Пример #1
             print 'Gaussian Smoothed Rate Map Generated'
             #save the rate map for the processed data, remember this will over write the rate map from Run#1                    
             filename = filename.split('_nlx_ProcessedData.mat')[0]
             rateMapFileName = os.path.join(filename + '_nlx_rawMap_k' + str(bin_width) + '.mat')
             sio.savemat(rateMapFileName, mdict={'rateMap':rateMap, 'spikeMap': spikeMap, 'occMap': occMap, 'gaussRateMap':gaussRateMap})
             print 'Rate Map ' + rateMapFileName + ' saved! \n\n'
     #if processed data does not exist, generate the data
     #remember the winclust spike times file should be in format TT**-cl-maze1.1 for this script to work
     for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
         if filename.startswith('TT') and 'maze' in filename:               
             #load spikedata, start maze time, end maze time from winclust file with times adjusted for clock drift
             spikeTimestamps, StartMazeTime, EndMazeTime, spikeMaxHeight, spikeMaxWidth = rateMapUtils.getSpikeTimeFromIndividualClusters(dirname, filename, None, None)
             print str(len(spikeTimestamps)) + " Spikes loaded"
             #get current directory
             currentDir = os.getcwd()
             #load picamera relative time, date time from NTP, start time with times adjusted for clock drift
             NlxPos  = rateMapUtils.getNlxPositionData(currentDir, StartMazeTime, EndMazeTime)                    
             print "Position Data loaded"
             print 'Generating Rate Map...'
             #get the raw rateMap, spikeMap and occupancy map after binning according to value of k
             rateMap, spikeMap, occMap, rawSpikeMap, posSpikeX, posSpikeY, angleSpike = rateMapUtils.generateRateMap(NlxPos,spikeTimestamps,k=bin_width)
             print 'Rate Map generated for ' + filename
             #function to generate gaussian smoothed rate map, calculate spatial info, mean firing rate, peak firing rate
Пример #2
             #Function to generate analysis report same as the Jim's code
             #INPUT: pos data, spike data, occmap, spikemap, ratemap, spikewaveforms, gaussian smoothed rate map, spatial info, mean firing rate, peak firing rate
             analysisReport.generateAnalysisReport(filename,piCameraData['width'],piCameraData['height'], piCameraData['pos_x'],piCameraData['pos_y'],
                                                   piCameraData['pos_t'],spikeMaxHeight, spikeMaxWidth, spikeTimestamps, spikeMap, occMap, rateMap, 
                                                     rawSpikeMap, posSpikeX, posSpikeY, spikeWFCh0, spikeWFCh1, spikeWFCh2, spikeWFCh3, averageSpikeWFCh0,
                                                     averageSpikeWFCh1, averageSpikeWFCh2, averageSpikeWFCh3, occMapPlot, spikeMapPlot, gaussRateMap, 
                                                     spatialInfoScore, meanFiringRate, peakFiringRate,piCameraData['angle'],angleSpike)
     #if processed data does not exist, generate the data
     #remember the winclust spike times file should be in format TT**-cl-maze1.1 for this script to work
     for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
         if filename.startswith('TT') and 'maze' in filename:                
             #load spikedata, start maze time, end maze time from winclust file with times adjusted for clock drift
             spikeTimestamps, StartMazeTime, EndMazeTime, spikeMaxHeight, spikeMaxWidth = rateMapUtils.getSpikeTimeFromIndividualClusters(dirname, filename, START_ACQ_SXBOX_TIME, nlxDriftSlope)
             print str(len(spikeTimestamps)) + " Spikes loaded"
             #get current directory
             currentDir = os.getcwd()
             #function to load spikewaveform and averagespikewaveform all 4 channels
             spikeWFCh0,spikeWFCh1, spikeWFCh2, spikeWFCh3, averageSpikeWFCh0, averageSpikeWFCh1, averageSpikeWFCh2, averageSpikeWFCh3 = rateMapUtils.getSpikeWaveformData(currentDir, spikeTimestamps, START_ACQ_SXBOX_TIME, nlxDriftSlope, StartMazeTime, EndMazeTime)
             print "SpikeWaveform Data Loaded"
             #load picamera relative time, date time from NTP, start time with times adjusted for clock drift
             piCameraTimestamps, piCameraDateTime, piCameraStartTime  = rateMapUtils.getPiCameraTimestamps(currentDir, START_ACQ_NTP_TIME, picamDriftSlope, nlxDriftSlope)
             #find the index and nearest value from the picamera time list to the start maze time and end maze time calculated above from nev file
             piCameraStartMazeIndex, piCameraStartMazeTime = rateMapUtils.nearestTimestamp(piCameraTimestamps, StartMazeTime)
             piCameraEndMazeIndex, piCameraEndMazeTime = rateMapUtils.nearestTimestamp(piCameraTimestamps, EndMazeTime)