Пример #1
def checkIntersection(point, dir, source):

    reboundPoint = Point(
        w + 1, h + 1)  #Punto considerado como infinito, se va a reemplazar

    free = True

    segWhereRebound = 0

    length = ray.length(dir)

    length2 = ray.length(ray.normalize(dir))

    for seg in segments:  # La idea es en vez de revisar todos los segmentos escoger el más cercano

        if (ray.length(seg[0] - point) <= 350
                and ray.length(seg[1] - point) <= 350):  #Radio de illuminación

            dist = ray.raySegmentIntersect(
                point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])  #Compruebo si hay intersección

            if dist[0] != -1 and dist[0] < length2:  #Hay rebote

                #print("Rebotó en" + str(dist[1].__str__() ) )

                free = False

                #Solo cambiarlo si es el punto intersecado es el más cercano al punto de todos los que han habido

                if ((dist[1].x - point.x) <= reboundPoint.x
                        and (dist[1].y - point.y) <= reboundPoint.y):

                    reboundPoint = dist[1]

                    segWhereRebound = seg

    if free == False:

        return [
            True, reboundPoint, segWhereRebound
        ]  #Choca con un segmento, por ende hay que devolver que sí chocó y en dónde.



        return [False, 0, 0]  #En caso opuesto, el rayo no choca.
Пример #2
def raytrace(luces):
    #Raytraces the scene progessively

    sources = luces
    while True:

        #MONTE CARLO
        start = timeit.default_timer(
        )  #Registra el tiempo cuando se cálcula un píxel
        point = Point(random.uniform(0, w), random.uniform(0, h))

        pixel = 0  #pixel color

        for source in sources:

            #calculates direction to light source

            dir = source - point

            length = ray.length(dir)
            intensity = (1 - (length / h))**2

            if intensity > 0:

                if ray.distanceBetweenPoints(point,
                                             source) <= radioDeIlluminacion:

                    color = PathTraycing(dir, point, 0, source)

                    if color[0] != 0:

                        if color[2] > 0:  #Luz directa sin rebotes

                            values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                            values = values * intensity * light

                        else:  #Luz con rebota

                            colorSegmento = (ref[int(color[1].y)][int(
                            values = colorSegmento * intensity * light

                        pixel += values

                    #average pixel value and assign
                    px[int(point.x)][int(point.y)] = pixel // len(sources)

        stop = timeit.default_timer(
        )  # Registra el tiempo cuando finalizan los cálculos de un píxel.
        print('Time (s): ', (stop - start) *
              1000)  #Imprime el tiempo de cálculo para un píxel
def raytrace():
    #Raytraces the scene progessively

    while True:
        #random point in the image
        point = Point(random.uniform(0, 500), random.uniform(0, 500))
        #pixel color
        pixel = 0

        sources = [Point(10, 10)]

        if (pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]
                and sources[0].x == pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]
                and sources[0].y == pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]):
            mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
            sources = [Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)]

        #point = Point (100, 100)
        for source in sources:

            #calculates direction to light source

            dir = source - point
            #add jitter
            #dir.x += random.uniform(0, 25)
            #dir.y += random.uniform(0, 25)

            #distance between point and light source
            length = ray.length(dir)

            free = True
            for seg in segments:
                #check if ray intersects with segment
                dist = ray.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, seg[0], seg[1])
                #if intersection, or if intersection is closer than light source
                if dist != -1 and dist < length:
                    free = False

            if free:
                intensity = (1 - (length / 500))**2
                #intensity = max(0, min(intensity, 255))
                values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]
                #combine color, light source and light color
                values = values * intensity * light

                #add all light sources
                pixel += values

            #average pixel value and assign
            px[int(point.x)][int(point.y)] = pixel // len(sources)
Пример #4
def checkIntersection(point, dir, source):

    reboundPoint = Point(
        501, 501)  #Punto considerado como infinito, se va a reemplazar

    free = True

    segWhereRebound = 0

    material = 0

    length = ray.length(dir)

    length2 = ray.length(ray.normalize(dir))

    for seg in segments:  # La idea es en vez de revisar todos los segmentos escoger el más cercano

        typeOfSegment = seg[1]

        segmentPoints = seg[0]

        materialType = seg[2]

        if (typeOfSegment == "square"):

            dist = ray.raySegmentIntersect(point, dir, segmentPoints[0],

            if dist[0] != -1 and dist[0] < length2:  #Hay rebote

                #print("Rebotó en" + str(dist[1].__str__() ) )
                free = False

                #Solo cambiarlo si es el punto intersecado es el más cercano al punto de todos los que han habido

                if ((dist[1].x - point.x) <= reboundPoint.x
                        and (dist[1].y - point.y) <= reboundPoint.y):

                    reboundPoint = dist[1]

                    segWhereRebound = segmentPoints

                    material = materialType

        else:  #Es un círculo

            r = segmentPoints[1]

            center = segmentPoints[0]

            if ray.length(center - point) <= 80:

                dist = ray.rayCircleIntersection(point, center, r, source)

                t = ray.length(source - point)

                if dist != -1 and t > length2:

                    if ((dist[0].x - point.x) <= reboundPoint.x
                            and (dist[0].y - point.y) <= reboundPoint.y
                            and len(dist) > 1):

                        free = False

                        reboundPoint = center

                        #print("Punto: ", point, "Luz: ", source)

    if free == False:


        if reboundPoint.x == 96 and reboundPoint.y == 409:

            return [True, reboundPoint]

        reboundPoint = ray.movePoint(segWhereRebound[0], segWhereRebound[1],
                                     dir, reboundPoint)

        return [
            True, reboundPoint, segWhereRebound, material
        ]  #Choca con un segmento, por ende hay que devolver que sí chocó y en dónde.


        return [False, 0, 0]  #En caso opuesto, el rayo no choca.
Пример #5
def raytrace():
    #Raytraces the scene progessively

    while True:

        #MONTE CARLO

        point = Point(random.uniform(0, w), random.uniform(0, h))

        pixel = 0  #pixel color

        for source in sources:

            if point.x > 386:
                px[int(point.x)][int(point.y)] = pixel // len(sources)

            #calculates direction to light source

            if ray.distanceBetweenPoints(point,
                                         source[0]) <= radioDeIlluminacion:

                dir = source[0] - point

                length = ray.length(dir)

                color = PathTraycing(dir, point, 0, source[0])

                if color[0] != 0:

                    if color[2] > 0:  #Luz directa sin rebotes

                        intensity = ((1 - (length / w))**2) * 0.5

                        values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]

                        colorSeg = (ref[int(color[1].y)][int(color[1].x)])[:3]


                        if point.x > 296 and point.x < 306:

                            values = (colorSeg * intensity) * source[1]


                            values = values * intensity * source[1]

                    else:  #Luz sin rebote

                        intensity = ((1 - (length / w))**2)

                        colorSeg = (ref[int(color[1].y)][int(color[1].x)])[:3]

                        #values = (ref[int(point.y)][int(point.x)])[:3]

                        #print(colorSeg, color[1])

                        values = colorSeg * intensity * source[1]

                    pixel += values

                #average pixel value and assign
                px[int(point.x)][int(point.y)] = pixel // len(sources)