Пример #1
    format="n3", base=base_one).decode("utf-8")
g7.base = base_two
assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in g7.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8")
assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." in g7.serialize(
    format="n3", base=base_one).decode("utf-8")

# 8. checking results for TriX & TriG
# TriX can specify a base per graph but setting a base for the whole
base_three = Namespace("http://three.org/")
ds1 = Dataset()
ds1.bind("dct", DCTERMS)
ds1.bind("skos", SKOS)
g8 = ds1.graph(URIRef("http://g8.com/"), base=base_one)
g9 = ds1.graph(URIRef("http://g9.com/"))
g8 += g
g9 += g
g9.base = base_two
ds1.base = base_three

trix = ds1.serialize(format="trix",
assert '<graph xml:base="http://one.org/">' in trix
assert '<graph xml:base="http://two.org/">' in trix
assert '<TriX xml:base="http://two.org/"' in trix

trig = ds1.serialize(format="trig",
assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." not in trig
assert "@base <http://three.org/> ." not in trig
assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in trig
Пример #2
def test_scenarios() -> None:
    Testing scenarios:
        1. no base set
        2. base set at graph creation
        3. base set at serialization
        4. base set at both graph creation & serialization, serialization overrides
        5. multiple serialization side effect checking
        6. checking results for RDF/XML
        7. checking results for N3
        8. checking results for TriX & TriG

    # variables
    base_one = Namespace("http://one.org/")
    base_two = Namespace("http://two.org/")
    title = Literal("Title", lang="en")
    description = Literal("Test Description", lang="en")
    creator = URIRef("https://creator.com")
    cs = URIRef("")

    # starting graph
    g = Graph()
    g.add((cs, RDF.type, SKOS.ConceptScheme))
    g.add((cs, DCTERMS.creator, creator))
    g.add((cs, DCTERMS.source, URIRef("nick")))
    g.bind("dct", DCTERMS)
    g.bind("skos", SKOS)

    # 1. no base set for graph, no base set for serialization
    g1 = Graph()
    g1 += g
    # @base should not be in output
    assert "@base" not in g.serialize(format="turtle")

    # 2. base one set for graph, no base set for serialization
    g2 = Graph(base=base_one)
    g2 += g
    # @base should be in output, from Graph (one)
    assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." in g2.serialize(format="turtle")

    # 3. no base set for graph, base two set for serialization
    g3 = Graph()
    g3 += g
    # @base should be in output, from serialization (two)
    assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in g3.serialize(format="turtle",

    # 4. base one set for graph, base two set for serialization, Graph one overrides
    g4 = Graph(base=base_one)
    g4 += g
    # @base should be in output, from graph (one)
    assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in g4.serialize(format="turtle",
    # just checking that the serialization setting (two) hasn't snuck through
    assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." not in g4.serialize(format="turtle",

    # 5. multiple serialization side effect checking
    g5 = Graph()
    g5 += g
    # @base should be in output, from serialization (two)
    assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in g5.serialize(format="turtle",

    # checking for side affects - no base now set for this serialization
    # @base should not be in output
    assert "@base" not in g5.serialize(format="turtle")

    # 6. checking results for RDF/XML
    g6 = Graph()
    g6 += g
    g6.bind("dct", DCTERMS)
    g6.bind("skos", SKOS)
    assert "@xml:base" not in g6.serialize(format="xml")
    assert 'xml:base="http://one.org/"' in g6.serialize(format="xml",
    g6.base = base_two
    assert 'xml:base="http://two.org/"' in g6.serialize(format="xml")
    assert 'xml:base="http://one.org/"' in g6.serialize(format="xml",

    # 7. checking results for N3
    g7 = Graph()
    g7 += g
    g7.bind("dct", DCTERMS)
    g7.bind("skos", SKOS)
    assert "@xml:base" not in g7.serialize(format="xml")
    assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." in g7.serialize(format="n3",
    g7.base = base_two
    assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in g7.serialize(format="n3")
    assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." in g7.serialize(format="n3",

    # 8. checking results for TriX & TriG
    # TriX can specify a base per graph but setting a base for the whole
    base_three = Namespace("http://three.org/")
    ds1 = Dataset()
    ds1.bind("dct", DCTERMS)
    ds1.bind("skos", SKOS)
    g8 = ds1.graph(URIRef("http://g8.com/"), base=base_one)
    g9 = ds1.graph(URIRef("http://g9.com/"))
    g8 += g
    g9 += g
    g9.base = base_two
    ds1.base = base_three

    trix = ds1.serialize(format="trix", base=Namespace("http://two.org/"))
    assert '<graph xml:base="http://one.org/">' in trix
    assert '<graph xml:base="http://two.org/">' in trix
    assert '<TriX xml:base="http://two.org/"' in trix

    trig = ds1.serialize(format="trig", base=Namespace("http://two.org/"))
    assert "@base <http://one.org/> ." not in trig
    assert "@base <http://three.org/> ." not in trig
    assert "@base <http://two.org/> ." in trig