def test_is_same_crs(): crs1 = {'init': 'EPSG:4326'} crs2 = {'init': 'EPSG:3857'} assert is_same_crs(crs1, crs1) is True assert is_same_crs(crs1, crs2) is False wgs84_crs = crs.from_string('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') assert is_same_crs(crs1, wgs84_crs) is True # Make sure that same projection with different parameter are not equal lcc_crs1 = crs.from_string('+lon_0=-95 +ellps=GRS80 +y_0=0 +no_defs=True +proj=lcc +x_0=0 +units=m +lat_2=77 +lat_1=49 +lat_0=0') lcc_crs2 = crs.from_string('+lon_0=-95 +ellps=GRS80 +y_0=0 +no_defs=True +proj=lcc +x_0=0 +units=m +lat_2=77 +lat_1=45 +lat_0=0') assert is_same_crs(lcc_crs1, lcc_crs2) is False
def test_is_same_crs(): crs1 = {'init': 'EPSG:4326'} crs2 = {'init': 'EPSG:3857'} assert is_same_crs(crs1, crs1) is True assert is_same_crs(crs1, crs2) is False wgs84_crs = crs.from_string( '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') assert is_same_crs(crs1, wgs84_crs) is True # Make sure that same projection with different parameter are not equal lcc_crs1 = crs.from_string( '+lon_0=-95 +ellps=GRS80 +y_0=0 +no_defs=True +proj=lcc +x_0=0 +units=m +lat_2=77 +lat_1=49 +lat_0=0' ) lcc_crs2 = crs.from_string( '+lon_0=-95 +ellps=GRS80 +y_0=0 +no_defs=True +proj=lcc +x_0=0 +units=m +lat_2=77 +lat_1=45 +lat_0=0' ) assert is_same_crs(lcc_crs1, lcc_crs2) is False
def rasterize(ctx, files, driver, like, bounds, dimensions, res, src_crs, all_touched, default_value, fill, property): """Rasterize GeoJSON into a new or existing raster. If the output raster exists, rio-rasterize will rasterize feature values into all bands of that raster. The GeoJSON is assumed to be in the same coordinate reference system as the output unless --src-crs is provided. --default_value or property values when using --property must be using a data type valid for the data type of that raster. If a template raster is provided using the --like option, the affine transform and data type from that raster will be used to create the output. Only a single band will be output. The GeoJSON is assumed to be in the same coordinate reference system unless --src-crs is provided. --default_value or property values when using --property must be using a data type valid for the data type of that raster. --driver, --bounds, --dimensions, and --res are ignored when output exists or --like raster is provided If the output does not exist and --like raster is not provided, the input GeoJSON will be used to determine the bounds of the output unless provided using --bounds. --dimensions or --res are required in this case. If --res is provided, the bottom and right coordinates of bounds are ignored. Note: The GeoJSON is not projected to match the coordinate reference system of the output or --like rasters at this time. This functionality may be added in the future. """ from rasterio._base import is_geographic_crs, is_same_crs from rasterio.features import rasterize from rasterio.features import bounds as calculate_bounds verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj.get('verbosity')) or 1 files = list(files) output = files.pop() input = click.open_file(files.pop(0) if files else '-') has_src_crs = src_crs is not None src_crs = src_crs or 'EPSG:4326' # If values are actually meant to be integers, we need to cast them # as such or rasterize creates floating point outputs if default_value == int(default_value): default_value = int(default_value) if fill == int(fill): fill = int(fill) with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity > 2): def feature_value(feature): if property and 'properties' in feature: return feature['properties'].get(property, default_value) return default_value geojson = json.loads( if 'features' in geojson: geometries = [] for f in geojson['features']: geometries.append((f['geometry'], feature_value(f))) elif 'geometry' in geojson: geometries = ((geojson['geometry'], feature_value(geojson)), ) else: raise click.BadParameter('Invalid GeoJSON', param=input, param_hint='input') geojson_bounds = geojson.get('bbox', calculate_bounds(geojson)) if os.path.exists(output): with, 'r+') as out: if has_src_crs and not is_same_crs(src_crs, raise click.BadParameter( 'GeoJSON does not match crs of ' 'existing output raster', param='input', param_hint='input') if _disjoint_bounds(geojson_bounds, out.bounds): click.echo( "GeoJSON outside bounds of existing output " "raster. Are they in different coordinate " "reference systems?", err=True) meta = out.meta.copy() result = rasterize(geometries, out_shape=(meta['height'], meta['width']), transform=meta.get('affine', meta['transform']), all_touched=all_touched, dtype=meta.get('dtype', None), default_value=default_value, fill=fill) for bidx in range(1, meta['count'] + 1): data = out.read_band(bidx, masked=True) # Burn in any non-fill pixels, and update mask accordingly ne = result != fill data[ne] = result[ne] data.mask[ne] = False out.write_band(bidx, data) else: if like is not None: template_ds = if has_src_crs and not is_same_crs(src_crs, raise click.BadParameter( 'GeoJSON does not match crs of ' '--like raster', param='input', param_hint='input') if _disjoint_bounds(geojson_bounds, template_ds.bounds): click.echo( "GeoJSON outside bounds of --like raster. " "Are they in different coordinate reference " "systems?", err=True) kwargs = template_ds.meta.copy() kwargs['count'] = 1 template_ds.close() else: bounds = bounds or geojson_bounds if is_geographic_crs(src_crs): if (bounds[0] < -180 or bounds[2] > 180 or bounds[1] < -80 or bounds[3] > 80): raise click.BadParameter( "Bounds are beyond the valid extent for " "EPSG:4326.", ctx, param=bounds, param_hint='--bounds') if dimensions: width, height = dimensions res = ((bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / float(width), (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / float(height)) else: if not res: raise click.BadParameter( 'pixel dimensions are required', ctx, param=res, param_hint='--res') elif len(res) == 1: res = (res[0], res[0]) width = max( int(ceil((bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / float(res[0]))), 1) height = max( int(ceil((bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / float(res[1]))), 1) src_crs = src_crs.upper() if not src_crs.count('EPSG:'): raise click.BadParameter( 'invalid CRS. Must be an EPSG code.', ctx, param=src_crs, param_hint='--src_crs') kwargs = { 'count': 1, 'crs': src_crs, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'transform': Affine(res[0], 0, bounds[0], 0, -res[1], bounds[3]), 'driver': driver } result = rasterize(geometries, out_shape=(kwargs['height'], kwargs['width']), transform=kwargs.get('affine', kwargs['transform']), all_touched=all_touched, dtype=kwargs.get('dtype', None), default_value=default_value, fill=fill) if 'dtype' not in kwargs: kwargs['dtype'] = result.dtype kwargs['nodata'] = fill with, 'w', **kwargs) as out: out.write_band(1, result)
def rasterize( ctx, files, output, driver, like, bounds, dimensions, res, src_crs, all_touched, default_value, fill, property, creation_options): """Rasterize GeoJSON into a new or existing raster. If the output raster exists, rio-rasterize will rasterize feature values into all bands of that raster. The GeoJSON is assumed to be in the same coordinate reference system as the output unless --src-crs is provided. --default_value or property values when using --property must be using a data type valid for the data type of that raster. If a template raster is provided using the --like option, the affine transform and data type from that raster will be used to create the output. Only a single band will be output. The GeoJSON is assumed to be in the same coordinate reference system unless --src-crs is provided. --default_value or property values when using --property must be using a data type valid for the data type of that raster. --driver, --bounds, --dimensions, and --res are ignored when output exists or --like raster is provided If the output does not exist and --like raster is not provided, the input GeoJSON will be used to determine the bounds of the output unless provided using --bounds. --dimensions or --res are required in this case. If --res is provided, the bottom and right coordinates of bounds are ignored. Note: The GeoJSON is not projected to match the coordinate reference system of the output or --like rasters at this time. This functionality may be added in the future. """ from rasterio._base import is_geographic_crs, is_same_crs from rasterio.features import rasterize from rasterio.features import bounds as calculate_bounds verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj.get('verbosity')) or 1 output, files = resolve_inout(files=files, output=output) has_src_crs = src_crs is not None src_crs = src_crs or 'EPSG:4326' # If values are actually meant to be integers, we need to cast them # as such or rasterize creates floating point outputs if default_value == int(default_value): default_value = int(default_value) if fill == int(fill): fill = int(fill) with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity > 2): def feature_value(feature): if property and 'properties' in feature: return feature['properties'].get(property, default_value) return default_value with click.open_file(files.pop(0) if files else '-') as gj_f: geojson = json.loads( if 'features' in geojson: geometries = [] for f in geojson['features']: geometries.append((f['geometry'], feature_value(f))) elif 'geometry' in geojson: geometries = ((geojson['geometry'], feature_value(geojson)), ) else: raise click.BadParameter('Invalid GeoJSON', param=input, param_hint='input') geojson_bounds = geojson.get('bbox', calculate_bounds(geojson)) if os.path.exists(output): with, 'r+') as out: if has_src_crs and not is_same_crs(src_crs, raise click.BadParameter('GeoJSON does not match crs of ' 'existing output raster', param='input', param_hint='input') if disjoint_bounds(geojson_bounds, out.bounds): click.echo("GeoJSON outside bounds of existing output " "raster. Are they in different coordinate " "reference systems?", err=True) meta = out.meta.copy() result = rasterize( geometries, out_shape=(meta['height'], meta['width']), transform=meta.get('affine', meta['transform']), all_touched=all_touched, dtype=meta.get('dtype', None), default_value=default_value, fill = fill) for bidx in range(1, meta['count'] + 1): data =, masked=True) # Burn in any non-fill pixels, and update mask accordingly ne = result != fill data[ne] = result[ne] data.mask[ne] = False out.write_band(bidx, data) else: if like is not None: template_ds = if has_src_crs and not is_same_crs(src_crs, raise click.BadParameter('GeoJSON does not match crs of ' '--like raster', param='input', param_hint='input') if disjoint_bounds(geojson_bounds, template_ds.bounds): click.echo("GeoJSON outside bounds of --like raster. " "Are they in different coordinate reference " "systems?", err=True) kwargs = template_ds.meta.copy() kwargs['count'] = 1 # DEPRECATED # upgrade transform to affine object or we may get an invalid # transform set on output kwargs['transform'] = template_ds.affine template_ds.close() else: bounds = bounds or geojson_bounds if is_geographic_crs(src_crs): if (bounds[0] < -180 or bounds[2] > 180 or bounds[1] < -80 or bounds[3] > 80): raise click.BadParameter( "Bounds are beyond the valid extent for " "EPSG:4326.", ctx, param=bounds, param_hint='--bounds') if dimensions: width, height = dimensions res = ( (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / float(width), (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / float(height) ) else: if not res: raise click.BadParameter( 'pixel dimensions are required', ctx, param=res, param_hint='--res') elif len(res) == 1: res = (res[0], res[0]) width = max(int(ceil((bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / float(res[0]))), 1) height = max(int(ceil((bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / float(res[1]))), 1) src_crs = src_crs.upper() if not src_crs.count('EPSG:'): raise click.BadParameter( 'invalid CRS. Must be an EPSG code.', ctx, param=src_crs, param_hint='--src_crs') kwargs = { 'count': 1, 'crs': src_crs, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'transform': Affine(res[0], 0, bounds[0], 0, -res[1], bounds[3]), 'driver': driver } kwargs.update(**creation_options) result = rasterize( geometries, out_shape=(kwargs['height'], kwargs['width']), transform=kwargs.get('affine', kwargs['transform']), all_touched=all_touched, dtype=kwargs.get('dtype', None), default_value=default_value, fill = fill) if 'dtype' not in kwargs: kwargs['dtype'] = result.dtype kwargs['nodata'] = fill with, 'w', **kwargs) as out: out.write_band(1, result)
def rasterize( geojson, output, like=None, bounds=None, dimensions=None, res=None, src_crs=None, all_touched=None, default_value=1, fill=0, prop=None, force_overwrite=None, creation_options={}, driver='GTiff'): from rasterio._base import is_geographic_crs, is_same_crs from rasterio.features import rasterize from rasterio.features import bounds as calculate_bounds has_src_crs = src_crs is not None src_crs = src_crs or 'EPSG:4326' # If values are actually meant to be integers, we need to cast them # as such or rasterize creates floating point outputs if default_value == int(default_value): default_value = int(default_value) if fill == int(fill): fill = int(fill) with rasterio.drivers(): def feature_value(feature): if prop and 'properties' in feature: return feature['properties'].get(prop, default_value) return default_value if 'features' in geojson: geometries = [] for f in geojson['features']: geometries.append((f['geometry'], feature_value(f))) elif 'geometry' in geojson: geometries = ((geojson['geometry'], feature_value(geojson)), ) else: raise Exception geojson_bounds = geojson.get('bbox', calculate_bounds(geojson)) if like is not None: template_ds = if has_src_crs and not is_same_crs(src_crs, raise Exception if disjoint_bounds(geojson_bounds, template_ds.bounds): print "GeoJSON outside bounds of --like raster. " kwargs = template_ds.meta.copy() kwargs['count'] = 1 # DEPRECATED # upgrade transform to affine object or we may get an invalid # transform set on output kwargs['transform'] = template_ds.affine template_ds.close() else: bounds = bounds or geojson_bounds if is_geographic_crs(src_crs): if (bounds[0] < -180 or bounds[2] > 180 or bounds[1] < -80 or bounds[3] > 80): raise Exception if dimensions: width, height = dimensions res = ( (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / float(width), (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / float(height) ) else: if not res: raise Exception elif len(res) == 1: res = (res[0], res[0]) width = max(int(ceil((bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / float(res[0]))), 1) height = max(int(ceil((bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / float(res[1]))), 1) src_crs = src_crs.upper() if not src_crs.count('EPSG:'): raise Exception kwargs = { 'count': 1, 'crs': src_crs, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'transform': Affine(res[0], 0, bounds[0], 0, -res[1], bounds[3]), 'driver': driver } kwargs.update(**creation_options) result = rasterize( geometries, out_shape=(kwargs['height'], kwargs['width']), transform=kwargs.get('affine', kwargs['transform']), all_touched=all_touched, dtype=kwargs.get('dtype', None), default_value=default_value, fill = fill) if 'dtype' not in kwargs: kwargs['dtype'] = result.dtype kwargs['nodata'] = fill with, 'w', **kwargs) as out: out.write_band(1, result)