Пример #1
    def __init__(self, file=None):
        """ Easy access to molecular parameters taken from HITRAN molparam.txt 

        file: str
            if None the one in RADIS is taken 

        Get abundance of CO2, isotope 1::
            molpar = Molparams()
            molpar.get(2, 1, 'abundance')         # 2 for CO2, 1 for isotope 1
        Isotope number was derived manually assuming the isonames were ordered in the database
        The isotope name (ex: CO2 626) is kept for comparison if ever needed


        if file is None:
            file = getFile("molparam.txt")

        df = pd.read_csv(file, comment="#", delim_whitespace=True)
        df = df.set_index(["id", "iso"])

        self.df = df

        # ------
        try:  # Add hints (Python >3.6 only)
            self.get.__annotations__["key"] = list(df.keys())
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # old Python version
Пример #2
    "HITEMP-CO2-TEST": {
        "info": "HITEMP-2010, CO2, 3 main isotope (CO2-626, 636, 628), " +
        "2283.7-2285.1 cm-1",
        "path": [getTestFile(r"cdsd_hitemp_09_fragment.txt")],
        "cdsd-hitemp",  # CDSD-HITEMP version (same lines as HITEMP-2010).
        "parfuncfmt": "hapi",
        "levelsfmt": "radis",
        "info": "HITEMP-2010, CO2, 3 main isotope (CO2-626, 636, 628), " +
        "2283.7-2285.1 cm-1, energies calculated from Tashkun effective hamiltonian",
        "path": [getTestFile(r"cdsd_hitemp_09_fragment.txt")],
        "cdsd-hitemp",  # CDSD-HITEMP version (same lines as HITEMP-2010).
        "parfunc": getFile("CO2", "partition_functions.txt"),
        "parfuncfmt": "cdsd",
        "levels": {
            1: getTestFile(r"co2_cdsd_hamiltonian_fragment.levels")
        "levelsfmt": "cdsd-hamil",
"""dict: test databases added in the :ref:`Configuration file <label_lbl_config_file>`
by :py:func:`~radis.test.utils.setup_test_line_databases`

# %% Utils to test spec module

def setup_test_line_databases(verbose=True):