Пример #1
class RDFTestCase():
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.store = Graph(store=self.backend)
        self.store.bind("dc", "http://http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
        self.store.bind("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
        return self.store

    def tearDown(self):
        print self.store.serialize()

    def addDonna(self):
        self.donna = donna = BNode()
        print 'Identificador:', donna.n3()
        self.store.add((donna, RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
        self.store.add((donna, FOAF["nick"], Literal("donna")))
        self.store.add((donna, FOAF["name"], Literal("Donna Fales")))
        return self.store

    def testRDFXML(self):
        g = Graph()
        #self.assertEquals(self.store.isomorphic(g), True)
        print g.serialize()
Пример #2
class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = Graph(store=self.backend)

    def tearDown(self):

    def testNoPathWithHash(self):
        g = self.graph
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://example.org#">


        subject = URIRef("http://example.org#")
        label = g.value(subject, RDFS.label)
        self.assertEquals(label, Literal("testing"))
        type = g.value(subject, RDF.type)
        self.assertEquals(type, RDFS.Class)
Пример #3
class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = Graph(store=self.backend)

    def tearDown(self):

    def testNoPathWithHash(self):
        g = self.graph
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://example.org#">

"""), publicID="http://example.org")

        subject = URIRef("http://example.org#")
        label = g.value(subject, RDFS.label)
        self.assertEquals(label, Literal("testing"))
        type = g.value(subject, RDF.type)
        self.assertEquals(type, RDFS.Class)
Пример #4
class TypeCheckCase(unittest.TestCase):
    unstable = True  # TODO: until we decide if we want to add type checking back to rdflib
    backend = "default"
    path = "store"

    def setUp(self):
        self.store = Graph(backend=self.backend)

    def tearDown(self):

    def testSubjectTypeCheck(self):
        self.assertRaises(SubjectTypeError, self.store.add, (None, foo, foo))

    def testPredicateTypeCheck(self):
        self.assertRaises(PredicateTypeError, self.store.add, (foo, None, foo))

    def testObjectTypeCheck(self):
        self.assertRaises(ObjectTypeError, self.store.add, (foo, foo, None))
Пример #5
class TypeCheckCase(unittest.TestCase):
    unstable = True  # TODO: until we decide if we want to add type checking back to rdflib
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.store = Graph(backend=self.backend)

    def tearDown(self):

    def testSubjectTypeCheck(self):
        self.assertRaises(SubjectTypeError, self.store.add, (None, foo, foo))

    def testPredicateTypeCheck(self):
        self.assertRaises(PredicateTypeError, self.store.add, (foo, None, foo))

    def testObjectTypeCheck(self):
        self.assertRaises(ObjectTypeError, self.store.add, (foo, foo, None))
Пример #6
    class PychinkoTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        backend = 'default'
        def setUp(self):
            self.g = Graph(store=self.backend)
            self.g.parse("test/a.n3", format="n3")

        def tearDown(self):

        def testPychinko(self):
            rules = []
            for s, p, o in self.g.triples((None, LOG.implies, None)):
                lhs = list(patterns(s))
                rhs = list(patterns(o))
                rules.append(terms.Rule(lhs, rhs, (s, p, o)))
            interp = Interpreter(rules)
            f = Graph()
            source = f
            source = self.g
            interp.addFacts(set(facts(source)), initialSet=True)
Пример #7
class GraphTest(unittest.TestCase):
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.store = Graph(store=self.backend)
        self.remove_me = (BNode(), RDFS.label, Literal("remove_me"))

    def tearDown(self):

    def testAdd(self):
        subject = BNode()
        self.store.add((subject, RDFS.label, Literal("foo")))

    def testRemove(self):
        self.store.remove((None, None, None))

    def testTriples(self):
        for s, p, o in self.store:
Пример #8
class RDFTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.store = Graph(store=self.backend)
        self.store.bind("dc", "http://http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
        self.store.bind("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

    def tearDown(self):

    def addDonna(self):
        self.donna = donna = BNode()
        self.store.add((donna, RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
        self.store.add((donna, FOAF["nick"], Literal("donna")))
        self.store.add((donna, FOAF["name"], Literal("Donna Fales")))

    def testRDFXML(self):
        g = Graph()
        self.assertEquals(self.store.isomorphic(g), True)
Пример #9
    class PychinkoTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        backend = 'default'

        def setUp(self):
            self.g = Graph(store=self.backend)
            self.g.parse("test/a.n3", format="n3")

        def tearDown(self):

        def testPychinko(self):
            rules = []
            for s, p, o in self.g.triples((None, LOG.implies, None)):
                lhs = list(patterns(s))
                rhs = list(patterns(o))
                rules.append(terms.Rule(lhs, rhs, (s, p, o)))
            interp = Interpreter(rules)
            f = Graph()
            source = f
            source = self.g
            interp.addFacts(set(facts(source)), initialSet=True)
Пример #10
class GraphTest(unittest.TestCase):
    backend = 'default'
    path = 'store'

    def setUp(self):
        self.store = Graph(store=self.backend)
        self.remove_me = (BNode(), RDFS.label, Literal("remove_me"))

    def tearDown(self):

    def testAdd(self):
        subject = BNode()
        self.store.add((subject, RDFS.label, Literal("foo")))

    def testRemove(self):
        self.store.remove((None, None, None))

    def testTriples(self):
        for s, p, o in self.store:
Пример #11
class GraphTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store_name = 'default'
    path = None
    slowtest = True

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = Graph(store=self.store_name)
        a_tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
        self.path = self.path or a_tmp_dir

        self.michel = URIRef(u'michel')
        self.tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
        self.bob = URIRef(u'bob')
        self.likes = URIRef(u'likes')
        self.hates = URIRef(u'hates')
        self.pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
        self.cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')

    def tearDown(self):

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese

        self.graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        self.graph.add((bob, hates, michel)) # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese

        self.graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        self.graph.remove((bob, hates, michel)) # gasp!

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)

    def testStatementNode(self):
        graph = self.graph

        from rdflib.Statement import Statement
        c = URIRef("http://example.org/foo#c")
        r = URIRef("http://example.org/foo#r")
        s = Statement((self.michel, self.likes, self.pizza), c)
        graph.add((s, RDF.value, r))
        self.assertEquals(r, graph.value(s, RDF.value))
        self.assertEquals(s, graph.value(predicate=RDF.value, object=r))

    def testGraphValue(self):
        from rdflib.Graph import GraphValue

        graph = self.graph

        alice = URIRef("alice")
        bob = URIRef("bob")
        pizza = URIRef("pizza")
        cheese = URIRef("cheese")

        g1 = Graph()
        g1.add((alice, RDF.value, pizza))
        g1.add((bob, RDF.value, cheese))
        g1.add((bob, RDF.value, pizza))

        g2 = Graph()
        g2.add((bob, RDF.value, pizza))
        g2.add((bob, RDF.value, cheese))
        g2.add((alice, RDF.value, pizza))

        gv1 = GraphValue(store=graph.store, graph=g1)
        gv2 = GraphValue(store=graph.store, graph=g2)
        graph.add((gv1, RDF.value, gv2))
        v = graph.value(gv1)
        #print type(v)
        self.assertEquals(gv2, v)
        #print list(gv2)
        #print gv2.identifier
        graph.remove((gv1, RDF.value, gv2))

    def testConnected(self):
        graph = self.graph
        self.assertEquals(True, graph.connected())

        jeroen = URIRef("jeroen")
        unconnected = URIRef("unconnected")


        self.assertEquals(False, graph.connected())
Пример #12
class StoreTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    Test case for testing store performance... probably should be
    something other than a unit test... but for now we'll add it as a
    unit test.
    store = 'default'

    def setUp(self):
        self.gcold = gc.isenabled()
        self.graph = Graph(store=self.store)
        if self.store == "MySQL":
            from test.mysql import configString
            from rdflib.store.MySQL import MySQL
            path = configString
            path = a_tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
        self.graph.open(path, create=True)
        self.input = input = Graph()

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.gcold:
        # TODO: delete a_tmp_dir
        del self.graph

    def testTime(self):
        number = 1
        print self.store
        print "input:",
        for i in itertools.repeat(None, number):
        print "random:",
        for i in itertools.repeat(None, number):
        print "."

    def _testRandom(self):
        number = len(self.input)
        store = self.graph

        def add_random():
            s = random_uri()
            p = random_uri()
            o = random_uri()
            store.add((s, p, o))

        it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
        t0 = time()
        for _i in it:
        t1 = time()
        print "%.3g" % (t1 - t0),

    def _testInput(self):
        number = 1
        store = self.graph

        def add_from_input():
            for t in self.input:

        it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
        t0 = time()
        for _i in it:
        t1 = time()
        print "%.3g" % (t1 - t0),
Пример #13
class GraphManager:
    GraphManager takes a list of RDF and OWL files, merges them, and provides convenience methods for extracting data from the (combined) graph. Note: It contains GOLD specific funtion calls. Also, when the documentation refers to 'object' this should be interpreted by the user as the object node within the graph (subject predicate object) entity relations and not 'object' in the sense of OOP. Also, the term 'subject' should be considered the 'subject' node.
    # todo: implement multiple constructors
    #    def __init__(self, graphs):
    def __init__(self, graphs):
        Constructor takes a list of URLs that point to RDF/OWL files.
        :type graphs: list
        :param graphs: a list RDF/OWL files 
        self.g = Graph()

        if type(graphs) == str:
            for i in range(0, len(graphs)):

        # for testing - todo: load all namespaces from a merged graph in the code below
        self.owl = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#")
        self.rdf = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
        self.biblio = Namespace("http://www.linguistics-ontology.org/bibliography/bibliography.owl#")
        self.goldbib = Namespace("http://www.linguistics-ontology.org/bibliography/gold-bibliography.rdf#")
        self.gold = Namespace("http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/")
        self.rdfs = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")
        self.bibtex = Namespace("http://purl.oclc.org/NET/nknouf/ns/bibtex#")
        self.person = Namespace("http://www.linguistics-ontology.org/bibliography/person.rdf#")

        # get namespaces from graph            
        self.namespaces = []
        namespaces = self.g.namespaces()

    def __del__(self):
        Desconstructor for the Graph object

    def getPredicateObjects(self, subject):
        Return a list of predicate and object tuples for a given subject

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of predicate and object tuples that match the 
        return list(self.g.predicate_objects(subject))

    def getClasses(self):
        Returns all subjects that match rdfs:type predicates and owl:Class objects. Returns a list of type rdflib.Literal.Literal.        

        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of rdflib.URIRef.URIRef objects
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.owl["Class"]))

    def getBibtexPublicationType(self):
        Returns a list of rdflib.Literal.Literal objects

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["about"], self.x["Barnes1984"]))

    def getDescription(self, subject):
        Gets each class' rdfs:comment. Takes a list of subjects. Returns a list of lists of rdflib.Literals, which are of type list, e.g.
        [rdflib.Literal('Verbalizer is the class of category changing units that change nouns into verbs.', language=None, datatype=None)]. Print on an rdflib.Literal prints the URI.

        :param subject: a URI
        :type subject: str
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["comment"]))

    def getDescriptions(self, l):
        Gets each class' rdfs:comment. Takes a list of subjects. Returns a list of lists of rdflib.Literals, which are of type list, e.g.
        [rdflib.Literal('Verbalizer is the class of category changing units that change nouns into verbs.', language=None, datatype=None)]

        :param l: a list of subject nodes
        :type l: list

        :rtype: list
        results = []
        for i in l:
            relations = list(self.g.objects(i, self.rdfs["comment"]))
        return results

    def getCitations(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasCitation"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasCitation"]))

    def getCitationsPages(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasPageInformation"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasPageInformation"]))

    def getCitationsBibtexEntry(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasEntry"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasEntry"]))

    def getCitationsBibtexTitle(self, subject):
        Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasBookTitle). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object. 

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasBookTitle"]))

    def getCitationsBibtexAuthors(self, subject):
        Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasAuthorList). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object. 

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
        :rtype: list
        # return self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))  # double-check this
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    # bibtex:hasYear
    def getCitationsBibtexPublicationYear(self, subject):
        Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasBookTitle). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object. 

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
        :rtype: list
        print list(self.g.objects(self.bibtex["Book"], self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))
    # bibtex:hasPublisher
    def getCitationsBibtexPublisher(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasPublisher"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasPublisher"]))

    # bibtex:hasAddress
    def getCitationsBibtexAddress(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasAddress"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAddress"]))

    # rdfs:comment
    def getCitationsBibtexComment(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs["comment"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["comment"]))

    # biblio:hasEditorList
    def getCitationsBibtexEditors(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasEditorList"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasEditorList"]))

    # bibtex:hasSeries
    def getCitationsBibtexSeries(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasSeries"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasSeries"]))

    # bibtex:hasVolume
    def getCitationsBibtexVolume(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasVolume"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasVolume"]))

    # bibtex:hasJournal
    def getCitationsBibtexJournal(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasJournal"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasJournal"]))

    # <bibtex:Article rdf:about="Barnes1984">
    # <bibtex:InCollection rdf:about="Noonan1994">
    # <bibtex:Book rdf:about="Miller1965">

    def getCitationsBibtexPublicationType(self, object):
        uri = object[0]
        # print "OBJECT:", uri
        ref_split = uri.partition("#")
        ref = ref_split[2]
        print "REF:", ref
        # return list of URIs instead of rdflib.URIRef objects (for now)
        subjects = list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["about"], ref))
        print "SUBJECTS:", subjects
        return subjects

    # test this - doesn't seem to work in the interpreter
    def getLabel(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs["label"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["label"]))

    def getLabels(self, l):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs["label"] predicate

        :type l: list
        :param l: a list of subject (strs) as URIs
        :rtype: list
        results = []
        for i in l:
            relations = list(self.g.objects(i, self.rdfs["label"]))
        return results

    def getSubClasses(self, subject):
        Returns a list of rdflib.URIRef objects that contains the subClassOf relations for the passed in subject.

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["subClassOf"]))

    def getCitaton(self, c):
        objects = list(self.g.objects())

    # doesn't work -- fix this
    def isDefinedBy(self):
        Returns a list of of (rdflib.URIRef, rdflib.URIRef) tuples for (subject, object) defined by the predicate rdfs:isDefinedBy.

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subject_objects(self.rdfs["isDefinedBy"]))


    def printGraph(self):
        Print the graph
        print self.g.serialize()

    def getAuthorList(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type biblio:hasAuthorList

        :param subject: a URI
        :type subject: str
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    def getEditorList(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type biblio:hasEditorList

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasEditorList"]))

    def getSeq(self, subject):
        Returns a sequence of objects that match the subject parameter and rdf:_1

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdf["_1"]))

    def getSeqs(self, bnode):
        Return a list of predicates_object tuples that have a bnode

        :type bnode: str
        :param bnode: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.predicate_objects(bnode))

    def getYear(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasYear

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasYear"]))

    def getTitle(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Title

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasTitle"]))

    def getJournal(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasJournal

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasJournal"]))

    def getVolume(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasVolume

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasVolume"]))

    def getPublisher(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasPublisher

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasPublisher"]))

    def getAddress(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasAddress

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasAddress"]))

    def getChapter(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasChapter

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasChapter"]))

    def getPages(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasPages

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasPages"]))

    def getBookTitle(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasBookTitle

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasBookTitle"]))

    def getArticles(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Article

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["Article"]))

    def getInCollections(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:InCollection

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["InCollection"]))

    def getInProceedings(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:InProceedings

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["InProceedings"]))

    def getBooks(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Book

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["Book"]))

    def getMiscs(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Misc

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["Misc"]))

    def getTechReports(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:TechReport

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["TechReport"]))

    def getPhdTheses(self):       
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:PhDThesis

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["PhdThesis"]))

    def __len__(self):
        Return length of (merged) graph(s).

        :rtype: int
        :return: length of the graph
        return len(self.g)

    def getLength(self):
        Return length of (merged) graph(s).

        :rtype: int
        :return: length of the graph
        return len(self.g)

    def getAuthors(self, subject):
        Return a list of authors that match the subject and biblio:hasAuthorList, e.g.:

        - s: rdf:about="http://www.linguistics-ontology.org/bibliography/gold-bibliography.rdf#Leman1980"
        - p: biblio:hasAuthorList

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    # not yet tested
    def getSubjectObjects(self, predicate):
        Returns a list of (subject, object) tuples for the given predicate. The predicate may be passed as either a uri or as a tuple of (uri_prefix, concept).

        :type predicate: str
        :param predicate: a URI
        :rtype: list

        if type(predicate) == []:
            return list(subject_objects(predicate[0], predicate[1]))
            return list(subject_objects(predicate))
Пример #14
class GraphManager:
    GraphManager takes a list of RDF and OWL files, merges them, and provides convenience methods for extracting data from the (combined) graph. Note: It contains GOLD specific funtion calls. Also, when the documentation refers to 'object' this should be interpreted by the user as the object node within the graph (subject predicate object) entity relations and not 'object' in the sense of OOP. Also, the term 'subject' should be considered the 'subject' node.

    # todo: implement multiple constructors
    #    def __init__(self, graphs):
    def __init__(self, graphs):
        Constructor takes a list of URLs that point to RDF/OWL files.
        :type graphs: list
        :param graphs: a list RDF/OWL files 
        self.g = Graph()

        if type(graphs) == str:
            for i in range(0, len(graphs)):

        # for testing - todo: load all namespaces from a merged graph in the code below
        self.owl = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#")
        self.rdf = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
        self.biblio = Namespace(
        self.goldbib = Namespace(
        self.gold = Namespace("http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/")
        self.rdfs = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")
        self.bibtex = Namespace("http://purl.oclc.org/NET/nknouf/ns/bibtex#")
        self.person = Namespace(

        # get namespaces from graph
        self.namespaces = []
        namespaces = self.g.namespaces()

    def __del__(self):
        Desconstructor for the Graph object

    def getPredicateObjects(self, subject):
        Return a list of predicate and object tuples for a given subject

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of predicate and object tuples that match the 
        return list(self.g.predicate_objects(subject))

    def getClasses(self):
        Returns all subjects that match rdfs:type predicates and owl:Class objects. Returns a list of type rdflib.Literal.Literal.        

        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of rdflib.URIRef.URIRef objects
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.owl["Class"]))

    def getBibtexPublicationType(self):
        Returns a list of rdflib.Literal.Literal objects

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["about"], self.x["Barnes1984"]))

    def getDescription(self, subject):
        Gets each class' rdfs:comment. Takes a list of subjects. Returns a list of lists of rdflib.Literals, which are of type list, e.g.
        [rdflib.Literal('Verbalizer is the class of category changing units that change nouns into verbs.', language=None, datatype=None)]. Print on an rdflib.Literal prints the URI.

        :param subject: a URI
        :type subject: str
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["comment"]))

    def getDescriptions(self, l):
        Gets each class' rdfs:comment. Takes a list of subjects. Returns a list of lists of rdflib.Literals, which are of type list, e.g.
        [rdflib.Literal('Verbalizer is the class of category changing units that change nouns into verbs.', language=None, datatype=None)]

        :param l: a list of subject nodes
        :type l: list

        :rtype: list
        results = []
        for i in l:
            relations = list(self.g.objects(i, self.rdfs["comment"]))
        return results

    def getCitations(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasCitation"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasCitation"]))

    def getCitationsPages(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasPageInformation"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasPageInformation"]))

    def getCitationsBibtexEntry(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasEntry"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasEntry"]))

    def getCitationsBibtexTitle(self, subject):
        Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasBookTitle). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object. 

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasBookTitle"]))

    def getCitationsBibtexAuthors(self, subject):
        Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasAuthorList). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object. 

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
        :rtype: list
        # return self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))  # double-check this
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    # bibtex:hasYear
    def getCitationsBibtexPublicationYear(self, subject):
        Get object matches of a graph given a tuple (subject, biblio:hasBookTitle). The subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object. 

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: subject passed it needs to be a string and not a rdflib.URI object
        :rtype: list
        print list(
            self.g.objects(self.bibtex["Book"], self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    # bibtex:hasPublisher
    def getCitationsBibtexPublisher(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasPublisher"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasPublisher"]))

    # bibtex:hasAddress
    def getCitationsBibtexAddress(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasAddress"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAddress"]))

    # rdfs:comment
    def getCitationsBibtexComment(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs["comment"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["comment"]))

    # biblio:hasEditorList
    def getCitationsBibtexEditors(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasEditorList"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasEditorList"]))

    # bibtex:hasSeries
    def getCitationsBibtexSeries(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasSeries"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasSeries"]))

    # bibtex:hasVolume
    def getCitationsBibtexVolume(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasVolume"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasVolume"]))

    # bibtex:hasJournal
    def getCitationsBibtexJournal(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the biblio["hasJournal"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasJournal"]))

    # <bibtex:Article rdf:about="Barnes1984">
    # <bibtex:InCollection rdf:about="Noonan1994">
    # <bibtex:Book rdf:about="Miller1965">

    def getCitationsBibtexPublicationType(self, object):
        uri = object[0]
        # print "OBJECT:", uri
        ref_split = uri.partition("#")
        ref = ref_split[2]
        print "REF:", ref
        # return list of URIs instead of rdflib.URIRef objects (for now)
        subjects = list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["about"], ref))
        print "SUBJECTS:", subjects
        return subjects

    # test this - doesn't seem to work in the interpreter
    def getLabel(self, subject):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs["label"] predicate

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["label"]))

    def getLabels(self, l):
        Return a list of objects where the subject parameter matches the rdfs["label"] predicate

        :type l: list
        :param l: a list of subject (strs) as URIs
        :rtype: list
        results = []
        for i in l:
            relations = list(self.g.objects(i, self.rdfs["label"]))
        return results

    def getSubClasses(self, subject):
        Returns a list of rdflib.URIRef objects that contains the subClassOf relations for the passed in subject.

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdfs["subClassOf"]))

    def getCitaton(self, c):
        objects = list(self.g.objects())

    # doesn't work -- fix this
    def isDefinedBy(self):
        Returns a list of of (rdflib.URIRef, rdflib.URIRef) tuples for (subject, object) defined by the predicate rdfs:isDefinedBy.

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subject_objects(self.rdfs["isDefinedBy"]))


    def printGraph(self):
        Print the graph
        print self.g.serialize()

    def getAuthorList(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type biblio:hasAuthorList

        :param subject: a URI
        :type subject: str
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    def getEditorList(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type biblio:hasEditorList

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasEditorList"]))

    def getSeq(self, subject):
        Returns a sequence of objects that match the subject parameter and rdf:_1

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.rdf["_1"]))

    def getSeqs(self, bnode):
        Return a list of predicates_object tuples that have a bnode

        :type bnode: str
        :param bnode: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.predicate_objects(bnode))

    def getYear(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasYear

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasYear"]))

    def getTitle(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Title

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasTitle"]))

    def getJournal(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasJournal

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasJournal"]))

    def getVolume(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasVolume

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasVolume"]))

    def getPublisher(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasPublisher

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasPublisher"]))

    def getAddress(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasAddress

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasAddress"]))

    def getChapter(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasChapter

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasChapter"]))

    def getPages(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasPages

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasPages"]))

    def getBookTitle(self, subject):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:hasBookTitle

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.bibtex["hasBookTitle"]))

    def getArticles(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Article

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["Article"]))

    def getInCollections(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:InCollection

        :rtype: list
        return list(
            self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["InCollection"]))

    def getInProceedings(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:InProceedings

        :rtype: list
        return list(
            self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["InProceedings"]))

    def getBooks(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Book

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["Book"]))

    def getMiscs(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:Misc

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["Misc"]))

    def getTechReports(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:TechReport

        :rtype: list
        return list(
            self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"], self.bibtex["TechReport"]))

    def getPhdTheses(self):
        Return a list of subjects that match rdf:type bibtex:PhDThesis

        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.subjects(self.rdf["type"],

    def __len__(self):
        Return length of (merged) graph(s).

        :rtype: int
        :return: length of the graph
        return len(self.g)

    def getLength(self):
        Return length of (merged) graph(s).

        :rtype: int
        :return: length of the graph
        return len(self.g)

    def getAuthors(self, subject):
        Return a list of authors that match the subject and biblio:hasAuthorList, e.g.:

        - s: rdf:about="http://www.linguistics-ontology.org/bibliography/gold-bibliography.rdf#Leman1980"
        - p: biblio:hasAuthorList

        :type subject: str
        :param subject: a URI
        :rtype: list
        return list(self.g.objects(subject, self.biblio["hasAuthorList"]))

    # not yet tested
    def getSubjectObjects(self, predicate):
        Returns a list of (subject, object) tuples for the given predicate. The predicate may be passed as either a uri or as a tuple of (uri_prefix, concept).

        :type predicate: str
        :param predicate: a URI
        :rtype: list

        if type(predicate) == []:
            return list(subject_objects(predicate[0], predicate[1]))
            return list(subject_objects(predicate))
Пример #15
class GraphTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store_name = 'default'
    path = None
    slowtest = True

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = Graph(store=self.store_name)
        a_tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
        self.path = self.path or a_tmp_dir

        self.michel = URIRef(u'michel')
        self.tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
        self.bob = URIRef(u'bob')
        self.likes = URIRef(u'likes')
        self.hates = URIRef(u'hates')
        self.pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
        self.cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')

    def tearDown(self):

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese

        self.graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        self.graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese

        self.graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        self.graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        self.graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        self.graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)

    def testStatementNode(self):
        graph = self.graph

        from rdflib.Statement import Statement
        c = URIRef("http://example.org/foo#c")
        r = URIRef("http://example.org/foo#r")
        s = Statement((self.michel, self.likes, self.pizza), c)
        graph.add((s, RDF.value, r))
        self.assertEquals(r, graph.value(s, RDF.value))
        self.assertEquals(s, graph.value(predicate=RDF.value, object=r))

    def testGraphValue(self):
        from rdflib.Graph import GraphValue

        graph = self.graph

        alice = URIRef("alice")
        bob = URIRef("bob")
        pizza = URIRef("pizza")
        cheese = URIRef("cheese")

        g1 = Graph()
        g1.add((alice, RDF.value, pizza))
        g1.add((bob, RDF.value, cheese))
        g1.add((bob, RDF.value, pizza))

        g2 = Graph()
        g2.add((bob, RDF.value, pizza))
        g2.add((bob, RDF.value, cheese))
        g2.add((alice, RDF.value, pizza))

        gv1 = GraphValue(store=graph.store, graph=g1)
        gv2 = GraphValue(store=graph.store, graph=g2)
        graph.add((gv1, RDF.value, gv2))
        v = graph.value(gv1)
        #print type(v)
        self.assertEquals(gv2, v)
        #print list(gv2)
        #print gv2.identifier
        graph.remove((gv1, RDF.value, gv2))

    def testConnected(self):
        graph = self.graph
        self.assertEquals(True, graph.connected())

        jeroen = URIRef("jeroen")
        unconnected = URIRef("unconnected")

        graph.add((jeroen, self.likes, unconnected))

        self.assertEquals(False, graph.connected())
Пример #16
class StoreTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    Test case for testing store performance... probably should be
    something other than a unit test... but for now we'll add it as a
    unit test.
    store = 'default'

    def setUp(self):
        self.gcold = gc.isenabled()
        self.graph = Graph(store=self.store)
        if self.store == "MySQL":
            from test.mysql import configString
            from rdflib.store.MySQL import MySQL
            path = a_tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
        self.graph.open(path, create=True)
        self.input = input = Graph()

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.gcold:
        # TODO: delete a_tmp_dir
        del self.graph

    def testTime(self):
        number = 1
        print self.store
        print "input:",
        for i in itertools.repeat(None, number):
        print "random:",
        for i in itertools.repeat(None, number):
        print "."

    def _testRandom(self):
        number = len(self.input)
        store = self.graph

        def add_random():
            s = random_uri()
            p = random_uri()
            o = random_uri()
            store.add((s, p, o))

        it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
        t0 = time()
        for _i in it:
        t1 = time()
        print "%.3g" % (t1 - t0),

    def _testInput(self):
        number = 1
        store = self.graph

        def add_from_input():
            for t in self.input:

        it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
        t0 = time()
        for _i in it:
        t1 = time()
        print "%.3g" % (t1 - t0),