def test_timesince(): then = datetime(2010, 4, 12, 12, 30, 0) then_timestamp = 1271075400.0 then_future = datetime(2012, 4, 12, 12, 30, 0) now = datetime(2010, 5, 15, 1, 50, 0) now_timestamp = 1273888200.0 # timestamp assert time_since(then_timestamp, now_timestamp) == "1 month and 2 days" # basic assert time_since(then, now) == "1 month and 2 days" # count assert time_since(then, now, count=3) == "1 month, 2 days and 13 hours" # future assert time_since(then_future, now) == "0 minutes"
def seen(text, nick, chan, db, event, conn): """<nick> <channel> - tells when a nickname was last in active in one of my channels :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.Session :type event: ralybot.event.Event :type conn: ralybot.client.Client """ if event.conn.nick.lower() == text.lower(): return "You need to get your eyes checked." if text.lower() == nick.lower(): return "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_|.\-\]\[]*$", text.lower()): return "I can't look up that name, its impossible to use!" db_init(db, last_seen = db.execute("select name, time, quote from seen_user where name like :name and chan = :chan", {'name': text, 'chan': chan}).fetchone() if last_seen: reltime = timeformat.time_since(last_seen[1]) if last_seen[0] != text.lower(): # for glob matching text = last_seen[0] if last_seen[2][0:1] == "\x01": return '{} was last seen {} ago: * {} {}'.format(text, reltime, text, last_seen[2][8:-1]) else: return '{} was last seen {} ago saying: {}'.format(text, reltime, last_seen[2]) else: return "I've never seen {} talking in this channel.".format(text)
def twitter_url(match): # Find the Tweet ID from the URL tweet_id = # Get the Tweet using the tweepy API if tw_api is None: return try: tweet = tw_api.get_status(tweet_id) user = tweet.user except tweepy.error.TweepError: return # Format the return the text of the tweet text = " ".join(tweet.text.split()) if user.verified: prefix = "\u2713" else: prefix = "" time = timeformat.time_since(tweet.created_at, datetime.utcnow()) return "{}@\x02{}\x02 ({}): {} ({} ago)".format(prefix, user.screen_name,, text, time)
def format_output(item, show_url=False): """ takes a reddit post and returns a formatted sting """ item["title"] = formatting.truncate(item["title"], 70) item["link"] = short_url.format(item["id"]) raw_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(item["created_utc"])) item["timesince"] = timeformat.time_since(raw_time, count=1, simple=True) item["comments"] = formatting.pluralize(item["num_comments"], 'comment') item["points"] = formatting.pluralize(item["score"], 'point') if item["over_18"]: item["warning"] = " \x02NSFW\x02" else: item["warning"] = "" if show_url: return "\x02{title} : {subreddit}\x02 - {comments}, {points}" \ " - \x02{author}\x02 {timesince} ago - {link}{warning}".format(**item) else: return "\x02{title} : {subreddit}\x02 - {comments}, {points}" \ " - \x02{author}\x02, {timesince} ago{warning}".format(**item)
for reminder in reminder_cache: network, remind_time, added_time, user, message = reminder if remind_time <= current_time: if network not in bot.connections: # connection is invalid yield from add_reminder(async, db, network, remind_time, user) yield from load_cache(async, db) continue conn = bot.connections[network] if not conn.ready: return remind_text = colors.parse(time_since(added_time, count=2)) alert = colors.parse("{}, you have a reminder from $(b){}$(clear) ago!".format(user, remind_text)) conn.message(user, alert) conn.message(user, '"{}"'.format(message)) delta = (remind_time-added_time).seconds if delta > (30*60): late_time = time_since(remind_time, count=2) late = "(I'm sorry for delivering this message $(b){}$(clear) late," \ " it seems I was unable to deliver it on time)".format(late_time) conn.message(user, colors.parse(late)) yield from delete_reminder(async, db, network, remind_time, user) yield from load_cache(async, db)
def lastfm(text, nick, db, bot, notice): """[user] [dontsave] - displays the now playing (or last played) track of LastFM user [user]""" api_key = bot.config.get("api_keys", {}).get("lastfm") if not api_key: return "Error: This command requires a LastFM API key." # check if the user asked us not to save his details dontsave = text.endswith(" dontsave") if dontsave: user = text[:-9].strip().lower() else: user = text if not user: user = get_account(nick) if not user: notice(lastfm.__doc__) return params = {'method': 'user.getrecenttracks', 'api_key': api_key, 'user': user, 'limit': 1} request = requests.get(api_url, params=params) if request.status_code != return "Failed to fetch info ({})".format(request.status_code) response = request.json() if 'error' in response: return "Last.FM Error: {}.".format(response["message"]) if "track" not in response["recenttracks"] or len(response["recenttracks"]["track"]) == 0: return 'No recent tracks for user "{}" found.'.format(user) tracks = response["recenttracks"]["track"] if type(tracks) == list: # if the user is listening to something, the tracks entry is a list # the first item is the current track track = tracks[0] status = 'is listening to the song' ending = '' elif type(tracks) == dict: # otherwise, they aren't listening to anything right now, and # the tracks entry is a dict representing the most recent track track = tracks status = 'last listened to the song' # lets see how long ago they listened to it time_listened = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(track["date"]["uts"])) time_since = timeformat.time_since(time_listened) ending = ' ({} ago)'.format(time_since) else: return "error: could not parse track listing" title = track["name"] album = track["album"]["#text"] artist = track["artist"]["#text"] url = web.try_shorten(track["url"]) out = '{} {} "{}"'.format(user, status, title) if artist: out += " by \x02{}\x0f".format(artist) if album: out += " from the album \x02{}\x0f".format(album) if url: out += " - {}".format(url) # append ending based on what type it was out += ending if text and not dontsave: db.execute("insert or replace into lastfm(nick, acc) values (:nick, :account)", {'nick': nick.lower(), 'account': user}) db.commit() load_cache(db) return out
def twitter(text): """twitter <user> [n] -- Gets last/[n]th tweet from <user>""" if tw_api is None: return "This command requires a twitter API key." if re.match(r'^\d+$', text): # user is getting a tweet by id try: # get tweet by id tweet = tw_api.get_status(text) except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: if "404" in e.reason: return "Could not find tweet." else: return "Error: {}".format(e.reason) user = tweet.user elif re.match(r'^\w{1,15}$', text) or re.match(r'^\w{1,15}\s+\d+$', text): # user is getting a tweet by name if text.find(' ') == -1: username = text tweet_number = 0 else: username, tweet_number = text.split() tweet_number = int(tweet_number) - 1 if tweet_number > 200: return "This command can only find the last \x02500\x02 tweets." try: # try to get user by username user = tw_api.get_user(username) except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: if "404" in e.reason: return "Could not find user." else: return "Error: {}".format(e.reason) # get the users tweets user_timeline = tw_api.user_timeline(, count=tweet_number + 1) # if the timeline is empty, return an error if not user_timeline: return "The user \x02{}\x02 has no tweets.".format(user.screen_name) # grab the newest tweet from the users timeline try: tweet = user_timeline[tweet_number] except IndexError: tweet_count = len(user_timeline) return "Thia user \x02{}\x02 only has \x02{}\x02 tweets.".format(user.screen_name, tweet_count) elif re.match(r'^#\w+$', text): # user is searching by hashtag search = if not search: return "No tweets found." tweet = random.choice(search) user = tweet.user else: # ??? return "Invalid Input" # Format the return the text of the tweet text = " ".join(tweet.text.split()) if user.verified: prefix = "\u2713" else: prefix = "" time = timeformat.time_since(tweet.created_at, datetime.utcnow()) return "{}@\x02{}\x02 ({}): {} ({} ago)".format(prefix, user.screen_name,, text, time)