Пример #1
    def deserialize_eeg_wifi(self, eeg: np.ndarray, ids: np.ndarray,
                             context: Dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
        """From signed 24-bits integer to signed 32-bits integer by channels.

        The `Cyton data format <https://docs.openbci.com/docs/02Cyton/CytonDataFormat>`_
        says that only can send packages of 33 bits, when a Daisy board is
        attached these same packages will be sent at double speed in favor to
        keep the desired sample rate for 16 channels.

            Numpy array in signed 24-bits integer (`8, LENGTH`)
            List of IDs for eeg data.
            Information from the acquisition side useful for deserializing and
            that will be packaged back in the stream.

            EEG data in microvolts, signed 32-bits integer, (`CHANNELS, LENGTH`),
            if there is a Daisy board `CHANNELS` is 16, otherwise is 8.

        eeg_data = np.array([[
            rawutil.unpack('>u', bytes(ch))[0]
            for ch in row.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()
        ] for row in eeg])
        eeg_data = eeg_data * self.scale_factor_eeg

        if context['daisy']:

            # # If offset, the pair index condition must change
            if np.array(self.offset[0]).any():
                eeg_data = np.concatenate([[self.offset[0]], eeg_data], axis=0)
                ids = np.concatenate([[self.offset[1]], ids], axis=0)
                # pair = not pair

            if ids[0] != ids[1]:
                eeg_data = np.delete(eeg_data, 0, axis=0)
                ids = np.delete(ids, 0, axis=0)

            # if not pair dataset, create an offeset
            if eeg_data.shape[0] % 2:
                self.offset = eeg_data[-1], ids[-1]
                eeg_data = np.delete(eeg_data, -1, axis=0)
                ids = np.delete(ids, -1, axis=0)
                self.offset = None, None

            return eeg_data.reshape(-1, 16)

        return eeg_data
Пример #2

# create a socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# bind the socket to the specified ip address and port
sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
print ("F1 Telemetry ready")
print ("Listening on " + UDP_IP + ":" + str(UDP_PORT))

while True:
    data, address = sock.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE)
    ses_t, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[0:4])
    lap_t, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[4:8])
    lap_d, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[8:12])
    ses_d, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[0:4])
    speed, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[28:32])
    steer, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[120:124])
    gear, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[132:136])
    rpm, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[148:152])
    fuel, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[180:184])
    fuel_cap, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[184:188])
    brake_temp, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[204:208])
    tyre_p_rl, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[220:224])
    tyre_p_rr, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[224:228])
    tyre_p_fl, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[228:232])
    tyre_p_fr, = rawutil.unpack('<f',data[232:236])
    tyre_t_rl, = rawutil.unpack('<b',data[304:305])
Пример #3
wf = wave.open(r'Ses01F_impro01_F000_S1.wav', 'rb')

nframes = wf.getnframes()
framerate = wf.getframerate()
str_data = wf.readframes(nframes)
sample_width = wf.getsampwidth()
channel = wf.getnchannels()
bytesPerSample = int(len(str_data) / nframes / channel)
# chunk=fp.read(bytesPerSample*nframes)
for i in range(nframes):
    j = i * channel
    bytess = str_data[j * bytesPerSample:j * bytesPerSample + bytesPerSample]
    # value = struct.unpack('<h',bytess)[0]
    value = rawutil.unpack('<1u', bytess)[0]
    # print(value)
a2 = np.array(a, dtype='int32')
mean = np.mean(a2)
std = np.std(a2)
a2 = (a2 - mean) / std
a2 = a2.astype(np.float16)
time = np.arange(0, nframes)*(1.0/framerate)
plt.plot(time, a2, c='r')
# print("channel:",channel)
Пример #4
    def deserialize_eeg_serial(self, eeg: np.ndarray, ids: np.ndarray,
                               context: Dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
        """From signed 24-bits integer to signed 32-bits integer by channels.

        The `Cyton data format <https://docs.openbci.com/docs/02Cyton/CytonDataFormat>`_
        says that only can send packages of 33 bits, over serial (RFduino) this
        limit is absolute, when a Daisy board is attached these same amount of
        packages will be sent, in this case, the data must be distributed and
        interpolated in order to complete the sample rate.

            Numpy array in signed 24-bits integer (`8, LENGTH`)
            List of IDs for eeg data.
            Information from the acquisition side useful for deserializing and
            that will be packaged back in the stream.

            EEG data in microvolts, signed 32-bits integer, (`CHANNELS, LENGTH`),
            if there is a Daisy board `CHANNELS` is 16, otherwise is 8.

        eeg_data = np.array([[
            rawutil.unpack('>u', bytes(ch))[0]
            for ch in row.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()
        ] for row in eeg])
        eeg_data = eeg_data * self.scale_factor_eeg

        if context['daisy']:

            even = not ids[0] % 2

            # If offset, the even index condition must change
            if np.array(self.offset[0]).any():
                eeg_data = np.concatenate([[self.offset[0]], eeg_data], axis=0)
                ids = np.concatenate([[self.offset[1]], ids], axis=0)
                even = not even

            # if not even dataset, create an offset
            if eeg_data.shape[0] % 2:
                self.offset = eeg_data[-1], ids[-1]
                eeg_data = np.delete(eeg_data, -1, axis=0)
                ids = np.delete(ids, -1, axis=0)

            # Data can start with a even or odd id
            if even:
                board = eeg_data[::2]
                daisy = eeg_data[1::2]
                daisy = eeg_data[::2]
                board = eeg_data[1::2]

            board = np.array([
                np.interp(np.arange(0, p.shape[0], 0.5), np.arange(p.shape[0]),
                          p) for p in board.T
            daisy = np.array([
                np.interp(np.arange(0, p.shape[0], 0.5), np.arange(p.shape[0]),
                          p) for p in daisy.T

            eeg = np.concatenate([np.stack(board), np.stack(daisy)], axis=1)

            eeg = eeg_data

        return eeg