemas'][0]
            # import pprint
            # print "no schema, using %s" % schema
            # pprint.pprint (pilot_description)

            if not schema in resource_cfg:
                # import pprint
                # pprint.pprint (resource_cfg)
                logger.warning ("schema %s unknown for resource %s -- continue with defaults" \
                             % (schema, resource_key))

                for key in resource_cfg[schema]:
                    # merge schema specific resource keys into the
                    # resource config
                    resource_cfg[key] = resource_cfg[schema][key]

            # If 'default_sandbox' is defined, set it.
            if pilot_description.sandbox is not None:
                if "valid_roots" in resource_cfg and resource_cfg[
                        "valid_roots"] is not None:
                    is_valid = False
                    for vr in resource_cfg["valid_roots"]:
                        if pilot_description.sandbox.startswith(vr):
                            is_valid = True
                    if is_valid is False:
                        raise BadParameter(
                            "Working directory for resource '%s' defined as '%s' but needs to be rooted in %s "
                            % (resource_key, pilot_description.sandbox,

            # After the sanity checks have passed, we can register a pilot
            # startup request with the worker process and create a facade
            # object.

            pilot = ComputePilot.create(pilot_description=pilot_description,

            pilot_uid = self._worker.register_start_pilot_request(
                pilot=pilot, resource_config=resource_cfg)

            pilot._uid = pilot_uid


        # Implicit return value conversion
        if return_list_type:
            return pilot_obj_list
            return pilot_obj_list[0]
Пример #4
    def submit_pilots(self, pilot_descriptions):
        """Submits a new :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` to a resource.


            * One or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` instances
              [`list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot`].


            * :class:`radical.pilot.PilotException`
        # Check if the object instance is still valid.

        # Implicit list conversion.
        return_list_type = True
        if  not isinstance(pilot_descriptions, list):
            return_list_type   = False
            pilot_descriptions = [pilot_descriptions]

        # Itereate over the pilot descriptions, try to create a pilot for
        # each one and append it to 'pilot_obj_list'.
        pilot_obj_list = list()

        for pilot_description in pilot_descriptions:

            if pilot_description.resource is None:
                error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define mandatory attribute 'resource'."
                raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            elif pilot_description.runtime is None:
                error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define mandatory attribute 'runtime'."
                raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            elif pilot_description.cores is None:
                error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define mandatory attribute 'cores'."
                raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            resource_key = pilot_description.resource
            resource_cfg = self._session.get_resource_config(resource_key)

            # Check resource-specific mandatory attributes
            if "mandatory_args" in resource_cfg:
                for ma in resource_cfg["mandatory_args"]:
                    if getattr(pilot_description, ma) is None:
                        error_msg = "ComputePilotDescription does not define attribute '{0}' which is required for '{1}'.".format(ma, resource_key)
                        raise BadParameter(error_msg)

            # we expand and exchange keys in the resource config, depending on
            # the selected schema so better use a deep copy...
            import copy
            resource_cfg  = copy.deepcopy (resource_cfg)
            schema        = pilot_description['access_schema']

            if  not schema :
                if 'schemas' in resource_cfg :
                    schema = resource_cfg['schemas'][0]
              # import pprint
              # print "no schema, using %s" % schema
              # pprint.pprint (pilot_description)

            if  not schema in resource_cfg :
              # import pprint
              # pprint.pprint (resource_cfg)
                logger.warning ("schema %s unknown for resource %s -- continue with defaults" \
                             % (schema, resource_key))

            else :
                for key in resource_cfg[schema] :
                    # merge schema specific resource keys into the
                    # resource config
                    resource_cfg[key] = resource_cfg[schema][key]

            # If 'default_sandbox' is defined, set it.
            if pilot_description.sandbox is not None:
                if "valid_roots" in resource_cfg and resource_cfg["valid_roots"] is not None:
                    is_valid = False
                    for vr in resource_cfg["valid_roots"]:
                        if pilot_description.sandbox.startswith(vr):
                            is_valid = True
                    if is_valid is False:
                        raise BadParameter("Working directory for resource '%s' defined as '%s' but needs to be rooted in %s " % (resource_key, pilot_description.sandbox, resource_cfg["valid_roots"]))

            # After the sanity checks have passed, we can register a pilot
            # startup request with the worker process and create a facade
            # object.

            pilot = ComputePilot.create(

            pilot_uid = self._worker.register_start_pilot_request(

            pilot._uid = pilot_uid


        # Implicit return value conversion
        if  return_list_type :
            return pilot_obj_list
            return pilot_obj_list[0]