def undo_handler(self, data: ASDict) -> ASDict: """ Common entry of Undo Activities. returns the proccessed Activity to save in database. data -- the incoming Activity dict. """ obj_id = helpers.get_id(data["object"]) obj_data = None try: aso = ASObject.objects.get(data__id=obj_id) obj_data = except ASObject.DoesNotExist: obj_data = ASActivity.objects.get(data__id=obj_id).data if obj_data["type"] == "Follow": follower = Account.objects.get( ap_id=helpers.get_id(obj_data["actor"])) followee = Account.objects.get( ap_id=helpers.get_id(obj_data["object"])) print("%s unfollows %s" % (follower, followee)) follower.following.remove(followee) elif obj_data["type"] == "Like": like_asa = ASActivity.objects.get(data__id=obj_id)["rbqInternal"] ="rbqInternal", {})["rbqInternal"]["status"] = "canceled" return data
def accept_handler(self, data: ASDict) -> None: """ Common entry of Accept Activities. Don't save Accept Activities to the database. returns the proccessed Activity to save in database. data -- the incoming Activity dict. """ followee = account_component.get_or_fetch_user( helpers.get_id(data["actor"])) follow_request = ASActivity.objects.get(helpers.get_id(data["object"])) follower = account_component.local_follow_user(follower, followee) follow_request.delete()
def send_activity(data: ASDict, recipients: Iterable[str], task_name: str = "send_activity"): """ Save a new Activity to database and POST it to recipients' inboxes. data -- the ActivityStreams Activity dict. recipients -- a list of ActivityPub IDs pointed to recipient Actors. task_name -- the name of task in queue to send the activity. """ actor = Account.objects.get(ap_id=helpers.get_id(data["actor"])) recipient_actors = list(Account.objects.filter(ap_id__in=recipients).all()) recipient_actors += Account.objects.filter( followers_uri__in=recipients).all() ap_ids = list(set((actor.inbox_uri for actor in recipient_actors))) inboxes = set((actor.inbox_uri for actor in recipient_actors)) asa = ASActivity(data=data, actor=actor, recipients=ap_ids) if "id" not in data.keys():["id"] = "https://%s/actvities/%d" % (actor.domain, data = for inbox in inboxes: if urlparse(inbox).hostname not in settings.RBQ_LOCAL_DOMAINS + [ "" ]: async_task(, inbox, account=actor, json=filter_asobject_for_output(data), q_options={"task_name": task_name})
def like_or_announce_handler(_self: object, data: ASDict) -> ASDict: "Handle Like or Announce Activities." try: obj_id = helpers.get_id(data["object"]) asobject = asobject_component.get_asobject({"id": obj_id}) data["rbqInternal"] = data.get("rbqInternal", {}) data["rbqInternal"]["status"] = "normal" except (KeyError, ASObject.DoesNotExist): raise ObjectNotFoundException(data) return data
def get_recipients(data: dict) -> List[str]: """ Returns recipients of an Activity. dict -- the Activity dict. """ to = data.get("to", []) cc = data.get("cc", []) bcc = data.get("bcc", []) actor = data.get("actor", None) try: aso = ASObject.objects.get(data__id=helpers.get_id(data["object"])) return list( set(to + cc + bcc + [actor] + get_recipients( - set([None])) except (KeyError, ASObject.DoesNotExist): return list(set(to + cc + bcc + [actor]) - set([None]))
def normalize_object(self, data: ASDict) -> ASDict: """ Check if "object" value in an activity is wrong and fix it. returns Fixed Activity dict. data -- ActivityStreams Activity dict. """ try: if not is_domain_equal(helpers.get_id(data["object"]), data["id"]): raise DomainNotMatchException(data) if isinstance(data["object"], dict): self.asobject = asobject_component.save_asobject( data["object"]) data["object"] = data["object"]["id"] elif isinstance(data["object"], str): self.asobject = asobject_component.get_asobject( {"id": data["object"]}) else: raise ObjectNotFoundException(data) except DomainNotMatchException: raise DomainNotMatchException(data) except KeyError: raise InvalidFormException(data) return data