def save_harvest(cls, filename: str, content: Any): """Save the content into the filename if the file format is supported. Args: filename (str): [Filename. I.e myfile.json] content (Any): [The content to be saved.] """ try: cls._validate_format(filename) except NotSupportedFileFormat as ex: return formater( ex, AlertTagMessage.ERROR, ) save_file_data( content, filename, cls.FILE_TYPE, ) return formater( f"File successfully saved to {os.getcwd()}/{filename}", AlertTagMessage.DONE, )
def get_record(_id: str) -> dict: """In charge of get the specific ID passed from the context and return the payload related to it in the history json-file. Args: id ([str]): [description] Returns: [tuple[dict|str]]: [ return a dict if the record was found or a string if not ] """ try: _history = load_file_data(CACHE_FILE_PATH) except FileNotFoundError: return formater( f"ID '{_id}' has not been found. Did you delete the history?", AlertTagMessage.ERROR, ) for record in _history: if str(_id) == str(record["id"]): return record return formater(f"No matches found with the ID '{_id}'.", AlertTagMessage.ERROR)
def clear(): """Clean history.""" try: os.remove(CACHE_FILE_PATH) except FileNotFoundError: return formater( "Nothing to delete.", AlertTagMessage.INFO, ) formater("Cleaned succesfully.", AlertTagMessage.DONE)
def version(): """ Show the project version. """ version = pkg_resources.require("rdap-cli")[0].version return formater(f"Rdap CLI version: {version}", AlertTagMessage.INFO)
def download(filename): """Download the history into a file.""" try: _history = load_file_data(CACHE_FILE_PATH) except FileNotFoundError: return formater("Nothing to download.", AlertTagMessage.INFO) Save().save_harvest(filename, _history)
def generate_table(): """Just as the function says, generate a table based on the get_headers and get_content functions. Returns: [type]: [return a table] """ try: history = load_file_data(CACHE_FILE_PATH) except FileNotFoundError: return formater("No records available yet. Make a query first.", AlertTagMessage.INFO) headers = get_headers(history) content = get_content(history) return click.echo( tabulate(content, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid", stralign="center"))
def gather(domain: str, filename: str) -> None: """Gather the domain information and prints in the shell. Give a valid domain name. In example: '', '', etc. """ try: domain_validator(domain) except (DomainWithSubdomain, DomainWithHttp, DomainValidationError) as ex: return formater(ex, AlertTagMessage.ERROR) schema = RdapApi(domain).query() if filename: return Save().save_harvest(filename, schema) message = format_domain_output(schema) click.echo(message)
def check(domain) -> None: """Check if the domain is available or not.""" try: domain_validator(domain) except ( DomainWithSubdomain, DomainWithHttp, DomainValidationError, ) as ex: return formater(ex, AlertTagMessage.ERROR) schema = RdapApi(domain).query() is_available = get_availability(schema) message = f""" Domain: {, MessageColors.WHITE, bold=True)} Status: {is_available} Rdap Host: {form_hostname(schema.get("query_host", UNDEFINED_DATA))} Query host: {schema.get("query_host", UNDEFINED_DATA)} """ click.echo(message)