def set_filename(self, rawdog, config, fn): """Set the output filename. If it changes, switch to a new output file. If set to None, close the current output file.""" if fn == self.current_fn: return if self.current_fn is not None: self.dw.close() self.write_output(rawdog, config) if fn is not None: self.f = StringIO() self.dw = DayWriter(self.f, config) self.current_fn = fn
def output_write_files(rawdog, config, articles, article_dates): config.log("paged-output starting") outputfile = config["outputfile"] i = outputfile.rfind('.') if i != -1: prefix = outputfile[:i] suffix = outputfile[i:] else: prefix = outputfile suffix = "" chunks = [] while articles != []: chunks.append(articles[:articles_per_page]) articles = articles[articles_per_page:] fns = [] for i in range(len(chunks)): if i == 0: fn = prefix + suffix else: fn = "%s%d%s" % (prefix, i, suffix) fns.append(fn) for i in range(len(chunks)): fn = fns[i] date = format_time(article_dates[chunks[i][0]], config) config.log("paged-output writing ", fn, " (", date, ")") f = StringIO() dw = DayWriter(f, config) for article in chunks[i]: dw.time(article_dates[article]) rawdog.write_article(f, article, config) dw.close() bits = rawdog.get_main_template_bits(config) bits["items"] = f.getvalue() bits["num_items"] = str(len(rawdog.articles.values())) f = StringIO() f.write('<ul class="paged_output_pages">\n') for j in range(len(chunks)): latest_date = max([article_dates[a] for a in chunks[j]]) f.write('<li>') if i != j: f.write('<a href="' + os.path.basename(fns[j]) + '">') f.write(format_time(latest_date, config)) if i != j: f.write('</a>') f.write('</li>\n') f.write('</ul>\n') bits["paged_output_pages"] = f.getvalue() f = StringIO() def make_link(rel, page): if page >= 0 and page < len(chunks): f.write('<link rel="%s" href="%s">\n' % (rel, os.path.basename(fns[page]))) make_link("next", i - 1) make_link("prev", i + 1) bits["paged_output_head"] = f.getvalue() s = fill_template(rawdog.get_template(config), bits) f = open(fn + ".new", "w") write_ascii(f, s, config) f.close() os.rename(fn + ".new", fn) config.log("paged-output done") return False
class DatedOutput: def __init__(self): self.page_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" self.calendar_month_format = "%B %Y" self.calendar_day_format = "%a" self.calendar_date_format = "%d" self.output_files = {} self.current_date = None self.current_fn = None self.f = None self.dw = None def config_option(self, config, name, value): if name == "pagedateformat": self.page_date_format = value return False elif name == "calendarmonthformat": self.calendar_month_format = value return False elif name == "calendardayformat": self.calendar_day_format = value return False elif name == "calendardateformat": self.calendar_date_format = value return False else: return True def generate_list(self): """Generate the list of pages.""" f = StringIO() # Sort and reverse the list of dates, so we have the newest # first. dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() f.write('<ul class="paged_output_pages">\n') for date in dates: fn = self.output_files[date] f.write('<li>') if fn != self.current_fn: f.write('<a href="' + os.path.basename(fn) + '">') f.write(date) if fn != self.current_fn: f.write('</a>') f.write('</li>\n') f.write('</ul>\n') return f.getvalue() def generate_calendar(self): """Generate a calendar for the month containing the current date.""" t = time.strptime(self.current_date, self.page_date_format) this_month =, t.tm_mon, 1) # Find links to the previous and next months, if they exist. prev_date = None next_date = None dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() for date in dates: t = time.strptime(date, self.page_date_format) that_month =, t.tm_mon, 1) if that_month < this_month: prev_date = date if that_month > this_month: next_date = date break f = StringIO() self.generate_one_calendar(f, this_month, prev_date, next_date) return f.getvalue() def generate_calendars(self): """Generate calendars for all months.""" f = StringIO() last_month = None dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() for date in dates: t = time.strptime(date, self.page_date_format) month =, t.tm_mon, 1) if month == last_month: continue last_month = month self.generate_one_calendar(f, month, None, None) f.write('\n') return f.getvalue() def generate_one_calendar(self, f, this_month, prev_date, next_date): """Generate a calendar for a given month.""" cal = calendar.Calendar() f.write('<table class="calendar">\n') # Print the previous/month name/next bar. f.write('<tr class="cal-head">\n') f.write('<td class="cal-prev">') if prev_date is not None: f.write('<a href="%s"><</a>' % os.path.basename(self.output_files[prev_date])) f.write('</td>\n') f.write('<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">%s</td>\n' % safe_strftime(this_month, self.calendar_month_format)) f.write('<td class="cal-next">') if next_date is not None: f.write('<a href="%s">></a>' % os.path.basename(self.output_files[next_date])) f.write('</td>\n') f.write('</tr>\n') # Print the day-names bar. f.write('<tr class="cal-days">\n') for day in cal.iterweekdays(): # Find a date that corresponds to the day number we # want to print. I don't see a better way to do this # in datetime... date =, 9, 25) while date.weekday() != day: date += datetime.timedelta(days = 1) f.write('<th>%s</th>' % safe_strftime(date, self.calendar_day_format)) f.write('</tr>\n') # Print the weeks of the month. for week in cal.monthdatescalendar(this_month.year, this_month.month): f.write('<tr class="cal-week">\n') for day in week: date = safe_strftime(day, self.page_date_format) f.write('<td class="cal-day">') if day.month != this_month.month: f.write('<em class="cal-othermonth">') after = '</em>' elif date == self.current_date: f.write('<strong class="cal-current">') after = '</strong>' elif date in self.output_files: f.write('<a class="cal-link" href="' + os.path.basename(self.output_files[date]) + '">') after = '</a>' else: after = '' f.write(safe_strftime(day, self.calendar_date_format)) f.write(after) f.write('</td>') f.write('</tr>\n') f.write('</table>\n') def write_output(self, rawdog, config): """Write out the current output file.""" bits = rawdog.get_main_template_bits(config) bits["items"] = self.f.getvalue() bits["num_items"] = str(len(rawdog.articles.values())) bits["dated_output_pages"] = self.generate_list() bits["dated_output_calendar"] = self.generate_calendar() bits["dated_output_calendars"] = self.generate_calendars() s = fill_template(rawdog.get_template(config), bits) fn = self.current_fn config.log("dated-output writing output file: ", fn) f = open(fn + ".new", "w") write_ascii(f, s, config) f.close() os.rename(fn + ".new", fn) def set_filename(self, rawdog, config, fn): """Set the output filename. If it changes, switch to a new output file. If set to None, close the current output file.""" if fn == self.current_fn: return if self.current_fn is not None: self.dw.close() self.write_output(rawdog, config) if fn is not None: self.f = StringIO() self.dw = DayWriter(self.f, config) self.current_fn = fn def output_write_files(self, rawdog, config, articles, article_dates): config.log("dated-output starting") # Extract the prefix and suffix from the configured outputfile. outputfile = config["outputfile"] i = outputfile.rfind('.') if i != -1: prefix = outputfile[:i] suffix = outputfile[i:] else: prefix = outputfile suffix = "" # Figure out the output filename date for each article. article_fn_dates = {} self.output_files = {} for article in articles: tm = time.localtime(article_dates[article]) date = safe_ftime(self.page_date_format, tm) article_fn_dates[article] = date if date in self.output_files: pass elif self.output_files == {}: # First output file: use the configured name. self.output_files[date] = outputfile else: # Otherwise use a dated name. self.output_files[date] = "%s-%s%s" % (prefix, date, suffix) # Write out each article. for article in articles: date = article_fn_dates[article] self.set_filename(rawdog, config, self.output_files[date]) self.current_date = date self.dw.time(article_dates[article]) rawdog.write_article(self.f, article, config) self.set_filename(rawdog, config, None) config.log("dated-output done") return False
class DatedOutput: def __init__(self): self.page_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" self.calendar_month_format = "%B %Y" self.calendar_day_format = "%a" self.calendar_date_format = "%d" self.output_files = {} self.current_date = None self.current_fn = None self.f = None self.dw = None def config_option(self, config, name, value): if name == "pagedateformat": self.page_date_format = value return False elif name == "calendarmonthformat": self.calendar_month_format = value return False elif name == "calendardayformat": self.calendar_day_format = value return False elif name == "calendardateformat": self.calendar_date_format = value return False else: return True def generate_list(self): """Generate the list of pages.""" f = StringIO() # Sort and reverse the list of dates, so we have the newest # first. dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() f.write('<ul class="paged_output_pages">\n') for date in dates: fn = self.output_files[date] f.write('<li>') if fn != self.current_fn: f.write('<a href="' + os.path.basename(fn) + '">') f.write(date) if fn != self.current_fn: f.write('</a>') f.write('</li>\n') f.write('</ul>\n') return f.getvalue() def generate_calendar(self): """Generate a calendar for the month containing the current date.""" t = time.strptime(self.current_date, self.page_date_format) this_month =, t.tm_mon, 1) # Find links to the previous and next months, if they exist. prev_date = None next_date = None dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() for date in dates: t = time.strptime(date, self.page_date_format) that_month =, t.tm_mon, 1) if that_month < this_month: prev_date = date if that_month > this_month: next_date = date break f = StringIO() self.generate_one_calendar(f, this_month, prev_date, next_date) return f.getvalue() def generate_calendars(self): """Generate calendars for all months.""" f = StringIO() last_month = None dates = self.output_files.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() for date in dates: t = time.strptime(date, self.page_date_format) month =, t.tm_mon, 1) if month == last_month: continue last_month = month self.generate_one_calendar(f, month, None, None) f.write('\n') return f.getvalue() def generate_one_calendar(self, f, this_month, prev_date, next_date): """Generate a calendar for a given month.""" cal = calendar.Calendar() f.write('<table class="calendar">\n') # Print the previous/month name/next bar. f.write('<tr class="cal-head">\n') f.write('<td class="cal-prev">') if prev_date is not None: f.write('<a href="%s"><</a>' % os.path.basename(self.output_files[prev_date])) f.write('</td>\n') f.write('<td class="cal-month" colspan="5">%s</td>\n' % safe_strftime(this_month, self.calendar_month_format)) f.write('<td class="cal-next">') if next_date is not None: f.write('<a href="%s">></a>' % os.path.basename(self.output_files[next_date])) f.write('</td>\n') f.write('</tr>\n') # Print the day-names bar. f.write('<tr class="cal-days">\n') for day in cal.iterweekdays(): # Find a date that corresponds to the day number we # want to print. I don't see a better way to do this # in datetime... date =, 9, 25) while date.weekday() != day: date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) f.write('<th>%s</th>' % safe_strftime(date, self.calendar_day_format)) f.write('</tr>\n') # Print the weeks of the month. for week in cal.monthdatescalendar(this_month.year, this_month.month): f.write('<tr class="cal-week">\n') for day in week: date = safe_strftime(day, self.page_date_format) f.write('<td class="cal-day">') if day.month != this_month.month: f.write('<em class="cal-othermonth">') after = '</em>' elif date == self.current_date: f.write('<strong class="cal-current">') after = '</strong>' elif date in self.output_files: f.write('<a class="cal-link" href="' + os.path.basename(self.output_files[date]) + '">') after = '</a>' else: after = '' f.write(safe_strftime(day, self.calendar_date_format)) f.write(after) f.write('</td>') f.write('</tr>\n') f.write('</table>\n') def write_output(self, rawdog, config): """Write out the current output file.""" bits = rawdog.get_main_template_bits(config) bits["items"] = self.f.getvalue() bits["num_items"] = str(len(rawdog.articles.values())) bits["dated_output_pages"] = self.generate_list() bits["dated_output_calendar"] = self.generate_calendar() bits["dated_output_calendars"] = self.generate_calendars() s = fill_template(rawdog.get_template(config), bits) fn = self.current_fn config.log("dated-output writing output file: ", fn) f = open(fn + ".new", "w") write_ascii(f, s, config) f.close() os.rename(fn + ".new", fn) def set_filename(self, rawdog, config, fn): """Set the output filename. If it changes, switch to a new output file. If set to None, close the current output file.""" if fn == self.current_fn: return if self.current_fn is not None: self.dw.close() self.write_output(rawdog, config) if fn is not None: self.f = StringIO() self.dw = DayWriter(self.f, config) self.current_fn = fn def output_write_files(self, rawdog, config, articles, article_dates): config.log("dated-output starting") # Extract the prefix and suffix from the configured outputfile. outputfile = config["outputfile"] i = outputfile.rfind('.') if i != -1: prefix = outputfile[:i] suffix = outputfile[i:] else: prefix = outputfile suffix = "" # Figure out the output filename date for each article. article_fn_dates = {} self.output_files = {} for article in articles: tm = time.localtime(article_dates[article]) date = safe_ftime(self.page_date_format, tm) article_fn_dates[article] = date if date in self.output_files: pass elif self.output_files == {}: # First output file: use the configured name. self.output_files[date] = outputfile else: # Otherwise use a dated name. self.output_files[date] = "%s-%s%s" % (prefix, date, suffix) # Write out each article. for article in articles: date = article_fn_dates[article] self.set_filename(rawdog, config, self.output_files[date]) self.current_date = date self.dw.time(article_dates[article]) rawdog.write_article(self.f, article, config) self.set_filename(rawdog, config, None) config.log("dated-output done") return False
def output_write_files(rawdog, config, articles, article_dates): f_hdr = StringIO() rawdoglib.plugins.call_hook("output_items_begin", rawdog, config, f_hdr) remaining = articles[:] groups = {} other_count = 0 for url, feed in rawdog.feeds.items(): if (feed.args.has_key("define_group")): group = feed.args["define_group"] group = group.replace("_", " ") if (groups.has_key(group)): groups[group]["feeds"].append(feed) else: groups[group] = {"count" : 0, "feeds" : [feed]} f = StringIO() for (key, group) in groups.items(): dw = DayWriter(f, config) f.write("<hr>\n") f.write('<h1><a name="' + key + '">' + key + '</a></h1>\n') for article in remaining[:]: for feed in group["feeds"]: if article.feed == feed.url: if not rawdoglib.plugins.call_hook("output_items_heading", rawdog, config, f, article, article_dates[article]): dw.time(article_dates[article]) rawdog.write_article(f, article, config) remaining.remove(article) group["count"] += 1 dw.close() f.write("<hr>\n") if remaining: dw = DayWriter(f, config) f.write('<h1><a name="Other">Other</a></h1>\n') for article in remaining: if not rawdoglib.plugins.call_hook("output_items_heading", rawdog, config, f, article, article_dates[article]): dw.time(article_dates[article]) rawdog.write_article(f, article, config) other_count += 1 f_hdr.write("<ul>\n") for (key, group) in groups.items(): if group["count"]: f_hdr.write('<li><a href="#%(key)s">%(key)s (%(count)d items)</a></li>\n' % {'key' : key, 'count' : group["count"]}) if other_count: f_hdr.write('<li><a href="#%(key)s">%(key)s (%(count)d items)</a></li>\n' % {'key' : 'Other', 'count' : other_count}) f_hdr.write("</ul>\n") rawdoglib.plugins.call_hook("output_items_end", rawdog, config, f) bits = rawdog.get_main_template_bits(config) bits["items"] = f_hdr.getvalue() + f.getvalue() bits["num_items"] = str(len(rawdog.articles)) rawdoglib.plugins.call_hook("output_bits", rawdog, config, bits) s = fill_template(rawdog.get_template(config), bits) outputfile = config["outputfile"] if outputfile == "-": write_ascii(sys.stdout, s, config) else: config.log("Writing output file: ", outputfile) f = open(outputfile + ".new", "w") write_ascii(f, s, config) f.close() os.rename(outputfile + ".new", outputfile) return False