Пример #1
    def _get_element_result(self, exec_query_resp):
        Get the response from rasserver for query which doesn't return array which can be converted to Numpy ndarray
        e.g: select 1 + 2, select {1, 2, 3}
        :return: array of results if server returns multiple elements or just 1 result if only 1 element
        rpcstatus = 0

        band_types = get_type_structure_from_string(
        result_arr = ResultArray(band_types['type'], is_object=False)

        while rpcstatus == 0:
            elemresp = rassrvr_get_next_element(
            rpcstatus = elemresp.status
            if rpcstatus == 2:
                raise Exception(
                    "getNextElement - no transfer or empty element")
            # e.g: select 2 + 3, select complex(3, 5)
            result = convert_binary_data_stream(band_types, elemresp.data)

        return result_arr
Пример #2
    def _get_collection_result(self, exec_query_resp):
        Parse the string binary containing data (encoded, unencoded) from rasql to objects which later can be
        translated to numpy array.
        Or returns the list of rasdaman collections in RASBASE.
        :return: ResultArray object
        spatial_domain = get_spatial_domain_from_type_structure(
        band_types = get_type_structure_from_string(

        # concatenate all the binary strings to one string to be decoded as Numpy ndarray buffer
        data_list = self.__get_array_result_mdd()
        data = b''.join(data_list)

        data_type = band_types["type"]
        # NOTE: unencoded result array is nD+ numpy array. If number of bands > 1 then the number of dimensions + 1
        number_of_bands = 1
        if data_type == "struct":
            data_type = band_types["sub_type"]["types"][0]
            number_of_bands = len(band_types["sub_type"]["types"])

        res_array = ResultArray(data_type, spatial_domain, number_of_bands)

        return res_array
Пример #3
 def _get_list_collection(self):
     Return the list of collection names from RASBASE for query (select c from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES as c)
     :return: list of string collection names
     result_array = ResultArray("string")
     for r in self.__get_array_result_mdd():
     return result_array
Пример #4
    def execute_read(self):
        Executes the query with read permission and returns back a result
        :return: the resulting array returned by the query
        :rtype: result object according to query
        exec_query_resp = rassrvr_execute_query(

        if exec_query_resp.status == 4 or exec_query_resp.status == 5:
            error_message = ExceptionFactories.create_error_message(
                exec_query_resp.err_no, exec_query_resp.line_no,
                exec_query_resp.col_no, exec_query_resp.token)
            raise Exception(
                "Error executing query '{}', error message '{}'".format(
                    self.query_str, error_message))
        elif exec_query_resp.status == 0:

            tmp_query = self.query_str.upper()
            # e.g: query: select c from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES as c
            if "RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES" in tmp_query or \
                    "RAS_STRUCT_TYPES" in tmp_query or \
                    "RAS_MARRAY_TYPES" in tmp_query or \
                    "RAS_SET_TYPES" in tmp_query or \
                    "DBINFO" in tmp_query:
                return self._get_list_collection()

            # e.g: query: select c + 1 from test_mr as c, select encode(c, "png") from test_mr as c
            return self._get_collection_result(exec_query_resp)
        elif exec_query_resp.status == 1:
            # e.g: query: select complex(35, 56), select sdom(c) from test_mr as c, select {1, 2, 3}
            return self._get_element_result(exec_query_resp)
        elif exec_query_resp.status == 2:
            # Query can return empty collection (e.g: select c from c where all_cells( c > 20 )) which returns empty
            return ResultArray("string")  # empty array
            raise Exception("Unknown status code: " +
                            str(exec_query_resp.status) +
                            " returned by ExecuteQuery")