Пример #1
    def draw_align_ruler(self, pos, start, end):
        worldx1, worldy1, worldx2, worldy2 = self.win.get_visible()
        screenwidth, screenheight = self.win.get_size()

        worldwidth = worldx2 - worldx1
        worldx1 -= worldwidth / 2.0
        worldx2 += worldwidth / 2.0

        # find appropriate unit if one is not given
        unit = visual.getRulerAutoSize(screenwidth, worldwidth)
        order = int(math.log10(unit))
        unit2, unitstr = visual.getUnitSuffix(unit)

        x, y = pos
        vis = []

        # make mini hashes
        i = unit * (max(start, worldx1 - x + start) // unit)
        while x + i - start <= worldx2 and i < end:
            if i >= start:
                    lines(x + i - start, y + self.bottom, x + i - start,
                          y + self.height))
            i += max(unit // 10, 1)

        # make main hashes

        # find starting local coord
        seqi = unit * ((start + self.coords.align2local(max(0, worldx1 - x),
                                                        clamp=True)) // unit) \
                                                        - start-1
        # find starting align coord
        i = self.coords.local2align(seqi)
        endseqi = min(self.coords.align2local(end, clamp=True),
                      self.coords.align2local(worldx2 - x, clamp=True))

        # draw all hashes in view
        while seqi <= endseqi:
            vis.append(lines(x + i + 1, y, x + i + 1, y + self.height))
                    str(int((seqi + start + 1) // unit2)) + unitstr, x + i + 1,
                    y, x + i + 1 - unit, y + self.height, self.text_align,
            seqi += unit
            i = self.coords.local2align(seqi, clamp=True)

        # base line
        vis.append(lines(self.maincolor, x, y, x + end - start, y))

        return group(*vis)
    def draw_align_ruler(self, pos, start, end):
        worldx1, worldy1, worldx2, worldy2 = self.win.get_visible()
        screenwidth, screenheight = self.win.get_size()
        worldwidth = worldx2 - worldx1
        worldx1 -= worldwidth / 2.0
        worldx2 += worldwidth / 2.0

        # find appropriate unit if one is not given
        unit = visual.getRulerAutoSize(screenwidth, worldwidth)
        order = int(math.log10(unit))
        unit2, unitstr = visual.getUnitSuffix(unit)
        x, y = pos
        vis = []
        # make mini hashes
        i = unit * (max(start, worldx1 - x + start) // unit)
        while x + i - start <= worldx2 and i < end:
            if i >= start:
                vis.append(lines(x + i - start, y + self.bottom, 
                                 x + i - start, y + self.height))
            i += max(unit // 10, 1)

        # make main hashes
        # find starting local coord
        seqi = unit * ((start + self.coords.align2local(max(0, worldx1 - x), 
                                                        clamp=True)) // unit) \
                                                        - start-1
        # find starting align coord
        i = self.coords.local2align(seqi)
        endseqi = min(self.coords.align2local(end, clamp=True), 
                      self.coords.align2local(worldx2-x, clamp=True))
        # draw all hashes in view
        while seqi <= endseqi:
            vis.append(lines(x + i+1, y, x + i+1, y + self.height))
            vis.append(text(str(int((seqi+start+1)//unit2)) + unitstr, 
                            x + i+1, y, x + i+1 - unit, y + self.height, 
                            self.text_align, "right"))
            seqi += unit
            i = self.coords.local2align(seqi, clamp=True)

        # base line
        vis.append(lines(self.maincolor, x, y, x + end - start, y))

        return group(* vis)
Пример #3
    def draw_ruler(self, pos, start, end):
        worldx1, worldy1, worldx2, worldy2 = self.win.get_visible()
        screenwidth, screenheight = self.win.get_size()

        worldwidth = worldx2 - worldx1
        worldx1 -= worldwidth / 2.0
        worldx2 += worldwidth / 2.0

        # find appropriate unit if one is not given
        unit = visual.getRulerAutoSize(screenwidth, worldwidth)
        order = int(math.log10(unit))
        unit2, unitstr = visual.getUnitSuffix(unit)

        x, y = pos
        vis = []

        # make mini hashes
        if unit >= 10:
            i = unit * (max(start, worldx1 - x + start) // unit)
            while x + i - start <= worldx2 and i < end:
                if i >= start:
                        lines(x + i - start, y + self.bottom, x + i - start,
                              y + self.top))
                i += unit // 10

        # make main hashes
        i = unit * (max(start, worldx1 - x + start) // unit)
        while x + i - start <= worldx2 and i < end:
            if i >= start:
                vis.append(lines(x + i - start, y, x + i - start,
                                 y + self.top))
                        str(int(i // unit2)) + unitstr, x + i - start, y,
                        x + i - start - unit, y + self.top, self.text_align,
            i += unit

        # base line
        vis.append(lines(self.maincolor, x, y, x + end - start, y))

        return group(*vis)
    def draw_ruler(self, pos, start, end):
        worldx1, worldy1, worldx2, worldy2 = self.win.get_visible()
        screenwidth, screenheight = self.win.get_size()
        worldwidth = worldx2 - worldx1
        worldx1 -= worldwidth / 2.0
        worldx2 += worldwidth / 2.0

        # find appropriate unit if one is not given
        unit = visual.getRulerAutoSize(screenwidth, worldwidth)
        order = int(math.log10(unit))
        unit2, unitstr = visual.getUnitSuffix(unit)
        x, y = pos
        vis = []

        # make mini hashes
        if unit >= 10:
            i = unit * (max(start, worldx1 - x + start) // unit)
            while x + i - start <= worldx2 and i < end:
                if i >= start:
                    vis.append(lines(x + i - start, y+self.bottom, 
                                     x + i - start, y+self.top))
                i += unit // 10

        # make main hashes
        i = unit * (max(start, worldx1 - x + start) // unit)
        while x + i - start <= worldx2 and i < end:
            if i >= start:
                vis.append(lines(x + i - start, y, x + i - start, y + self.top))
                vis.append(text(str(int(i//unit2)) + unitstr, 
                                x + i - start, y, x + i -start - unit, y + self.top, 
                                self.text_align, "right"))
            i += unit

        # base line
        vis.append(lines(self.maincolor, x, y, x + end - start, y))

        return group(* vis)