Пример #1
def processPkgPath(paths):
    """ Utility function to process the attribute ROOT_PKG_DIR from settings.
        @param paths:       List of attribute ROOT_PKG_DIR from settings.py
        @type  paths:       [(str, str/None)]
        @return:            Processed list; each element of ROOT_PKG_DIR will
                            be transformed into a tuple of source path and
                            destination path which can than be used to
                            extend the fstab file for the container creation.
        @rtype:             [(str, str)]
        @raise:             ValueError
    pkgDir = []
    usedNames = set()
    for path, name in paths:
        checkPath(path, 'ROS Package')
        if not name:
            name = os.path.basename(path)
        if not isLegalName(name):
            raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a legal name.".format(name))
        if name in usedNames:
            raise ValueError("Package name '{0}' is not "
        # TODO: Contains container specific configuration: 'opt/rce/packages'
        pkgDir.append((path, os.path.join('opt/rce/packages', name)))
    return pkgDir
Пример #2
 def addInterface(self, iTag, iType, clsName, addr):
     """ Add an interface to the ROS environment inside the container.
         @param iTag:        Tag which is used to identify the interface in
                             subsequent requests.
         @type  iTag:        str
         @param iType:       Type of the interface. The type has to be of
                             the form:
                             whit valid prefixes:
                                 ServiceClient, ServiceProvider,
                                 Publisher, Subscriber
         @type  iType:       str
         @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                             package and the name of the message/service,
                             i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
         @type  clsName:     str
         @param addr:        ROS name/address which the interface should
         @type  addr:        str
     if not isLegalName(iTag):
         raise InvalidRequest('Interface tag is not a valid.')
     if iTag in self._interfaces:
         raise InvalidRequest("Can not use the same interface tag '{0}' "
                              'in the same container twice.'.format(iTag))
         iType = Types.encode(iType)
     except TypeError:
         raise InvalidRequest('Interface type is invalid (Unknown prefix).')
     interface = self._obj.createInterface(iType, clsName, addr)
     interface = Interface(interface, iType, clsName)
     self._interfaces[iTag] = interface
Пример #3
 def addInterface(self, iTag, iType, clsName):
     """ Add an interface to the Robot object.
         @param iTag:        Tag which is used to identify the interface in
                             subsequent requests.
         @type  iTag:        str
         @param iType:       Type of the interface. The type consists of a
                             prefix and a suffix.
                              - Valid prefixes are:
                                  ServiceClient, ServiceProvider,
                                  Publisher, Subscriber
                              - Valid suffixes are:
                                  Converter, Forwarder
         @type  iType:       str
         @param clsName:     Message type/Service type consisting of the
                             package and the name of the message/service,
                             i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'.
         @type  clsName:     str
     if not isLegalName(iTag):
         raise InvalidRequest('Interface tag is not a valid.')
     if iTag in self._interfaces:
         raise InvalidRequest("Can not use the same interface tag '{0}' "
                              'in the same robot twice.'.format(iTag))
     modifier = 4 if iType.endswith('Forwarder') else 0
         iType = Types.encode(iType)
     except TypeError:
         raise InvalidRequest('Interface type is invalid (Unknown prefix).')
     interface = self._obj.createInterface(iType+modifier, clsName, iTag)
     interface = Interface(interface, iType, clsName)
     self._interfaces[iTag] = interface
Пример #4
 def remote_createContainer(self, tag):
     """ Create a new Container object.
         @param tag:         Tag which is used to identify the container
                             in subsequent requests.
         @type  tag:         str
     if not isLegalName(tag):
         raise InvalidRequest('Container tag is not a valid.')
     if tag in self._containers or tag in self._robots:
         raise InvalidRequest('Tag is already used for a container '
                              'or robot.')
     namespace, remote_container = self._realm.createContainer()
     container = Container(namespace, remote_container)
     self._containers[tag] = container
     m = 'Container {0} successfully created.'.format(tag)
     d = DeferredList([namespace(), remote_container()],
                      fireOnOneErrback=True, consumeErrors=True)
     return d.addCallback(lambda _: m)
Пример #5
    def addNode(self, nTag, pkg, exe, args, name, namespace):
        """ Add a node to the ROS environment inside the container.
            @param nTag:        Tag which is used to identify the node in
                                subsequent requests.
            @type  nTag:        str

            @param pkg:         Name of ROS package where the node can be
            @type  pkg:         str

            @param exe:         Name of executable (node) which should be
            @type  exe:         str
            @param args:        Additional arguments which should be used for
                                the launch.
            @type  args:        str
            @param name:        Name of the node under which the node should be
            @type  name:        str
            @param namespace:   Namespace in which the node should be started
                                in the environment.
            @type  namespace:   str
        if not isLegalName(nTag):
            raise InvalidRequest('Node tag is not a valid.')
        if nTag in self._nodes:
            raise InvalidRequest("Can not use the same node tag '{0}' in the "
                                 'same container twice.'.format(nTag))
        node = self._obj.createNode(pkg, exe, args, name, namespace)
        self._nodes[nTag] = node
Пример #6
 def createRobot(self, robotID):
     """ Create a new Robot object.
         @param robotID:     The robot ID associated with the new Robot
                             object which should be created.
         @type  robotID:     str
         @return:            The authentication key and address which are
                             used for the websocket connection.
         @rtype:             twisted::Deferred
     if not isLegalName(robotID):
         raise InvalidRequest('Robot ID is not a valid.')
     if (robotID in self._robots or robotID in self._containers):
         raise InvalidRequest('ID is already used for a container '
                              'or robot.')
     uid = uuid4().hex
     robot = self._realm.createRobot(self, robotID, uid)
     robot = Robot(robot, uid)
     self._robots[robotID] = robot
     return robot.getConnectInfo()