def sample_query(self, querystring): print "Query enter" processor = plugin.get('sparql', rdflib.query.Processor)(self.graph) result = plugin.get('sparql', rdflib.query.Result) ns = dict(self.graph.namespace_manager.namespaces()) return result(processor.query(querystring, initNs=ns))
def query(self, strOrQuery, initBindings={}, initNs={}, DEBUG=False, dataSetBase=None, processor="sparql", extensionFunctions={sparql.DESCRIBE:describe}): """ Executes a SPARQL query (eventually will support Versa queries with same method) against this Graph strOrQuery - Is either a string consisting of the SPARQL query or an instance of rdflib.sparql.bison.Query.Query initBindings - A mapping from a Variable to an RDFLib term (used as initial bindings for SPARQL query) initNS - A mapping from a namespace prefix to an instance of rdflib.Namespace (used for SPARQL query) DEBUG - A boolean flag passed on to the SPARQL parser and evaluation engine processor - The kind of RDF query (must be 'sparql' until Versa is ported) """ assert processor == 'sparql',"SPARQL is currently the only supported RDF query language" p = plugin.get(processor, sparql.Processor)(self) return plugin.get('SPARQLQueryResult',QueryResult)(p.query(strOrQuery, initBindings, initNs, DEBUG, dataSetBase, extensionFunctions)) processor_plugin = plugin.get(processor, sparql.Processor)( qresult_plugin = plugin.get('SPARQLQueryResult', QueryResult) res = processor_plugin.query(strOrQuery, initBindings, initNs, DEBUG, extensionFunctions=extensionFunctions) return qresult_plugin(res)
def query( self, strOrQuery, initBindings={}, initNs={}, DEBUG=False, PARSE_DEBUG=False, dataSetBase=None, processor="sparql", extensionFunctions={sparql.DESCRIBE: describe}, ): """ Executes a SPARQL query (eventually will support Versa queries with same method) against this Graph. - `strOrQuery`: Either a string consisting of the SPARQL query or an instance of rdflib.sparql.bison.Query.Query - `initBindings`: A mapping from a Variable to an RDFLib term (used as initial bindings for SPARQL query) - `initNS`: A mapping from a namespace prefix to an instance of rdflib.Namespace (used for SPARQL query) - `DEBUG`: A boolean flag passed on to the SPARQL parser and evaluation engine - `processor`: The kind of RDF query (must be 'sparql' until Versa is ported) - `USE_PYPARSING`: A flag indicating whether to use the experimental pyparsing parser for SPARQL """ assert processor == "sparql", "SPARQL is currently the only supported RDF query language" p = plugin.get(processor, sparql.Processor)(self) return plugin.get("SPARQLQueryResult", query.result.QueryResult)( p.query(strOrQuery, initBindings, initNs, DEBUG, PARSE_DEBUG, dataSetBase, extensionFunctions) )
def __query(self, query_object, processor='sparql', result='sparql', initBindings={}): if not isinstance(processor, query.Processor): processor = plugin.get(processor, query.Processor)(self) if not isinstance(result, query.Result): result = plugin.get(result, query.Result) return result(processor.query(query_object, initBindings, namespaces))
def query(self, query_object, processor='sparql', result='sparql'): """ """ if not isinstance(processor, query.Processor): processor = plugin.get(processor, query.Processor)(self) if not isinstance(result, query.Result): result = plugin.get(result, query.Result) return result(processor.query(query_object))
def __init__(self, configuration, db, create): self.configuration = configuration self.create = create self.db = db if db: = plugin.get(self.storeType, store.Store)(db) else: = plugin.get(self.storeType, store.Store)(), create)
def query(self, query_object, processor='sparql', result='sparql', initNs={}, initBindings={}, use_store_provided=True, **kwargs): """ """ if hasattr(, "query") and use_store_provided: return,query_object, initNs, initBindings, **kwargs) if not isinstance(result, query.Result): result = plugin.get(result, query.Result) if not isinstance(processor, query.Processor): processor = plugin.get(processor, query.Processor)(self) return result(processor.query(query_object, initBindings, initNs, **kwargs))
def main(): inFileTube = 'DATA/tram_validated.csv' outFileTube = "DATA/tram_dirty" + ".ttl" csvTubeS = readCsv(inFileTube) next(csvTubeS, None) tubeS_store = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() tubeS_g = Graph(tubeS_store) prefixes = definePrefixes() print('Binding Prefixes') bindingPrefixes(tubeS_g, prefixes) #bindingPrefixes(tubeT_graph,prefixes) print('Creating graph-TubeS...') flag = 1 for row in csvTubeS: lstData = getTubeSData(row) createTubeSGraph(lstData, tubeS_g) createTubeSGraph(lstData, tubeS_g).serialize(outFileTube, format='turtle') print('DONE!')
def registerplugins(): """ If rdfextras is installed with setuptools, all plugins are registered through entry_points. This is strongly recommended. If only distutils is available, the plugins must be registed manually This method will register all rdfextras plugins """ from rdflib import plugin from rdflib.query import Processor try: x=plugin.get('sparql',Processor) return # plugins already registered except: pass # must register plugins from rdflib.query import ResultParser, ResultSerializer, Result plugin.register('sparql', Result, 'rdfextras.sparql.query', 'SPARQLQueryResult') plugin.register('sparql', Processor, 'rdfextras.sparql.processor', 'Processor') plugin.register('html', ResultSerializer, 'rdfextras.sparql.results.htmlresults', 'HTMLResultSerializer') plugin.register('xml', ResultSerializer, 'rdfextras.sparql.results.xmlresults', 'XMLResultSerializer') plugin.register('json', ResultSerializer, 'rdfextras.sparql.results.jsonresults', 'JSONResultSerializer') plugin.register('xml', ResultParser, 'rdfextras.sparql.results.xmlresults', 'XMLResultParser') plugin.register('json', ResultParser, 'rdfextras.sparql.results.jsonresults', 'JSONResultParser')
def serialize(self, destination=None, format="xml", base=None, encoding=None, **args): """Serialize the Graph to destination If destination is None serialize method returns the serialization as a string. Format defaults to xml (AKA rdf/xml). """ serializer = plugin.get(format, Serializer)(self) if destination is None: stream = StringIO() serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) return stream.getvalue() if hasattr(destination, "write"): stream = destination serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) else: location = destination scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(location) if netloc!="": print "WARNING: not saving as location is not a local file reference" return name = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(name, 'wb') serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) stream.close() if hasattr(shutil,"move"): shutil.move(name, path) else: shutil.copy(name, path) os.remove(name)
def registerplugins(): """ Register plugins. If setuptools is used to install rdflib-sqlalchemy, all the provided plugins are registered through entry_points. This is strongly recommended. However, if only distutils is available, then the plugins must be registed manually. This method will register all of the rdflib-sqlalchemy Store plugins. """ from import Store from rdflib import plugin try: x = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store) del x return # plugins already registered except: pass # must register plugins # Register the plugins ... plugin.register( "SQLAlchemy", Store, "", "SQLAlchemy", )
def test_concurrent2(): dns = Namespace(u"") store = plugin.get("IOMemory", Store)() g1 = Graph(store=store) g2 = Graph(store=store) g1.add((dns.Name, dns.prop, Literal(u"test"))) g1.add((dns.Name, dns.prop, Literal(u"test2"))) g1.add((dns.Name, dns.prop, Literal(u"test3"))) n = len(g1) i = 0 for t in g1.triples((None, None, None)): i+=1 g2.add(t) # next line causes problems because it adds a new Subject that needs # to be indexed in __subjectIndex dictionary in IOMemory Store. # which invalidates the iterator used to iterate over g1 g2.add((dns.Name1, dns.prop1, Literal(u"test"))) g2.add((dns.Name1, dns.prop, Literal(u"test"))) g2.add((dns.Name, dns.prop, Literal(u"test4"))) assert i == n
def setUp(self): store = plugin.get('MySQL', Store)(identifier="rdflib_test") store.destroy(self.path), create=True) self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) self.graph.destroy(self.path), create=self.create)
def setUp(self): = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() self.graph1 = Graph(,identifier=URIRef('')) self.graph1.parse(data=test_graph_a, format="n3") self.graph2 = Graph(,identifier=URIRef('')) self.graph2.parse(data=test_graph_b, format="n3") self.unionGraph = ReadOnlyGraphAggregate(graphs=[self.graph1,self.graph2],
def parse_and_serialize(input_files, input_format, guess, outfile, output_format, ns_bindings, store_conn=STORE_CONNECTION, store_type=STORE_TYPE): store = plugin.get(store_type, Store)() graph = Graph(store) for prefix, uri in ns_bindings.items(): graph.namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) for fpath in input_files: use_format, kws = _format_and_kws(input_format) if fpath == '-': fpath = sys.stdin elif not input_format and guess: use_format = guess_format(fpath) or DEFAULT_INPUT_FORMAT graph.parse(fpath, format=use_format, **kws) if outfile: output_format, kws = _format_and_kws(output_format) graph.serialize(destination=outfile, format=output_format, base=None, **kws) store.rollback()
def parse_and_serialize(input_files, input_format, guess, outfile, output_format, ns_bindings, store_conn="", store_type=None): if store_type: store = plugin.get(store_type, Store)() graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) else: store = None graph = ConjunctiveGraph() for prefix, uri in ns_bindings.items(): graph.namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) for fpath in input_files: use_format, kws = _format_and_kws(input_format) if fpath == '-': fpath = sys.stdin elif not input_format and guess: use_format = guess_format(fpath) or DEFAULT_INPUT_FORMAT graph.parse(fpath, format=use_format, **kws) if outfile: output_format, kws = _format_and_kws(output_format) kws.setdefault('base', None) graph.serialize(destination=outfile, format=output_format, **kws) if store: store.rollback()
def get_rdflib_serializer(name, media_type, plugin_name): rdflib_serializer = plugin.get(plugin_name, Serializer) return type(name, (RDFLibSerializer,), {'plugin_name': plugin_name, 'media_type': media_type, 'rdflib_serializer': rdflib_serializer})
def main(): # root = tk.Tk() #root.withdraw() #inFile = filedialog.askopenfilename() pathf="/Users/patrick/3cixty/IN/RM/" inFile = pathf+"bus-stops-10-06-15.csv" outFile=pathf+"bus.ttl" csv=readCsv(inFile) next(csv, None) #FILE WITH HEADERS store = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() g = Graph(store) graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) prefixes=definePrefixes() print('Binding Prefixes') bindingPrefixes(graph,prefixes) print('Creating graph...') for row in csv: lstData = createRDF(row) createGraph(lstData,g) createGraph(lstData,g).serialize(outFile,format='turtle') nzip = pathf+time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+'.zip' zf = zipfile.ZipFile(nzip, mode='w') try: print ('Creating zip file...') zf.write(outFile) finally: zf.close() print ('DONE!')
def __init__(self): from django.conf import settings store = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store)(identifier='demo') graph = Graph(store, identifier='demo') graph.namespace_manager = ns_mgr"sqlite:///" + settings.BASE_DIR + "demo.db"), create=True) self.graph = graph
def testAggregateSPARQL(): memStore = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() graph1 = Graph(memStore, URIRef("graph1")) graph2 = Graph(memStore, URIRef("graph2")) graph3 = Graph(memStore, URIRef("graph3")) for n3Str, graph in [(testGraph1N3, graph1), (testGraph2N3, graph2), (testGraph3N3, graph3)]: graph.parse(StringIO(n3Str), format='n3') print '-------------------testAggregateSPARQL()----------------------' print RDFS.RDFSNS print '---------------------------------------------------------------' graph4 = Graph(memStore, RDFS.RDFSNS) graph4.parse(RDFS.RDFSNS) #print graph4.serialize() G = ConjunctiveGraph(memStore) rt = G.query(sparqlQ) print '-------------------G.query(sparqlQ)----------------------' #print rt.serialize(format='xml') print '---------------------------------------------------------------' assert len(rt) > 1 #print rt.serialize(format='xml') LOG_NS = Namespace(u'') rt = G.query(sparqlQ2, initBindings={u'?graph': URIRef("graph3")}) #print rt.serialize(format='json') assert rt.serialize('python')[0] == LOG_NS.N3Document, str(rt)
def main(odgifile, ttl, base, syntax): plugin.register('OdgiStore', Store, 'spodgi.OdgiStore', 'OdgiStore') store = plugin.get('OdgiStore', Store)(base=base) spodgi = Graph(store=store), create=False) res = spodgi.serialize(ttl, syntax) spodgi.close()
def test_sqlalchemy_obj_language():'Python version: {python_version}')'RDFLib version: {rdflib_version}')'RDFLib-SQLAlchemy version: {rdflib_sqlalchemy_version}') identifier = URIRef('local://test_sqlalchemy_obj_language/') store = plugin.get( 'SQLAlchemy', Store, )(identifier=identifier, ) graph = ConjunctiveGraph( store=store, identifier=identifier, )'sqlite:///', create=True) triple = ( URIRef('https://foo'), RDFS.comment, Literal('', lang='en'), ) return triple in graph
def serialize( self, destination=None, encoding="utf-8", format='xml', **args): if self.type in ('CONSTRUCT', 'DESCRIBE'): return self.graph.serialize( destination, encoding=encoding, format=format, **args) """stolen wholesale from graph.serialize""" from rdflib import plugin serializer = plugin.get(format, ResultSerializer)(self) if destination is None: stream = BytesIO() stream2 = EncodeOnlyUnicode(stream) serializer.serialize(stream2, encoding=encoding, **args) return stream.getvalue() if hasattr(destination, "write"): stream = destination serializer.serialize(stream, encoding=encoding, **args) else: location = destination scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(location) if netloc != "": print("WARNING: not saving as location" + "is not a local file reference") return fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() stream = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') serializer.serialize(stream, encoding=encoding, **args) stream.close() if hasattr(shutil, "move"): shutil.move(name, path) else: shutil.copy(name, path) os.remove(name)
def serialize( self, destination=None, format="xml", base=None, encoding=None, **args): """Serialize the Graph to destination If destination is None serialize method returns the serialization as a string. Format defaults to xml (AKA rdf/xml). Format support can be extended with plugins, but 'xml', 'n3', 'turtle', 'nt', 'pretty-xml', trix' are built in. """ serializer = plugin.get(format, Serializer)(self) if destination is None: stream = StringIO() serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) return stream.getvalue() if hasattr(destination, "write"): stream = destination serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) else: location = destination scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(location) if netloc!="": print("WARNING: not saving as location" + \ "is not a local file reference") return name = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(name, 'wb') serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) stream.close() if hasattr(shutil,"move"): shutil.move(name, path) else: shutil.copy(name, path) os.remove(name)
def make_ktbs(root_uri="ktbs:/", repository=None, create=None): """I create a kTBS engine conforming with the `abstract-ktbs-api`:ref:. :param root_uri: the URI to use as the root of this kTBS (defaults to <ktbs:/>) :param repository: where to store kTBS data :param create: whether the data repository should be initialized; (see below) Parameter `repository` can be either a path (in which case data will be stored in a directory of that name, which will be created if needed), or a string of the form ``":store_type:configuration_string"`` where `store_type` is a registered store type in :mod:`rdflib`, and `configuration_string` is used to initialize this store. If `repository` is omitted or None, a volatile in-memory repository will be created. Parameter `create` defaults to True if `repository` is None or if it is an non-existing path; in other cases, it defaults to False. """ if repository is None: if create is None: create = True repository = ":IOMemory:" elif repository[0] != ":": if create is None: create = not exists(repository) repository = ":Sleepycat:%s" % repository _, store_type, config_str = repository.split(":", 2) store = rdflib_plugin.get(store_type, Store)(config_str) service = KtbsService(root_uri, store, create) ret = service.get(service.root_uri, _rdf_type=KTBS.KtbsRoot) assert isinstance(ret, KtbsRoot) return ret
def process_request(self, request): = plugin.get(settings.STORE['TYPE'], Store)( URIRef(settings.STORE['ID']) if 'ID' in settings.STORE else None, Literal(settings.STORE['CONFIG']) if 'CONFIG' in settings.STORE else None) return None
def main(odgifile, base): global spodgi plugin.register('OdgiStore', Store, 'spodgi.OdgiStore', 'OdgiStore') store = plugin.get('OdgiStore', Store)(base=base) spodgi = Graph(store=store), create=False)'', port=5001)
def testAggregateRaw(): memStore = plugin.get('IOMemory',Store)() graph1 = Graph(memStore) graph2 = Graph(memStore) graph3 = Graph(memStore) for n3Str,graph in [(testGraph1N3,graph1), (testGraph2N3,graph2), (testGraph3N3,graph3)]: graph.parse(StringIO(n3Str),format='n3') G = ReadOnlyGraphAggregate([graph1,graph2,graph3]) #Test triples assert len(list(G.triples((None,RDF.type,None)))) == 4 assert len(list(G.triples((URIRef("http://test/bar"),None,None)))) == 2 assert len(list(G.triples((None,URIRef("http://test/d"),None)))) == 3 #Test __len__ assert len(G) == 8 #Test __contains__ assert (URIRef("http://test/foo"),RDF.type,RDFS.Resource) in G barPredicates = [URIRef("http://test/d"),RDFS.isDefinedBy] assert len(list(G.triples_choices((URIRef("http://test/bar"),barPredicates,None)))) == 2
def __init__(self, parser_config: AssocParserConfig, modelstate=None): self.config = parser_config self.aspector = GoAspector(self.config.ontology) = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() self.errors = GeneErrorSet() # Errors by gene ID self.gpi_entities = self.parse_gpi(parser_config.gpi_authority_path) self.modelstate = modelstate
def open_store(self): default_graph_uri = "" # open existing store or create new one #store = getStore() # if store does not exist, then new store returned # RDF store section: configString = "/var/tmp/rdfstore" # Get the Sleepycat plugin. store = plugin.get('Sleepycat', Store)('rdfstore') # Open previously created store, or create it if it doesn't exist yet path = mkdtemp() rt ='rdfstore', create=False) #print rt #print path if rt == NO_STORE: print "Creating new store" # There is no underlying Sleepycat infrastructure, create it'rdfstore', create=True) else: print "store exists " #assert rt == VALID_STORE, "The underlying store is corrupt" self.graph = Graph(store,identifier = URIRef(default_graph_uri)) self.build_graph() '''
def serialize(self, destination=None, format="xml", base=None, encoding=None, **args): """Serialize the Graph to destination If destination is None serialize method returns the serialization as a string. Format defaults to xml (AKA rdf/xml). """ serializer = plugin.get(format, Serializer)(self) if destination is None: stream = StringIO() serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) return stream.getvalue() if hasattr(destination, "write"): stream = destination serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) else: location = destination scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(location) if netloc!="": print "WARNING: not saving as location is not a local file reference" return path = location name = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(name, 'wb') serializer.serialize(stream, base=base, encoding=encoding, **args) stream.close() if hasattr(shutil,"move"): shutil.move(name, path) else: print("Copying to: " + path) shutil.copy(name, path) os.remove(name)
def parse_and_serialize(input_files, input_format, guess, outfile, output_format, ns_bindings, store_conn="", store_type=None): if store_type: store = plugin.get(store_type, Store)() graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) else: store = None graph = ConjunctiveGraph() for prefix, uri in list(ns_bindings.items()): graph.namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) for fpath in input_files: use_format, kws = _format_and_kws(input_format) if fpath == '-': fpath = sys.stdin elif not input_format and guess: use_format = guess_format(fpath) or DEFAULT_INPUT_FORMAT graph.parse(fpath, format=use_format, **kws) if outfile: output_format, kws = _format_and_kws(output_format) kws.setdefault('base', None) graph.serialize(destination=outfile, format=output_format, **kws) if store: store.rollback()
def _load_all_graphs(self, progress, trip_prog): import transaction from rdflib import plugin from rdflib.parser import Parser, create_input_source idx_fname = pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', 'index') triples_read = 0 if exists(idx_fname): dest = self._conf()['rdf.graph'] with open(idx_fname) as index_file: cnt = 0 for l in index_file: cnt += 1 = cnt with transaction.manager: for l in index_file: fname, ctx = l.strip().split(' ') parser = plugin.get('nt', Parser)() with open(pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', fname), 'rb') as f, \ _BatchAddGraph(dest.get_context(ctx), batchsize=4000) as g: parser.parse(create_input_source(f), g) progress.update(1) triples_read += g.count trip_prog.update(g.count) progress.write('Finalizing writes to database...') progress.write('Loaded {:,} triples'.format(triples_read))
def main(fd, store_type=None, store_id=None, graph_id=None, gzipped=False): """ Converts MARC21 data stored in fd to a RDFlib graph. """ from rdflib import plugin if store_type: msg = "Need a {} identifier for a disk-based store." assert store_id, msg.format('store') assert graph_id, msg.format('graph') store = plugin.get(store_type, Store)(store_id) else: store = 'default' graph = Graph(store=store, identifier=graph_id) try: records = MARCReader(open(fd)) for i, triple in enumerate(process_records(records)): graph.add(triple) if i % 100 == 0: graph.commit() if i % 10000 == 0: print i finally: graph.commit() return graph
def setUp(self): store = plugin.get('MySQL', Store)(identifier="rdflib_test") store.destroy(self.path), create=True) self.graph = Graph(store) self.graph.destroy(self.path), create=self.create)
def main(): url="" #url for bike api apiJsonCsv(url) #json to csv conversion #inputCsv = pathf + "test.csv" inputCsv = pathf + "londonBikes.csv" outFile = pathf + "londonBikes.ttl" csvBike = readCsv(inputCsv) #create object from the resulting csv file next(csvBike) #skips the header bike_store = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() bike_g = Graph(bike_store) prefixes = definePrefixes() print('Binding Prefixes') bindingPrefixes(bike_g, prefixes) print('Creating graph-bike...') for row in csvBike: #loop through individual rows in the csv file **KEY** lstData= getBikeData(row)#activates the getBikeData() function **KEY** createBikeGraph(lstData, bike_g).serialize(outFile, format='turtle') print ('Done!!')
def open_store(identifier): ident = URIRef(identifier) store = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store)(identifier=ident) graph = Graph(store, identifier=ident) uri = Literal(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")), create=False) return graph
def create_store_with_identifier(identifier): ident = URIRef(identifier) store = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store)(identifier=ident) graph = Graph(store, identifier=ident) uri = Literal(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")), create=True) graph.parse(join(join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'static'), 'output.xml'))
def serialize( self, destination: Optional[Union[str, IO]] = None, encoding: str = "utf-8", format: str = "xml", **args, ) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Serialize the query result. The :code:`format` argument determines the Serializer class to use. - csv: :class:`~rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.csvresults.CSVResultSerializer` - json: :class:`~rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.jsonresults.JSONResultSerializer` - txt: :class:`~rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.txtresults.TXTResultSerializer` - xml: :class:`~rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.xmlresults.XMLResultSerializer` :param destination: Path of file output or BufferedIOBase object to write the output to. :param encoding: Encoding of output. :param format: One of ['csv', 'json', 'txt', xml'] :param args: :return: bytes """ if self.type in ("CONSTRUCT", "DESCRIBE"): return self.graph.serialize( # type: ignore[return-value] destination, encoding=encoding, format=format, **args) """stolen wholesale from graph.serialize""" from rdflib import plugin serializer = plugin.get(format, ResultSerializer)(self) if destination is None: streamb: BytesIO = BytesIO() stream2 = EncodeOnlyUnicode(streamb) serializer.serialize(stream2, encoding=encoding, **args) # type: ignore return streamb.getvalue() if hasattr(destination, "write"): stream = cast(IO[bytes], destination) serializer.serialize(stream, encoding=encoding, **args) else: location = cast(str, destination) scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(location) if netloc != "": print("WARNING: not saving as location" + "is not a local file reference") return None fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() stream = os.fdopen(fd, "wb") serializer.serialize(stream, encoding=encoding, **args) stream.close() if hasattr(shutil, "move"): shutil.move(name, path) else: shutil.copy(name, path) os.remove(name) return None
def testLimit2(self): graph = ConjunctiveGraph(plugin.get("IOMemory", Store)()) graph.parse(StringIO(test_data2), format="n3") results = list(graph.query(test_query2, DEBUG=True)) print graph.query(test_query2).serialize(format="xml") self.failUnless(len(results) == 1) for title, price in results: self.failUnless(title in [Literal("Java Tutorial"), Literal("COBOL Tutorial")])
def __init__(self, uri: str, *args, **kwargs): store = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store)(identifier="brickschema_persistent_graph") super().__init__(store, *args, **kwargs) kwargs.update({"create": True}) super().open(uri, **kwargs) self.uri = uri super()._graph_init()
def get_rdflib_serializer(name, media_type, plugin_name): rdflib_serializer = plugin.get(plugin_name, Serializer) return type( name, (RDFLibSerializer, ), { 'plugin_name': plugin_name, 'media_type': media_type, 'rdflib_serializer': rdflib_serializer })
def connect(self, dburi): if rdflib is None: raise ConnectionError('RDFLib backend is not installed') if dburi == 'memory': self._store = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() self._store.graph_aware = False # fixes context bug in Python 3 else: raise ConnectionError('Unknown database config: %s' % dburi)
def testLimit2(self): graph = ConjunctiveGraph(plugin.get('IOMemory',Store)()) graph.parse(data=test_data2, format="n3") results = list(graph.query(test_query2,DEBUG=False)) self.assertEqual(len(results), 1) for title,price in results: self.assertTrue(title in [Literal("Java Tutorial"), Literal("COBOL Tutorial")])
def setUp(self): registerplugins() store = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store)(identifier=self.ident) self.graph = Graph(store, identifier=self.ident), create=True) g = self.graph sid = BNode() g.add((sid, RDF.subject, URIRef("")))
def __init__(self, classes, service_config=None, init_with=None): """I create a local RDF-REST service around the given store. """ if service_config is None: service_config = get_service_configuration() self.config = service_config root_uri = build_service_root_uri(service_config) assert urisplit(root_uri)[3:] == (None, None), \ "Invalid URI <%s>" % root_uri self.root_uri = coerce_to_uri(root_uri) apply_logging_config(service_config) init_repo = False repository = service_config.get('rdf_database', 'repository', 1) if not repository: init_repo = True repository = ":IOMemory:" elif repository[0] != ":": init_repo = not exists(repository) repository = ":Sleepycat:%s" % repository # Whether we should force data repository initialization if service_config.getboolean('rdf_database', 'force-init'): init_repo = True _, store_type, config_str = repository.split(":", 2) store = rdflib_plugin.get(store_type, Store)(config_str) = store self.class_map = class_map = {} for cls in classes: assert issubclass(cls, ILocalCore) assert cls.RDF_MAIN_TYPE not in class_map, \ "duplicate RDF_MAIN_TYPE <%s>" % cls.RDF_MAIN_TYPE class_map[cls.RDF_MAIN_TYPE] = cls # about self._resource_cache: this is not per se a cache, # but ensures that we will not generate multiple instances for the # same resource. self._resource_cache = WeakValueDictionary() self._context_level = 0 metadata_graph = self.get_metadata_graph(root_uri) initialized = list( metadata_graph.triples( (self.root_uri, NS.hasImplementation, None))) if not initialized and init_repo: assert init_with, \ "Store is not initialized, and no initializer was provided" init_with(self) assert (list( metadata_graph.triples((self.root_uri, NS.hasImplementation, None)))) # correctly init'ed register_service(self)
def get_store( configString ): store = plugin.get( 'MySQL', Store)('rdflib') rt =, create=False) if rt == NO_STORE:, create=True) else: assert rt == VALID_STORE, "The underlying store is not valid" print "Opened Store" return store
def do(action): store = plugin.get("SQLAlchemy", Store)(identifier=identifier, configuration=db_uri) graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) action(graph, db_uri) try: graph.close() except: pass
def testOrderBy(self): graph = ConjunctiveGraph(plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)()) graph.parse(StringIO(test_data), format="n3") results = graph.query(test_query) self.failUnless(False not in [ r[0] == a for r, a in zip(results, ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Dave']) ])
def testLimit2(self): graph = ConjunctiveGraph(plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)()) graph.parse(data=test_data2, format="n3") results = list(graph.query(test_query2, DEBUG=False)) self.assertEqual(len(results), 1) for title, price in results: self.assertTrue( title in [Literal("Java Tutorial"), Literal("COBOL Tutorial")])
def testLimit2(self): graph = ConjunctiveGraph(plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)()) graph.parse(StringIO(test_data2), format="n3") results = list(graph.query(test_query2, DEBUG=True)) print graph.query(test_query2).serialize(format='xml') self.failUnless(len(results) == 1) for title, price in results: self.failUnless( title in [Literal("Java Tutorial"), Literal("COBOL Tutorial")])
def setUp(self): = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() self.graph1 = Graph(, identifier=URIRef('')) self.graph1.parse(data=test_graph_a, format="n3") self.graph2 = Graph(, identifier=URIRef('')) self.graph2.parse(data=test_graph_b, format="n3") self.unionGraph = ReadOnlyGraphAggregate( graphs=[self.graph1, self.graph2],
def test_count_all(): plugin.register('OdgiStore', Store, 'spodgi.OdgiStore', 'OdgiStore') s = plugin.get('OdgiStore', Store)(base="") spodgi = Graph(store=s)'./test/t.odgi', create=False) for r in spodgi.query('SELECT (count(*) as ?count) WHERE {?s ?p ?o}'): assert r[0].value > 195 spodgi.close() assert True
def get_graph( configString, default_graph_uri ): store = plugin.get( 'MySQL', Store)('rdflib') rt =, create=False) if rt == NO_STORE:, create=True) else: assert rt == VALID_STORE, "The underlying store is not valid" graph = Graph(store, identifier = URIRef( default_graph_uri )) return graph