Пример #1
def propose_dream(currentVectors, history, dimensions, nChains, DEpairs, gamma,
                  jitter, eps):
    generates and returns proposal vectors given the current states

    sampleRange = history.ncombined_history
    currentIndex = arange(sampleRange - nChains, sampleRange)[:, newaxis]
    combined_history = history.combined_history

    #choose some chains without replacement to combine
    chains = random_no_replace(DEpairs * 2, sampleRange - 1, nChains)

    # makes sure we have already selected the current chain so it is not replaced
    # this ensures that the the two chosen chains cannot be the same as the chain for which the jump is
    chains += (chains >= currentIndex)

    chainDifferences = (
        sum(combined_history[chains[:, 0:DEpairs], :], axis=1) -
        sum(combined_history[chains[:, DEpairs:(DEpairs * 2)], :], axis=1))

    e = random.normal(0, jitter, (nChains, dimensions))

    E = random.normal(
        0, eps, (nChains, dimensions))  # could replace eps with 1e-6 here

    proposalVectors = currentVectors + (
        1 + e) * gamma[:, newaxis] * chainDifferences + E
    return proposalVectors
def propose_dream( currentVectors, history, dimensions, nChains, DEpairs, gamma, jitter, eps ):
    generates and returns proposal vectors given the current states
    sampleRange = history.ncombined_history
    currentIndex = arange(sampleRange - nChains,sampleRange)[:, newaxis]
    combined_history = history.combined_history

    #choose some chains without replacement to combine
    chains = random_no_replace(DEpairs * 2, sampleRange - 1, nChains)
    # makes sure we have already selected the current chain so it is not replaced
    # this ensures that the the two chosen chains cannot be the same as the chain for which the jump is
    chains += (chains >= currentIndex)
    chainDifferences =  (sum(combined_history[chains[:, 0:DEpairs], :], axis = 1)      - 
                         sum(combined_history[chains[:, DEpairs:(DEpairs*2)], :], axis = 1))
    e = random.normal(0, jitter, (nChains,dimensions))

    E = random.normal(0, eps,(nChains,dimensions)) # could replace eps with 1e-6 here

    proposalVectors = currentVectors + (1 + e) * gamma[:,newaxis] * chainDifferences + E
    return proposalVectors
Пример #3
def propose_dream2(currentVectors, history, dimensions, nChains, DEpairs,
                   gamma, jitter, eps):
    generates and returns proposal vectors given the current states

    sampleRange = history.ncombined_history
    currentIndex = arange(sampleRange - nChains, sampleRange)[:, newaxis]
    combined_history = history.combined_history

    #choose some chains without replacement to combine
    chains = random_no_replace(1, sampleRange - 1, nChains)

    # makes sure we have already selected the current chain so it is not replaced
    # this ensures that the the two chosen chains cannot be the same as the chain for which the jump is
    chains += (chains >= currentIndex)

    proposalVectors = combined_history[chains[:, 0], :]
    return proposalVectors
def propose_dream2( currentVectors, history, dimensions, nChains, DEpairs, gamma, jitter, eps ):
    generates and returns proposal vectors given the current states
    sampleRange = history.ncombined_history
    currentIndex = arange(sampleRange - nChains,sampleRange)[:, newaxis]
    combined_history = history.combined_history

    #choose some chains without replacement to combine
    chains = random_no_replace(1, sampleRange - 1, nChains)
    # makes sure we have already selected the current chain so it is not replaced
    # this ensures that the the two chosen chains cannot be the same as the chain for which the jump is
    chains += (chains >= currentIndex)

    proposalVectors = combined_history[chains[:, 0], :]
    return proposalVectors