class CRL_MultitaskSequenceAgent(nn.Module): def __init__(self, indim, langsize, zsize, hdimp, hdimf, outdim, num_steps, num_actions, layersp, layersf, encoder, decoder, args, relax): super(CRL_MultitaskSequenceAgent, self).__init__() self.indim = indim self.zsize = zsize self.langsize = langsize self.hdimp = hdimp self.hdimf = hdimf self.outdim = outdim self.num_steps = num_steps self.num_actions = num_actions self.nreducers = args.nreducers self.ntranslators = args.ntranslators self.layersp = layersp self.layersf = layersf self.outlength = 1 self.args = args self.relaxed = relax self.initialize_networks(indim, hdimp, hdimf, outdim, num_actions, layersp, layersf, encoder, decoder) self.initialize_memory() self.initialize_optimizers(args) self.initialize_optimizer_schedulers(args) def initialize_networks(self, indim, hdimp, hdimf, outdim, num_actions, layersp, layersf, encoder, decoder): controller_input_dim = indim + self.langsize + self.zsize self.args.bidirectional = True self.encoder = encoder() # Identity self.valuefn = SequenceValueFn(controller_input_dim, hdimp, layersp, self.args) ###################################################### # the number of actions should be 3 reducers + k num_translators + 1 identity + 1 terminate = 3 + k + 1 + 1 self.policy = MultilingualArithmeticPolicy(controller_input_dim, hdimp, layersp, self.num_actions, self.args) ###################################################### self.translators = nn.ModuleList([ PlainTranslator(indim, self.args) for i in xrange(self.ntranslators) ] + [Identity()]) self.reducers = nn.ModuleList([ TransformFixedLength(indim, hdimf, outdim, layersf, self.args) for i in range(self.nreducers) ]) self.actions = nn.ModuleList([self.reducers, self.translators]) ###################################################### self.decoder = decoder() self.computation = nn.ModuleList( [self.encoder, self.actions, self.decoder]) self.model = { 'encoder': self.encoder, 'policy': self.policy, 'valuefn': self.valuefn, 'actions': self.actions, 'decoder': self.decoder, 'computation': self.computation } self.learn_computation = True self.learn_policy = True def initialize_memory(self): self.replay_buffer = Memory(element='simpletransition') self.computation_buffer = Memory(element='inputoutput') def initialize_optimizers(self, args): self.policy_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy.parameters(), lr=args.plr) self.value_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.valuefn.parameters(), lr=args.plr) self.computation_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.computation.parameters(), lr=args.clr) self.optimizer = { 'policy_opt': self.policy_optimizer, 'value_opt': self.value_optimizer, 'computation_opt': self.computation_optimizer } def initialize_optimizer_schedulers(self, args): if self.args.anneal_policy_lr: lr_lambda_policy = lambda epoch: max( 1.0 - (float(epoch) / (args.max_episodes / args.policy_update)), args.lr_mult_min) else: lr_lambda_policy = lambda epoch: 1 self.po_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.policy_optimizer, lr_lambda_policy) self.vo_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.value_optimizer, lr_lambda_policy) if self.args.anneal_comp_lr: lr_lambda_comp = lambda epoch: max( 1.0 - (float(epoch) / (args.max_episodes / args. computation_update)), args.lr_mult_min) else: lr_lambda_comp = lambda epoch: 1 self.co_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.computation_optimizer, lr_lambda_comp) def cuda(self): self.policy.cuda() self.valuefn.cuda() self.computation.cuda() def encode_policy_in(self, state, target_token, z): """ state: (b, t, vocabsize) target_token: (b, langsize) z: (b, zsize) policy_in: (b, t, vocabsize+langsize+zsize) """ b, t, v = state.size() assert target_token.dim() == 2 and z.dim() == 2 target_token = target_token.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, t, 1) z = z.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, t, 1) policy_in =, target_token, z), dim=-1) return policy_in def unpack_state(self, state): state, target_token, z = state if not isinstance(state, Variable): state = Variable(state) target_token = Variable(target_token) z = Variable(z) policy_in_encoder = lambda s: self.encode_policy_in(s, target_token, z) return state, policy_in_encoder def get_substate_boundaries(self, indices, opidx): assert indices.sum() == indices.numel( ) - 2 # indices should be all ones except 0s at the end mutated = torch.squeeze(indices).nonzero().squeeze() if len(mutated.shape) == 0: selected_idx = mutated.item() else: # original selected_idx = torch.squeeze(indices).nonzero().squeeze()[opidx] indices_list = list(torch.squeeze(indices).cpu().numpy()) # find boundaries. You should be guaranteed that there are terms # begin is the index right on where the term right before opidx begins # end is the index right after where the term right after opidx ends # there is only one term before this op if sum(indices_list[:selected_idx]) == 0: begin = 0 # assumes no digit else: begin = selected_idx - 1 # there is only one term after this op if sum(indices_list[selected_idx + 1:]) == 0: end = len(indices_list) else: end = selected_idx + 2 return begin, selected_idx, end def isolate_index(self, state, substate_boundaries): """ state: (b, t, d) indicies: (b, d) opidx: 1 """ assert state.size(0) == 1 begin, selected_idx, end = substate_boundaries substate = state[:, begin: end, :] # Variable FloatTensor (b, subexp_length, indim) return substate def update_state(self, state, substate_boundaries, substate_transformation, args): # todo these are torch.tensors; need to fix # assert isinstance(state, torch.autograd.variable.Variable) # assert isinstance(substate_transformation, torch.autograd.variable.Variable) begin, selected_idx, end = substate_boundaries # NOTE: the substate_transformation is not one hot!!! b = substate_transformation.size(0) d = state.size(-1) substate_transformation = substate_transformation.view(b, -1, d) if begin == 0 and end == state.size(1): transformed_state = substate_transformation elif begin == 0: transformed_state = (substate_transformation, state[:, end:]), dim=1) elif end == state.size(1): transformed_state = (state[:, :begin], substate_transformation), dim=1) else: transformed_state = (state[:, :begin], substate_transformation, state[:, end:]), dim=1) return transformed_state def run_policy(self, state): action, secondary_action, choice_dist_info = self.policy.select_action( Variable(, volatile=True)) action_logprob, secondary_log_prob = self.policy.get_log_prob( Variable(, Variable(action), Variable(secondary_action)) value = self.valuefn(Variable( # (b, 1) return action, secondary_action, action_logprob, secondary_log_prob, value, choice_dist_info def run_functions(self, state, indices, a, opidx, env): substate_boundaries = self.get_substate_boundaries(indices, opidx) substate = self.isolate_index(state, substate_boundaries) substate_transformation_logits, substate_transformation = self.actions[ a](substate) # Variable (b, indim) return substate_transformation_logits, substate_transformation, substate_boundaries def get_meta_selected(self, selected): return [s[0] for s in selected] def get_sub_selected(self, selected): return [ self.get_reducer_and_idx(v[1], i) if v[0] == 1 else v[1] for i, v in enumerate(selected) ] def forward(self, env, state, selected, episode_data): state, policy_in_encoder = self.unpack_state(state) env.add_exp_str( env.get_exp_str(torch.squeeze(, dim=0))) while True: # Can potentially infinite loop. Hopefully the agent realizes it should terminate. policy_in = policy_in_encoder(state) action, secondary_action, action_logprob, secondary_log_prob, value, choice_dist_info = self.run_policy( policy_in) # a, sa = action[0], secondary_action[0] a, sa = action.item(), secondary_action.item() if a == 2: # STOP if state.size(1) > 1: done = False next_state = state else: done = True env.add_exp_str('END') else: if a == 1: # REDUCE r, idx = self.get_reducer_and_idx(sa) indices = self.policy.get_indices(state) if indices.sum() == 0: next_state = state else: next_state, substate_transformation_logits = self.apply_reducer( r, idx, indices, state) elif a == 0: # TRANSLATE assert isinstance(self.translators[-1], Identity) if sa == len(self.translators) - 1: # Identity next_state = state # and substate_transformation_logits remain the same """ it will never be the case that substate_transformation_logits will not be defined when we have Identity and we are expected to output because it will have to keep on going before it will be finally reduced """ # else: next_state, substate_transformation_logits = self.apply_translator( sa, state) else: assert False done = False selected.append((a, sa)) mask = 0 if done else 1 episode_data.append({ 'state':, 'action': (action, secondary_action), 'log_prob': (action_logprob, secondary_log_prob), 'mask': mask, 'value': value, 'choice_dist_info': choice_dist_info }) if done: break else: state = next_state env.add_exp_str( env.get_exp_str(torch.squeeze(, dim=0))) state = substate_transformation_logits return substate_transformation_logits, selected def improve_actions(self, retain_graph=False): batch = self.computation_buffer.sample() loss = list(batch.loss) # loss = loss[0] if len(loss) == 1 else torch.mean( loss = loss[0] if len(loss) == 1 else torch.mean( torch.stack(loss)) # these are all the same if loss.requires_grad: self.computation_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) self.computation_optimizer.step() def apply_reducer(self, r, idx, indices, state): substate_boundaries = self.get_substate_boundaries(indices, idx) substate = self.isolate_index(state, substate_boundaries) substate_transformation_logits, substate_transformation = self.reducers[ r](substate) next_state = self.update_state(state, substate_boundaries, substate_transformation, self.args) if substate_transformation_logits.dim() < 3: substate_transformation_logits = substate_transformation_logits.unsqueeze( 1) return next_state, substate_transformation_logits def apply_translator(self, translator_idx, state): substate_transformation_logits = self.translators[translator_idx]( state) # logits transformation = F.softmax(substate_transformation_logits, dim=-1) return transformation, substate_transformation_logits def get_reducer_and_idx(self, reducer_idx, step=None): num_reducers = len(self.reducers) idx = reducer_idx // num_reducers # the row r = reducer_idx % num_reducers # the column return r, idx def unpack_ppo_batch(self, batch): """ batch.state: tuple of num_episodes of FloatTensor (1, t, state-dim), where t is variable batch.action: tuple of num_episodes of tuples of (LongTensor (1), LongTensor (1)) for (action, index) batch.reward: tuple of num_episodes scalars in {0,1} batch.masks: tuple of num_episodes scalars in {0,1} batch.value: tuple of num_episodes Variable FloatTensor of (1,1) batch.logprob: tuple of num_episodes of tuples of (FloatTensor (1), FloatTensor (1)) for (action_logprob, index_logprob) states is not a variable actions is not a variable: tuple of length (B) of LongTensor (1) secondary_actions is not a variable: tuple of length (B) of LongTensor (1) action_logprobs is not a variable (B) secondary_log_probs is not a variable (B) values is not a variable: (B, 1) rewards is not a variable: FloatTensor (B) masks is not a variable: FloatTensor (B) perm_idx is a tuple group_idx is an array """ lengths = [e.size(1) for e in batch.state] perm_idx, sorted_lengths = u.sort_decr(lengths) group_idx, group_lengths = u.group_by_element(sorted_lengths) states = batch.state # tuple of num_episodes of FloatTensor (1, t, state-dim), where t is variable actions, secondary_actions = zip(*batch.action) action_logprobs, secondary_log_probs = zip(*batch.logprob) action_logprobs = # FloatTensor (B) # todo: was cat not stack/ also had to squeeze secondary_log_probs = torch.stack([ torch.squeeze(s) for s in secondary_log_probs ]).data # FloatTensor (B) values = # FloatTensor (B, 1) rewards = u.cuda_if_needed( torch.from_numpy(np.stack(batch.reward)).float(), self.args) # FloatTensor (b) masks = u.cuda_if_needed( torch.from_numpy(np.stack(batch.mask)).float(), self.args) # FloatTensor (b) return states, actions, secondary_actions, action_logprobs, secondary_log_probs, values, rewards, masks, perm_idx, group_idx def estimate_advantages(self, rewards, masks, values, gamma, tau): """ returns: (B, 1) deltas: (B, 1) advantages: (B, 1) mask: (B) values: (B, 1) """ tensor_type = type(rewards) returns = tensor_type(rewards.size(0), 1) deltas = tensor_type(rewards.size(0), 1) advantages = tensor_type(rewards.size(0), 1) prev_return = 0 prev_value = 0 prev_advantage = 0 for i in reversed(range(rewards.size(0))): returns[i] = rewards[i] + gamma * prev_return * masks[i] deltas[i] = rewards[i] + gamma * prev_value * masks[i] - values[i] advantages[i] = deltas[i] + gamma * tau * prev_advantage * masks[i] prev_return = returns[i, 0] prev_value = values[i, 0] prev_advantage = advantages[i, 0] advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / advantages.std() return advantages, returns def improve_policy_ppo(self): optim_epochs = self.args.ppo_optim_epochs # can anneal this minibatch_size = self.args.ppo_minibatch_size num_value_iters = self.args.ppo_value_iters clip_epsilon = self.args.ppo_clip gamma = self.args.gamma tau = 0.95 l2_reg = 1e-3 batch = self.replay_buffer.sample() all_states, all_actions, all_indices, all_fixed_action_logprobs, all_fixed_index_logprobs, all_values, all_rewards, all_masks, perm_idx, group_idx = self.unpack_ppo_batch( batch) all_advantages, all_returns = self.estimate_advantages( all_rewards, all_masks, all_values, gamma, tau) # (b, 1) (b, 1) # permute everything by length states_p, actions_p, indices_p, returns_p, advantages_p, fixed_action_logprobs_p, fixed_index_logprobs_p = map( lambda x: u.permute(x, perm_idx), [ all_states, all_actions, all_indices, all_returns, all_advantages, all_fixed_action_logprobs, all_fixed_index_logprobs ]) # group everything by length states_g, actions_g, indices_g, returns_g, advantages_g, fixed_action_logprobs_g, fixed_index_logprobs_g = map( lambda x: u.group_by_indices(x, group_idx), [ states_p, actions_p, indices_p, returns_p, advantages_p, fixed_action_logprobs_p, fixed_index_logprobs_p ]) for j in range(optim_epochs): for grp in range(len(group_idx)): states =[grp], dim=0) # FloatTensor (g, grp_length, indim) actions =[grp]) # LongTensor (g) # some of these tensors in the list have length 0 # indices =[grp]) # LongTensor (g) indices = torch.stack( [torch.squeeze(i) for i in indices_g[grp]]) returns =[grp]) # FloatTensor (g) advantages =[grp]) # FloatTensor (g) fixed_action_logprobs = u.cuda_if_needed( torch.FloatTensor(fixed_action_logprobs_g[grp]), self.args) # FloatTensor (g) fixed_index_logprobs = u.cuda_if_needed( torch.FloatTensor(fixed_index_logprobs_g[grp]), self.args) # FloatTensor (g) # these are torch.tensors? todo # for x in [states, actions, indices, returns, advantages, fixed_action_logprobs, fixed_index_logprobs]: # assert not isinstance(x, torch.autograd.variable.Variable) perm = np.random.permutation(range(states.shape[0])) perm = u.cuda_if_needed(torch.LongTensor(perm), self.args) states, actions, indices, returns, advantages, fixed_action_logprobs, fixed_index_logprobs = \ states[perm], actions[perm], indices[perm], returns[perm], advantages[perm], fixed_action_logprobs[perm], fixed_index_logprobs[perm] optim_iter_num = int( np.ceil(states.shape[0] / float(minibatch_size))) for i in range(optim_iter_num): ind = slice(i * minibatch_size, min((i + 1) * minibatch_size, states.shape[0])) states_b, actions_b, indices_b, advantages_b, returns_b, fixed_action_logprobs_b, fixed_index_logprobs_b = \ states[ind], actions[ind], indices[ind], advantages[ind], returns[ind], fixed_action_logprobs[ind], fixed_index_logprobs[ind] self.ppo_step(num_value_iters, states_b, actions_b, indices_b, returns_b, advantages_b, fixed_action_logprobs_b, fixed_index_logprobs_b, 1, self.args.plr, clip_epsilon, l2_reg) def ppo_step(self, num_value_iters, states, actions, indices, returns, advantages, fixed_action_logprobs, fixed_index_logprobs, lr_mult, lr, clip_epsilon, l2_reg): clip_epsilon = clip_epsilon * lr_mult """update critic""" values_target = Variable(u.cuda_if_needed(returns, self.args)) # (mb, 1) for k in range(num_value_iters): values_pred = self.valuefn(Variable(states)) # (mb, 1) value_loss = (values_pred - values_target).pow(2).mean() # weight decay for param in self.valuefn.parameters(): value_loss += param.pow(2).sum() * l2_reg self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() value_loss.backward() self.value_optimizer.step() """update policy""" advantages_var = Variable(u.cuda_if_needed(advantages, self.args)).view(-1) # (mb) ######################################## perm_idx, sorted_actions = u.sort_decr(actions) inverse_perm_idx = u.invert_permutation(perm_idx) group_idx, group_actions = u.group_by_element(sorted_actions) # permute everything by action type states_ap, actions_ap, indices_ap = map( lambda x: u.permute(x, perm_idx), [states, actions, indices]) # group everything by action type states_ag, actions_ag, indices_ag = map( lambda x: u.group_by_indices(x, group_idx), [states_ap, actions_ap, indices_ap]) action_logprobs, index_logprobs = [], [] for grp in xrange(len(group_idx)): states_grp = torch.stack(states_ag[grp]) # (g, grp_length, indim) actions_grp = torch.LongTensor(np.stack(actions_ag[grp])) # (g) indices_grp = torch.LongTensor(np.stack(indices_ag[grp])) # (g) actions_grp = u.cuda_if_needed(actions_grp, self.args) indices_grp = u.cuda_if_needed(indices_grp, self.args) alp, ilp = self.policy.get_log_prob(Variable(states_grp), Variable(actions_grp), Variable(indices_grp)) action_logprobs.append(alp) index_logprobs.append(ilp) # action_logprobs = action_logprobs = [ torch.unsqueeze(a, dim=0) if len(a.shape) == 0 else a for a in action_logprobs ] action_logprobs = index_logprobs = # unpermute inverse_perm_idx = u.cuda_if_needed(torch.LongTensor(inverse_perm_idx), self.args) action_logprobs = action_logprobs[inverse_perm_idx] index_logprobs = index_logprobs[inverse_perm_idx] ######################################## ratio = torch.exp(action_logprobs + index_logprobs - Variable(fixed_action_logprobs) - Variable(fixed_index_logprobs)) surr1 = ratio * advantages_var # (mb) surr2 = torch.clamp(ratio, 1.0 - clip_epsilon, 1.0 + clip_epsilon) * advantages_var # (mb) policy_surr = -torch.min(surr1, surr2).mean() self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() policy_surr.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.policy.parameters(), 40) self.policy_optimizer.step()
def initialize_memory(self): self.replay_buffer = Memory(element='simpletransition') self.computation_buffer = Memory(element='inputoutput')
class BaseAgent(nn.Module): def __init__(self, indim, hdim, outdim, num_steps, num_actions, encoder, decoder, args): super(BaseAgent, self).__init__() self.indim = indim self.hdim = hdim self.outdim = outdim self.num_steps = num_steps self.num_actions = num_actions self.args = args self.initialize_networks(indim, hdim, outdim, num_actions, encoder, decoder) self.initialize_memory() self.initialize_optimizers(args) self.initialize_optimizer_schedulers(args) self.initialize_rl_alg(args) def initialize_networks(self, indim, hdim, outdim, num_actions, encoder, decoder): raise NotImplementedError def initialize_memory(self): self.replay_buffer = Memory(element='simpletransition') self.computation_buffer = Memory(element='inputoutput') def initialize_optimizers(self, args): self.policy_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.policy.parameters(), lr=args.plr) self.value_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.valuefn.parameters(), lr=args.plr) if self.has_computation: self.computation_optimizer = optim.Adam( self.computation.parameters(), lr=args.clr) self.optimizer = { 'policy_opt': self.policy_optimizer, 'value_opt': self.value_optimizer, 'computation_opt': self.computation_optimizer } else: self.optimizer = { 'policy_opt': self.policy_optimizer, 'value_opt': self.value_optimizer } def initialize_rl_alg(self, args): hyperparams = { 'optim_epochs': self.args.ppo_optim_epochs, 'minibatch_size': self.args.ppo_minibatch_size, 'gamma': self.args.gamma, 'value_iters': self.args.ppo_value_iters, 'clip_epsilon': self.args.ppo_clip, 'entropy_coeff': self.args.entropy_coeff, } self.rl_alg = PPO(policy=self.policy, policy_optimizer=self.policy_optimizer, valuefn=self.valuefn, value_optimizer=self.value_optimizer, replay_buffer=self.replay_buffer, **hyperparams) def initialize_optimizer_schedulers(self, args): if not self.args.anneal_policy_lr: assert self.args.anneal_policy_lr_gamma == 1 self.po_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR( self.policy_optimizer, step_size=args.anneal_policy_lr_step, gamma=args.anneal_policy_lr_gamma, last_epoch=-1) self.vo_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR( self.value_optimizer, step_size=args.anneal_policy_lr_step, gamma=args.anneal_policy_lr_gamma, last_epoch=-1) if self.has_computation: if not self.args.anneal_comp_lr: assert self.args.anneal_comp_lr_gamma == 1 self.co_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR( self.computation_optimizer, step_size=args.anneal_comp_lr_step, gamma=args.anneal_comp_lr_gamma, last_epoch=-1) def cuda(self): self.policy.cuda() self.valuefn.cuda() self.computation.cuda() def forward(self, x): raise NotImplementedError def compute_returns(self, rewards): returns = [] prev_return = 0 for r in rewards[::-1]: prev_return = r + self.args.gamma * prev_return returns.insert(0, prev_return) return returns def improve_actions(self, retain_graph=False): batch = self.computation_buffer.sample() loss = list(batch.loss) # these are all the same loss = loss[0] if len(loss) == 1 else torch.mean( # these are all the same if loss.requires_grad: self.computation_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) self.computation_optimizer.step() def improve_policy_ac(self, retain_graph=False): batch = self.replay_buffer.sample() b_lp = batch.logprob # tuple length num_steps of Variable (b) b_rew = list(batch.reward) # tuple length num_steps b_v = batch.value # tuple length num_steps of Variable (b) b_ret = self.compute_returns(b_rew) ac_step(b_lp, b_v, b_ret, self.policy_optimizer, self.value_optimizer, self.args, retain_graph) def improve_policy_ppo(self): self.rl_alg.improve(args=self.args)