Пример #1
 def init_still_acts_like_superclass_init(self):
     # No required args
     assert isinstance(MockContext().config, Config)
     config = Config(overrides={"foo": "bar"})
     # Posarg
     assert MockContext(config).config is config
     # Kwarg
     assert MockContext(config=config).config is config
Пример #2
 def echo_hides_extra_sudo_flags(self):
     skip()  # see TODO in sudo() re: clean output display
     config = Config(overrides={"runner": _Dummy})
     Context(config=config).sudo("nope", echo=True)
     output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
     sys.__stderr__.write(repr(output) + "\n")
     assert "-S" not in output
     assert Context().sudo.prompt not in output
     assert "sudo nope" in output
Пример #3
 def base_case(self):
     # NOTE: Assumes a user whose password is 'mypass' has been created
     # & added to passworded (not passwordless) sudo configuration; and
     # that this user is the one running the test suite. Only for
     # running on Travis, basically.
     if not os.environ.get("TRAVIS", False):
     config = Config({"sudo": {"password": "******"}})
     result = Context(config=config).sudo("whoami", hide=True)
     assert result.stdout.strip() == "root"
Пример #4
    def load_name_defaults_to_config_tasks_collection_name(self):
        "load() name defaults to config.tasks.collection_name"

        class MockLoader(_BasicLoader):
            def find(self, name):
                # Sanity
                assert name == "simple_ns_list"
                return super(MockLoader, self).find(name)

        config = Config({"tasks": {"collection_name": "simple_ns_list"}})
        loader = MockLoader(config=config)
        # More sanity: expect simple_ns_list.py (not tasks.py)
        mod, path = loader.load()
        assert mod.__file__ == os.path.join(support, "simple_ns_list.py")
Пример #5
 def config_only(self, Local):
     runner = Local.return_value
     # Set a config-driven list of watchers
     watcher = self.watcher_klass()
     overrides = {"run": {"watchers": [watcher]}}
     config = Config(overrides=overrides)
     # Expect that sudo() extracted that config value & put it into
     # the kwarg level. (See comment in sudo() about why...)
     watchers = runner.run.call_args[1]["watchers"]
     # Will raise ValueError if not in the list
     # Only remaining item in list should be our sudo responder
     assert len(watchers) == 1
     assert isinstance(watchers[0], FailingResponder)
     assert watchers[0].pattern == self.escaped_prompt
Пример #6
 def raises_auth_failure_when_failure_detected(self):
     with patch("raft.context.FailingResponder") as klass:
         unacceptable = Mock(side_effect=ResponseNotAccepted)
         klass.return_value.submit = unacceptable
         excepted = False
             config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "******"}})
             Context(config=config).sudo("meh", hide=True)
         except AuthFailure as e:
             # Basic sanity checks; most of this is really tested in
             # Runner tests.
             assert e.result.exited is None
             expected = "The password submitted to prompt '[sudo] password: '******'t use except/else as that masks other real exceptions,
         # such as incorrectly unhandled ThreadErrors
         if not excepted:
             assert False, "Did not raise AuthFailure!"
Пример #7
 def config_use_does_not_modify_config(self, Local):
     runner = Local.return_value
     watcher = self.watcher_klass()
     overrides = {"run": {"watchers": [watcher]}}
     config = Config(overrides=overrides)
     # Here, 'watchers' is _the same object_ as was passed into
     # run(watchers=...).
     watchers = runner.run.call_args[1]["watchers"]
     # We want to make sure that what's in the config we just
     # generated, is untouched by the manipulation done inside
     # sudo().
     # First, that they aren't the same obj
     err = "Found sudo() reusing config watchers list directly!"
     assert watchers is not config.run.watchers, err
     # And that the list is as it was before (i.e. it is not both
     # our watcher and the sudo()-added one)
     err = "Our config watchers list was modified!"
     assert config.run.watchers == [watcher], err
Пример #8
 def both_kwarg_and_config(self, Local):
     runner = Local.return_value
     # Set a config-driven list of watchers
     conf_watcher = self.watcher_klass()
     overrides = {"run": {"watchers": [conf_watcher]}}
     config = Config(overrides=overrides)
     # AND supply a DIFFERENT kwarg-driven list of watchers
     kwarg_watcher = self.watcher_klass()
     Context(config=config).sudo("whoami", watchers=[kwarg_watcher])
     # Expect that the kwarg watcher and our internal one were the
     # final result.
     watchers = runner.run.call_args[1]["watchers"]
     # Will raise ValueError if not in the list. .remove() uses
     # identity testing, so two instances of self.watcher_klass will
     # be different values here.
     # Only remaining item in list should be our sudo responder
     assert len(watchers) == 1
     assert conf_watcher not in watchers  # Extra sanity
     assert isinstance(watchers[0], FailingResponder)
     assert watchers[0].pattern == self.escaped_prompt
Пример #9
 def may_configure_config_via_constructor(self):
     config = Config({"tasks": {"collection_name": "mytasks"}})
     loader = _BasicLoader(config=config)
     assert loader.config.tasks.collection_name == "mytasks"
Пример #10
 def setup(self):
     config = Config(defaults={"foo": "bar", "biz": {"baz": "boz"}})
     self.c = Context(config=config)
Пример #11
 def user_kwarg_wins_over_config(self, Local):
     runner = Local.return_value
     config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"user": "******"}})
     Context(config=config).sudo("whoami", user="******")
     cmd = "sudo -S -p '[sudo] password: ' -H -u calrissian whoami"
     assert runner.run.call_args[0][0] == cmd
Пример #12
 def honors_config_for_user_value(self, Local):
     runner = Local.return_value
     config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"user": "******"}})
     cmd = "sudo -S -p '[sudo] password: ' -H -u rando whoami"
     assert runner.run.call_args[0][0] == cmd
Пример #13
 def setup(self):
     self.escaped_prompt = re.escape(Config().sudo.prompt)
Пример #14
 def start_point_is_configurable_via_config(self):
     config = Config({"tasks": {"search_root": "nowhere"}})
     assert FSLoader(config=config).start == "nowhere"
Пример #15
 def honors_runner_config_setting(self):
     runner_class = Mock()
     config = Config({"runners": {"local": runner_class}})
     c = Context(config)
     assert runner_class.mock_calls == [call(c), call().run("foo")]
Пример #16
 def honors_config_for_prompt_value(self, Local):
     runner = Local.return_value
     config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"prompt": "FEED ME: "}})
     cmd = "sudo -S -p 'FEED ME: ' whoami"
     assert runner.run.call_args[0][0] == cmd
Пример #17
 def honors_configured_sudo_password(self):
     config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "******"}})
     expected = [(self.escaped_prompt, "secret\n")]
     self._expect_responses(expected, config=config)
Пример #18
 def config_attr_may_be_overwritten_at_runtime(self):
     new_config = Config(defaults={"foo": "notbar"})
     self.c.config = new_config
     assert self.c.foo == "notbar"
Пример #19
 def sudo_password_kwarg_wins_over_config(self):
     config = Config(overrides={"sudo": {"password": "******"}})
     kwargs = {"password": "******"}
     expected = [(self.escaped_prompt, "secret\n")]
     self._expect_responses(expected, config=config, kwargs=kwargs)
Пример #20
 def creates_a_new_Context_from_given_config(self):
     conf = Config(defaults={"foo": "bar"})
     c = Call(_).make_context(conf)
     assert isinstance(c, Context)
     assert c.foo == "bar"
Пример #21
 def allows_collection_and_config(self):
     coll = Collection()
     conf = Config()
     e = Executor(collection=coll, config=conf)
     assert e.collection is coll
     assert e.config is conf