Пример #1
    def test_malformed(self):
        """Test nasty feeds that we've discovered in the wild"""
        owner = User()
        owner.email = "Bob"

        # Really long titles.
        title = u"minimal linux"
        link = u"http://minimallinux.com/rss"
        site = u"http://minimallinux.com/"
        feed = Feed.create_and_subscribe(title, link, site, owner)

        # This feed is dead, so we don't expect any items downloaded.
        userfeeditems = FeedItem.objects.for_user(owner)
        self.assertEqual(userfeeditems.count(), 0)

        # Discovered while trying to import from google reader.
        # >>> len(e.title)
        # 857
        item = FeedItem()
        item.feed = feed
        item.title = u"This isn't a question but more of a submission for your \"enough\" poll-type thing.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nI would go with Arch as my main distro. It\u2019s the simplest and easiest to setup of any distro I\u2019ve used.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nMy window manager of choice would be dwm. Amazingly simple and very customizable.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nI would use vim for any text editing I would need to do (which mostly involves programming)<br>\r\n<br>\r\nI would be able to get away with using feh as my image viewer, since I never really need to do any image editing.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nChromium, of course.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nI would use dmenu as my app launcher. Another suckless creation, very simple and very fast.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nDropbox for file syncing.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nPidgin (haven't looked that much for something simpler) for AIM.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nI would also need a few programming related things such as ruby, gcc, make, etc."
        item.link = u"http://minimallinux.com/post/7031884799"
        item.description = u"<p>Nice\u2014good stuff here. I really dig dmenu.</p>"
        item.published = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1309319839)
        item.atom_id = ""
        item.reader_guid = u"tag:google.com,2005:reader/item/022fe5bb1abdb67a"
        item.guid = item.calculate_guid()

        userfeeditems = FeedItem.objects.for_user(owner)
        self.assertEqual(userfeeditems.count(), 1)
Пример #2
def _new_user_item(user, feed, entry):
        item = FeedItem.objects.get(reader_guid=entry.id)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        tmp = FeedItem()
        tmp.feed = feed
        tmp.title = entry.title
        tmp.link = entry.url
        tmp.atom_id = ''

        tmp.description = entry.content
        tmp.reader_guid = entry.id
        tmp.published = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(entry.time)
        tmp.guid = tmp.calculate_guid()

        item = FeedItem._get_or_create(tmp)

        user_item = item.userfeeditem(user)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        # Nasty. The above only works if a user is actually
        # subscribed to a feed. However, it can be the case
        # where we're trying to import Google Reader, and we're
        # processing items that have been shared with us. In
        # this case, we probably won't be subscribed to the
        # feed, and more, we probably don't want to subscribe to
        # the feed. So manually create a UserFeedItem so the
        # Item can be accessed by the User. We can pull it out
        # of the db later by searching for the 'shared-with-you'
        # tag.
        user_item = UserFeedItem()
        user_item.item = item
        user_item.user = user
        user_item.feed = feed

    user_item.read = entry.read
    user_item.starred = entry.starred
    for t in entry.tags:

    return user_item