Пример #1
def test_do_calculate_cause_rpn(test_dao):
    """ do_calculate() returns a zero error code on success when calculate the RPN for a cause. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    for _node in DUT.tree.all_nodes():
            _attributes = _node.data.get_attributes()
            if _node.data.is_mode:
                _attributes['rpn_severity'] = 7
                _attributes['rpn_severity_new'] = 4
            if _node.data.is_mechanism or _node.data.is_cause:
                _attributes['rpn_detection'] = 4
                _attributes['rpn_occurrence'] = 7
                _attributes['rpn_detection_new'] = 3
                _attributes['rpn_occurrence_new'] = 5

        except AttributeError:

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_calculate('',
    _node = DUT.tree.get_node('').data

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _node.rpn == 196
    assert _node.rpn_new == 60
Пример #2
def test_do_insert_cause(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a zero error code on success when adding a new Cause to a Hardware FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=1,

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK SUCCESS: Adding one or more items to the RAMSTK Program "

    _node_id = '0.4.1.' + str(DUT.dtm_cause.last_id)

    _cause = DUT.do_select(_node_id)

    assert isinstance(_cause, RAMSTKCause)
    assert _cause.mechanism_id == 1
    assert _cause.cause_id == DUT.dtm_cause.last_id

    _tree_cause = DUT.tree.get_node(_node_id)
    assert isinstance(_tree_cause.data, RAMSTKCause)
    assert _tree_cause.data == _cause
Пример #3
def test_do_select_all_non_existent_function_id(test_dao):
    """ do_select_all() should return an empty Tree() when passed a Function ID that doesn't exist. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    _tree = DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=100, functional=True)

    assert isinstance(_tree, Tree)
    assert _tree.get_node(0).tag == 'FMEA'
    assert _tree.get_node(1) is None
Пример #4
def test_do_select_mode(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKMode on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _entity = DUT.do_select('0.1')
    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKMode)
    assert _entity.description == ("Test Functional Failure Mode #1")
Пример #5
def test_do_select_control_hardware(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKControl when selecting from a hardware FMEA on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)
    _entity = DUT.do_select('')

    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKControl)
    assert _entity.description == 'Test FMEA Control #1 for Cause ID 4'
Пример #6
def test_do_select_mechanism(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKMechanism on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _entity = DUT.do_select('0.4.1')

    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKMechanism)
    assert _entity.description == 'Test Failure Mechanism #1 for Mode ID 4'
Пример #7
def test_do_select_cause(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKCause on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _entity = DUT.do_select('')

    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKCause)
    assert _entity.description == 'Test Failure Cause #1 for Mechanism ID 1'
Пример #8
def test_do_update_all(test_dao):
    """ do_update_all() should return a zero error code on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_update_all()

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == ("RAMSTK SUCCESS: Updating all line items in the FMEA.")
Пример #9
def test_do_update(test_dao):
    """ do_update() should return a zero error code on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_update('0.1')

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == ("RAMSTK SUCCESS: Updating the RAMSTK Program database.")
Пример #10
def test_do_update_non_existent_node_id(test_dao):
    """ do_update() should return a 2106 error code when attempting to update a non-existent Node ID from a functional FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_update('mode_1000')

    assert _error_code == 1
    assert _msg == ("RAMSTK ERROR: Attempted to save non-existent Functional "
                    "FMEA entity with Node ID mode_1000.")
Пример #11
def test_do_delete_non_existent_node_id(test_dao):
    """ do_delete() should return a 2105 error code when attempting to remove a non-existant item from the FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_delete('scadamoosh_1')

    assert _error_code == 2005
    assert _msg == ("  RAMSTK ERROR: Attempted to delete non-existent entity "
                    "with Node ID scadamoosh_1 from the FMEA.")
Пример #12
def test_do_select_control_functional(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKControl when selecting from a functional FMEA on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _entity = DUT.do_select('')

    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKControl)
    assert _entity.description == (
        "Test Functional FMEA Control #1 for Cause ID 1")
Пример #13
def test_do_select_action_hardware(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKAction when selecting from a hardware FMEA on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _entity = DUT.do_select('')
    print DUT.tree.nodes
    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKAction)
    assert _entity.action_recommended == ("Test FMEA Recommended Action #1 "
                                          "for Cause ID 4")
Пример #14
def test_do_select_action_functional(test_dao):
    """ do_select() should return an instance of RAMSTKAction when selecting from a functional FMEA on success. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _entity = DUT.do_select('')

    assert isinstance(_entity, RAMSTKAction)
    assert _entity.action_recommended == ("Test Functional FMEA Recommended "
                                          "Action #1 for Cause ID 1")
Пример #15
def test_create_data_model(test_dao):
    """ __init__() should return instance of FMEA data model. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)

    assert isinstance(DUT, dtmFMEA)
    assert isinstance(DUT.dtm_mode, dtmMode)
    assert isinstance(DUT.dtm_mechanism, dtmMechanism)
    assert isinstance(DUT.dtm_cause, dtmCause)
    assert isinstance(DUT.dtm_control, dtmControl)
    assert isinstance(DUT.dtm_action, dtmAction)
Пример #16
def test_do_insert_mode_hardware_non_existant_level(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a non-zero error code when trying to add a non-existant level. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=1, parent_id=0, level='juice')

    assert _error_code == 2005
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK ERROR: Attempted to add an item to the FMEA with an "
        "undefined indenture level.  Level juice was requested.  "
        "Must be one of mode, mechanism, cause, control, or "
Пример #17
def test_do_delete_control_functional(test_dao):
    """ do_delete() should return a zero error code on success when removing a Control. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)
    DUT.do_insert(entity_id=1, parent_id='0.1.1', level='control')

    _node_id = '0.1.1.' + str(DUT.dtm_control.last_id) + 'c'

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_delete(_node_id)

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == ("RAMSTK SUCCESS: Deleting an item from the RAMSTK Program "
Пример #18
def test_do_insert_no_parent_in_tree(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a 2005 error code when attempting to add something to a non-existant parent Node. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=1,

    assert _error_code == 2005
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK ERROR: Attempted to add an item under non-existent "
        "Node ID: mode_1.")
Пример #19
def test_do_insert_non_existent_type(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a 2005 error code when attempting to add something other than a Mode, Mechanism, Cause, Control, or Action. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=100,

    assert _error_code == 2005
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK ERROR: Attempted to add an item to the FMEA with an "
        "undefined indenture level.  Level scadamoosh was "
        "requested.  Must be one of mode, mechanism, cause, "
        "control, or action.")
Пример #20
def test_do_calculate_criticality(test_dao):
    """ do_calculate() returns a zero error code on success when calculate criticality. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)
    _mode = DUT.do_select('0.4')

    _mode.mode_ratio = 0.4
    _mode.mode_op_time = 100.0
    _mode.effect_probability = 1.0
    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_calculate('0.4',

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == ("RAMSTK SUCCESS: Calculating failure mode 6 criticality.")
    assert _mode.mode_criticality == pytest.approx(0.0004)
Пример #21
def test_do_insert_mode_hardware(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a zero error code on success when adding a new Mode to a Hardware FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=1, parent_id=0, level='mode')

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK SUCCESS: Adding one or more items to the RAMSTK Program "
    _node_id = '0.' + str(DUT.dtm_mode.last_id)

    _mode = DUT.do_select(_node_id)

    assert isinstance(_mode, RAMSTKMode)
    assert _mode.function_id == -1
    assert _mode.hardware_id == 1

    _tree_mode = DUT.tree.get_node(_node_id)
    assert isinstance(_tree_mode.data, RAMSTKMode)
    assert _mode == _tree_mode.data
Пример #22
def test_do_insert_control_functional(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a zero error code on success when adding a new Control to a Functional FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=True)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=1,

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK SUCCESS: Adding one or more items to the RAMSTK Program "
    _node_id = '0.1.' + str(DUT.dtm_control.last_id) + 'c'

    _control = DUT.do_select(_node_id)

    assert isinstance(_control, RAMSTKControl)
    assert _control.cause_id == 1

    _tree_control = DUT.tree.get_node(_node_id)
    assert isinstance(_tree_control.data, RAMSTKControl)
    assert _control == _tree_control.data
Пример #23
def test_do_insert_action_hardware(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a zero error code on success when adding a new Action to a Hardware FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=4,

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK SUCCESS: Adding one or more items to the RAMSTK Program "
    _node_id = '' + str(DUT.dtm_action.last_id) + 'a'

    _action = DUT.do_select(_node_id)

    assert isinstance(_action, RAMSTKAction)
    assert _action.cause_id == 4

    _tree_action = DUT.tree.get_node(_node_id)
    assert isinstance(_tree_action.data, RAMSTKAction)
    assert _action == _tree_action.data
Пример #24
def test_do_insert_mechanism(test_dao):
    """ do_insert() should return a zero error code on success when adding a new Mechanism to a Hardware FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    _error_code, _msg = DUT.do_insert(entity_id=4,

    assert _error_code == 0
    assert _msg == (
        "RAMSTK SUCCESS: Adding one or more items to the RAMSTK Program "
    _node_id = '0.4.' + str(DUT.dtm_mechanism.last_id)

    _mechanism = DUT.do_select(_node_id)

    assert isinstance(_mechanism, RAMSTKMechanism)
    assert _mechanism.mode_id == 4
    assert _mechanism.mechanism_id == DUT.dtm_mechanism.last_id

    _tree_mechanism = DUT.tree.get_node(_node_id)
    assert isinstance(_tree_mechanism.data, RAMSTKMechanism)
    assert _mechanism == _tree_mechanism.data
Пример #25
def test_do_select_all_hardware(test_dao):
    """ do_select_all() should return a treelib Tree() on success when selecting a Hardware FMEA. """
    DUT = dtmFMEA(test_dao)
    _tree = DUT.do_select_all(parent_id=1, functional=False)

    assert isinstance(_tree, Tree)