DARKGRAY, MAROON, GRAY, ) pyray = PyRay() # Initialization MAX_GESTURE_STRINGS = 20 SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450 pyray.init_window(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'raylib [core] example - input gestures') touch_position = pyray.Vector2(0, 0) touch_area = pyray.Rectangle(220, 10, SCREEN_WIDTH - 230, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 20) gesture_strings = [] current_gesture = pyray.GESTURE_NONE last_gesture = pyray.GESTURE_NONE GESTURE_LABELS = { pyray.GESTURE_TAP: 'GESTURE TAP', pyray.GESTURE_DOUBLETAP: 'GESTURE DOUBLETAP', pyray.GESTURE_HOLD: 'GESTURE HOLD', pyray.GESTURE_DRAG: 'GESTURE DRAG', pyray.GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT: 'GESTURE SWIPE RIGHT', pyray.GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT: 'GESTURE SWIPE LEFT', pyray.GESTURE_SWIPE_UP: 'GESTURE SWIPE UP',
DARKGRAY, MAROON, DARKBLUE, LIME, ) pyray = PyRay() # Initialization SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450 pyray.init_window(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'raylib [core] example - mouse input') ball_position = pyray.Vector2(-100, -100) ball_color = DARKBLUE pyray.set_target_fps(60) # Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second # Main game loop while not pyray.window_should_close(): # Detect window close button or ESC key # Update ball_position = pyray.get_mouse_position() if pyray.is_mouse_button_pressed(pyray.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON): ball_color = MAROON elif pyray.is_mouse_button_pressed(pyray.MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON): ball_color = LIME elif pyray.is_mouse_button_pressed(pyray.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON): ball_color = DARKBLUE
from raylib.pyray import PyRay from raylib.colors import ( RAYWHITE, DARKGRAY, MAROON, ) pyray = PyRay() # Initialization SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 450 pyray.init_window(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'raylib [core] example - keyboard input') ball_position = pyray.Vector2(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) pyray.set_target_fps(60) # Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second # Main game loop while not pyray.window_should_close(): # Detect window close button or ESC key # Update if pyray.is_key_down(pyray.KEY_RIGHT): ball_position.x += 2 if pyray.is_key_down(pyray.KEY_LEFT): ball_position.x -= 2 if pyray.is_key_down(pyray.KEY_UP): ball_position.y -= 2 if pyray.is_key_down(pyray.KEY_DOWN): ball_position.y += 2 # Draw pyray.begin_drawing() pyray.clear_background(RAYWHITE)