Пример #1
import json
import os
from raspiSensor import raspiSensor
import sensors

script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #<-- absolute dir the script is in

json_data=open( os.path.join(script_dir, "config.json") )
config = json.load(json_data)

rs = raspiSensor( host = config['mysql']['host'],
				 port = config['mysql']['port'],
				 user = config['mysql']['user'],
				 password = config['mysql']['password'],
				 database = config['mysql']['database'] )

for sensor in config['sensors']:
	#Get the sensor class by string
	sensorClassRaw = getattr(sensors, sensor['type'])
	sensorClass = sensorClassRaw()
	#pass arguments to the instance of the sensor
	for key, value in sensor['arguments'].iteritems():
		setattr(sensorClass, key, value)
	#read the value
	test = rs.addSensor(sensorID = sensor['name'], 
                    sensorType = sensorClass
Пример #2
import raspiSensor

rs = raspiSensor.raspiSensor( )

test = rs.addSensor(sensorID = 'moisture1', 
                    sensorType = raspiSensor.sensorMCP3008( channel = 0 )

result = rs.readSensor( test )
print result

termo = rs.addSensor(sensorID = 'temp1', 
                    sensorType = raspiSensor.sensorDS18S20( dirname = '10-000802292070' )

result = rs.readSensor( termo )
print result

# Debug
print "Last 10 Entrys:"
for row in rs.last10Entrys() :
    print row