Пример #1
 def test_distance(self):
     """Verify that distance is 0 iff two points are the same."""
     self.assertEqual(ru.distance(np.array([i*5 for i in range(15)]),
                                  np.array([i*5 for i in range(15)])), 0.0,
                      msg='Distance is not zero at equal points')
     self.assertNotEqual(ru.distance(np.array([i*5 for i in range(15)]),
                                     np.array([i*5 + 0.001 for i in range(15)])),
                         0.0, msg='Distance is nonzero at diff points')
     self.assertNotEqual(ru.distance(np.array([-i*5 for i in range(15)]),
                                     np.array([-i*5 + 0.001 for i in range(15)])),
                         0.0, msg='Distance is nonzero at diff points')
Пример #2
 def test_distance(self):
     """Verify that distance is 0 iff two points are the same."""
     self.assertEqual(ru.distance(np.array([i * 5 for i in range(15)]),
                                  np.array([i * 5 for i in range(15)])),
                      msg='Distance is not zero at equal points')
         np.array([i * 5 for i in range(15)]),
         np.array([i * 5 + 0.001 for i in range(15)])),
                         msg='Distance is nonzero at diff points')
         np.array([-i * 5 for i in range(15)]),
         np.array([-i * 5 + 0.001 for i in range(15)])),
                         msg='Distance is nonzero at diff points')
Пример #3
def get_integer_candidate(settings, n, k, h, start_point, tr_radius, 
                          candidate, integer_vars):
    """Get integer candidate point from a fractional point.

    Look for integer points around the given fractional point, trying
    to find one with a good value of the quadratic model.

    settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`.
        Global and algorithmic settings.

    n : int
        Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space.

    k : int
        Number of interpolation nodes.

    h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Linear coefficients of the model.

    start_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Starting point for the descent.

    tr_radius : float
        Radius of the trust region.

    candidate : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Fractional point to being the search.

    integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int]
        Indices of the integer variables.

    (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float)
        Next candidate point for the search, and the corresponding
        change in model value compared to the given point.
    assert(isinstance(candidate, np.ndarray))
    assert(len(candidate) == n)
    assert(isinstance(h, np.ndarray))
    assert(len(h) == n)
    assert(isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray))
    assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings))
    # Compute the rounding down and up
    floor = np.floor(candidate[integer_vars])
    ceil = np.ceil(candidate[integer_vars])
    curr_point = np.copy(candidate)
    curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(h[integer_vars] >= 0, ceil, floor)
    best_value = np.dot(h, curr_point)
    best_point = np.copy(curr_point)
    for i in range(n * settings.tr_num_integer_candidates):
        # We round each integer variable up or down depending on its
        # fractional value and a uniform random number
        curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(
            np.random.uniform(size=len(integer_vars)) < 
            candidate[integer_vars] - floor, ceil, floor)
        curr_value = np.dot(h, curr_point) 
        if (ru.distance(curr_point, start_point) <= tr_radius and 
            curr_value < best_value):
            best_value = curr_value
            best_point = np.copy(curr_point)
    return (best_point, np.dot(h, candidate) - best_value)
Пример #4
def get_integer_candidate(settings, n, k, h, start_point, tr_radius, candidate,
    """Get integer candidate point from a fractional point.

    Look for integer points around the given fractional point, trying
    to find one with a good value of the quadratic model.

    settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`.
        Global and algorithmic settings.

    n : int
        Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space.

    k : int
        Number of interpolation nodes.

    h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Linear coefficients of the model.

    start_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Starting point for the descent.

    tr_radius : float
        Radius of the trust region.

    candidate : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Fractional point to being the search.

    integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int]
        Indices of the integer variables.

    (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float)
        Next candidate point for the search, and the corresponding
        change in model value compared to the given point.
    assert (isinstance(candidate, np.ndarray))
    assert (len(candidate) == n)
    assert (isinstance(h, np.ndarray))
    assert (len(h) == n)
    assert (isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray))
    assert (isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings))
    # Compute the rounding down and up
    floor = np.floor(candidate[integer_vars])
    ceil = np.ceil(candidate[integer_vars])
    curr_point = np.copy(candidate)
    curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(h[integer_vars] >= 0, ceil, floor)
    best_value = np.dot(h, curr_point)
    best_point = np.copy(curr_point)
    for i in range(n * settings.tr_num_integer_candidates):
        # We round each integer variable up or down depending on its
        # fractional value and a uniform random number
        curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(
            np.random.uniform(size=len(integer_vars)) <
            candidate[integer_vars] - floor, ceil, floor)
        curr_value = np.dot(h, curr_point)
        if (ru.distance(curr_point, start_point) <= tr_radius
                and curr_value < best_value):
            best_value = curr_value
            best_point = np.copy(curr_point)
    return (best_point, np.dot(h, candidate) - best_value)
Пример #5
def get_integer_candidate(settings, n, k, h, start_point, ref_radius,
                          candidate, integer_vars, categorical_info):
    """Get integer candidate point from a fractional point.

    Look for integer points around the given fractional point, trying
    to find one with a good value of the linear model.

    settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`.
        Global and algorithmic settings.

    n : int
        Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space.

    k : int
        Number of interpolation nodes.

    h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Linear coefficients of the model.

    start_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Starting point for the descent.

    ref_radius : float
        Radius of the local search.

    candidate : 1D numpy.ndarray[float]
        Fractional point to being the search.

    integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int]
        Indices of the integer variables.

    categorical_info : (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int],
                        List[(int, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]) or None
        Information on categorical variables: array of indices of
        categorical variables in original space, array of indices of
        noncategorical variables in original space, and expansion of
        each categorical variable, given as a tuple (original index,
        indices of expanded variables).

    (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float)
        Next candidate point for the search, and the corresponding
        change in model value compared to the given point.
    assert (isinstance(candidate, np.ndarray))
    assert (len(candidate) == n)
    assert (isinstance(h, np.ndarray))
    assert (len(h) == n)
    assert (isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray))
    assert (isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings))
    # If there are categorical variables, they have to be dealt with
    # separately. Exclude them from the set of integer vars.
    if (categorical_info is not None and categorical_info[2]):
        categorical, not_categorical, expansion = categorical_info
        integer_vars = np.array(
            [i for i in integer_vars if i < len(not_categorical)],
    # Compute the rounding down and up
    floor = np.floor(candidate[integer_vars])
    ceil = np.ceil(candidate[integer_vars])
    curr_point = np.copy(candidate)
    curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(h[integer_vars] >= 0, ceil, floor)
    if (categorical_info is not None and categorical_info[2]):
        # Round in-place
        round_categorical(curr_point, categorical, not_categorical, expansion)
    best_value = np.dot(h, curr_point)
    best_point = np.copy(curr_point)
    for i in range(n * settings.ref_num_integer_candidates):
        # We round each integer variable up or down depending on its
        # fractional value and a uniform random number
        curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(
            np.random.uniform(size=len(integer_vars)) <
            candidate[integer_vars] - floor, ceil, floor)
        if (categorical_info is not None and categorical_info[2]):
            curr_point[len(not_categorical):] = candidate[len(not_categorical
            # Round in-place
            round_categorical(curr_point, categorical, not_categorical,
        curr_value = np.dot(h, curr_point)
        if (ru.distance(curr_point, start_point) <= ref_radius
                and curr_value < best_value):
            best_value = curr_value
            best_point = np.copy(curr_point)
    return (best_point, np.dot(h, candidate) - best_value)