Пример #1
def runtest():
    # input_raster = "./data/input_raster.tif"
    input_raster = "./data/h10_1005_3-2/h10_1005_3-2.tif"
    out_csv = "/tmp/out_xyz_2.csv"

    rtxyz = Raster2xyz()
    rtxyz.translate(input_raster, out_csv)
Пример #2
def raster_to_xyz(raster, csv):

    input_raster = raster
    out_csv = csv

    rtxyz = Raster2xyz()
    rtxyz.translate(input_raster, out_csv)
Пример #3
def main():
    input_raster = "input.tif"
    out_csv = "output.csv"
    rtxyz = Raster2xyz()
    rtxyz.translate(input_raster, out_csv)

    df = pd.read_csv(out_csv)

    df.loc[df['z'] < 3, 'z'] = 0
    df.loc[df['z'] > 200, 'z'] = 0
    minx = min(df.x)
    miny = min(df.y)
    df['x'] = df['x'] - minx
    df['y'] = df['y'] - miny
    df.to_csv(out_csv, index=False, header=False)
Пример #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Nov 16 14:30:24 2020

@author: vincenzomadaghiele

# geoTiff libraries
import rasterio as rs
from rasterio.plot import show
from raster2xyz.raster2xyz import Raster2xyz
# general purpose
import glob

# Instanciate Raster2xyz()
rtxyz = Raster2xyz()

# convert to csv all the geoTiff files in NDVI300
source_path = 'data/copernicus_land/NDVI300/*.tiff'
csv_path = 'data/copernicus_land/NDVI300/'
source_files = glob.glob(source_path)

for i in range(len(source_files)):
    file_name = source_files[i][29:-5]
    out_path = csv_path + file_name + '.csv'
    print('Converting: ' + file_name)
    rtxyz.translate(source_files[i], out_path)
    # plot dataset
    dataset = rs.open(source_files[i])
Пример #5
def get_SwissAlti3D(DEM_dir, file, gdf, dhm_ind, check_distance):
    """Read SwissAlti*d for glacier, reproject, convert to xyz, find closest value,
    reads out elevation
    DEM_dir: dircetory containing SwissAlti3D glacier wide tiles
    file: filename of SA3D tile that contains glacier (based on Gl-ID)
    gdf: geopandas dataframe containing all point measurememts for this m_type and glacier
    dhm_ind: list of index of all points in gdf for which we need to check elevation
    check_distance: if true, check if current z-val is more than 150 m away from SWA3D,
                    if not, just replace all NaN z-values
    dst_crs = 'EPSG:21781'
    # Read file, reproject to LV03
    with rasterio.open(os.path.join(DEM_dir, "swissAlti3D", file)) as src:
        transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform(
            src.crs, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds)
        kwargs = src.meta.copy()
            'crs': dst_crs,
            'transform': transform,
            'width': width,
            'height': height

        with rasterio.open('RGB.tif', 'w', **kwargs) as dst:
            for i in range(1, src.count + 1):
                reproject(source=rasterio.band(src, i),
                          destination=rasterio.band(dst, i),

    # Read file, convert to xyz
    # with rasterio.open('RGB.tif') as src:
    #     image = src.read()
    #     # transform image
    #     bands, rows, cols = np.shape(image)
    #     image1 = image.reshape(rows * cols, bands)
    #     print(image1.shape)
    #     # bounding box of image
    #     l, b, r, t = src.bounds
    #     # resolution of image
    #     res = src.res
    #     res = src.res
    #     if (res[0]< 10):
    #         res = list(res)
    #         res[0]=10
    #     # meshgrid of X and Y
    #     x = np.arange(l, r, res[0])
    #     y = np.arange(t, b, -res[0])
    #     X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    #     # flatten X and Y
    #     newX = np.array(X.flatten('C'))
    #     newY = np.array(Y.flatten('C'))
    #     print(newX.shape, newY.shape)
    #     # join XY and Z information
    #     try:
    #         dem = np.column_stack((newX, newY, image1))
    #     except ValueError:
    #         print("What is wrong here?")
    rtxyz = Raster2xyz()
    rtxyz.translate("RGB.tif", "out_xyz.csv")
    dem = pd.read_csv("out_xyz.csv", delimiter=",", engine="python")
    dem = dem[dem["z"] > 0]
    dem = dem.fillna(0).to_numpy()

    A = dem[:, :2]
    for f in dhm_ind:
        # find index of point in dem that is closest to our point pt for which we need to
        # add the z-component:
        pt = [gdf["x-pos"][f], gdf["y-pos"][f]]
        # distance and index of clostest point:
        distance, ind = spatial.KDTree(A).query(pt)
        # get z-pos of closest point:
        z_val = dem[ind, 2]
        if check_distance:
            # Check if z_val and original z_val are more than 150 m apart - if so, replace, if not, leave
            dis = abs(z_val - gdf["z-pos"][f])
            if dis > 150:
                if dis > 10000000000000:
                    print("Discrepancy bigger only because of NaN val ")
                    print("Discrepancy bigger than 150 meter, ", z_val,
                    gdf.loc[[f], ['z-pos']] = z_val
                    print("Z-Val and index to be replaced: ", z_val,
                          gdf["x-pos"][f], f)
                    # Find index of all gdf entries with same position (x-pos) and replace
                    # z-pos there as well:
                    for ix in gdf[gdf["x-pos"] == gdf["x-pos"][f]
                                  and gdf["y-pos"] == gdf["y-pos"]
                        if len(gdf[gdf["x-pos"] == gdf["x-pos"]
                                   [f]].index.tolist()) > 1:
                            gdf.loc[[ix], ['z-pos']] = z_val
                            print("Also adjusted z-val for index ", z_val,
                                  gdf["x-pos"][ix], ix)

            # write to gdf:
            print("Replacing ", z_val, gdf["z-pos"][f])
            gdf.loc[[f], ['z-pos']] = z_val
    return gdf
Пример #6
def convert_tif_to_raster(tif, out='temp.csv'):
    print('Convert to csv: ', tif)
    rtxyz = Raster2xyz()
    rtxyz.translate(tif, out)
    return out