Пример #1
def to_unicode(value):
        value = six.text_type(force_text(value))
    except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
        value = '(Error decoding value)'
    except Exception:  # in some cases we get a different exception
            value = six.binary_type(repr(type(value)))
        except Exception:
            value = '(Error decoding value)'
    return value
Пример #2
def to_unicode(value):
        value = six.text_type(force_text(value))
    except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
        value = '(Error decoding value)'
    except Exception:  # in some cases we get a different exception
            value = six.binary_type(repr(type(value)))
        except Exception:
            value = '(Error decoding value)'
    return value
Пример #3
class ProxyClient(object):
    A proxy which represents the currently client at all times.
    # introspection support:
    __members__ = property(lambda x: x.__dir__())

    # Need to pretend to be the wrapped class, for the sake of objects that care
    # about this (especially in equality tests)
    __class__ = property(lambda x: get_client().__class__)

    __dict__ = property(lambda o: get_client().__dict__)

    __repr__ = lambda x: repr(get_client())
    __getattr__ = lambda x, o: getattr(get_client(), o)
    __setattr__ = lambda x, o, v: setattr(get_client(), o, v)
    __delattr__ = lambda x, o: delattr(get_client(), o)

    __lt__ = lambda x, o: get_client() < o
    __le__ = lambda x, o: get_client() <= o
    __eq__ = lambda x, o: get_client() == o
    __ne__ = lambda x, o: get_client() != o
    __gt__ = lambda x, o: get_client() > o
    __ge__ = lambda x, o: get_client() >= o
    if not six.PY3:
        __cmp__ = lambda x, o: cmp(get_client(), o)  # NOQA
    __hash__ = lambda x: hash(get_client())
    # attributes are currently not callable
    # __call__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: get_client()(*a, **kw)
    __nonzero__ = lambda x: bool(get_client())
    __len__ = lambda x: len(get_client())
    __getitem__ = lambda x, i: get_client()[i]
    __iter__ = lambda x: iter(get_client())
    __contains__ = lambda x, i: i in get_client()
    __getslice__ = lambda x, i, j: get_client()[i:j]
    __add__ = lambda x, o: get_client() + o
    __sub__ = lambda x, o: get_client() - o
    __mul__ = lambda x, o: get_client() * o
    __floordiv__ = lambda x, o: get_client() // o
    __mod__ = lambda x, o: get_client() % o
    __divmod__ = lambda x, o: get_client().__divmod__(o)
    __pow__ = lambda x, o: get_client()**o
    __lshift__ = lambda x, o: get_client() << o
    __rshift__ = lambda x, o: get_client() >> o
    __and__ = lambda x, o: get_client() & o
    __xor__ = lambda x, o: get_client() ^ o
    __or__ = lambda x, o: get_client() | o
    __div__ = lambda x, o: get_client().__div__(o)
    __truediv__ = lambda x, o: get_client().__truediv__(o)
    __neg__ = lambda x: -(get_client())
    __pos__ = lambda x: +(get_client())
    __abs__ = lambda x: abs(get_client())
    __invert__ = lambda x: ~(get_client())
    __complex__ = lambda x: complex(get_client())
    __int__ = lambda x: int(get_client())
    if not six.PY3:
        __long__ = lambda x: long(get_client())  # NOQA
    __float__ = lambda x: float(get_client())
    __str__ = lambda x: six.binary_type(get_client())
    __unicode__ = lambda x: six.text_type(get_client())
    __oct__ = lambda x: oct(get_client())
    __hex__ = lambda x: hex(get_client())
    __index__ = lambda x: get_client().__index__()
    __coerce__ = lambda x, o: x.__coerce__(x, o)
    __enter__ = lambda x: x.__enter__()
    __exit__ = lambda x, *a, **kw: x.__exit__(*a, **kw)
Пример #4
    def test_bad_string(self):
        x = six.b("The following character causes problems: \xd4")

        result = transform(x)
        assert result == six.binary_type(six.binary_type)
Пример #5
def to_string(value):
        return six.binary_type(value.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8'))
        return to_unicode(value).encode('utf-8')
Пример #6
 def serialize(self, value, **kwargs):
     string_max_length = kwargs.get('string_max_length', None)
     return six.binary_type("'%s'") % (
         value.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8')[:string_max_length], )
Пример #7
    def test_bad_string(self):
        x = six.b('The following character causes problems: \xd4')

        result = transform(x)
        assert result == six.binary_type(six.binary_type)
Пример #8
def to_string(value):
        return six.binary_type(value.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8'))
        return to_unicode(value).encode('utf-8')
Пример #9
 def serialize(self, value, **kwargs):
     string_max_length = kwargs.get("string_max_length", None)
     if not six.PY3:
         return repr(six.binary_type("%s")) % (value.decode("utf-8").encode("utf-8")[:string_max_length],)
         return repr(value[:string_max_length])
Пример #10
 def serialize(self, value, **kwargs):
     string_max_length = kwargs.get('string_max_length', None)
     return six.binary_type("'%s'") % (