Пример #1
 def _getQoSProfile(self):
     profile = QoSProfile(depth=10)
     profile.reliability = QoSReliabilityPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_BEST_EFFORT
     profile.durability = QoSDurabilityPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_VOLATILE
     profile.liveliness = QoSLivelinessPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_LIVELINESS_AUTOMATIC
     profile.deadline = Duration()
     profile.lifespan = Duration()
     return profile
Пример #2
 def _getQoSProfile(self):
     profile = QoSProfile(
     profile.reliability = QoSReliabilityPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_RELIABLE
     profile.durability = QoSDurabilityPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_TRANSIENT_LOCAL
     profile.liveliness = QoSLivelinessPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_LIVELINESS_AUTOMATIC
     profile.deadline = Duration()
     profile.lifespan = Duration()
     return profile
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
        """ Register a publisher on the specified topic.

        Keyword arguments:
        topic    -- the name of the topic to register the publisher to
        node_handle -- Handle to a rclpy node to create the publisher.
        msg_type -- (optional) the type to register the publisher as.  If not
        provided, an attempt will be made to infer the topic type
        latch    -- (optional) if a client requested this publisher to be latched,
                    provide the client_id of that client here

        TopicNotEstablishedException -- if no msg_type was specified by the
        caller and the topic is not yet established, so a topic type cannot
        be inferred
        TypeConflictException        -- if the msg_type was specified by the
        caller and the topic is established, and the established type is
        different to the user-specified msg_type

        # First check to see if the topic is already established
        topics_names_and_types = dict(node_handle.get_topic_names_and_types())
        topic_type = topics_names_and_types.get(topic)

        # If it's not established and no type was specified, exception
        if msg_type is None and topic_type is None:
            raise TopicNotEstablishedException(topic)

        # topic_type is a list of types or None at this point; only one type is supported.
        if topic_type is not None:
            if len(topic_type) > 1:
                    'More than one topic type detected: {}'.format(topic_type))
            topic_type = topic_type[0]

        # Use the established topic type if none was specified
        if msg_type is None:
            msg_type = topic_type

        # Load the message class, propagating any exceptions from bad msg types
        msg_class = ros_loader.get_message_class(msg_type)

        # Make sure the specified msg type and established msg type are same
        msg_type_string = msg_class_type_repr(msg_class)
        if topic_type is not None and topic_type != msg_type_string:
            raise TypeConflictException(topic, topic_type, msg_type_string)

        # Create the publisher and associated member variables
        self.clients = {}
        self.latched_client_id = latched_client_id
        self.topic = topic
        self.node_handle = node_handle
        self.msg_class = msg_class
        # Adding a lifespan solves the problem of late-joining subscribers
        # without the need of a custom message publisher implementation.
        publisher_qos = QoSProfile(depth=queue_size,

        # For latched clients, no lifespan has to be specified (i.e. latch forever).
        # Otherwise we want to keep the messages for a second to prevent late-joining subscribers from
        # missing messages.
        if latched_client_id is None:
            publisher_qos.lifespan = Duration(seconds=1)
            publisher_qos.depth = 1

        self.publisher = node_handle.create_publisher(
            msg_class, topic, qos_profile=publisher_qos)