Пример #1
def ban_user(auth):
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    with admin:
        user = admin.get_user_by_email(params['email'])

        if user is not None:
            # Only superadmins can ban admins
            if auth['user_type'] != UserType.SUPERADMIN and \
                    user['user_type'] in [UserType.ADMIN, UserType.SUPERADMIN]:
                raise UnauthorizedError()

            # Cannot ban yourself
            if auth['user_id'] == user['id']:
                raise UnauthorizedError()

        return jsonify(admin.ban_user(**params))
Пример #2
def create_user(auth):
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    # Only superadmins can create admins
    if auth['user_type'] != UserType.SUPERADMIN and \
            params['user_type'] in [UserType.ADMIN, UserType.SUPERADMIN]:
        raise UnauthorizedError()

    with admin:
        return jsonify(admin.create_user(**params))
Пример #3
def delete_model(auth, model_id):
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    with admin:
        # Non-admins cannot delete others' models
        if auth['user_type'] in [UserType.MODEL_DEVELOPER]:
            model = admin.get_model(model_id)
            if auth['user_id'] != model['user_id']:
                raise UnauthorizedError()

        return jsonify(admin.delete_model(model_id, **params))
Пример #4
def get_inference_jobs_by_user(auth):
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    assert 'user_id' in params

    # Non-admins can only get their own jobs
    if auth['user_type'] in [UserType.APP_DEVELOPER, UserType.MODEL_DEVELOPER] \
            and auth['user_id'] != params['user_id']:
        raise UnauthorizedError()

    with admin:
        return jsonify(admin.get_inference_jobs_by_user(**params))
Пример #5
def download_model_file(auth, model_id):
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    with admin:
        # Non-admins cannot access others' models
        if auth['user_type'] in [UserType.MODEL_DEVELOPER]:
            model = admin.get_model(model_id)
            if auth['user_id'] != model['user_id']:
                raise UnauthorizedError()

        model_file = admin.get_model_file(model_id, **params)

    res = make_response(model_file)
    res.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
    return res
Пример #6
def create_train_job(auth):
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    with admin:
        # Ensure that datasets are owned by current user
        dataset_attrs = ['train_dataset_id', 'val_dataset_id']
        for attr in dataset_attrs:
            if attr in params:
                dataset_id = params[attr]
                dataset = admin.get_dataset(dataset_id)
                if auth['user_id'] != dataset['owner_id']:
                    raise UnauthorizedError(
                        'You have no access to dataset of ID "{}"'.format(

        return jsonify(admin.create_train_job(auth['user_id'], **params))
Пример #7
def generate_user_token():
    params = get_request_params()

    # Only superadmin can authenticate (other users must use Rafiki Admin)
    if not (params['email'] == SUPERADMIN_EMAIL and \
            params['password'] == SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD):
        raise UnauthorizedError()
    auth = {
        'user_type': UserType.SUPERADMIN
    token = generate_token(auth)

    return jsonify({
        'user_type': auth['user_type'],
        'token': token
Пример #8
def generate_user_token():
    admin = get_admin()
    params = get_request_params()

    # Error will be thrown here if credentials are invalid
    with admin:
        user = admin.authenticate_user(**params)

    # User cannot be banned
    if user.get('banned_date'
                ) is not None and datetime.now() > user.get('banned_date'):
        raise UnauthorizedError('User is banned')

    token = generate_token(user)

    return jsonify({
        'user_id': user['id'],
        'user_type': user['user_type'],
        'token': token