def test_rapidtide2x_phase3(debug=False): recalculate = True if recalculate: # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) # trigger the usage function rapidtide2x_workflow.usage() # and launch the processing theargs = ["rapidtide2x"] theargs += [os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "fmri.nii.gz")] theargs += [ os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "rapidtide2x_phase3output") ] theargs += ["--nowindow"] theargs += ["--windowfunc=hamming"] theargs += ["--liang", "--eckart", "--phat"] theargs += ["--usesp"] theargs += ["--preservefiltering"] theargs += ["--corrmaskthresh=0.25"] theargs += ["-I", "-B", "-a", "-M", "-m"] theargs += ["-C", "-R", "-L", "-V", "-F", "0.01,0.08"] theargs += ["-v", "--debug"] theargs += ["--globalmaskmethod=mean"] theargs += ["--mklthreads=1"] theargs += ["--nosharedmem"] theargs += ["-S"] rapidtide2x_workflow.rapidtide_main(theargs) assert True
def test_rapidtide2x_phase3(debug=False): recalculate = True if recalculate: # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) # trigger the usage function rapidtide2x_workflow.usage() # and launch the processing theargs = ['rapidtide2x'] theargs += [os.path.join(get_examples_path(), 'fmri.nii.gz')] theargs += [ os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), 'rapidtide2x_phase3output') ] theargs += ['--nowindow'] theargs += ['--windowfunc=hamming'] theargs += ['--liang', '--eckart', '--phat'] theargs += ['--usesp'] theargs += ['--preservefiltering'] theargs += ['--corrmaskthresh=0.25'] theargs += ['-I', '-B', '-a', '-M', '-m'] theargs += ['-C', '-R', '-L', '-V', '-F', '0.01,0.08'] theargs += ['-v', '--debug'] theargs += ['--globalmaskmethod=mean'] theargs += ['--mklthreads=1'] theargs += ['--nosharedmem'] theargs += ['-S'] rapidtide2x_workflow.rapidtide_main(theargs) assert True
def test_rapidtide2x(debug=False): recalculate = True if recalculate: # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) # and launch the processing theargs = ["rapidtide2x"] theargs += [os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "fmri.nii.gz")] theargs += [ os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "rapidtide2x_phase2output") ] theargs += [ "--regressor=" + os.path.join(get_test_data_path(), "rapidtide2x_phase1target_reference_fmrires.txt") ] theargs += ["--regressortstep=1.5"] theargs += ["--limitoutput"] theargs += ["-s", "25.0"] theargs += ["-L"] theargs += ["-r", "-20,20"] theargs += ["-f", "2"] theargs += ["--passes=3"] theargs += ["--refineoffset"] theargs += ["--despecklepasses=4"] theargs += ["--accheck"] theargs += ["--nprocs=2"] theargs += ["--saveoptionsasjson"] theargs += ["--detrendorder=3"] theargs += ["--pickleft"] theargs += [ "--corrmask=" + os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "quartermask.nii.gz") ] theargs += ["--noglm"] rapidtide2x_workflow.rapidtide_main(theargs) diffmaps = tide_util.comparerapidtideruns( os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "rapidtide2x_phase2output"), os.path.join(get_test_target_path(), "rapidtide2x_phase2target"), ) for mapname, maps in diffmaps.items(): print("checking", mapname) print("\trelmindiff", maps["relmindiff"]) print("\trelmaxdiff", maps["relmaxdiff"]) print("\trelmeandiff", maps["relmeandiff"]) print("\trelmse", maps["relmse"]) assert maps["relmindiff"] < 1e2 assert maps["relmaxdiff"] < 1e2 assert maps["relmeandiff"] < 1e-2 assert maps["relmse"] < 1e2
def test_stcorrelate(debug=False): tr = 0.72 testlen = 800 shiftdist = 5 windowtime = 30.0 stepsize = 5.0 corrweighting = "None" outfilename = op.join(get_test_temp_path(), "stcorrtest") # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) dodetrend = True timeaxis = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 * testlen) * tr testfilter = NoncausalFilter(filtertype="lfo") sig1 = testfilter.apply(1.0 / tr, np.random.random(testlen)) sig2 = np.float64(np.roll(sig1, int(shiftdist))) if debug: plt.figure() plt.plot(sig1) plt.plot(sig2) legend = ["Original", "Shifted"] times, corrpertime, ppertime = shorttermcorr_1D(sig1, sig2, tr, windowtime, samplestep=int(stepsize // tr), detrendorder=0) plength = len(times) times, xcorrpertime, Rvals, delayvals, valid = shorttermcorr_2D( sig1, sig2, tr, windowtime, samplestep=int(stepsize // tr), weighting=corrweighting, detrendorder=0, display=False, ) xlength = len(times) writenpvecs(corrpertime, outfilename + "_pearson.txt") writenpvecs(ppertime, outfilename + "_pvalue.txt") writenpvecs(Rvals, outfilename + "_Rvalue.txt") writenpvecs(delayvals, outfilename + "_delay.txt") writenpvecs(valid, outfilename + "_mask.txt")
def test_rapidtide2x(debug=False): recalculate = True if recalculate: # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) # and launch the processing theargs = ['rapidtide2x'] theargs += [os.path.join(get_examples_path(), 'fmri.nii.gz')] theargs += [os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), 'rapidtide2x_phase2output')] theargs += ['--regressor=' + os.path.join(get_test_data_path(), 'rapidtide2x_phase1target_reference_fmrires.txt')] theargs += ['--regressortstep=1.5'] theargs += ['--limitoutput'] theargs += ['-s', '25.0'] theargs += ['-L'] theargs += ['-r', '-20,20'] theargs += ['-f', '2'] theargs += ['--passes=3'] theargs += ['--refineoffset'] theargs += ['--despecklepasses=4'] theargs += ['--accheck'] theargs += ['--nprocs=2'] theargs += ['--saveoptionsasjson'] theargs += ['--detrendorder=3'] theargs += ['--pickleft'] theargs += ['--corrmask=' + os.path.join(get_examples_path(), 'quartermask.nii.gz')] theargs += ['--noglm'] rapidtide2x_workflow.rapidtide_main(theargs) diffmaps = tide_util.comparerapidtideruns(os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), 'rapidtide2x_phase2output'), os.path.join(get_test_target_path(), 'rapidtide2x_phase2target')) for mapname, maps in diffmaps.items(): print('checking', mapname) print('\trelmindiff', maps['relmindiff']) print('\trelmaxdiff', maps['relmaxdiff']) print('\trelmeandiff', maps['relmeandiff']) print('\trelmse', maps['relmse']) assert maps['relmindiff'] < 1e2 assert maps['relmaxdiff'] < 1e2 assert maps['relmeandiff'] < 1e-2 assert maps['relmse'] < 1e2
def test_happy_phase1(debug=False): recalculate = True if recalculate: # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) # and launch the processing theargs = ["happy"] theargs += [os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "happyfmri.nii.gz")] theargs += [os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "happyfmri.json")] theargs += [os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "happy_output")] theargs += ["--dodlfilter"] theargs += ["--saveinfoasjson"] theargs += ["--glm"] theargs += ["--numskip=0"] theargs += ["--gridbins=2.0"] theargs += ["--gridkernel=kaiser"] theargs += ["--model=model_revised"] print(" ".join(theargs)) happy_workflow.happy_main(theargs) diffmaps = tide_util.comparehappyruns( os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "happy_output"), os.path.join(get_test_target_path(), "happy_target"), debug=debug, ) for mapname, maps in diffmaps.items(): print("checking", mapname) print("\trelmindiff", maps["relmindiff"]) print("\trelmaxdiff", maps["relmaxdiff"]) print("\trelmeandiff", maps["relmeandiff"]) print("\trelmse", maps["relmse"]) assert maps["relmindiff"] < 1e2 assert maps["relmaxdiff"] < 1e2 assert maps["relmeandiff"] < 1e-2 assert maps["relmse"] < 1e2
def test_io(debug=True, display=False): # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) # test checkifnifti assert tide_io.checkifnifti("test.nii") == True assert tide_io.checkifnifti("test.nii.gz") == True assert tide_io.checkifnifti("test.txt") == False # test checkiftext assert tide_io.checkiftext("test.nii") == False assert tide_io.checkiftext("test.nii.gz") == False assert tide_io.checkiftext("test.txt") == True # test getniftiroot assert tide_io.getniftiroot("test.nii") == "test" assert tide_io.getniftiroot("test.nii.gz") == "test" assert tide_io.getniftiroot("test.txt") == "test.txt" # test fmritimeinfo fmritimeinfothresh = 1e-2 tr, timepoints = tide_io.fmritimeinfo( os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "sub-HAPPYTEST.nii.gz")) assert np.fabs(tr - 1.16) < fmritimeinfothresh assert timepoints == 110 tr, timepoints = tide_io.fmritimeinfo( os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "sub-RAPIDTIDETEST.nii.gz")) assert np.fabs(tr - 1.5) < fmritimeinfothresh assert timepoints == 260 # test niftifile reading sizethresh = 1e-3 happy_img, happy_data, happy_hdr, happydims, happysizes = tide_io.readfromnifti( os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "sub-HAPPYTEST.nii.gz")) fmri_img, fmri_data, fmri_hdr, fmridims, fmrisizes = tide_io.readfromnifti( os.path.join(get_examples_path(), "sub-RAPIDTIDETEST.nii.gz")) targetdims = [4, 65, 89, 64, 110, 1, 1, 1] targetsizes = [-1.00, 2.39583, 2.395830, 2.4, 1.16, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] if debug: print("happydims:", happydims) print("targetdims:", targetdims) print("happysizes:", happysizes) print("targetsizes:", targetsizes) for i in range(len(targetdims)): assert targetdims[i] == happydims[i] assert mse(np.array(targetsizes), np.array(happysizes)) < sizethresh # test file writing datathresh = 2e-3 # relaxed threshold because sub-RAPIDTIDETEST has been converted to INT16 tide_io.savetonifti( fmri_data, fmri_hdr, os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "sub-RAPIDTIDETEST_copy.nii.gz")) ( fmricopy_img, fmricopy_data, fmricopy_hdr, fmricopydims, fmricopysizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti( os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "sub-RAPIDTIDETEST_copy.nii.gz")) assert tide_io.checkspacematch(fmri_hdr, fmricopy_hdr) assert tide_io.checktimematch(fmridims, fmridims) assert mse(fmri_data, fmricopy_data) < datathresh # test file header comparisons assert tide_io.checkspacematch(happy_hdr, happy_hdr) assert not tide_io.checkspacematch(happy_hdr, fmri_hdr) assert tide_io.checktimematch(happydims, happydims) assert not tide_io.checktimematch(happydims, fmridims)