Пример #1
def criticalpoints(tpos, field, Bm):
    Return a list of critical points where the field strength is a maximum or a minimum along the field line.
    tpos : array-like
        Starting position and time for the field line.
    field : Field
        The field object that provides electric and magnetic field vectors and 
        related quantities.
    Bm : float
        The mirror field strength in Tesla (defines the endpoints of the field line).
        Array of (s, B, B'') triplets for each critical point, where s is the
        location along the field line (with respect to the initial position),
        B is the field strength at s, and B'' is the second derivative along
        the field line.
    fl = Fieldline(tpos, field, Bmax = Bm)
    s = fl.gets()
    b = fl.getB()
    n = len(b)
    slist = []
    # first, make a list of approximate locations of minima or maxima.
    for i in range(1,n-1):
        if (b[i]-b[i-1])*(b[i+1]-b[i]) <= 0:
    # Create an interpolated function B(s)
    B = interp1d(s, b, kind='cubic', assume_sorted=True)
    # Find the optimal point for each value in slist
    res = []    
    for s0 in slist:
        m = minimize(B, s0)
        sm = m.x[0]
        B2s = derivative(B, sm, dx=0.1*(s[1]-s[0]), n=2)
        res.append((sm, float(B(sm)), B2s))
    return res
Пример #2
def criticalpoints(tpos, field, Bm):
    Return a list of critical points where the field strength is a maximum or a minimum along the field line.
    tpos : array-like
        Starting position and time for the field line.
    field : Field
        The field object that provides electric and magnetic field vectors and 
        related quantities.
    Bm : float
        The mirror field strength in Tesla (defines the endpoints of the field line).
        Array of (s, B, B'') triplets for each critical point, where s is the
        location along the field line (with respect to the initial position),
        B is the field strength at s, and B'' is the second derivative along
        the field line.
    fl = Fieldline(tpos, field, Bmax=Bm)
    s = fl.gets()
    b = fl.getB()
    n = len(b)
    slist = []
    # first, make a list of approximate locations of minima or maxima.
    for i in range(1, n - 1):
        if (b[i] - b[i - 1]) * (b[i + 1] - b[i]) <= 0:
    # Create an interpolated function B(s)
    B = interp1d(s, b, kind='cubic', assume_sorted=True)
    # Find the optimal point for each value in slist
    res = []
    for s0 in slist:
        m = minimize(B, s0)
        sm = m.x[0]
        B2s = derivative(B, sm, dx=0.1 * (s[1] - s[0]), n=2)
        res.append((sm, float(B(sm)), B2s))
    return res
Пример #3
def eye(tpos, field, Bm, usedipole=False):
    Return the I integral (second invariant) value.
    tpos : array-like
        4-element vector of time (s) and starting position of the field line
    Bm : float
        Mirror field value in Tesla.
    field: Field object
        The field object under which the integral is evaluated.
        The second invariant I, evaluated over the field line passing through
        the starting point at the given time.
    Other Parameters
    usedipole : bool, optional
        If True, uses the formula for dipole, without following a field line.
    eqpa_threshold = 70 # Below this value, use Simpson's rule. Otherwise use interpolation.
    # Return a more accurate form for I if field is a dipole.    
    if usedipole:
        R0 = np.sqrt(np.dot(tpos[1:3],tpos[1:3]))
        return dipoleI(R0,Bm)
    # Follow a field line from the starting point up to Bm.
    # The trace will slightly overshoot the mirror point.
    fl = Fieldline(tpos, field, Bmax = Bm)
    s = fl.gets()
    b = fl.getB()
    n = len(b)

    Bmin = np.min(b)   
    if Bmin > Bm:
        return 0
    if abs(Bmin-Bm)/Bm < 1e-12:  # equatorial particle
        return 0
    # Determine the indices of points that satisfy B<Bm
    inside = np.where(b<Bm)[0]
    # Discard points so that only one point lies beyond the mirror locations.
    b = np.delete(b, list(range(0,inside[0]-1)) + list(range(inside[-1]+2, n)))
    s = np.delete(s, list(range(0,inside[0]-1)) + list(range(inside[-1]+2, n)))
    assert b[0]>Bm and b[1]<Bm and b[-2]<Bm and b[-1]>Bm

    eqpa = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(Bmin/Bm)) * 180 / np.pi   # equatorial pitch angle (estimated)
    if eqpa < eqpa_threshold: # use Simpson's rule to evaluate the integral
        # Determine the lower (antiparallel direction) mirror point location
        sm1 = (Bm-b[0]) * (s[1]-s[0]) / (b[1]-b[0]) + s[0]
        # Determine the upper (parallel direction) mirror point location
        sm2 = (Bm-b[-2]) * (s[-1]-s[-2]) / (b[-1]-b[-2]) + s[-2]
        s[0], s[-1] = sm1, sm2
        b[0], b[-1] = Bm, Bm

        #Evaluate all but the end intervals with Simpson's rule
        bi = np.sqrt(1-b[1:-1]/Bm)
        eye = simps(bi,s[1:-1])
        # Add the end intervals with special formula
        d = s[-1]-s[-2]
        eye += (2/3)*d*np.sqrt((Bm-b[-2])/Bm)
        d = s[1]-s[0]
        eye += (2/3)*d*np.sqrt((Bm-b[1])/Bm)

    else:  # use interpolation and adaptive quadrature for integration
        # Generate an interpolating function for B(s)
        B = interp1d(s, b, kind='quadratic', assume_sorted=True)
        # Determine the lower (antiparallel direction) mirror point location
        # with root finding.
        sm1 = brentq(lambda x: B(x)-Bm, s[0],s[1])
        # Determine the upper (parallel direction) mirror point location
        if B(s[-2])==Bm:
            sm2 = s[-2]
            sm2 = brentq(lambda x: B(x)-Bm, s[-2],s[-1])        
        eye = quad(lambda x: np.sqrt(1-B(x)/Bm), sm1, sm2, epsrel=1e-4)[0]

    return eye
Пример #4
def halfbouncepath(tpos,field,Bm):
    """Return the half-bounce path length S_b.
    tpos : array-like
        4-element array of time and position.
    field: Field object
        The field object under which the integral is evaluated.
    Bm : float
        Mirror field value (T).

        The half-bounce path length (m) : The total helical distance traveled by a 
        particle around the guiding line passing through the given location and
        mirroring at B=Bm.
    # Follow a field line from the starting point up to Bm.
    # The trace will slightly overshoot the mirror points.
    fl = Fieldline(tpos, field, Bmax = Bm)
    s = fl.gets()
    b = fl.getB()
    n = len(b)
    # Determine the indices of points that satisfy B<Bm
    inside = np.where(b<=Bm)[0]
    # there are 0 or 1 such points, we have an equatorial particle.
    # Discard points so that only one point lies beyond each mirror location.
    # i1,i2 are the indices of points to keep. 
    if len(inside) == 0:
        i1 = int((n-3)/2)
        i2 = int((n+1)/2)
        i1,i2 = inside[0]-1,inside[-1]+1
    b = np.delete(b, list(range(0,i1)) + list(range(i2+1, n)))
    s = np.delete(s, list(range(0,i1)) + list(range(i2+1, n)))
    n = len(b)
    if n == 3: # Equatorial particle
        # Evaluate Sb = pi * sqrt(2Bm/B2s)
        # where B2s is the second derivative at the minimum.
        # Estimate it using Lagrange polynomials of degree 2.
        s1, s2, s3 = s[0], s[1], s[2]
        B1, B2, B3 = b[0], b[1], b[2]
        s12 = s1-s2
        s23 = s2-s3
        s13 = s1-s3
        B2s = 2*(B1*s23 - B2*s13 + B3*s12) / (s12*s13*s23)
        res = np.pi * np.sqrt(2*Bm/B2s)
        # Get an interpolating function for B(s)
        B = interp1d(s, b, kind='quadratic', assume_sorted=True)
        # Determine the lower (antiparallel direction) mirror point location
        # with root finding.
        sm1 = brentq(lambda x: B(x)-Bm, s[0],s[1])
        # Determine the upper (parallel direction) mirror point location
        sm2 = brentq(lambda x: B(x)-Bm, s[-2],s[-1])        
        res = quad(lambda x: 1/np.sqrt(1-B(x)/Bm), sm1, sm2, epsrel=1e-4)[0]
    return res
Пример #5
def eye(tpos, field, Bm, usedipole=False):
    Return the I integral (second invariant) value.
    tpos : array-like
        4-element vector of time (s) and starting position of the field line
    Bm : float
        Mirror field value in Tesla.
    field: Field object
        The field object under which the integral is evaluated.
        The second invariant I, evaluated over the field line passing through
        the starting point at the given time.
    Other Parameters
    usedipole : bool, optional
        If True, uses the formula for dipole, without following a field line.
    eqpa_threshold = 70  # Below this value, use Simpson's rule. Otherwise use interpolation.

    # Return a more accurate form for I if field is a dipole.
    if usedipole:
        R0 = np.sqrt(np.dot(tpos[1:3], tpos[1:3]))
        return dipoleI(R0, Bm)

    # Follow a field line from the starting point up to Bm.
    # The trace will slightly overshoot the mirror point.
    fl = Fieldline(tpos, field, Bmax=Bm)
    s = fl.gets()
    b = fl.getB()
    n = len(b)

    Bmin = np.min(b)

    if Bmin > Bm:
        return 0
    if abs(Bmin - Bm) / Bm < 1e-12:  # equatorial particle
        return 0
    # Determine the indices of points that satisfy B<Bm
    inside = np.where(b < Bm)[0]
    # Discard points so that only one point lies beyond the mirror locations.
    b = np.delete(
        list(range(0, inside[0] - 1)) + list(range(inside[-1] + 2, n)))
    s = np.delete(
        list(range(0, inside[0] - 1)) + list(range(inside[-1] + 2, n)))
    assert b[0] > Bm and b[1] < Bm and b[-2] < Bm and b[-1] > Bm

    eqpa = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(
        Bmin / Bm)) * 180 / np.pi  # equatorial pitch angle (estimated)
    if eqpa < eqpa_threshold:  # use Simpson's rule to evaluate the integral
        # Determine the lower (antiparallel direction) mirror point location
        sm1 = (Bm - b[0]) * (s[1] - s[0]) / (b[1] - b[0]) + s[0]
        # Determine the upper (parallel direction) mirror point location
        sm2 = (Bm - b[-2]) * (s[-1] - s[-2]) / (b[-1] - b[-2]) + s[-2]

        s[0], s[-1] = sm1, sm2
        b[0], b[-1] = Bm, Bm

        #Evaluate all but the end intervals with Simpson's rule
        bi = np.sqrt(1 - b[1:-1] / Bm)
        eye = simps(bi, s[1:-1])
        # Add the end intervals with special formula
        d = s[-1] - s[-2]
        eye += (2 / 3) * d * np.sqrt((Bm - b[-2]) / Bm)
        d = s[1] - s[0]
        eye += (2 / 3) * d * np.sqrt((Bm - b[1]) / Bm)

    else:  # use interpolation and adaptive quadrature for integration
        # Generate an interpolating function for B(s)
        B = interp1d(s, b, kind='quadratic', assume_sorted=True)
        # Determine the lower (antiparallel direction) mirror point location
        # with root finding.
        sm1 = brentq(lambda x: B(x) - Bm, s[0], s[1])

        # Determine the upper (parallel direction) mirror point location
        if B(s[-2]) == Bm:
            sm2 = s[-2]
            sm2 = brentq(lambda x: B(x) - Bm, s[-2], s[-1])
        eye = quad(lambda x: np.sqrt(1 - B(x) / Bm), sm1, sm2, epsrel=1e-4)[0]

    return eye
Пример #6
def halfbouncepath(tpos, field, Bm):
    """Return the half-bounce path length S_b.
    tpos : array-like
        4-element array of time and position.
    field: Field object
        The field object under which the integral is evaluated.
    Bm : float
        Mirror field value (T).

        The half-bounce path length (m) : The total helical distance traveled by a 
        particle around the guiding line passing through the given location and
        mirroring at B=Bm.
    # Follow a field line from the starting point up to Bm.
    # The trace will slightly overshoot the mirror points.
    fl = Fieldline(tpos, field, Bmax=Bm)

    s = fl.gets()
    b = fl.getB()
    n = len(b)
    # Determine the indices of points that satisfy B<Bm
    inside = np.where(b <= Bm)[0]
    # there are 0 or 1 such points, we have an equatorial particle.
    # Discard points so that only one point lies beyond each mirror location.
    # i1,i2 are the indices of points to keep.
    if len(inside) == 0:
        i1 = int((n - 3) / 2)
        i2 = int((n + 1) / 2)
        i1, i2 = inside[0] - 1, inside[-1] + 1
    b = np.delete(b, list(range(0, i1)) + list(range(i2 + 1, n)))
    s = np.delete(s, list(range(0, i1)) + list(range(i2 + 1, n)))
    n = len(b)

    if n == 3:  # Equatorial particle
        # Evaluate Sb = pi * sqrt(2Bm/B2s)
        # where B2s is the second derivative at the minimum.
        # Estimate it using Lagrange polynomials of degree 2.
        s1, s2, s3 = s[0], s[1], s[2]
        B1, B2, B3 = b[0], b[1], b[2]
        s12 = s1 - s2
        s23 = s2 - s3
        s13 = s1 - s3
        B2s = 2 * (B1 * s23 - B2 * s13 + B3 * s12) / (s12 * s13 * s23)
        res = np.pi * np.sqrt(2 * Bm / B2s)
        # Get an interpolating function for B(s)
        B = interp1d(s, b, kind='quadratic', assume_sorted=True)
        # Determine the lower (antiparallel direction) mirror point location
        # with root finding.
        sm1 = brentq(lambda x: B(x) - Bm, s[0], s[1])
        # Determine the upper (parallel direction) mirror point location
        sm2 = brentq(lambda x: B(x) - Bm, s[-2], s[-1])
        res = quad(lambda x: 1 / np.sqrt(1 - B(x) / Bm), sm1, sm2,

    return res