Пример #1
 def mapping(item):
     # Already torch tensor -> make sure it's on right device.
     if torch.is_tensor(item):
         return item if device is None else item.to(device)
     # Special handling of "Repeated" values.
     elif isinstance(item, RepeatedValues):
         return RepeatedValues(
             tree.map_structure(mapping, item.values), item.lengths, item.max_len
     # Numpy arrays.
     if isinstance(item, np.ndarray):
         # Object type (e.g. info dicts in train batch): leave as-is.
         if item.dtype == object:
             return item
         # Non-writable numpy-arrays will cause PyTorch warning.
         elif item.flags.writeable is False:
             with warnings.catch_warnings():
                 tensor = torch.from_numpy(item)
         # Already numpy: Wrap as torch tensor.
             tensor = torch.from_numpy(item)
     # Everything else: Convert to numpy, then wrap as torch tensor.
         tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item))
     # Floatify all float64 tensors.
     if tensor.dtype == torch.double:
         tensor = tensor.float()
     return tensor if device is None else tensor.to(device)
Пример #2
 def mapping(item):
     # Already torch tensor -> make sure it's on right device.
     if torch.is_tensor(item):
         return item if device is None else item.to(device)
     # Special handling of "Repeated" values.
     elif isinstance(item, RepeatedValues):
         return RepeatedValues(tree.map_structure(mapping, item.values),
                               item.lengths, item.max_len)
     tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item))
     # Floatify all float64 tensors.
     if tensor.dtype == torch.double:
         tensor = tensor.float()
     return tensor if device is None else tensor.to(device)
Пример #3
def _convert_to_tf(x, dtype=None):
    if isinstance(x, SampleBatch):
        x = {k: v for k, v in x.items() if k != SampleBatch.INFOS}
        return tf.nest.map_structure(_convert_to_tf, x)
    elif isinstance(x, Policy):
        return x
    # Special handling of "Repeated" values.
    elif isinstance(x, RepeatedValues):
        return RepeatedValues(tf.nest.map_structure(_convert_to_tf, x.values),
                              x.lengths, x.max_len)

    if x is not None:
        d = dtype
        x = tf.nest.map_structure(
            lambda f: tf.convert_to_tensor(f, d) if f is not None else None, x)
    return x
Пример #4
def _convert_to_tf(x, dtype=None):
    if isinstance(x, SampleBatch):
        dict_ = {k: v for k, v in x.items() if k != SampleBatch.INFOS}
        return tree.map_structure(_convert_to_tf, dict_)
    elif isinstance(x, Policy):
        return x
    # Special handling of "Repeated" values.
    elif isinstance(x, RepeatedValues):
        return RepeatedValues(tree.map_structure(_convert_to_tf, x.values),
                              x.lengths, x.max_len)

    if x is not None:
        d = dtype
        return tree.map_structure(
            lambda f: _convert_to_tf(f, d)
            if isinstance(f, RepeatedValues) else tf.convert_to_tensor(f, d)
            if f is not None and not tf.is_tensor(f) else f,

    return x
Пример #5
def _unpack_obs(obs: TensorType,
                space: gym.Space,
                tensorlib: Any = tf) -> TensorStructType:
    """Unpack a flattened Dict or Tuple observation array/tensor.

        obs: The flattened observation tensor, with last dimension equal to
            the flat size and any number of batch dimensions. For example, for
            Box(4,), the obs may have shape [B, 4], or [B, N, M, 4] in case
            the Box was nested under two Repeated spaces.
        space: The original space prior to flattening
        tensorlib: The library used to unflatten (reshape) the array/tensor

    if (isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict)
            or isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple)
            or isinstance(space, Repeated)):
        if id(space) in _cache:
            prep = _cache[id(space)]
            prep = get_preprocessor(space)(space)
            # Make an attempt to cache the result, if enough space left.
            if len(_cache) < 999:
                _cache[id(space)] = prep
        if len(obs.shape) < 2 or obs.shape[-1] != prep.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected flattened obs shape of [..., {}], got {}".format(
                    prep.shape[0], obs.shape))
        offset = 0
        if tensorlib == tf:
            batch_dims = [
                v if isinstance(v, int) else v.value for v in obs.shape[:-1]
            batch_dims = [-1 if v is None else v for v in batch_dims]
            batch_dims = list(obs.shape[:-1])
        if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple):
            assert len(prep.preprocessors) == len(space.spaces), \
                (len(prep.preprocessors) == len(space.spaces))
            u = []
            for p, v in zip(prep.preprocessors, space.spaces):
                obs_slice = obs[..., offset:offset + p.size]
                offset += p.size
                                                  batch_dims + list(p.shape)),
        elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict):
            assert len(prep.preprocessors) == len(space.spaces), \
                (len(prep.preprocessors) == len(space.spaces))
            u = OrderedDict()
            for p, (k, v) in zip(prep.preprocessors, space.spaces.items()):
                obs_slice = obs[..., offset:offset + p.size]
                offset += p.size
                u[k] = _unpack_obs(tensorlib.reshape(
                    obs_slice, batch_dims + list(p.shape)),
        elif isinstance(space, Repeated):
            assert isinstance(prep, RepeatedValuesPreprocessor), prep
            child_size = prep.child_preprocessor.size
            # The list lengths are stored in the first slot of the flat obs.
            lengths = obs[..., 0]
            # [B, ..., 1 + max_len * child_sz] -> [B, ..., max_len, child_sz]
            with_repeat_dim = tensorlib.reshape(
                obs[..., 1:], batch_dims + [space.max_len, child_size])
            # Retry the unpack, dropping the List container space.
            u = _unpack_obs(with_repeat_dim,
            return RepeatedValues(u,
            assert False, space
        return u
        return obs