Пример #1
def get_node_rating_monthly(tenant_id: AnyStr,
                            node: AnyStr,
                            namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the monthly rating for a given node.

    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only present for compatibility.
    :node (AnyStr) A string representing the node.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  frame_begin,
                sum(frame_price) as frame_price
        FROM frames
        WHERE frame_begin >= date_trunc('month', now())
        AND node = :node
        AND namespace != 'unspecified'
        AND pod != 'unspecified'
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY frame_begin, node
        ORDER BY frame_begin, node
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces,
        'node': node
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #2
def get_metric_to_date(metric: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr,
                       namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the rating of a metric, from start of the month to now.

    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT max(frame_price) *
                    (EXTRACT(EPOCH from now()) -
                     EXTRACT(EPOCH from date_trunc('month', now()))) / 3600)
        AS frame_price
        FROM frames
        WHERE frame_begin >= date_trunc('month', now())
        AND metric = :metric
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'metric': metric,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #3
def get_pod_lifetime(pod: AnyStr,
                     tenant_id: AnyStr,
                     namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the lifetime for a pod.

    :pod (AnyStr) A string representing the pod.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  min(frame_begin) as start,
                max(frame_end) as end
        FROM frames
        WHERE pod = :pod
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'pod': pod,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #4
def get_namespaces_rating_monthly(tenant_id: AnyStr,
                                  namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the monthly rating, by namespaces.

    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  frame_begin,
                sum(frame_price) as frame_price,
        FROM frames
        WHERE frame_begin >= date_trunc('month', now())
        AND namespace != 'unspecified'
        AND pod != 'unspecified'
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY frame_begin, namespace
        ORDER BY frame_begin, frame_price DESC
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'namespaces': namespaces}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #5
def get_namespaces_total_rating(start: AnyStr, end: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr,
                                namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the agglomerated rating, by namespace.

    :start (AnyStr) A timestamp, as a string, to represent the starting time.
    :end (AnyStr)  A timestamp, as a string, to represent the ending time.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  sum(frame_price) as frame_price,
        FROM frames
        WHERE frame_begin >= :start
        AND frame_end <= :end
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY namespace
        ORDER BY namespace
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #6
def get_pod_namespace(pod: AnyStr,
                      start: AnyStr,
                      end: AnyStr,
                      tenant_id: AnyStr,
                      namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the namespaces for a pod.

    :pod (AnyStr) A string representing the pod.
    :start (AnyStr) A timestamp, as a string, to represent the starting time.
    :end (AnyStr)  A timestamp, as a string, to represent the ending time.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  pod,
        FROM frames
        WHERE pod = :pod
        AND frame_begin >= :start
        AND frame_end <= :end
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY pod, namespace
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'pod': pod,
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #7
def get_pod_rating_weekly(tenant_id: AnyStr,
                          pod: AnyStr,
                          namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the weekly pods rating.

    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only present for compatibility.
    :pod (AnyStr) A string representing the pod.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  frame_begin,
                sum(frame_price) as frame_price
        FROM frames
        WHERE frame_begin >= date_trunc('week', now())
        AND pod = :pod
        AND namespace != 'unspecified'
        AND pod != 'unspecified'
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY frame_begin, pod
        ORDER BY frame_begin, pod
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces,
        'pod': pod
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #8
def get_metric_monthly_rating(metric: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr,
                              namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the monthly price for a metric.

    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  max(frame_price) * 24 *
        (SELECT extract(days FROM
         date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day'))
        AS frame_price
        FROM frames
        WHERE metric = :metric
        AND frame_begin >= date_trunc('month', now())
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'metric': metric,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #9
def get_metric_ratio(metric: AnyStr, start: AnyStr, end: AnyStr,
                     tenant_id: AnyStr,
                     namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the ratio between nodes and price for the given metric.

    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric.
    :start (AnyStr) A timestamp, as a string, to represent the starting time.
    :end (AnyStr)  A timestamp, as a string, to represent the ending time.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  frame_begin,
                sum(frame_price) / count(node) as ratio,
        FROM frames
        WHERE metric = :metric
        AND frame_begin >= :start
        AND frame_end <= :end
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY frame_begin, metric
        ORDER BY frame_begin
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'metric': metric,
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #10
def update_rated_namespaces(namespaces: List[AnyStr],
                            last_insert: AnyStr) -> int:
    Update the namespace_status table with latest insert time.

    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces
    :last_insert (AnyStr) The timestamp of the latest data frame rating

    Return the number of updated namespaces
    for namespace in namespaces:
        qry = sa.text("""
            INSERT INTO namespace_status (namespace, last_update)
            VALUES (:namespace, :last_update)
            ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT namespace_status_pkey
            DO UPDATE SET last_update = EXCLUDED.last_update
        params = {'namespace': namespace, 'last_update': last_insert}
        utils.process_query(qry, params)
    return len(namespaces)
Пример #11
def get_tenants() -> List[Dict]:
    Get tenants from namespaces table.

    Return a list of dictionary containing the results.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT tenant_id
        FROM namespaces
        GROUP BY tenant_id
        ORDER BY tenant_id
    return process_query(qry, {})
Пример #12
def get_rated_frames_oldest(tenant_id: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the oldest rated frame timestamp.

    :tenant_id (AnyStr) The tenant name

    Returns the results of the query
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT MIN(frame_end)
        FROM frames
    return utils.process_query(qry, {})
Пример #13
def get_tenant(tenant: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get a tenant from the namespace table.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant to get

    Return a dictionary with the table results
    qry = text("""
        SELECT *
        FROM namespaces
        WHERE tenant_id = :tenant
    return utils.process_query(qry, {'tenant': tenant})
Пример #14
def get_group_tenant(tenant: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the group of the tenant.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A string representing the name of the tenant

    Return the user group in the group_tenant table.
    qry = text("""
        SELECT *
        FROM group_tenant
        WHERE tenant_id = :tenant
    return utils.process_query(qry, {'tenant': tenant})
Пример #15
def get_tenant_namespace(tenant: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the namespace of a tenant in the namespaces table.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A name reprensenting the tenant.

    Return a list of dictionary containing the results.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT namespace
        FROM namespaces
        WHERE tenant_id = :tenant
        ORDER BY namespace
    params = {'tenant': tenant}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #16
def get_metric_report(metric: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the report associated with a metric.

    :metric (AnyStr) A name representing the metric.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT report_name
        FROM frame_status
        WHERE metric = :metric

    params = {'metric': metric, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #17
def get_last_rated_date(metric: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the latest rating timestamp for a metric.

    :metric (AnyStr) A name representing the metric.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT last_insert
        FROM frame_status
        WHERE metric = :metric

    params = {'metric': metric, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #18
def get_report_metric(report: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the metric of a report.

    :report (AnyStr) A name representing the report.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT metric
        FROM frame_status
        WHERE report_name = :report

    params = {'report': report}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #19
def get_last_rated_reports(report: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the time of the last update of a given report.

    :report (AnyStr) A name representing the report.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT last_insert
        FROM frame_status
        WHERE report_name = :report

    params = {'report': report}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #20
def get_namespaces(tenant_id: AnyStr, namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get namespaces.

    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr])  A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT namespace, tenant_id
        FROM namespaces
        WHERE namespace IN :namespaces
        ORDER BY namespace
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'namespaces': namespaces}
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #21
def get_node_metric_rating(node: AnyStr,
                           metric: AnyStr,
                           start: AnyStr,
                           end: AnyStr,
                           tenant_id: AnyStr,
                           namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the complete rating for a given node and metric.

    :node (AnyStr) A string representing the node.
    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric.
    :start (AnyStr) A timestamp, as a string, to represent the starting time.
    :end (AnyStr)  A timestamp, as a string, to represent the ending time.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  frame_begin,
        FROM frames
        WHERE node = :node
        and metric = :metric
        AND frame_begin >= :start
        AND frame_end <= :end
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        ORDER BY frame_begin, namespace, pod, metric
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'node': node,
        'metric': metric,
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #22
def get_nodes(tenant_id: AnyStr, namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the nodes.

    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only present for compatibility.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT node
        FROM frames
        WHERE namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY node
        ORDER BY node
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #23
def get_pod_metric_total_rating(pod: AnyStr,
                                metric: AnyStr,
                                start: AnyStr,
                                end: AnyStr,
                                tenant_id: AnyStr,
                                namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the agglomerated rating for a given pod and metric, by namespace and node.

    :pod (AnyStr) A string representing the pod.
    :start (AnyStr) A timestamp, as a string, to represent the starting time.
    :end (AnyStr)  A timestamp, as a string, to represent the ending time.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT sum(frame_price) as frame_price,
        FROM frames
        WHERE pod = :pod
        AND metric = :metric
        AND frame_begin >= :start
        AND frame_end <= :end
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        GROUP BY pod
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'pod': pod,
        'metric': metric,
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)
Пример #24
def get_pods_rating(start: AnyStr,
                    end: AnyStr,
                    tenant_id: AnyStr,
                    namespaces: List[AnyStr]) -> List[Dict]:
    Get the rating by pods.

    :start (AnyStr) A timestamp, as a string, to represent the starting time.
    :end (AnyStr)  A timestamp, as a string, to represent the ending time.
    :tenant_id (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant, only used by decorators.
    :namespaces (List[AnyStr]) A list of namespaces accessible by the tenant.

    Return the results of the query as a list of dictionary.
    qry = sa.text("""
        SELECT  frame_begin,
        FROM frames
        WHERE frame_begin >= :start
        AND frame_end <= :end
        AND namespace != 'unspecified'
        AND pod != 'unspecified'
        AND namespace IN :namespaces
        ORDER BY frame_begin, metric
    """).bindparams(bindparam('namespaces', expanding=True))

    params = {
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
        'tenant_id': tenant_id,
        'namespaces': namespaces
    return process_query(qry, params)