Пример #1
    def setup(self):
        self.playing = True
        self.score = 0.0
        self.hp = SHIP_HP

        self.player = Player("assets/player.png",SHIP_SCALE<400,50)
        for e in range(NUM_ENEMIES):
            x = random.randint(MARGIN,SCREEN_WIDTH-MARGIN)
            y = random.randint(SCREEN_HEIGHT-ENEMY_MIN_Y,SCREEN_HEIGHT-MARGIN)
            hp = random.randing(ENEMY_MIN_HP,ENEMY_MAX_HP)
            mass = random.randint(ENEMY_MIN_MASS,ENEMY_MAX_MASS)
            enemy = Enemy(x, y, mass, hp)
Пример #2
    def mutate_file(self):

        fd = open("test.%s" % self.ext, "rb")
        stream = fd.read()

        test_case = self.test_cases[random.randing(0,
                                                   len(self.test_cases) - 1)]

        stream_length = len(stream)
        rand_offset = random.randing(0, stream_length - 1)
        rand_len = random.randint(1, 1000)

        test_case = test_case * rand_len

        fuzz_file = stream[0:rand_offset]
        fuzz_file += str(test_case)
        fuzz_file += stream[rand_offset:]

        fd = open("test.%s" % self.ext, "wb")

Пример #3
def expand(image: torch.Tensor, boxes, filler):
    orig_w = image.size(1)
    orig_h = image.size(2)
    scale = random.uniform(1, max_scale)
    new_h = int(scale * orig_h)
    new_w = int(scale * orig_w)
    filler = torch.FloatTensor(filler)
    new_image = torch.ones((3, new_h, new_w), dtype=torch.float) * filler.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)

    left = random.randint(0, new_w - orig_w)
    right = left + orig_w
    top = random.randing(0, new_h - orig_h)
    bottom = top + orig_h
    new_image[:, top:bottom, left:right] = image
    new_boxes = boxes + torch.FloatTensor([left, right, top, bottom]).unsqueeze(0)
    return new_image, new_boxes
Пример #4
def main():
	mode = raw_input('Operating mode:\n 1 for testing\n 3 for posting.\n')
	mode = int(mode)
	generating = True
	# For twitter OAuth
	if tweeting:
			tweepy_file = open("tw_auth.txt")
			print("Found Twitter auth values.")
			tw_auths = []
			for line in tweepy_file:
			auth.set_access_token(tw_auths[0], tw_auths[1])
			need_auth = False
		except IOError as e:
			print("Could not find Twitter auth values - need to authorize.")
			need_auth = True
		if need_auth:
			    redirect_url = auth.get_authorization_url()
			    webbrowser.open(redirect_url, new =0)
			    verifier = raw_input('Verifier:')
			except tweepy.TweepError:
			    print('Error! Failed to get request token.')
			except tweepy.TweepError:
			    print('Error! Failed to get access token.')
			auth.set_access_token(auth.access_token, auth.access_token_secret)
			tweepy_file = open("tw_auth.txt", 'w')
			tweepy_file.write(auth.access_token + "\n")
			tweepy_file.write(auth.access_token_secret + "\n")
		api = tweepy.API(auth)
	if mode == 1: 	#So we're in testing mode.
		print("Testing mode. Won't post.")
	words = get_words()
	places = words[0]
	materials = words[1]
	descriptors = words[2]
	emotions = words[3]
	colors = words[4]
	smells = words[5]
	geoareas = words[6]
	sounds = words[7]
	clothes = words[8]
	concepts = words[9]
	animals = words[10]
	names = words[11]
	while generating == True:
		linechoice = random.randint(0,3)
		adj1 = random.choice(descriptors)
		place1 = random.choice(places)
		geo = random.choice(geoareas)
		if adj1[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u","y"]:
			part1 = "An"
			part1 = "A"	
		if linechoice == 0:
			lineout = "%s %s %s." % (part1, adj1, place1)
		elif linechoice == 1:
			adj2 = random.choice(descriptors)
			while check_strings(adj1, adj2):
				adj2 = random.choice(descriptors)
			if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
				lineout = "%s %s %s %s." % (part1, adj1, adj2, place1)
				lineout = "%s %s, %s %s." % (part1, adj1, adj2, place1)
		if linechoice == 2:
			lineout = "%s %s %s in %s." % (part1, adj1, place1, geo)
		if linechoice == 3:
			situation = random.choice(["version of", "place in",
										"concept of","interpretation of",
										"depiction of","stand-in for",
										"rendition of","portrayal of",
										"presentation of","parody of",
										"location a bit like",
										"location a lot like",
										"location much like",
										"location strangely like",
										"view of", "perspective of",
										"location in", "area of",
										"site in", "representation of",
										"setting in", "place within",
										"place just outside",
										"loose interpretation of"])
			lineout = "%s %s %s %s." % (part1, adj1, situation, geo)
		#None of the following modifiers have final probs yet
		modcount = 0
		all_mods = []
		#General mood
		if random.randint(0,4) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			emotion1 = random.choice(emotions).lower()
			modchoice = random.randint(0,3)
			if emotion1[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u","y"]:
				part1 = "an"
				part1 = "a"	
			if modchoice == 0:
				part2 = random.choice(["appears","is","seems","looks"])
				mod1 = "It %s %s." % (part2, emotion1)
			elif modchoice == 1:
				part2 = random.choice(["air","mood","atmosphere","disposition",
				mod1 = "It has %s %s %s." % (part1, emotion1, part2)
			elif modchoice == 2:
				part2 = random.choice(["may","will","can","might","could"])
				mod1 = "It %s make you feel %s." % (part2, emotion1)
			elif modchoice == 3:
				part2 = random.choice(["really","quite","entirely",
				mod1 = "It's %s %s." % (part2, emotion1)
		#Decoration and composition
		if random.randint(0,3) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			mat1 = random.choice(materials)
			modchoice = random.randint(0,4)
			if modchoice == 0:
				mod2 = "It's decorated with %s." % mat1
			elif modchoice == 1:
				mod2 = "It's made of %s." % mat1
			elif modchoice == 2:
				mod2 = "Bits of %s are strewn about." % mat1
			elif modchoice == 3:
				mod2 = "It's littered with %s." % mat1
			elif modchoice == 4:
				mat2 = random.choice(materials)
				mod2 = "It's ornately decorated with %s and %s." % (mat1, mat2)
		#Colors and highlights
		if random.randint(0,2) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			color1 = random.choice(colors)
			modchoice = random.randint(0,4)
			if color1[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u","y"]:
				part1 = "an"
				part1 = "a"	
			if modchoice == 0:
				mod3 = "It has %s %s glow." % (part1, color1)
			elif modchoice == 1:
				mod3 = "It's very %s." % color1
			elif modchoice == 2:
				mod3 = "It has hints of %s." % color1
			elif modchoice == 3:
				mod3 = "It's a bit %s." % color1
			elif modchoice == 4:
				mod3 = "It's mostly %s in color." % color1
		#Location and situation
		if random.randint(0,2) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			place2 = random.choice(places)
			while check_strings(place1, place2):
				place2 = random.choice(places)
			modchoice = random.randint(0,4)
			if place2[0].lower() in ["a","e","i","o","u","y"]:
				part1 = "an"
				part1 = "a"	
			if modchoice == 0:
				mod4 = "It's actually %s %s." % (part1, place2)
			elif modchoice == 1:
				part2 = random.choice(["may","will","can","might","could"])
				if random.randing(0,1) == 0:
					mod4 = "It %s be %s %s." % (part2, part1, place2)
					time = random.choice(["now", "sometimes", "soon"])
					mod4 = "It %s be %s %s %s." % (part2, part1, place2, time)
			elif modchoice == 2:
				mod4 = "It looks like %s %s." % (part1, place2)
			elif modchoice == 3:
				mod4 = "It's inside %s %s." % (part1, place2)
			elif modchoice == 4:
				part2 = random.choice(["around","near","beside"])
				mod4 = "It's built %s %s %s." % (part2, part1, place2)
		#State of the setting
		if random.randint(0,5) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			modchoice = random.randint(0,12)
			if modchoice == 0:
				part2 = random.choice(["truly","mostly","partly",
				real = random.choice(["unbelievable","realistic",
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It's %s %s." % (part2, real)
					mod5 = "It's %s." % (real)		
			elif modchoice == 1:
				worldtype = random.choice(["virtual", "fantasy", "mystical",
				mod5 = "It's in a %s world." % worldtype
			elif modchoice == 2:
				energy = random.choice(["magic","dark forces","wizardry",
								"demons","demonic energy","angels",
				mod5 = "It's full of %s." % energy
			elif modchoice == 3:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It's part of the afterlife."
					mod5 = "You may see it when you die."
			elif modchoice == 4:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It hasn't existed for very long."
					mod5 = "It's still new."
			elif modchoice == 5:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It's about to reach a violent end."
					emotion2 = random.choice(emotions).lower()
					mod5 = "It's about to seem more %s." % emotion2
			elif modchoice == 6:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It existed long ago."
					mod5 = "It's historic."
			elif modchoice == 7:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It can't escape its fate."
					mod5 = "It may escape its fate."
			elif modchoice == 8:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It's where a series of battles will begin."
					mod5 = "A battle will end here."
			elif modchoice == 9:
				animal = random.choice(animals)
				mod5 = "It's a giant %s." % animal
			elif modchoice == 10:
				weather = random.choice(["bright","sunny","clear",
				mod5 = "The weather is %s." % weather
			elif modchoice == 11:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod5 = "It's isolated."
					mod5 = "It's a crossroads."
			elif modchoice == 12:
				mod5 = "It's a source of wealth."
		#What happens or will happen in the setting
		if random.randint(0,2) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			concept1 = random.choice(concepts)
			concept2 = random.choice(concepts)
			modchoice = random.randint(0,20)
			if modchoice == 0:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					part2 = random.choice(["truly","mostly","partly","entirely"])
					mod6 = "It's %s ruled by %s." % (part2, concept1)
					part2 = random.choice(["illustrates","exposes","depicts",
					part3 = random.choice(["danger","promise","peril","virtues"])
					mod6 = "It %s the %s of %s." % (part2, part3, concept1)
			elif modchoice == 1:
				part2 = random.choice(["built","constructed","engineered",
				mod6 = "It's %s around %s." % (part2, concept1)
			elif modchoice == 2:
				mod6 = "It's in a state of anarchy."
			elif modchoice == 3:
				part2 = random.choice(["built","created","constructed"])
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					concept2 = random.choice(concepts)
					mod6 = "It's %s upon %s and %s." % (part2, concept1, concept2)
					emotion2 = random.choice(emotions).lower()
					mod6 = "It's %s upon %s %s." % (part2, emotion2, concept1)
			elif modchoice == 4:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod6 = "It's a result of %s and %s." % (concept1, concept2)
					mod6 = "It depends on %s to exist." % concept1
			elif modchoice == 5:
				active_place = random.choice(["bazaar","market",
						"hospital","factory","center of government"])
				mod6 = "It serves as a %s." % active_place
			elif modchoice == 6:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod6 = "It's our last hope."
					mod6 = "It's a source of faith."
			elif modchoice == 7:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod6 = "It's a center of knowledge."
					mod6 = "It's hiding some information."
			elif modchoice == 8:
				mod6 = "It will be rebuilt soon."
			elif modchoice == 9:
				mod6 = "It cannot be escaped."
			elif modchoice == 10:
				mod6 = "It's metaphorically empty."
			elif modchoice == 11:
				mod6 = "Someone was just murdered here."	
			elif modchoice == 12:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod6 = "It's a battleground."
					mod6 = "It's a peaceful place."
			elif modchoice == 13:
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod6 = "It's a holy place."
					mod6 = "It's an unholy place."
			elif modchoice == 14:
				group = random.choice(["gang","police","corporate",
				mod6 = "There's %s activity here." % group
			elif modchoice == 15:
				event = random.choice(["party","celebration","wedding",
					"dinner","journey","birthday party","retreat",
					"showdown","sporting event","graduation",
					"disease outbreak","quest"])
				mod6 = "A %s will begin here soon."	% event
			elif modchoice == 16:
				mod6 = "It hides the answer to a riddle."
			elif modchoice == 17:
				mod6 = "It's a source of temptation."
			elif modchoice == 18:
				mod6 = "It was recently discovered."
			elif modchoice == 19:
				mod6 = "It provides a rite of passage."
			elif modchoice == 20:
				mod6 = "Someone is searching for help here."
		if random.randint(0,2) == 0:
			part2 = random.choice(["Its","The","Some of its"])
			people = (["residents","occupants","people",
			peopleword = random.choice(people)
			modcount = modcount +1
			modchoice = random.randint(0,22)
			if modchoice == 0:
				emotion2 = random.choice(emotions).lower()
				choice = random.randint(0,2)
				if choice == 0:
					mod7 = "%s %s are perpetually %s." % (part2, peopleword, emotion2)
				elif choice == 1:
					emotion3 = random.choice(emotions).lower()
					mod7 = "%s %s are usually %s" \
							" but have been %s lately." % (part2, peopleword, emotion2, emotion3)
				elif choice == 2:
					emotion3 = random.choice(emotions).lower()
					mod7 = "%s %s are %s" \
							" and %s." % (part2, peopleword, emotion2, emotion3)
			elif modchoice == 1:
				choice = random.randint(0,2)
				if choice == 0:
					mod7 = "%s %s cannot lie." % (part2, peopleword)
				elif choice == 1:
					mod7 = "%s %s cannot tell the truth." % (part2, peopleword)
				elif choice == 2:
					mod7 = "%s %s mix truth with lies." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 2:
				mod7 = "%s %s are immortal." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 3:
				mat2 = random.choice(materials)
				cloth_sing = random.choice(clothes)
				if cloth_sing[-1:] != "s":
					cloth1 = cloth_sing + "s"
					cloth1 = cloth_sing
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod7 = "%s %s wear %s made of %s." % (part2, peopleword, cloth1, mat2)
					mod7 = "%s %s wear %s of %s." % (part2, peopleword, cloth1, mat2)
			elif modchoice == 4:
				count1 = random.randint(3,7)
				mod7 = "%s %s have %s genders." % (part2, peopleword, count1)
			elif modchoice == 5:
				mod7 = "%s %s are undead." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 6:
				concept1 = random.choice(concepts)
				lostverb = random.choice(["abandoned","neglected","renounced"])
				mod7 = "%s %s have %s %s." % (part2, peopleword, lostverb, concept1)
			elif modchoice == 7:
				mod7 = "%s %s are the last of their kind." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 8:
				mod7 = "%s %s are very young." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 9:
				mod7 = "%s %s are hidden." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 10:
				mod7 = "%s %s cannot forget." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 11:
				anim_sing = random.choice(animals)
				if anim_sing[-1:] != "s":
					anim1 = anim_sing + "s"
					anim1 = anim_sing
				if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
					mod7 = "%s %s are anthropomorphic %s." % (part2, peopleword, anim1)
					mod7 = "%s %s look like %s." % (part2, peopleword, anim1)
			elif modchoice == 12:
				anim1 = random.choice(animals)
				mod7 = "%s %s worship the %s." % (part2, peopleword, anim1)
			elif modchoice == 13:
				mod7 = "%s %s created this place." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 14:
				mod7 = "%s %s like to show off." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 15:
				mod7 = "%s %s are ignoring something obvious." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 16:
				mod7 = "%s %s are devoutly religious." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 17:
				mod7 = "%s %s are giants." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 18:
				mod7 = "%s %s are dangerous." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 19:
				mod7 = "%s %s are fighting with each other." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 20:
				mod7 = "%s %s are powerless." % (part2, peopleword)
			elif modchoice == 21:
				people2 = random.choice(people)
				mod7 = "%s %s are pursuing the %s." % (part2, peopleword, people2)
			elif modchoice == 22:
				people2 = random.choice(people)
				mod7 = "%s %s are escaping the %s." % (part2, peopleword, people2)

		if random.randint(0,7) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			smell1 = random.choice(smells)
			mod8 = "It smells %s." % smell1
		if random.randint(0,8) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			modchoice = random.randint(0,2)
			if modchoice == 0:
				sound1 = random.choice(["noisy","boisterous","unruly",
				mod9 = "It sounds %s." % sound1
			elif modchoice == 1:
				sound1 = random.choice(sounds)
				mod9 = "There are echoes of %s." % sound1
			elif modchoice == 2:
				sound1 = random.choice(sounds)
				mod9 = "There's the sound of %s." % sound1
		#Personal connections or characters
		if random.randint(0,7) == 0:
			modcount = modcount +1
			modchoice = random.randint(0,0)
			if random.randint(0,5) == 0:
				indiv = random.choice(["You", "He", "She", "They", "We", "Ze", "It"])
				proper_name = False
				# * is a special char indicating a proper name
				indiv = "*%s" % random.choice(names)
				proper_name = True
			condition_list = ["may have been",
								"could have been", "voyaged","explored",
								"should have been","trained","got a ride",
								"planned to be","played","played a role",
								"wanted to go","emigrated","wished to go",
								"lived", "stayed", "stopped", "settled",
								"traveled","journeyed", "worked",
								"remained", "had fun","researched"]
			if indiv in ["He", "She", "Ze", "It"] or proper_name == True:
				for phrase in ["was", "wasn't", "was forced to be"]:
				for phrase in ["were", "weren't", "were forced to be"]:
			condition = random.choice(condition_list)
			if modchoice == 0:
				past = random.choice(["once before", "twice before",
										"as a child", "in a dream",
										"in a past life", "on vacation",
										"for a job", "for no good reason",
										"for good reasons", "with detailed plans",
										"as a prisoner", "with your family",
										"on business", "on assignment",
										"as a spy", "for years",
										"a long time ago", "during the war",
										"last week", "with a friend"])
				mod10 = "%s %s there %s." % (indiv, condition, past)
		#Shuffle the mods, combine some, and add to the first string
		if modcount > 1:
			comb_mods = []
			i = 1
			for mod in all_mods:
				if i == 1:
					if mod[0] == "*":
							mod = mod[1:]
					if modcount == 2:
						new_mod = mod.replace(".","")
						new_mod = mod.replace(".",",")
				elif i == modcount:
					if mod[0] != "*":
						new_mod = "and " + mod[0].lower() + mod[1:]
						new_mod = "and " + mod[1:]
					if mod[0] != "*":
						new_mod = (mod[0].lower() + mod[1:]).replace(".",",")
						new_mod = (mod[1:]).replace(".",",")
				i = i +1
			all_mods = comb_mods
		elif modcount == 1:
			if all_mods[0][0] == "*":
				all_mods[0] = all_mods[0][1:]
		modstring = " ".join(all_mods)
		lineout = "%s %s" % (lineout, modstring)
		if mode == 3:
			except tweepy.TweepError as te:
				#api.update_status(status="Listen to the world around you.") #Throws TweepError usu. if message is >140 char, so just post something else rather than messing around with truncation
				print("Text longer than 140 chars or some other Twitter problem came up. Didn't post.")
			print("This one wasn't posted.")
		if mode == 1:
			again = raw_input("Again? Y/N\n")
			if (again.rstrip()).lower() == "y":
				generating = False
				wait_time = random.randint(60,1200)	#Wait up to 20 minutes
				minutes, seconds = divmod(wait_time, 60)
				hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
				print("Would have posted again in %02d minutes, %02d seconds." % (minutes, seconds))
		if mode == 3:
			wait_time = random.randint(60,1200)	#Wait up to 20 minutes
			minutes, seconds = divmod(wait_time, 60)
			hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
			print("Posting again in %02d minutes, %02d seconds." % (minutes, seconds))
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, i):
     i = random.randing(1, 3)
     self.i = i
Пример #6
def myrandom():
    x = random.randing()
    y = random.randing()
    return x, y
Пример #7
 def pickpocker(self):
     return self.sneaky and bool(random.randing(0,1))
Пример #8
Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 22:20:52) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import random
>>> random.randint()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: randint() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'a' and 'b'
>>> random.randing(1,10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'random' has no attribute 'randing'
>>> random.rantint(1,30)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'random' has no attribute 'rantint'
>>> random.randint(1,3)
>>> random.randint(1,10)
>>> import random
>>> import random, sys, os, math
>>> from random import *
>>> randint(1,10)
>>> sys.exit()
	def mutate(self):
		option = random.randing(0,1)
		if option == 0:
Пример #10
def coin_flip():
    cointoss = random.randing(0, 1)
Пример #11
def getRandomKey():
    while True:
        keyA = random.randint(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        keyB = random.randing(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        if cryptomath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) == 1:
            return keyA * len(SYMBOLS) + keyB
Пример #12

    new_head = [snake[0][0], snake[0][1]]

    if key == curses.KEY_DOWN:
        new_head[0] += 1
    if key == curses.KEY_UP:
        new_head[0] -= 1
    if key == curses.KEY_LEFT:
        new_head[1] -= 1
    if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
        new_head[1] += 1

    snake.insert(0, new_head)

    if snake[0] == food:
        food = None
        while food is None:
            nf = [
	        random.randint(1, sh-1),
	        random.randing(1, sw-1)
        food = nf if nf not in snake else None
        w.addch(food[0], food[1], curses.ACS_PI)
        tail = snake.pop()
        w.addch(tail[0], tail[1], ' ')

    w.addch(snake[0][0], snake[0][1], curses.ACS_CKBOARD)

Пример #13
def getRandomKey():
    while True:
        keyA = random.randint(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        keyB = random.randing(2, len(SYMBOLS))
        if cryptomath.gcd(keyA, len(SYMBOLS)) == 1:
            return keyA * len(SYMBOLS) + keyB
Пример #14
def random_sleep():