Пример #1
    def _deserialize_object(self, data, metadata, object_id):
        if metadata:
            if metadata == ray_constants.PICKLE5_BUFFER_METADATA:
                if not self.use_pickle:
                    raise ValueError("Receiving pickle5 serialized objects "
                                     "while the serialization context is "
                                     "using pyarrow as the backend.")
                    in_band, buffers = unpack_pickle5_buffers(data)
                    if len(buffers) > 0:
                        obj = pickle.loads(in_band, buffers=buffers)
                        obj = pickle.loads(in_band)
                # cloudpickle does not provide error types
                except pickle.pickle.PicklingError:
                    raise DeserializationError()

                # Check that there are no ObjectIDs serialized in arguments
                # that are inlined.
                if object_id.is_nil():
                    assert len(self.get_and_clear_contained_object_ids()) == 0
                    worker = ray.worker.global_worker
                return obj
            # Check if the object should be returned as raw bytes.
            if metadata == ray_constants.RAW_BUFFER_METADATA:
                if data is None:
                    return b""
                return data.to_pybytes()
            # Otherwise, return an exception object based on
            # the error type.
            error_type = int(metadata)
            if error_type == ErrorType.Value("WORKER_DIED"):
                return RayWorkerError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("ACTOR_DIED"):
                return RayActorError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_UNRECONSTRUCTABLE"):
                return UnreconstructableError(ray.ObjectID(object_id.binary()))
                assert error_type != ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_IN_PLASMA"), \
                    "Tried to get object that has been promoted to plasma."
                assert False, "Unrecognized error type " + str(error_type)
        elif data:
            raise ValueError("non-null object should always have metadata")
            # Object isn't available in plasma. This should never be returned
            # to the user. We should only reach this line if this object was
            # deserialized as part of a list, and another object in the list
            # throws an exception.
            return plasma.ObjectNotAvailable
Пример #2
 def _deserialize_object_from_arrow(self, data, metadata, object_id):
     if metadata:
         if metadata == ray_constants.PICKLE5_BUFFER_METADATA:
             if not self.use_pickle:
                 raise ValueError("Receiving pickle5 serialized objects "
                                  "while the serialization context is "
                                  "using pyarrow as the backend.")
                 in_band, buffers = unpack_pickle5_buffers(data)
                 if len(buffers) > 0:
                     return pickle.loads(in_band, buffers=buffers)
                     return pickle.loads(in_band)
             # cloudpickle does not provide error types
             except pickle.pickle.PicklingError:
                 raise DeserializationError()
         # Check if the object should be returned as raw bytes.
         if metadata == ray_constants.RAW_BUFFER_METADATA:
             if data is None:
                 return b""
             return data.to_pybytes()
         # Otherwise, return an exception object based on
         # the error type.
         error_type = int(metadata)
         if error_type == ErrorType.Value("WORKER_DIED"):
             return RayWorkerError()
         elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("ACTOR_DIED"):
             return RayActorError()
         elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_UNRECONSTRUCTABLE"):
             return UnreconstructableError(ray.ObjectID(object_id.binary()))
             assert error_type != ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_IN_PLASMA"), \
                 "Tried to get object that has been promoted to plasma."
             assert False, "Unrecognized error type " + str(error_type)
     elif data:
         if self.use_pickle:
             raise ValueError("Receiving plasma serialized objects "
                              "while the serialization context is "
                              "using pickle5 as the backend.")
             # If data is not empty, deserialize the object.
             return pyarrow.deserialize(data, self.pyarrow_context)
         except pyarrow.DeserializationCallbackError:
             raise DeserializationError()
         # Object isn't available in plasma. This should never be returned
         # to the user. We should only reach this line if this object was
         # deserialized as part of a list, and another object in the list
         # throws an exception.
         return plasma.ObjectNotAvailable
Пример #3
    def _serialize_to_msgpack(self, value):
        # Only RayTaskError is possible to be serialized here. We don't
        # need to deal with other exception types here.
        if isinstance(value, RayTaskError):
            metadata = str(
            value = value.to_bytes()
            metadata = ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_CROSS_LANGUAGE

        python_objects = []

        def _python_serializer(o):
            index = len(python_objects)
            return index

        msgpack_data = MessagePackSerializer.dumps(value, _python_serializer)

        if python_objects:
            metadata = ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_PYTHON
            pickle5_serialized_object = \
                self._serialize_to_pickle5(metadata, python_objects)
            pickle5_serialized_object = None

        return MessagePackSerializedObject(metadata, msgpack_data,
Пример #4
    def serialize(self, value):
        """Serialize an object.

            value: The value to serialize.
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            # If the object is a byte array, skip serializing it and
            # use a special metadata to indicate it's raw binary. So
            # that this object can also be read by Java.
            return RawSerializedObject(value)
            # Only RayTaskError is possible to be serialized here. We don't
            # need to deal with other exception types here.
            if isinstance(value, RayTaskError):
                metadata = str(ErrorType.Value(
                metadata = ray_constants.PICKLE5_BUFFER_METADATA

            assert self.worker.use_pickle
            assert ray.cloudpickle.FAST_CLOUDPICKLE_USED
            writer = Pickle5Writer()
            # TODO(swang): Check that contained_object_ids is empty.
            inband = pickle.dumps(value,
            return Pickle5SerializedObject(
                metadata, inband, writer,
Пример #5
    def _deserialize_object(self, data, metadata, object_id):
        if metadata:
            if metadata in [
                return self._deserialize_msgpack_data(data, metadata)
            # Check if the object should be returned as raw bytes.
            if metadata == ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_RAW:
                if data is None:
                    return b""
                return data.to_pybytes()
            # Otherwise, return an exception object based on
            # the error type.
                error_type = int(metadata)
            except Exception:
                raise Exception(
                    "Can't deserialize object: {}, metadata: {}".format(
                        object_id, metadata))

            # RayTaskError is serialized with pickle5 in the data field.
            # TODO (kfstorm): exception serialization should be language
            # independent.
            if error_type == ErrorType.Value("TASK_EXECUTION_EXCEPTION"):
                obj = self._deserialize_msgpack_data(data, metadata)
                assert isinstance(obj, RayTaskError)
                return obj
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("WORKER_DIED"):
                return RayWorkerError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("ACTOR_DIED"):
                return RayActorError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_UNRECONSTRUCTABLE"):
                return UnreconstructableError(ray.ObjectID(object_id.binary()))
                assert error_type != ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_IN_PLASMA"), \
                    "Tried to get object that has been promoted to plasma."
                assert False, "Unrecognized error type " + str(error_type)
        elif data:
            raise ValueError("non-null object should always have metadata")
            # Object isn't available in plasma. This should never be returned
            # to the user. We should only reach this line if this object was
            # deserialized as part of a list, and another object in the list
            # throws an exception.
            return PlasmaObjectNotAvailable
Пример #6
    def _deserialize_object(self, data, metadata, object_ref):
        if metadata:
            metadata_fields = metadata.split(b",")
            if metadata_fields[0] in [
                return self._deserialize_msgpack_data(data, metadata_fields)
            # Check if the object should be returned as raw bytes.
            if metadata_fields[0] == ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_RAW:
                if data is None:
                    return b""
                return data.to_pybytes()
            elif metadata_fields[
                    0] == ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_ACTOR_HANDLE:
                obj = self._deserialize_msgpack_data(data, metadata_fields)
                return _actor_handle_deserializer(obj)
            # Otherwise, return an exception object based on
            # the error type.
                error_type = int(metadata_fields[0])
            except Exception:
                raise Exception(f"Can't deserialize object: {object_ref}, "
                                f"metadata: {metadata}")

            # RayTaskError is serialized with pickle5 in the data field.
            # TODO (kfstorm): exception serialization should be language
            # independent.
            if error_type == ErrorType.Value("TASK_EXECUTION_EXCEPTION"):
                obj = self._deserialize_msgpack_data(data, metadata_fields)
                return RayError.from_bytes(obj)
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("WORKER_DIED"):
                return WorkerCrashedError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("ACTOR_DIED"):
                if data:
                    pb_bytes = self._deserialize_msgpack_data(
                        data, metadata_fields)
                    if pb_bytes:
                        return RayError.from_bytes(pb_bytes)
                return RayActorError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("TASK_CANCELLED"):
                return TaskCancelledError()
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_UNRECONSTRUCTABLE"):
                return ObjectLostError(object_ref.hex())
            elif error_type == ErrorType.Value("RUNTIME_ENV_SETUP_FAILED"):
                return RuntimeEnvSetupError()
                assert error_type != ErrorType.Value("OBJECT_IN_PLASMA"), \
                    "Tried to get object that has been promoted to plasma."
                assert False, "Unrecognized error type " + str(error_type)
        elif data:
            raise ValueError("non-null object should always have metadata")
            # Object isn't available in plasma. This should never be returned
            # to the user. We should only reach this line if this object was
            # deserialized as part of a list, and another object in the list
            # throws an exception.
            return PlasmaObjectNotAvailable
Пример #7
    def serialize(self, value):
        """Serialize an object.

            value: The value to serialize.
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            # If the object is a byte array, skip serializing it and
            # use a special metadata to indicate it's raw binary. So
            # that this object can also be read by Java.
            return RawSerializedObject(value)
            # Only RayTaskError is possible to be serialized here. We don't
            # need to deal with other exception types here.
            if isinstance(value, RayTaskError):
                metadata = str(ErrorType.Value(
                metadata = ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_PYTHON

            return self._serialize_to_msgpack(metadata, value)
Пример #8
    def _serialize_to_msgpack(self, value):
        # Only RayTaskError is possible to be serialized here. We don't
        # need to deal with other exception types here.
        contained_object_refs = []

        if isinstance(value, RayTaskError):
            metadata = str(
            value = value.to_bytes()
        elif isinstance(value, ray.actor.ActorHandle):
            # TODO(fyresone): ActorHandle should be serialized via the
            # custom type feature of cross-language.
            serialized, actor_handle_id = value._serialization_helper()
            # Update ref counting for the actor handle
            metadata = ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_ACTOR_HANDLE
            value = serialized
            metadata = ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_CROSS_LANGUAGE

        python_objects = []

        def _python_serializer(o):
            index = len(python_objects)
            return index

        msgpack_data = MessagePackSerializer.dumps(value, _python_serializer)

        if python_objects:
            metadata = ray_constants.OBJECT_METADATA_TYPE_PYTHON
            pickle5_serialized_object = \
                self._serialize_to_pickle5(metadata, python_objects)
            pickle5_serialized_object = None

        return MessagePackSerializedObject(metadata, msgpack_data,